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13765278 No.13765278 [Reply] [Original]

Just broke my glasses, trying to buy some cheap frames and just pop the lenses in there but can't don't know the name of the frame shape I should be looking for.

>> No.13765315


>> No.13765758
File: 71 KB, 173x204, 1483311291466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears non-prescription glasses

>> No.13765761

>needing prescription glasses

literally lmaoing at your life

>> No.13765764

In the digital age almost everyone needs glasses now because our screens are pretty much melting our vision.

>> No.13765765

inferior genetics, having glasses younger than 40 is pleb tier

>> No.13765766
File: 495 KB, 953x1282, 1516514039219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha you have to wear glasses
>but i PRETEND to need glasses, which makes me super cool and effay
lmaoing at your life faggot, pretending to have in impairment is retarded and proves that you lack any sort of personality and interesting characters and therefore need to pretend to compensate

>> No.13765773

>being this triggered about having people use your necessity as their dress-up

lmao i bet you think cultural appropriation is a real thing too

>> No.13765779

How edgy. You must be really boring and sad to have to go to these lengths to communicate with others.

>> No.13766863

This. Also non-prescription glasses usually have shit lenses that reflect way too much light, making it super obvious.