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/fa/ - Fashion

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13755449 No.13755449 [Reply] [Original]

take the buzzpill

>> No.13755463
File: 87 KB, 660x960, 140818keanu-reeves1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13755469

Don't see a problem, he has a good head shape

>> No.13755498

His problems are he's fat, bad beard, bad glasses. The buzz is not the problem.

>> No.13755559

This, he's just a normal looking guy. He wouldn't look any better growing out the few scraps of hair he likely can produce on top.

>> No.13755591

Take the contacts pill...

>> No.13755595

how do you even pull off that hairstyle

>> No.13755711

took the jewcut

>> No.13755864

very easily if you're above a 6

t. a person with similar hair

>> No.13755982

i dont think i can pull it because of my swirl i fucking hate myself

>> No.13756097

Hey guys vsauce Michael here

>> No.13756132


>> No.13756229

>look like a basedboy with bad hair
nice try baldcel, you aren't fooling anyone. I'm keeping my nice hair.

>> No.13756286

You would look like a soiboy because you are one. You don't even lift weights.

Shaving your head is the ultimate test. The Rock does it and he's the sexist man alive as voted by women.

>> No.13756296
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 4L_GHhkkEeI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if i shave i'll look like the rock

t. baldcel

>> No.13756304
File: 24 KB, 613x428, 4zidane_668601n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's impossible to lift weights and have a good physique

t. soiboy

>> No.13756313

As /fa/ gets older it will be divided into two tribes, because 2/3 of men lose their hair.

One tribe will be buzzpilled weightlifters and the other tribe will be basedboys and desperate finasteride chuggers. It will only get more nasty.

>> No.13756315

>implying you can't workout and have hair, or that I don't.

post your gym pic, LARPer

>> No.13756317

>implying you didn't already admit you look like a soiboy

post your gym and hair pic, LARPer

>> No.13756341

after you. DYEL?

>> No.13756357

>all men turn bald
*citation requested

>> No.13756379

>I look like a soiboy
>Wait no, I mean I totally lift and am ripped

>> No.13756407

>men with hair are onions
>doesn't post pic because he's a balding loser who last went to gym 5 years ago, and still pays for it
>bald man, failing to make someone feel bad about having nice hair
>says admits, no evidence

tfw some basedboy gets more pussy than you. i bet you're even madder.

>> No.13756414

>he admitted he is a soiboy again
Oh no no no no no no

>> No.13756422

>taking pride in being a self-admitted basedboy
The absolute state of /fa/

>> No.13756481


Why is there so much hair hate? Are baldies this mad? Buzzcuts only look good for military IMO. Also a sign of affluence in ancient times, but I'd never see anyone prefer a guy be bald.

>> No.13756624

>I'd never see someone prefer a guy be bald

/fa/ woke up to the buzzpill.

>> No.13756633

>Buzzcuts only look good for military
On your skinnyfat frame, maybe.

>> No.13756654

That's a retarded standard, there are different kinds of 6's. A black 9 would still look retarded trying to do that with his hair.

>> No.13756666

This buzzpill debate is retarded. If your hairline recedes past a certain point or gets extremely thin, you likely look better buzzed. If you have plenty of hair and are young, you likely look better with hair. It's really that simple. Buzzcuts on young guys with plenty of hair looks edgy, if that's what you want go for it. If your head is shaped for it it's cute.

>> No.13756677
File: 82 KB, 750x1167, 4L_tDk1y12g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only posts in here are about how bad it looks
>hair thread
>balding haircut suggestions

Yeah, no. It looks like shit. OP looks like a faggot. Everyone here is talking about lifting like coping balding men citing bodybuilding and the rock, while the buy tab for fin is in the background. The rock looks good with and without hair while these hard copes are that he is attractive because he is bald because they're balding at 22.

>> No.13756733

The Rock looks worse with hair. With a shaved head he was literally the Sexist Man Alive.

Keep popping those estrogen pills because you don't want to lift and buzzpill

>> No.13756738

You don't even lift weights. Cope harder, fitlet.

>> No.13756766
File: 34 KB, 750x375, 4L_LcdPfkxC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any /fa/ggots lift
>implying they don't just buy protein shakes and fitness equipment instead of looking like a faggot

opinion discarded

>> No.13756774

>I don't lift, which means no one else does

>> No.13756778

Right: Tribe Chieftain
Left: Sex Offender

>> No.13756781
File: 150 KB, 315x439, Screenshot_20180721-102851~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight nigga. Took it when I was 7 and never looked back.

>> No.13756784

Buzzpilled as FUCK

>> No.13758146

hey vsauce Michael here

>> No.13758285

does anyone else think it looks trashy, like eastern europoor riff raff