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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 105 KB, 750x747, 1536119353676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13737784 No.13737784 [Reply] [Original]

Are politics /fa/ ? Is being liberal fashionable because most designers are or is it better to be morally conservative and well groomed

>> No.13737787

Ancap is effay.

>> No.13737788

>Are politics /fa/ ?
no, but dying for God, King, and Country is very /fa/

>> No.13737790

Deus Vult

>> No.13737791

from a fashion perspective

any politics you have should be based upon it looks good by fellow peers, which is coincidentally is how real politicians work

>> No.13737793

I find anyone who brings up politics or religion in casual conversation to be repulsive, regardless of whether or not I agree with them.

>> No.13737798
File: 144 KB, 680x987, truth-animals36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals are gay

>> No.13737805

I don’t mind talking about politics on a rare occasion with my in laws or family, I dislike people who bring politics into absolutely everything. If I have to hear one more political statement about something as innocuous as a sitcom that’s been off the air for a decade I might have a breakdown

>> No.13737818
File: 150 KB, 908x720, marcia su roma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American politics = cringe

>> No.13737820

you don't live in a hereditary monarchy, however

>> No.13737912
File: 17 KB, 360x531, Mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most /fash/ionable ideology since the 20's

>> No.13738131

fascism is the only /fa/ ideology

>> No.13738154




Nah, Sarcasm is effay. Being sarcastic about everything and never expressing an honest opinion.


being gay is effay. being a nazi punk isn't

maybe you should try beng less fragile.

fascists need to die



>> No.13738162

ive met so many boring people just like you. go back to liking ‘student problem’ memes on facebook and watching the office.

>> No.13738164

I guarantee you I am 10x more interesting than you.

>> No.13738165


>> No.13738167

Politics are cool as long as you relate everything to economics.

>> No.13738169

All discourse is political, so all things are always already political.

>> No.13738176

Having your own actual opinions, being confident in what you believe in and not following the opinions of someone else purely for the vanity or aesthetic is the most effay

>> No.13738184

>Having your own actual opinions, being confident in what you believe in and not following the opinions of someone else purely for the vanity or aesthetic is the most effay

what fucking planet are you from?

>> No.13738186


>> No.13738191


>> No.13738200

asking for a description of your taste there, friend. please tell us 3 of your favorite movies, musicians/bands, writers and artists

>> No.13738204

That's just what you described.

>> No.13738208

I'm liberal but people assume I'm conservative because I dress preppy and look like a Chad. I don't really understand why people make that assumption, because all the conservatives I know look like gremlins and all the New England liberals look like me.

>> No.13738210


>> No.13738214

>sarcastic gay antifascist
yeah i doubt it

i bet your bookshelf has trinkets on it

>> No.13738215

maybe because most amerimutt liberals are ugly as fuck

>> No.13738219

Sorry, but yes. Stop being a retard.

>> No.13738221

You've never been to a young college republican meeting then.

>> No.13738224

are you 15?

>> No.13738229

just about every study shows that conservatives are more attractive than liberals on average though, your anecdotal evidence doesn't provide much insight in the grand scheme of things
it takes about a second to google it

>> No.13738232

I'm not going to do your citations for you.

>> No.13738238

>Are politics /fa/ ? Is being liberal fashionable because most designers are or is it better to be morally conservative and well groomed
well groomed monarchist with no labels on the outside of any of my clothes here. i wear white all year round if i feel like it. stay blessed brother

>> No.13738239

perhaps because you realize your wrong, and it was evident from your first post that you were being purposely obtuse in order to pwn conservitards?

>> No.13738244

>I'm not going to do your citations for you.
thats how i know youre a faggot libtard college slave. i thought you kinda people like the pursuit of knowledge? too afraid to step out of your cognitive dissonance time bubble and do some inquiries yourself? obviously this guy doesnt care if you believe him or not. this isnt debate class. the important thing is that you also dont care. you dont care about the truth. you dont want it. you want chinese commodified gum gum truths that taste yummy instead. take your sneaker sole tassle loafer ass elsewhere pseud

>> No.13738246

>yeah i doubt it
-I've personally met Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Henry Kissinger, the Princess of Bahrain, and The President of Namibia.
-I snuck a camera into the Angolan Border zone and distracted the border guards so we could get footage we needed for a documentary
-I've been off roading through the jungles of Belize
-I've been to the dunes of the Namib
-Seen the Pyramids, Parthenon, Ephesus, The Forum, Pompei, the grand canyon.
-I've driven route 66
-I used to illegally street race in high school
-I co-run a live music punk venue in my home town
-I'm a fine art photographer with two solo gallery shows under my belt
-I'm very active in my local community and was part of team that put together a majorly successful art and live music festival this year

I don't know there's probably more but most importantly, I guarantee you I have a much more developed worldview than you in addition to being better read and more intelligent.

>> No.13738248

Just the fact that you have to state that pretty much guarantees that you're not. An hero.

>> No.13738250

imagine taking the time to write this uninteresting larp

>> No.13738256

Yeah, I mean It's not like I expect to be believed but I know what I've done.

I'm not sure who you are, but you're obviously unwilling to even put forward the basics of your "Wake up Sheeple" worldview for scrutiny. So please, mock all you want. Believe what you will.

>> No.13738259

wow cool bro you met some muzzies and jews... im really impressed... tell me more about your developed worldviews? what kinda forbidden knowledge did you uncover when you used king tuts tourist restroom? maybe there is some esoteric wisdom to be seen in your epic style postmodern art exhibition (next to other exhibitions such as Ikea Chair and My Dad Raped Me During A Thought Experiment Illustrated)

>> No.13738263

absolutely based

>> No.13738264

Then why bother writing it out in the first place and claiming to be so interesting. Are you really seeking validation from an anonymous Cambodian fly fishing forum? That's pretty pathetic.

>> No.13738265

Lol about fragile say it within 10 feet of me and I’ll show you how fragile your jaw is you little gimp

>> No.13738269


>> No.13738272

>I went to film camp. I've read Sartre. I've read Thomas Pynchon. I've read Ayn Rand. I've been to Italy. I've been to France. I speak french. I've been to Spain. I've been to South America. I've been to Kenya. I've been to China. I've backpacked across Europe. I prefer tea to coffee. I've been to Greece. I love greek food. I'm a foodie. I'm always on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast. Sometimes I go to Barnes & Noble and lose track of the time. The black people that I've met said I have a lot of flavour. I love my Macbook, but I also love my Macbook Pro, it has the word "pro" on it. Short for "prolapse". I drive an ancient Volvo that barely starts. The Matrix and Inception are the first movies in the last 10 years that made me really think. And yeah I paint, no big deal. I think conventional painting rules are stodgy, archaic. To bend the spoon, you have to realise there is no spoon. Think outside the box. Coexist. Coexist, and one more thing - if you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", get the fuck off my Facebook wall.

Are you the inspo behind this copypasta?

>> No.13738277

when u met king jew was it a long talk in confidence about politics or were you busy waiting on other tables?

>> No.13738281

i was being unironic!

>> No.13738286

your on thin ice buddy...

>> No.13738288

>what kinda forbidden knowledge did you uncover
Most important knowledge isn't forbidden. It's just in books that people like you are too lazy to read.

Oh to rile you dumbfucks up is the main reason.

You have a fucking 13 year old's understanding of the world and how things operate. With you it's all posturing and security theater. I bet you EDC a knife or a pistol because you're such a fucking coward even just thinking about the outside world.

The funniest thing about you alt-right morons is that your worldview can be summed up as "The strong take what they can and the weak endure what they must" but it's not like you've read the History of the Peloponnesian War and understand the context of the quote.

I wish. I haven't been to any film related schooling. I did take a Photo 101 elective in college though.

>> No.13738294
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1538119635186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, you really are pathetic. Go back.

>> No.13738295

>Most important knowledge isn't forbidden. It's just in books that people like you are too lazy to read.
ive read the bible actually so you are debunked, permanently

>> No.13738296

>hey everyone i've read thucydides, i'm like totally an enlightened genius

>> No.13738297

>I bet you EDC a knife or a pistol because you're such a fucking coward even just thinking about the outside world.
even mao (your idol) agrees that power comes out of the barrel of a gun. poser much? sounds like you are an epic fail

>> No.13738311

Yikes. Nothing to say but a gif. Please keep calling me pathetic. It's my kink.

This is really kind of hilarious because most people's understandings of even the bible are beyond hilariously wrong.

Please forgive me for reading what is probably the single most important work of history ever written.

>even mao (your idol)
Woah, dude. I'm not a tankie. People on the right really don't have the faintest idea how the world works, especially the internal dynamics of the left.

>> No.13738314

>talks about riling people up
>gets absolutely buttblasted straight after

ok thanks for that dissertation. dont worry I’m planning on paying for a guided tour of some sand triangles so I can act like an utter tryhard on 4chan go slime over some drunk 1st year art students with your ‘knowledge’ l m a o

>> No.13738315

c u c k

>> No.13738324

>Are politics /fa/ ?
No. Everyone is an expert in politics and has an opinion these days. Media won't shut up about it 24/7.
If politics are fashionable, then the common pleb who dresses in any clothes they find at their local mall is also fashionable.

>> No.13738330

whoa settle down there Forrest Gump

>> No.13738332

Look, man. Why don't you just calm down and stop being so defensive. I'm not angry at anyone. It's tons of fun to just say stuff that riles up "defender of the west" types that know nothing about history or the culture they think they're defending.

>> No.13738335

Now this is actually a pretty good joke

>> No.13738337
File: 8 KB, 200x150, plz-stop-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13738340

You're really the only one here being defensive.

>> No.13738341

If you wanted the posting to stop, you could just stop responding, you know.

>> No.13738342

Whatever you say, friend.

>> No.13738345
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>> No.13738348

I guess some people never learn.

>> No.13738350
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>> No.13738354
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>> No.13738355
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>> No.13738360
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>> No.13738363
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>> No.13738369
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>> No.13738372
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>> No.13738377
File: 451 KB, 2665x2186, cigarette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13738383

can we not?

>> No.13738423

this Online Discourse brought to you by reddit. stay the fuck in your containment zone freak. even /lit/ is too smart for you

>> No.13738458

You are the political equivalent of a fast fashion victim. Anti-intellectualism and anti-individualism are the antithesis of fashion. The same with ideology, you are parroting others thinking it makes you cool, but it makes you shallow.

Hiding behind sarcasm and irony as a way to never have to face your failure is even less effay. You are insecure and lonely, you desperately want to fit in, that's all.

So is projecting your midcentury larping onto modern politics.

>> No.13738470

>listens to chapo trap house once

>> No.13738473

Is this satire

>> No.13738498

b-but he posted a bunch of meme photos by meme photographers from 70 years ago, he’s an intellectual!

>> No.13738499

this guy is right

>> No.13738504

You are such an insufferable piece of shit and I'm not even right-leaning
End your pathetic life my man

>> No.13738511


>> No.13738549
File: 35 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1538385748936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a radical right winger and dress like this all the time. Not really, I just did that to work once to troll everyone. I don't really think it matters. I wear a variety of preppy things like Calvin Klein, certain style Jordan's, but will also wear nerd culture tshirts. I always liked mixing prep and nerd or ghetto and nerd. I may think Kaepernick is a sell out hypocrite fag and that Nike is a sweatshop company but alot of clothes are from sweatshops.

>> No.13738551

yeah not sure what that was all about, he was posting Cultural pics he found in natgeo's recycling bin

>> No.13738554

>Woah, dude. I'm not a tankie.
lel you think you sound erudite but you just sound like a poser. the ultimate tankie

>> No.13738575


>> No.13738776


>> No.13738778

Same, like we get it you don't have a personality so you use politics as a crutch in conversations.

>> No.13738795

Oooooh internet tough goy alert

>> No.13738797

I know /fa/ has a lot of teenagers on it but allowing blatant /pol/ threads to get this many posts is embarrassing
mods go fuck yourselves you useless faggots

>> No.13738801

ive been to italy, ive been to greece. i love greek food. im a foodie. the black people ive met say i have a lot of flavor

>> No.13738803

you sound like the guys that make the art hoe threads

>> No.13738918

What is the Zucc doing behind Balbo?

>> No.13738923
File: 57 KB, 251x246, mac tonight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No actual arguments

>> No.13738926

Politics are rarted, amd if you bring them up without good reason I don't want to talk to you.
That said, if any politics WOULD BE effay, it would obviously be anti-politics, anarchism.

>> No.13738933

>-I'm a fine art photographer with two solo gallery shows under my belt
post/link it you larping retard

>> No.13738940

anarchism is a fucking meme. The people that shill for anarchism the most are always collectivist leftists/commies or larping liberals. The closest ones to anarchism as it's defined are unironic AnCaps.

>> No.13738941

murdering billionaires is justified and also extremely fashionable

not /fa/ though, licking boot and sucking dick is the most /fa/ thing so technically
>>13737787 is correct

>> No.13739297

Fucking what¿

>> No.13739426

Amazing. Remeber when m00t would troll /pol/ constantly. His biggest mistake was to ever think he could contain the stupidity that abounds from that community.

Curious, what makes you think I'm anti intellectual or individual? What do you think my ideology is exactly?

>Hiding behind sarcasm and irony as a way to never have to face your failure is even less effay.
The comment about sarcasm was sarcastic, my man.

I think Chapo Trap House is pretty bad overall. The episodes they've done on some movies are alright, but overall they aren't very intelligent about policy issues.

Partially yes, though those things are true.

It's not my fault you can't appreciate good photography.

Finally, someone give me the validation I crave.

This is radically embarrassing.

That's not really the reason to use the word tankie.

>art hoe threads
A misspelling?

There has to be something to argue against. I can't argue against a generalized notion of "right wing" without specifics. Then I'd end up sounding like one of the 15 people responding to a generalized notion of "left" without even asking or being concerned with my actual worldview.

I would rather not have my professional work associated with 4chan, thanks.

>> No.13739472

>Most important knowledge isn't forbidden. It's just in books that people like you are too lazy to read.
But anon, they read Rand once and watch rightwing eceleb youtube videos daily! Didn't you know we're beyond the era of the Jewish book?

>> No.13739478

y i k e s

>> No.13739487

Actually individualism is a cultural standpoint. Not a political view. All Americans are inherently individualist. All Koreans and inherently collectivist. Right ir left, doesn't matter. That's a cold war misuse of a psychological term.

>> No.13739488
File: 134 KB, 776x562, overflowing toilet cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta admit, this guy's pretty dedicated to his LARP

>> No.13739497

And I’m an NYU fil-school graduate. Sucker. And the School of Visual Art in the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. You suck. You’re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig, instead of ruining the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything that’s gone wrong in this world. You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I’ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966. Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never.

>> No.13739498

I don't give a shit about the wrong political opinions itt but I just wanna say that OP's pic is accurate yet describes some of the most genuine, outstanding human beings I've ever met.

t. living in deep West Virginia

>> No.13739506

Wait how old are you?

>> No.13739537

Real question is how new are YOU?

>> No.13739539

>responding to yourself

>> No.13739588

underrated post

>> No.13739595

You suck! How dare you ruin it for everyone else!

>> No.13739616

I love how this guy just says “wrong” and immediately the fashy people get super fucking angry and start telling him hes boring, has bad taste, is a loser, etc.

>> No.13739625

If this isn't bait then I feel really bad for you

>> No.13739630

>over 100 confirmed kills

>> No.13739740

the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. libtards got trolled epic style in this thread and now you want it deleted? sad!

>> No.13739763

How many of you think Jordan Peterson is a genius?

That's literally all it takes. modern "Fascists" are the ultimate fragile bitch bois like Christopher Cantwell.

>> No.13739829
File: 260 KB, 409x720, Screenshot_20181006-150038_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey careful with you're shittalking of fascist's you libtard cuck, they might rip you apart like a goddamn sign

>> No.13739913

cantwell is a fed

>> No.13739918
File: 43 KB, 396x482, 1463856119144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I'm OP and a liberal redditor

>> No.13739976

>not fascist

>> No.13739995

Mass replies are not /fa/

>> No.13740002

>Anarchists aren't actually anarchist they're what I say they are!

>Anarchism is a meme!
>AnCap isn't a meme!

>> No.13740005

>saying /fa/scism isnt /fa/
newfags gtfo

>> No.13740019

Imagine feeling the need to defend how unique you are to a bunch of kids on the internet. I guess traveling the world and living an interesting life can't cure an inferiority complex.

This x1000

>> No.13740038


>> No.13740089


>> No.13740110

>can’t appreciate good photography

lol your idea of good photography is HCB I can’t imagine how shitty your work is. I’ve never seen such an unaware pseud in my life

>> No.13740111
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as a whole are mostly an unfashionable venture. but the most extremely unfashionable politics are those that just reduce themselves to edgy faggots roleplaying on the internet, which isn't exclusive to either left or right, but is still unfortunately commonplace.

>> No.13740336

>I would rather not have my professional work associated with 4chan, thanks.
Okay Larper

>> No.13740413

No. But I hear there is a board specifically for talking about politics if that's what you want to do.

>> No.13741291


>> No.13741300
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>> No.13741317

jesus christ anon....

>> No.13742318


>> No.13742321
File: 166 KB, 1100x842, 1492633637154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism was definitely the most aesthetic by a mile.

>> No.13742462
File: 56 KB, 520x581, D2F8A2AC-02FB-4645-A49F-57EB8727A3B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13743674
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 1538683788717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best chad image ever created

>> No.13743701

>spew some dumb shit
>people tell you to fuck off
>"Hahaha WOW guys look at the TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKES here, need a SAFE SPACE? Looks like someone's got FRAGILE EGO, guess right-wingers are just as bad as the SJWs!"
This is a top-5 annoying lib trick

>> No.13745019

Being respectful of other people's opinions is /fa/!

>> No.13745030

Deus vult, sieg heil!

>> No.13745038
File: 91 KB, 530x749, 1494100653771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13745785

based and cuckpilled

>> No.13745794

>I bet you EDC a knife or a pistol because you're such a fucking coward even just thinking about the outside world

You're a special kind of retard arn't ya. I bet you would love to kneel down and suck on your aggressor's dick if you got robbed or attacked

>> No.13745823

Anti-authoritarian is the only remotely effay ideology but actually talking about politics is one of the most uneffay things you can do. Being an activist is really fucking gay and even those white sluts you see at "X nigger died we riot now" protest are catching on that all the socialist men are beta male faggots trying to get pussy with Rick and Morty memes. You don't need to be some Marxist, kumbaya bullshitter just don't unironically thank cops and soldiers "for their service."

>I used to illegally street race in high school
Too obvious.

>> No.13746170

>Are politics /fa/?
Just like any subject, having a nuanced opinion you can discuss and refine in a civilized manner can certainly be /fa/

Also politics is cyclical:

>> No.13746255

and yet you are still someone with something to prove

>> No.13747225

No, it's not. Individualism and collectivism exist on a spectrum.

>The comment about sarcasm was sarcastic, my man.
So it was sarcasm then.

The way you talk about historical ideologies as if they truly exist today in your political opponents indicates you are more interested in larping than making an argument.

Want people to take you seriously? Stop calling people fascists or nazis. It makes you sound like a kid obsessed with the grandiose.

>> No.13748387

>-I've personally met Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Henry Kissinger, the Princess of Bahrain, and The President of Namibia.
>-I snuck a camera into the Angolan Border zone and distracted the border guards so we could get footage we needed for a documentary
>-I've been off roading through the jungles of Belize
>-I've been to the dunes of the Namib
wow you've been to some random nigger countries so cool
>-Seen the Pyramids, Parthenon, Ephesus, The Forum, Pompei, the grand canyon.
boring tourist shit everyone does
>-I've driven route 66
doesn't even deserve a comment
>-I used to illegally street race in high school
boring and criminal. also the fact that you're into racing proves your already not as interesting as whatever anon that was
>-I co-run a live music punk venue in my home town
punk is shit
-I'm a fine art photographer with two solo gallery shows under my belt
-I'm very active in my local community and was part of team that put together a majorly successful art and live music festival this year
ok these two are fine.

>> No.13748405

faggot spotted boys

>> No.13748428

It's better to be your own person and believe what you actually believe you shell of a man

>> No.13748452

Dude, literally read a book. Start with Das Kapital, the single most influential book of economic theory.

>> No.13748463

>what is neoliberalism

>> No.13748934

this is the dumbest post ever
are you seriously going to try to pick an ideology based off of how you dress?
how about you stop being a stupid npc with no inner dialogue and actually find your real morals
and realize that fashion has zero correlation

>> No.13749473





>> No.13749487
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>> No.13749542

choosing aesthetics over politics is effay

>> No.13749562
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