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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 216 KB, 915x678, QA5NF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13760060 No.13760060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how can manlets be /fa/? everything look ridiculous on manlets.

>> No.13760151

full rick

>> No.13760163

manlets can't be /fa/

>> No.13760181

My height's so short it's not even on that chart. Can tell you if you want a /fa/ gf you're just fine unless your personality's that repulsive, but if you're gay you're p much fucked in the date scene lol

>> No.13760464

I swear this chart gets higher every few months

>> No.13760471

Check the back length of everything before you buy and tailor when possible.

>> No.13760480

The joke is for you to feel bad for not even being on the chart.

>> No.13760720

how is it possible for a man to be under 5'6"
were you like malnourished as a kid or something what the fuck

>> No.13760741
File: 858 KB, 240x228, YOUDISGUSTMEFAGGOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gave a shit about manlets before social media. You millenials are a bunch of insecure faggots. Disgusting.

>> No.13760780

Try a noose, my man

>> No.13760811

This whole site is designed to fuel people's insecurities.

>> No.13760855

Im 5'2 and I pretty much just wear oversized tops, girls jeggings, vans or leather boots.

Im very gay but a lot of women tell me I dress well so thats cool.

>> No.13760919

Same, I style myself in a quite androgynous fashion and rock it.
Never heard the word manlet irl outside of here btw

>> No.13760921

not him but im 5'5. thank god i dont actually care about my height otherwise i probably wouldve an herod by now

>> No.13760948

You will always be short in body, but the key is to be tall in mind. I don’t mean to compensate but just view yourself as other from your height. It does not define your person. Everyone has so much more than their height/body. Basically just don’t act like a little short bitch and don’t let it bother you

>> No.13760969
File: 92 KB, 996x664, ysOs5CP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw 6'10" giraffe tier

>> No.13761004

I'm uh.... 5'3"

>> No.13761530

i'm 5"9 and never had a problem with girls. is this an american thing? even in the netherlands and scandinavia i could get girls taller than me, none over 6" but even if i could why would i anyway? i would look better if i was taller, that's just how anatomy works, but so would I in a million different ways. can't really understand this height issue unless you're under 5"7 or something. i'm also /fit/ and overall and interesting person and have "clout" which these hoes like.. but even when i didn't have clout i did slay my fair share of 8s/10 etc. the 10/10s are mostly reserved to the ultra-rich or soccer players but if you're a 10/10 in appearance you probably had too focus too much on it and lack other attractive personality traits anyway.

>> No.13761561

>but if you're a 10/10 in appearance you probably had too focus too much on it and lack other attractive personality traits anyway.

>> No.13761820

5'10'' here, average (on the tall side) for my country and age group. Never considered myself tall, but neither have an issue with my height.

/fit/ made me self-conscious.

>> No.13761847

You guys ever notice that it's always little goblins that talk shit about short guys and tall girls. I love hearing some 5'1 lard ass saying ew I would never want to be over 5'6 as a woman as if that's even tall to non goblins. This isn't as common but I also love tall girls that think highly of themselves and shit on shorter guys, like some 6'2 wnba recruit calling a 5'10 guy short and asking if he feels emasculated as if she's not insecure every day of her life for being a handsome big old bitch and not a lady

>> No.13761856

Im alway in suicide mode, so fuck off

>> No.13761883

it doesnt even matter what a manlet does anymore lmao. the second you drop below the manlet cutoff, everything you're doing is just to compensate for your inferior genetics lol. Keep coping little guy

>> No.13761894

Aren't you faggots constantly sucking asian cock with their fashion? Newsflash, most asians are manlets...

>> No.13761900

>these fucking mental gymnastics

>> No.13761951

jesus christ, for a guy that's 5'5 like me I would understand but it's just insecurity at your height

>> No.13761973

chill dude, you sound retarded

>> No.13761977

i dont care about this shit anymore, I know IM going to be forever alone

>> No.13761990

6'5" here, I just go bear mode and drown in pussy and gay dude mires

>> No.13762097

"tall, dark, and handsome" is not a modern metric of male attractiveness.

>> No.13762111

we dont care dude

>> No.13762142

Keep coping peasant

>> No.13762153

>Thread explicitly not for or about you
>Decide to post about yourself anyway
Being 6'5 isn't helping that insecurity since you're posting on 4chan for validation.