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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 542x602, 1402517929565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13748342 No.13748342 [Reply] [Original]

How is it holding /fa/?

>> No.13748345

Going great! My gf got mad at the amount of jackets I own but she doesn't understand what it it to be fa

>> No.13748349
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it's a living

>> No.13748351

Went to a birthday party for a friend last saturday, hosted by his girlfriend. Saw true love between them in their little interactions, was bittersweet for me. I need to improve myself before I can go about trying to get myself into something like that.

>> No.13748354

this is why i stopped talking to my friends after high school

>> No.13748357

It's all I've got at the moment. Making friends in college is real hard for me

>> No.13748365

Roommate just got a girlfriend and they often talk about how great each other are and compliment each other. It's so sweet it hurts. I never loved anyone that way before

>> No.13748382

Same for me. But a lot of my old friends have gone away to far away universities. So I only have a small few friends until summer comes back around :/

>> No.13748389

yeah same i pretty much don't talk to anyone besides internet "friends" anymore

>> No.13748394

bandmate does a similar thing, by talking to me about how much he loves being in a relationship and how great it feels. I can't tell if he's trying to rub it in my face or something because I'll kick him out of the group if he's gonna be an asshole
Most of my friends stayed local for college, so I see em a lot, even though we don't share the same interests anymore. I have zero interest in vidya these days
I don't even have internet friends anymore after I stopped playing online games

>> No.13748410

best its been in a while honestly, been coming to this shithole a whole lot less.

>> No.13748427


>thousands on thousands of dollars in designer clothes
>good grades in uni
>travel int'l/domestic multiple times a year, go back and forth from Hawaii and new york for school
>weekly allowance from mommy and daddy for food (used for drugs and alcohol, obviously)
>fucked 3 different girls 2 months into school

I'm finally where I always wanted to be but for something there's something that feels... missing. I want to go to a psychologist but I'm to nervous to bring it up to my parents

>> No.13748456

I stopped seeing my high school friends because they were a bunch of beta pricks, lol

>> No.13748484
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>danced with qt at a party friday
>she asked for my socials
>added her the next morning but haven't messaged her
Why am I like this?
Classes are going well though, and I picked up a grail of mine recently. Went overbudget in doing so but I had to cop, I'm sure some of you know how it is. Problem is now I've either gotta sell some other shit or get a job.
>Inb4 he buys shit without a job, doesn't have a job, etc
I'm overburdened with coursework as is, but I really do need to look for some part time gig. I've been lazy and depressed but the depressions lifting some so now I just need to let the pressure of having to flip pieces I like otherwise motivate me.
Sorry about the pathetic blog post but that's what this threads for, huh.

>> No.13748500
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Have been feeling quite down, but it will be sixty degrees F this weekend. I think I may drive back home to the woods and walk my dog on Saturday, will be a nice way to break in my fall sweaters.
Maybe being in nature again will improve my mood.

Message her, mate.

>> No.13748514

message her, nothing to lose

I've been feeling pretty good which is unusual
usually really avoidant but I've been dming girls I've never talked to on instagram to see if I could get anywhere
>two down
>one gave me her number but said she wasn't interested
>other had a girlfriend
gonna try another one in the next couple of days

>> No.13748522

Anon we are all internet friends here

>> No.13748532

Just found out I can do this volunteer gardening thing to get a free ticket to this festival that would have cost me $130.

>> No.13748536

I've been pretty consistently depressed for a few years now but I've actually been feeling a lot better over the past two months. Just gotta keep working on myself, I guess.

>> No.13748590

Any tips, anon?
Coming up on the big 3-0 in a couple of months and I'm scared I may just give up.

>> No.13748645

Afraid I don't have too much to offer. For me, I have just tried to focus on doing well on my schoolwork and just general self-care stuff (more sleep, eating a little better). My mental state just passively improved a little bit in the process.

>> No.13748685
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someone please god tell me what to ask for when i go to the barber.

i grew my hair to the left photo to try to style it, asked for "short on sides longer on top" and ended up with the right. now its 4 months later and im not too far away from left again.

i want to get the cut i see a lot of ethnic teens with the short sides and neat curls on top, what exactly do i ask for? "short on sides, but XX inches on top"?

>> No.13748690
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its falling APART

>> No.13748694

1 or 2 on sides, leave the curls on top

>> No.13748698

but i need to trim them down, i dont know how to tell them exactly how much to leave

>> No.13748713

just tell them you want the curls to still be there but not as long as they are currently. or even better bring a picture in, barbers love that shit.

>> No.13748716
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I'm losing my hair

>> No.13748725
File: 68 KB, 610x643, suggestion-of-your-hairs-use-lovely-jewfro-hairstyles-with-extra-47-best-pein-images-on-pinterest-cameron-boyce-cute-boys-and-my-boo-610x643[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like my pinhead wouldnt handle a curly haircut like this well

>> No.13748730

sounds like you're trying to rationalize not getting the haircut to yourself. have your barber try it out, if you don't like it then tell them to take it shorter. you're paying for their time and no good barber is going to tell you no lmao

>> No.13748733

The valedictorian at my high school ended up working at the local gas station near the school. It's been seven years. Saw him there last week when I went to visit my parents.

>> No.13748764

yeah thats my plan, tell them to go short on sides and take all that off, then start with like 3 inches on the top and work from there

>> No.13748767
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I am in my second half of my 20s. My hair is receding, clothes I normally wear don't seem right, and worst of all it seems every passing day its harder to fuck young thots. I have had nothing but ugly women in their mid 20s suck my dick the last year. I miss fucking 16 year olds holy shit. You virgins have no idea the difference between fucking some beautiful teen and then having to settle for some used up hog. I just need to make money so that in my 30s I can pay for some young thing. I have no job and no idea for my future. I feel dumb all the time, I am just confused in general.

>> No.13748771

By chance, do you enjoy watching white women get fucked by black men?

>> No.13748791
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How did you know

>> No.13748882

Not great.

Starting to lose interest in a girlfriend of 3+ years but I can't bring myself to end it. It's gotten to the point where I feel like I'm lieing to myself when I tell her I miss her / love her, but I'm in school and I feel like trying to dump her will be a bigger distraction than just dealing with her for a little while longer

>> No.13748893


Rip the band aid breh

>> No.13748901
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just ordered a cheap sewing machine but i feel like it's going to pan out like my other hobby attempts, smothered in failure and indifference. hopefully not
I'm consuming a lot more products and media these days, i don't feel very fulfilled at the moment

>> No.13748906

Stop basing your self worth on the youth and beauty of the women you have sex with

>> No.13748912

>my other hobby attempts, smothered in failure and indifference.
man that hurt

>> No.13748915
File: 8 KB, 205x246, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's doing alright. I'm in a pretty good spot in my life for a 21 year old but socially I'm not doing well at all. I lost my friend group that I usually hang with on the weekends a month or two ago, and I've been going on tinder dates but most people I meet are crap or the relationship just falls apart. The last last girl I was with, we hung out for a few months and fucked but she dropped me and stopped responding to my messages all of a sudden. Same thing happened to me with the girl I was dating last. I'm pretty sick of people just cutting me out of their lives and I hate how I never feel wanted.

I went to a party recently with some friends and I ended up telling a friend that I liked her. She's a very nice person but she's not very attractive but I don't care, I really just wanted to feel wanted desu

I'm pretty sick of going on here. Ive been going here since I was 12 and it's pretty awful seeing what used to be normal-ish threads turn in to /pol/ shit. I don't know if it's just about growing up though. This place helped me out when I was younger but I don't know why I go here anymore.

>> No.13748917

My best bud failed out of college like twice and now he lives with his parents and plays video games all the time, that was until his parents forced him to get a job so he just went into fast food. His parents paid for both failings through college. I kept trying to make plans with him, but it was always something, so I just cut him out of my life.

>> No.13748926

One of my best friends from high school turned out this way, dropped out of a community college and now just works at Papa John's. On top of that his friends were 4chan personified and said nigger and talked about "the Jews" openly. He isn't a bad person but he hangs out with fucking idiots. The last time I saw him was right before I ended up sleeping with his girlfriend after they broke up

>> No.13748932

Just got a job offer for the gooberment
happy because decent benefits and decent pay
doing it (i hope) temporarily to build my resume and for the health insurance (need maxillofacial surgery)

I want to go and teach English abroad for the adventure of it and the change of scenery but Im worried that when the time comes I will end up giving up on any semblance of bohemian living and just slowly climb the public sector ladder

>> No.13748965
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I took this pic just for you anon. Wearing clothes you tailored/modified yourself is pretty cool.

>> No.13748971
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I just wish I were passionate about something. I'm finishing my degree soon but I really only picked it because I had no idea what I wanted to study/do after school

I feel like I can only either enjoy life now and ultimately fuck myself into a mediocre life overall or I can work in something that I hate for a while so maybe I can have a good enough job to have a good life later.

The problem is it feels like it will be forever before my life is as good as it was when I was last actually happy

>> No.13748977

What degree? Bussiness?

>> No.13748982


>> No.13748988

you sound really sad, spending mommy and daddy's money and fucking whores is not a fulfilling life. get a gf and the sex only gets better and better

>> No.13748991

Anon discovers employment

>> No.13748993

I'm existing.
I've been seriously depressed for more than two years now and it's seriously hindering my ability to work at uni and my overall daily life. My social life is terrible. At least I have a pair of good friends who care about me.
I've no idea what I'm going to do with my life and I suspect I'll just end up killing myself sometime after I graduate and realize my goals are unattainable.

Anyway, I've no idea what to do with my fucking hair. Everyone here has the same tired old shitty undercut and I wanna stand out, I don't wanna be another normie, but I also don't want to drive people away with a shitty haircut. I have it somewhat long right now and have been parting it in the middle for a semi-asian look but I've grown tired of it and classmates (that dress and look like shit) have told me I looked better before when I had an undercut. So I don't know what to do. Even if I got a decent cut I doubt I'd be able to pull it off anyway.

>> No.13749011


>> No.13749066

>I feel like I can only either enjoy life now and ultimately fuck myself into a mediocre life overall
What do you mean by this?

>> No.13749077
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Feels like my life is looking up for the first time in twenty one years (I’m twenty one years old)

>> No.13749079
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thanks! that looks like a nice one. i think ive cheered up a bit since i made that post. ive got several pants and shirts that i didnt want to throw out that are fixable so ive got some work lined up for me. looking forward to it

>> No.13749094
File: 2.85 MB, 4656x3492, IMG_20181010_012138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are working with denim, don't remove material too close to areas that will be stressed or the denim will tear away at the seam. If using a straight stitch i recommend the method I used in pic related when i was slimming down some jeans. You can also use a special kind of stitch if your machine is capable of it.

>> No.13749099

I feel that if I do what I enjoy now I will doom my career and long term but if I focus on the long term it will be a long time before I am happy

>> No.13749100

Good for you, anon. Wish you all the best.

>> No.13749103

And what do you enjow doing now? Also, do you have a gf?

>> No.13749104

>I don't know why I go here anymore
Remember, anon. You're here forever.

>> No.13749142

at the moment I mainly just enjoy going to gigs and going out, would like to work with someone or some others on something musical, I would like to go out and do things with my friends like going to the beach or just hanging around playing cards and drinking coffee but nobody seems to want to do anything anymore.

I really need to get a job because im low on funds and I need something to do.

No gf rn, I havent really met any new girls in a while and I dont feel like tinder will work when I can really only do/interested in doing cheap stuff

>> No.13749161

There was a time when I thought that was just a joke.

>> No.13749230

i want smash my teeth out with a hammer and pull out my eyeballs from my face

>> No.13749235

Oh fuck but then you'll die n' shit.

>> No.13749236

>pretty awful seeing what used to be normal-ish threads turn in to /pol/ shit
Regular 4chan is offensive because we don't care.
/Pol/ is offensive because they think they have a moral obligation to do so for the sake of Western civilization.
/Pol/ doesn't know that we've generally disliked all stripes of moral crusader for years now.

>> No.13749238

probably not

>> No.13749243

>realize my goals are unattainable.
What are they?

>> No.13749250

Yeah that's about it. They're pretty much a runaway tangent from "normal" 4chan culture.

>> No.13749486

I don't understand how/why people fuck up this badly.

>> No.13749684

you're right, it's not fulfilling at all but I can't see myself in a relationship. too much commitment for me. I'd probably throw it all away after a week or two anyway.

>> No.13749907

started experiencing tinnitus a few days ago, gonna go doctors tomorrow, praying it isn't permanent

>> No.13749944

>when you need a fade to form some sort of personality so people can like you

>> No.13749956

i just found a bunch of new brands through a thread some anon posted, so im doing breddy gud :)

>> No.13749980

Typically maladaptive coping methods for depression.

>> No.13750147

i dont want to disappoint my parents, otherwise id be doing literally anything else with my life.

t. lawfag w/ no gf

>> No.13750189
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there is no need for a mediocre life at all, you have just boxed your mind into the common shared delusion that society believes to be life. we as humans are as free as can be, yet we still put the shackles of society upon ourself, the problem lies in your thoughts of "school,school, after school, work, work, dead."
life can be more if you will it.

>> No.13750194
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>> No.13750218
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Pretty good honestly, didn't sack my midterms which is fucking great.

>> No.13750273

lost my virginity to a really attractive artsy girl. I've always felt like I was a gremlin so made me feel a little bit better about myself I guess. My grades are slipping a little at uni but that's okay, I've really been pushing myself with the amount of coursework. my ex has been snapchatting me straight up titty pics for some reason, she definitely doesn't want to get back together so it's probably just attention reasons. Therapy's been going OK, I still want to buy a gun and off myself everyday but sometimes I feel a little better. Actually heading off to a group therapy thing right now, should be an interesting experience if nothing else. I've lost about 30 pounds by fasting, I hope it's sustainable. I've been updating my wardrobe to accommodate. Also been trying to get /fit/ but we'll see how that goes. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.13750285

Life is going alright but this semester has been stressful as hell and is making question everything

>> No.13750290

wtf why does my college have late ass midterms i still have like 3 weeks

>> No.13750325

>pretty awful seeing what used to be normal-ish threads turn in to /pol/ shit
It seems like ever since the 2012 election, we have slowly ramped up to a point where everything is political. Maybe it's just my memory messing with me, but I swear it wasn't an issue until Obama and Romney competed against each other. And then in 2016, after Trump ran, it seemed like everything after that was split between Democrat this and Republican that.

Can anyone else confirm that it wasn't always like that?

>> No.13750339

It was probably 2008 at the earliest anon. But for me i think it's around 2010.

>> No.13750343

Everything's always been this political my man, it's just you're noticing it more now. It's the only way the upper class can keep control of the unwashed masses.

>> No.13750351

kinda going better I guess
made a couple new friends, think this girl likes me back
still though as soon as I get home from school it's like I don't exist and it's been that way for years. last summer break I'm 90% sure I spent at least 3 weeks without saying a single word
oh well

>> No.13750361

I've really gained weight. Barely anything fits me and my gut is getting bigger.

>> No.13750392

i'm in finland so it might be because of that
good luck on them btw

>> No.13750402
File: 307 KB, 1600x1280, falling man 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's going okay. i just moved to miami w/ my girlfriend for really no reason. the job i got required some licensing, so i've been trying to take care of that, but it's taking way longer than expected, so im short on money at the moment.

my relationship with my girlfriend has been going well but it's also been really hard. moving is stressful and neither of us have big support systems to be there for us when we are suffering, so we lean on each other, and it makes things really difficult.

i've lost all interest in my hobbies, i haven't read a book in weeks, and i can barely get myself to do anything except for jack off, play video games, and browse 4chan.

im secretly hoping i die while my girlfriend is at work so i dont have to keep doing this

>> No.13750619

ssri's if you haven't tried yet. helped me

>> No.13750663
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Most of my friends got in to school, I didn't

Currently working and doing a little reading towards next years entrance exams, atleast I'll have money for sick cops

In touch with my (mutual) crush

My style is stagnant and I don't have too much motivation to go to the gym or exercise

It's alright overall I suppose

>> No.13750680

The thinning on my crown is gone too far.
I'm currently growing it out and tryna see how I look with a bun.
It's going to be another 3 months at least til I can tie it up

>> No.13750683

what part of miami? sounds like brickell/downtown

>> No.13750761
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>pieces advent filling the void anymore
>dont even have the money to afford it anyways

>> No.13750788

I think i fked up big time guys, yet, is it really that bad? It feels so

I finished my degree in may with honors but have no job because I have no social skills. Also, I wanted to move to NYC, limiting my prospects. Fastforward to now, I moved to Brooklyn 6 weeks ago and have yet to find stable employment, anywhere. I’ve gotten one ideal job interview for an entry level role and like usual, blow it. I’ve been applying everywhere for weeks and I’ve become utterly depressed and disgusted with myself. I’ve started smoking weed, watching anime (things I’ve never done) and am on the verge of picking runescape again for the 30th time. I do have enough to live for maybe 4-5 months without income (accounting major) if shit comes to shit. I’m already debating going to grad school and taking out a huge loan to pay for it.

I should’ve stayed in school, using my savings to pay for my masters, then trying to get work experience. NYC job market is harrowing for a new grad with a shit resume. I love living here though, but I jumped the gun, perhaps, and I’m paying for it.

Time to start applying at fast food/menial labor jobs

>> No.13750801

I also have no network/friends whatsoever, and don’t think this will change anytime soon. I’ve always been a loner, but for whatever reason I find NYC very conducive to my type because of its art offerings (films/literature)

>> No.13750831

well here's the deal
if you don't find a job you will become homeless
if you take out a huge loan for grad school you will be in the same situation however many years from now except you'll have a lot of debt
and then you'll still be homeless
apply to at least 5 places a week
if not
you'll be homeless

>> No.13750888

Finished college, can't find a reasonable career path. Fuck loads of thotties but can't seem to build a meaningful relationship with any, none seem to fill the void and keep having to cut ties. Lost my mother 2 months ago - sent me into a spiral of depression but luckily my close friends were here for me throughout. Decent social life, go out clubbing and to events frequently, few different groups of friends. Feel like I'm coming closer to finding my personal style, had a few buys recently that made me feel really satisfied. Not so bad man

>> No.13750974

> I need to improve myself before I can go about trying to get myself into something like that.

that's a terrible outlook, if you wait until you're "the best self you can be(TM)" you'll always be waiting. and that you'll put too much pressure on the relationship when you do get one. dating in the meanwhile will help you learn what you want out of a relationship/girl while helping yourself grow.

having three not perfect relationships while searching for the "one" is better than waiting and assuming that the relationship you do get when you're ready will be "the one". plus girls see long periods of being single as a negative for a man.

think of it not driving at all because all you can afford right now is a honda civic and you really want the porsche. even porsche owners drove civics for the first few years. if you wait for the porsche to be the first car you drive you're gonna burn out the clutch.

>> No.13750980


>> No.13750985

My best pal is also an ass when it comes to that but i'm a mean ass in general. We both like each other and try to help the other when shit's around the corner. He's the one improving himself and fucking girls whilst I'm a 21 year old virgin with a shitton of insecuritues. After all that social pressure from both my friends and family I dated a girl which I kissed that night. She liked it but i didn't since i felt no love. In the end I just broke both our hearths.

I told it my bf and parents then and they apologized. 21 is a age where 80% off all people got laid but I'm nobody to make it just about lookism but character and love. That's whe I refused getting a hooker on the bill of my pals like 4 times. If you're not in love it will just hurt you in the end since you take something magical its meaning.

>> No.13750986

Broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago. We are still friends and things have been better this way.

Have been skipping class for the past three weeks. Super behind on my term project. Also very behind on writing my master's thesis.

Overall have been feeling extremely depressed. There are days I go without leaving my bed, and there are days I go without eating any food.

>> No.13750993
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>Broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago. >We are still friends and things have been better this way.
LOL. You have psychologically seen 3 options:
>You fucks haven't been in love at all
>You're still in love with each other
>You guys are fucking psychopaths

>> No.13751014

i've been at uni for more than a month and i still haven't made any friends besides my gf. i'm afraid i'll never have anything like my old friends again

>> No.13751022

>i'm afraid i'll never have anything like my old friends again
wait a few more years until you fully outgrow your childhood friends, you'll start to realise that you were friends because you were neighbours or because you were in in the same home room. making friends as an adult fall into work friends ie; just friends because circumstance and "real" friends ie; you genuinely have the same interests/morals.

>> No.13751024

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.13751060

so i found out i may or may not have borderline personality disorder today and i feel sorry for all the people who ever got to know me personally.

>> No.13751112

doesn't everyone may or may not have borderline personality disorder?

>> No.13751130

i'm just in denial, very self-aware, but probably won't do anything to seek help or fix my behaviors and actions.

>> No.13751150

>I hate being ugly. I'm 23, it's not going to get any better for me. It sucks to know that I'm never going to experience what it's like to be goodlooking and have guys after me.
>I have gained so much weight over the summer and now I need to lose it all ASAP to get back down to my ideal BMI, but I find I have no energy even though I take a multivitamin every day.
>Related: I'm not sleeping well at all and I can't remember a day that I've woken up and not been tired.
>I come home from work every day and my entire body is sore and I have no energy to do things that interest me. I can't drink coffee because otherwise I won't be able to sleep.

>> No.13751152

Not the other guy but i think i needed to hear this, thank you anon

>> No.13751155

read the book i hate you--don't leave me

>> No.13751182

Are you female? If so, pics, now. I will give you my honest opinion and maybe tell you what you could do better.

>> No.13751202


>> No.13751273

I know what I could do better. your opinion doesn't mean a lot to me.

I don't want to get huge, i'm going for a 16.5 BMI. I do exercise to tone my body when I can.

>> No.13751314

its okay it took me a while to make my 'real' friends at uni (i.e. hang out outside uni and do more than just study together) but now I'm closer with them than almost all of my old school friends.

You will also realise how few of your school friends you were actually close with but this is good because you will hopefully get closer with the people you actually like

hang in there its just a month :) make sure you join student committees, go to events, and that sort of stuff too

>> No.13751321
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 45d7daa868924f551efdc1a9bb6c3395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your opinion doesn't mean a lot to me.
take that back motherfucker

>> No.13751324

Everyone has it for a year after they graduate high school then they get over it. And I'm sure 90% of the people "diagnosed" with it read the symptoms online, found things in their life to match up, then told their psychiatrist. Then they get bored with it and go back to being normal.

>> No.13751362

>38 years old
>browsing this thread
So glad i will never be 21 again, so clueless and depressed and lost like you

Hang in there it gets better, shoot for the stars

The older u get the. More you understand yourself and what makes u happy

>> No.13751373
File: 237 KB, 720x429, IMG_2037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? Sounds like me, except I'm 24. Everything down to gaining weight and waking up tired everyday.

>> No.13751379
File: 447 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_ndrdampvNW1s13wj2o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks mate
it feels like a very 21 year old thing to say but it sure feels like my life is out of my control

>> No.13751380

>38 years old
What are you still doing on 4chan? What is it about a site flooded with teen/twenty-something losers that keeps you coming back?

>> No.13751395

are you in ATL? i'll date you

>> No.13751446

Hey, someone cared enough to reply.
I'm a musician. I'd like to be able to work doing what I love, composing for video games or movies, or working as a recording engineer for a label with some decent bands. To be honest I'd love to go and join the old greats in the pantheon of outstanding composers but I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.13751637

I didn't even discover 4chan until 2017 bro, I've only been using it for a year, I didn't even know it existed before that time. U sound like someone who hates themself though. I hope you grow out of that tough phase