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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 208 KB, 1534x846, 1537141904547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13759089 No.13759089 [Reply] [Original]

How come all the chads that get all the pussy they want, wear the retarded tracksuits and other bullshit from the 90s and 80s
It takes me 10 minutes to make my hair every morning, i have to get a haircut every 7 days, yet they just shave it off completely or leave maybe 5mm of hair on top and thats it
some of them even wear jeans, but they wear fucking dad jeans, the cheap bootleg shit because all jeans are same to them
i have to search for hours to find a decent pair, yes they are skinny jeans, thats what is being worn now, but it takes a lot of time to find the right pair
you know the type of people im talking about, mostly east euro scum, they have absolutely no regard to what they look like in public with wearing a fucking nylon suit from 89 and air max out of all things, or full blown adidas all around, every item on is adidas
they make me feel like an insecure faggot
and girls fall for their aging macho bullshit all the time
i tried emulating it, but i cant cut my hair or shave my beard, and the glasses arent helping either
I never talked about this to anyone, never could exactly pinpoint what bothers me about them

>> No.13759095

I didn't read passed the first line, but I want you to know, that you're a fucking retard.

STRONGLY consider suicide.

>> No.13759111

If you just want to fuck or attract girls (so not looking for a legit relationship) then you should ditch focusing on clothing or appearance. You'll actually have to talk and interact with them, seeing as that is the only way you'll ever get laid.

>> No.13759113

Stop with this chad bullshit holy shit
You /r9k/fags are the worst scum in this site

>> No.13759159

post pics OP lets see you

>> No.13759165

Is this the new pasta

>> No.13759176

What country are you from? All the Chads in the midwest here wear athletic wear.

>> No.13759461

go back to your containment board incel >>>/r9k/

>> No.13759525

Where the fuck in Europe do ‘normies’ wear dad jeans? every single normal guy I see wears skinny jeans, it’s usually people into fashion wearing wider leg trousers

also, if a woman is into square head, shaved sides, tracksuit wearing eastern euros just accept that you’re not her type lol, don’t cry about it. how can you be old enough to post here but have yet to work out what type of woman is typically attracted to you?

>> No.13760616

>10 minutes for hair every day
>hours to search for clothes
Found your problem. Women want a man who acts like a man. No chick wants a guy who acts more like a bitch than she does.

>> No.13760634

>some of them even wear jeans, but they wear fucking dad jeans, the cheap bootleg shit because all jeans are same to them
Chads often wear shitty elastane containing skinny jeans. Dad jeans are for those weirdo streetwear fashionista faggots

>> No.13760657

Is this a copypasta? Girls only care about height and face. No amount of fashionable clothing will make them more attracted to you.

>> No.13760692

I genuinely cannot tell if this is pasta or not, either way it is now.

>> No.13760696
File: 170 KB, 1014x1509, 1519464746786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is the biggest cope board on 4chan. Women won't fuck you for wearing expensive clothes, but they will for looking fit. Please stop browsing this board if you plan to waste money on clothes to attract the opposite sex. Go to /fit/ if you want that shit

>> No.13760715

You are not gonna get laid based on the type of jeans or whether or not you wear adidas or nike.
You need to have a personality and some balls

>> No.13760742

fucking based

>> No.13760824

How come all the chads that get all the pussy they want, wear the retarded tracksuits and other bullshit from the 90s and 80s
It takes me 10 minutes to make my hair every morning, i have to get a haircut every 7 days, yet they just shave it off completely or leave maybe 5mm of hair on top and thats it
some of them even wear jeans, but they wear fucking dad jeans, the cheap bootleg shit because all jeans are same to them
i have to search for hours to find a decent pair, yes they are skinny jeans, thats what is being worn now, but it takes a lot of time to find the right pair
you know the type of people im talking about, mostly east euro scum, they have absolutely no regard to what they look like in public with wearing a fucking nylon suit from 89 and air max out of all things, or full blown adidas all around, every item on is adidas
they make me feel like an insecure faggot
and girls fall for their aging macho bullshit all the time
i tried emulating it, but i cant cut my hair or shave my beard, and the glasses arent helping either
I never talked about this to anyone, never could exactly pinpoint what bothers me about them

>> No.13760834
File: 1.10 MB, 754x692, it's not fucking fair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women won't fuck you for wearing expensive clothes, but they will for looking fit
h-haha, yeah...

>> No.13760930
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1513610574779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was a gymcel
>invisible to women
>became ottermode (/fit/ would call me skinny)
>stopped squatting and deadlifting completely
>started browsing /fa/
>updated wardrobe
>suddenly women laugh at the dumbest shit I say and want to talk to me
>realise I am attractive
>realise that if I try to save the poor faggots on /fit/ by telling them they would respond with "SKELLYFAG COPE"
you can't save everyone

>> No.13760933

is gucci + adidas the ultimate chad combination?

>> No.13760943

Based and Redpilled

>> No.13760950


>> No.13760968

fuck u

>> No.13761046
File: 873 KB, 2800x2000, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know your place, numale

>> No.13761057

What are you wearing?

>> No.13761244

fucking kek

>> No.13761260

only my underwear

>> No.13761265
File: 62 KB, 640x960, beard-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you did worked wonders for me, I went from a yung leo skinny twink that dressed in black and that listened to pust punk to a big chad that wears pull&bear and listens to punk and I was never happier and never had more women attracted to me

>> No.13761268

I also listen to punk so maybe that's the key. Favorite old school hc band?

>> No.13761382

Honestly working out has boosted my self esteem and my confidence by alot. I used to be the kid that worried how my hair and clothes looked around everyone constantly but after started going to the gym i more or less stopped caring about that aspect as much. I had guys going after me like flies on shit. Maybe its different since im gay and have a big ass now but hey thats what worked for me

>> No.13762091


>> No.13762100

not him but if you aren't blasting Japanese d-beat you're a faggot cunt

>> No.13762135

Are you trying to describe a gopnik?

>> No.13762848

Eastern Europe the post

>> No.13762963
File: 28 KB, 301x321, 301px-NuMale-feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13763247

Only thing I am not gay but look kinda like a bear

>> No.13763253


Japanese punk is the biggest meme around hipster cities

>> No.13763431
File: 118 KB, 1000x666, gucci dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dabs on OP*

>> No.13763569

bruh its comfy

>> No.13763971

tell me how do I pinpoint the faggots that walk around (wanted to say run around but they cant) in girls jeans so much that now i can barely find a decent pair of normal, classic jeans for MEN, and why did Russell Crowe get flak for it by some jewish illuminati led media pushing for degradation of white men

>> No.13764422

I look like shit most of the time but yet I score. Only own 2 pairs of shoes and like 6 pants. Oh and I have long hair and constantly wear a hat.

>> No.13764430

because tracksuits and other sports brands look good, while your dusty ass thrift shirt and ill fitting trousers look fucking retarded.

>> No.13764439
File: 102 KB, 959x659, david4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all about your bones retard

>> No.13764442

for sport chad yes. preppy chad wears ralph lauren and perry ellis.

>> No.13764703

I wish i umbro and reebok were cool like they were 30 years ago, adidas too
There is something so liberating when wearing the nylon or whatever flashy tracksuit, with your balls dangling like God intended them to, walking free and happy
Its true, numale faggots look at you like you are hurting their space or some shit

>> No.13765491
File: 487 KB, 830x830, 2560908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because F A C E

>> No.13765497

It completely depends on phenotype. If you have shorter, broad high DHT face being a twink is incongruous, the opposite with a longer gracile face.

>> No.13765503

This image is kind of funny because the incel guy and Gandhi have very similar skulls Tbh, only difference in terms of bones is that gandhi has slightly more robust orbitals. The rest is all soft tissue like lips and hair.

>> No.13765517
File: 31 KB, 400x344, pGXZ4xC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millimetres make models

>> No.13765550
File: 2.92 MB, 1056x594, the goblina is the manlets gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon gets it
clothes, fashion, personality, money, status, whatever is all just a big fat cope to compensate for what you lack in genetics

>> No.13765558
File: 127 KB, 600x1624, 1592e13f99d731fdabbae51b5ead2595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower the bar and stop trying so hard

>> No.13765671

Just be yourself bro