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File: 117 KB, 446x669, harvester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13739077 No.13739077 [Reply] [Original]

Are Red Wings still /fa/?
Harvesters or Iron Rangers?

>> No.13739165

You only care about Harvesters because they’re limited/exclusive and see them as a step up with a nearly identical design to the commoner NPC Iron Rangers

>change my mind

>> No.13739174

No, I just walked into a Red Wings store by accident and picked the boot I liked most, my overthinking anonymous friend.

>> No.13739342

Iron Rangers, unless you’re a 7 foot hulk

>> No.13739560


all red wing boots without a steel toe eventually look like clown shoes

>> No.13739599



>> No.13739752

Harvesters have a slim toe box

>> No.13739802

Yes. They are stil effay. You will pretty much always look good in a pair.

>> No.13739815
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 7492267d0a588a7d30d7e0fb297f1110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13739842

Woah, hows this model named?

Fucking awesome

>> No.13739883

Do you own some? Which model?

>> No.13739981
File: 17 KB, 395x316, 815ecuYeeBL._UX395_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got wolverine 1000 miles legit just because I find red wings as a whole incredibly NPC. Their whole branding now is entirely directed at average hipster NPCs

>> No.13739991

Here in Europe, Red Wings still ain’t too common

>> No.13740188

Does redwing have any cordovan colored boots?

>> No.13740378

For me, it's the LL bean Katahdin, the best boot

>> No.13740425

>poor mans Iron Rangers

>> No.13740900

Not Red Wings

>> No.13741160

Blacksmith and Merchant are better models

>> No.13741164

Blacksmiths look like a downgraded Iron Ranger and Merchants look tame and average, don’t see the appeal.

>> No.13741228


Beckman Blackcherry but I don’t know if those are still in production.

>> No.13741616

Wolverine have worse quality and Look somewhat worse

>> No.13741842

nice meme

>> No.13741853

To be fair, they DO have clunky toe boxes

I wish there was an Iron Ranger with slim toes

>> No.13741861

why not allen edmonds

>> No.13741976


>> No.13741991
File: 8 KB, 240x210, 3959459cb5b23eb0ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, Dont be a clown if you really want good boots gets some military tier boots.
i've had pic related for 3 years. And they last a lifetime

>> No.13742060

Wolverine has shitty QC. It's their biggest criticism and yet they'll never change it because that would mean actually making a quality product instead of shitting out something for hipsters

>> No.13742065

These have the same fat toe box as the Iron Rangers and generally look worse

>> No.13742080

No boot lasts a lifetime. You're fucking high.

>> No.13742152

They have sales that put them in the price range of redwing.

>> No.13742158

And I dont see them being better looking tbqh

Perhaps you could post a model you find better than the Iron Wings or Harvesters

>> No.13742237

Depends on when you die desu

>> No.13742260
File: 31 KB, 736x736, surreycapboot-3676-brown-angle-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the catalog i have styles it better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.13742267

They look okay, but not better than the Iron Rangers, so I don’t see the point in paying more

>> No.13742273
File: 44 KB, 600x661, D585069C-B663-4D94-8ABD-B7359AB8DB08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Meermin derby boots a dressier alternative to the Iron Rangers? Or simply bland?

>> No.13742290

>so I don’t see the point in paying more
Fair, suckers pay full price. Just throwing my 2 cents in because AE makes a solid shoe and they can be re-cobbled/repaired. You can get the ones in the pic for $250~ right now so it's cheaper than Iron Rangers right now.

>> No.13742300

I really like them but they're almost too formal

>> No.13742311

>not made in the usa
>customer reviews say they are shit

no thank you. theres a reason they are 100 dollars off

>> No.13742320

>>customer reviews say they are shit
it's some old faggot saying they don't have all the width sizing
all their shit is made in Washington state.
>theres a reason they are 100 dollars off
it's the american heritage sale lmao

>> No.13742326

wow i fucked the quoting. don't comment on AE qu

>> No.13742341
File: 314 KB, 1396x761, Screenshot 2018-10-07 12.38.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it say right there in the bottom right, retard. "made in the domican republic".

allen edmonds is slowly moving all their manufacturing away from the usa to cut costs. every year they have fewer models made in the usa.

now aplologize.

>> No.13742347

Is there something like the Iron Rangers or Harvesters, but with a slim, dressy toe box?

>> No.13742367

I stand corrected. Those bastards

>> No.13742384

I have some park avenues that are nice but I have seen a lot of bad review lately about QC. Probably due to the offshoring.

>> No.13742702
File: 77 KB, 720x462, viberg-service-leather-brogue-boots-original-656052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there something like the Iron Rangers or Harvesters, but with a slim, dressy toe box?

Like this?

>> No.13742716

OP‘s look ok.

>> No.13743051


>> No.13743323

Thats a no to that one, bud. I just got my wolverines so I will have to see, but the quality on my Red Wings has been terrible. The welt undid on the heels of both my RW moc toes. I will give credit that RW immediately sent me a new pair, but quality is definitely not their forte.

And if it matters, I didn't have blisters for the first 3 weeks with my wolverines. Not the case with the RWs. The toeboxes are stupidly narrow, even on the 2EEs

What are they?

>Implying that any RW that doesn't look like shit isn't targeted at hipsters.

Their entire "heritage" line is full targeted to hipsters

Are vibergs worth 1k though? I find it hard to believe there would be enough difference in quality to make the extra 500 shekels worth it

>> No.13743501

Alden Indy boot, Viberg service boot, Dayton's service boot, Oak Street trench boot, White's MP service boot, Truman boots.

There are tons that are way better than Red Wing and miles and miles ahead of shitty Wolverines.

>> No.13743511

>Recommending yuppie brands like Oak street

> pretending you know anything about boots

Back to mfa, faggot

>> No.13743521

why not just wear timbos and be fucking done with it?

>le i don't wanna wear this brand because it's too npc, so i'm gonna wear this other npc brand, even though both are extremely uncomfortable for anything more than driving to work or walking to the store in hopes i get noticed for my fucking stand out fashion that revolves around shit everyone else already wears and looks identical brand to brand

fucking timbos, bass, ANYTHING.

>> No.13743675

Timberlands look different tho

>> No.13743760

Do you know how many different types of boots Timberland has now

>> No.13743791

I wear Red Wings because I like the design, the price point and the quality

>> No.13743970

A/E was bought recently and the new owners are bent on turning the company into another shit tier shoe seller - Moving to Alden.

>> No.13743987

And Red Wings are actually made in the USA to this day? All models?

How can they keep the decent price points?

>> No.13744520

All their heritage line stuff is MIUSA

>> No.13744553
File: 70 KB, 1024x1024, mens-black-leather-president-boot-1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got these from thursday boot company. anyone have any experience with them? my friend has a pair of brown captain's from them and they look really fucking good and have held up well while hes had them.

>> No.13744672


>> No.13744725

5 dollars have been deposited into your account.

I can't stand the Thursday internet defense force. Thursday reviews all reviews of theirs and removes any review of theirs that isn't 5/5 so it looks like they're some amazing company. They give YouTuber bloggers money to shill their product to the Moon and back à la StrideWise and others.
I can't fucking stand them. Just make a quality product and let the boots speak for themselves instead of being fucking Jews about it

>> No.13744730


>> No.13744840

Poorfag´s option.

>> No.13744913

They're also far more expensiveo

>> No.13744948


Get Cheaney, O'Keeffee, Grenson, Tricker, Church's, Crocket & Jones, etc, instead.

If you're spending £250+ then don't buy memes.

>> No.13744967


They sell them in fucking Schuh, they're pretty common.

>> No.13745021

Red wings fags can kill themselves. Doc Martens all day.

>> No.13745036
File: 757 KB, 3182x2122, bestBoots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 for Truman boots.

>> No.13745053

Chippewa Apache

>> No.13745060

>Recommending yuppie brands like Oak street
Who else makes a moccasin like pic related for about $300?

>> No.13745061
File: 118 KB, 900x600, oak-street-bootmakers-brown-vibram-camp-boot-detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13745095

You can get meme rangers below the price you'll be stupid buying them when not on sale, plus they are tougher and more casual.

>> No.13745600


>> No.13746027

>preferring chink shit over made in USA

>> No.13746667

I fucking hate rubber soles

>> No.13747114

timberlands are fast-fashion tier, red wings at least have tradition

>> No.13747121

Do you wear leather soled shoes in the winter and rain too?

>> No.13747174


What are those?

>> No.13747176

How 'bout them doc martens?

The made in England ones

>> No.13747177

they just look worse imo, less details

>> No.13747210
File: 311 KB, 942x1182, irs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Wings will always be /fa/.

>> No.13747221

dont wear them like this again, for gods sake

>> No.13747303

The Muleskinner gets better with age.

>> No.13747311

How are they constructed? All Doc's look like they're made like shit

>> No.13747360

Thanks, I will look at these

I like Red Wing boots, but I would prefer a lower profile and slimmer toe box. The clown shoe meme scares me a bit.

>> No.13747575

tradition of feeling like shit and falling apart

>> No.13747582

According to people who never wore Red Wings

>> No.13747642


>> No.13747826

Is there any alternative to the Red Wings Harvester that is as slim and high?

>> No.13747833
File: 1.52 MB, 1960x2384, Rhodie_628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice set of legs ya got there

>> No.13747924

Wouldn't those require way more care than red wings? I thought the appeal of the Red wings were that they look ok if they are fucked up and decent enough if polished up. The sacrifice is foot torture for months and still not as comfy as a modern sneaker.

This is true. But lasts about 20 or so years which is a good time before you have to get orthopedics or don't give a fuck as a old man/woman since most people are going to be buying something like Iron rangers in their adult life when they're feet are grown and when they have to start "settling down".

>> No.13747928

Everyone will if Kanye did, and you know this.

>> No.13748012
File: 189 KB, 1200x1200, 34342_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try the Danner Jack IIs?

>> No.13748503

Hypebeasts, perhaps

>> No.13748612

obvious b8

>> No.13748642

i don't get you boot wearing dweebs.
if it's casual enough not to wear better shoes, wear some loafers, sneakers, even sandals. why wear a costume shoe that says you are "manly"? they aren't even comfortable to boot.

>> No.13748655

Everyone wears boots when it gets cold. The question is which boot

>> No.13748656

I think the only reason they get slept on so hard is because they look so shitty in promotional pictures compared to in person

>> No.13748927

Iron Rangers look good if you don't have gigantic feet but they're not comfortable at all even when broken in.

>> No.13749135

This is a total lie. You just got a shitty pair.
I've worn mine for 12 hours at a time before and felt great. Mine are very comfortable and I have no problems wearing them all day.
I don't know where this meme of them being uncomfortable no matter what came from

>> No.13749265

>Balmoral boots are too dressy
>Red Wings are too clunky

Is there something inbetween?

>> No.13749485

You need to pay +$250 if you don't like red wings
Try sanders kelso

>> No.13749499

if you are going to spend 300 euro and more on boots, consider actual "big boy shoemakers", like carmina, cheaney, carlos santos.

they all blow red wings out of the water in terms of style and quality. unless you're really into that retro americana look.

>> No.13749538

>if you are going to spend 300 euro
You'll be stupid for buing IR at full price. 250-270 euro is somewhat reasoanable.

>unless you're really into that retro americana look
Or you want something casual that can take a beating.

>> No.13749551

i was thinking more about harvesters , they retail at 340 euro

100 euro more and you are in the high-end dress shoe league

>> No.13749592
File: 159 KB, 990x630, shoepassion_672-05.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, those are too rare to find on sale.

But if you have any tip for memeranger alternative at around 250 yurobucks, it would be appreciated. Best I could find were either meermins which are too formal or these, but they are 350.

>> No.13749623

if you spend 250 euro, red wings are okay, i guess

if you spend around 350 euro, you should consider going high-end by adding another 100 euro

>> No.13749856
File: 128 KB, 1300x818, 5941496-pedestrian-on-the-street-in-clown-shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13750440


>> No.13750441


>> No.13750445
File: 28 KB, 700x700, h6qqSjY73E_original-chippewa_6_service_boot_0_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.13750451
File: 616 KB, 1500x1500, 2990-1122-Engineer-Black-Harness_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these effay if I wear them exclusively for riding?

>> No.13750452

Looks just basic tbqh, like Timberland or whatever mall-tier boots normies usually buy

>> No.13750453

If they look basic but are still built better than tumblrlands and other mall tier shit then mission accomplished I'd say

>> No.13750696

Good but not great. Ages fast and has a lot of CQ issues. But still solidly built and Goodyear welted.
They're a good starter boot for someone trying to get into the world of quality leather boots but nothing to aim for

>> No.13750809


It doesnt matter as long as they're better quality

>> No.13751806


>> No.13751925


>> No.13751930

Yeah if you're riding dick

>> No.13752344

Problem with these is, they aren't worth anywhere near 350€. Just compare the prices to some of the other shoes/boots they have on sale.

>> No.13752560

I have chippewas and have worn them for 4 years. they've held up fantastic

>> No.13753142

Most people wear shoes. There are two types of people who wear boots. People who have jobs that require boots, and people that try too hard.

Guess which type frequents this board.