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13744587 No.13744587 [Reply] [Original]

what is the secret for avoiding pimples after shaving ?

>> No.13744622

Use a sensitive shaving cream, a sharp razor, and I personally like to apply aloe vera after a shave.

>> No.13744625

Moisturize your face after. All that scraping irritates the skin causing dryness which leads to acne

>> No.13744630


I use Clubman followed by sensitive moisturiser. Works for me.

>> No.13744643

1. Change razor blades regularily, every two days or so
2. Try out several after shaves and use the one that irritates your skin the least

>> No.13744648

i use no after shave at all, only Simple Moisturizer.

>> No.13744666

Maybe give a post shave like bump control a try

>> No.13744668

i use a gentle or foaming face wash as the shave soap and a 2-blade razor which causes less irritation

>> No.13744706

Avoid shaving against the grain until the very end when most of your hair has already been shaved
Shaving against the grain when you still have hair will cause ingrown hairs

>> No.13744738

i find it even then, if i shave against the grain, i get ingrown hairs. my skin is just sensitive AF

>> No.13744748

Carnivore diet.

>> No.13744764

don't use cartridge razor or disposable razors. buy a straight, shavette or double edged razor.

>> No.13744795

Here's what works for me: use rubbing alcohol after you shave then moisturize. The alcohol will burn but it prevents ingrowns

>> No.13744841

Showering after shaving with a machine eliminates most of my problems

>> No.13745524

witch hazel

>> No.13745640
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this>>13745524 op. get some aftershave cream from the drug store, but make sure it uses witchhazel. it will kill the bacteria in your pores but not dry out your face like alcohol

>> No.13745709

I just shave with water/no shaving cream and moisturize afterwards.

>> No.13745950

dont touch your face

>> No.13745986
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Have your father teach you how to shave.

I get almost scalding water on a rag and hold it on my neck for like a minute then shave with a balm. I switched from foam and never went back, you can actually see what you're doing. I use cooling after shave gel. I almost always shave against the grain.

>> No.13746002

then dont shave against the grain my nibba
also prep is key. doesnt matter what gay little razors or accessories you have if your face hasnt properly warmed up. i usually keep a mirror in my shower and shave at the end of my showers so the pores have time to open. dont put scalding water like >>13745986 this retard, that will only damage your skin
also take your time, no need to rush

>> No.13746005
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I think you're mistaken, I don't have any problems.

>> No.13746037
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Oh okay, I thought you were OP

>> No.13746262

use fucking shaving cream

>> No.13746351

Literally just cold water after you shave, I use a facial cleanser as shaving cream and just shave with a 2 blade cheap razor. After I shave I just wash my face with cold water and pat dry with a towel.

>> No.13746365

I have no idea how you would get pimples after shaving. The process is exfoliating. What products are you using in your face? You could be getting too much or not enough oil/moisture.

>> No.13746595

With long time gaps between shaves I use an Urea cream to keep my skin binding water.

Japanese blades
organic foaming cream
badger brush

Applied I clean of excess foam on the frames, so I can my skin without slipping, going down the razor will also get it clean enough to keep pulling.

Afterwards some organic cream.

>> No.13746773


This is how I shave these days, it's a little time-consuming but it's a close shave and I never get ingrowns or pimples from shaving anymore.

1. Open pores with hot water (hot towel or in the shower)
2. Apply shaving gel using a brush going up your face, this pushes the hairs into position to be cut down. Make your gel it doesn't have alcohol in it. Aloe vera is good.
3. Have a SHARP, quality razor with 2+ blades. Cheap disposable singler razors are worthless. If it hurts like hairs are being ripped when you shave, it's fuckin' blunt bro. (You can strop the blades by pushing the blade UP a leather belt or even your forearm lubricated by shaving gel. Stropping will extend the life of the blade, but you have to do it regularly. Don't fall for the shaving jew's tricks and replace your blades every week.)
4. First shave WITH the grain (down the face), try not to pass over the same area twice or it'll cause irritation. Rinse the blade after every pass to keep it clear.
5. Rinse face and reapply gel once again.
6. Shave against the grain (up the face).
7. Rinse off gel with cold water to close pores, wash face with a non-drying cleanser.
8. Pat face dry and apply witchhazel using a cotton pad.
9. Moisturise.

>> No.13746862

He probably means ingrown hairs.