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/fa/ - Fashion

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13735642 No.13735642 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late /fa/ can I unfuck my shit

>> No.13735644

You legit look like a monkey
don't racemix kids

>> No.13735660

mulatto nationalism

>> No.13735869

i dont understand your problem: hair line? facial hair?
i don't get it, no stars.

>> No.13735943

Clean shaven you literally look like a fucking monkey, no offense anon. Also your forehead and temple is long and pointy, almost looking like a cone. Thus I'd grow your hair out a bit (if you even can) to try to counteract that. That's really all I've got m8, I apologize, we cannot all be /fa/ (My dad is Spanish, my mom is a spic, I got beaned) ;~;

>> No.13736013

grow more hair
lose weight

>> No.13736023

you have a cute face anon. if you hit the gym hard, shaved your face and got a fresher cut youd look so much nicer

>> No.13736104

You feel it too, don't you?
Hair is JUST, figured i'm stuck with fades for the rest of life
Thx man, no homo

>> No.13736379

>grow top of hair out, sides short
>lose some weight, don't need to go full /fit/ mode but it'll help facial aesthetics a lot
>obviously dress effay as possible

>> No.13736522 [DELETED] 

Go on Jeremy Meeks mode, lose weight, lift heavy iron, shave your head, grow a stubble beard, nigga.

>> No.13736531
File: 143 KB, 1200x676, DArviLoXUAE4AMb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on Jeremy Meeks mode, lose weight, lift heavy iron, shave your head, grow a stubble beard, nigga.

>> No.13736536

Start wearing sunglasses

>> No.13736590

grow your hair out, get dreads if possible. and lose weight

>> No.13736596

you need to hit the gym my man! you have an aggressive face, which is good but not when you are DYEL and fat like right now
get motivated and start lifting

>> No.13737129
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>> No.13737142

Cucked by Spaniards

>> No.13737147

this is the only way to go

>> No.13738083


>> No.13738289
File: 34 KB, 292x257, 1465197271018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13738815

So if I got beaned by my mom but my dad is Spanish did he conquer her or did she megacuck her oppressor???

>> No.13738828

Buzz everything

>> No.13738841
File: 35 KB, 401x271, 1BD02675-6F5B-4CD8-859D-258B35454A52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some inspo, not kidding.