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File: 208 KB, 1000x1371, 504_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13726285 No.13726285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are BMWF the most effay coupling out there? I mean look how much attention such coupling would get, doesn't matter if positive or negative. Even other mixed race coupling would not get as much attention, most people even don't care if asian/arab males would date white females.

>> No.13726297

being effay isn't just about attracting attention you fucking moron. Do you think shitting into your hand in public is effay?

>> No.13726302

could be, what are you wearing while doing it?

>> No.13726309
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>> No.13726311
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Well, what about skin contrast? Also why so angry, kek.

>> No.13726340
File: 115 KB, 736x702, blck-couple-e1518634852144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find mixed race couplings to be uneffay. They don't contrast each other well, rather, they clash.

The best looking couples are those who date within their race. A white man needs his white wife. A black king needs his black queen. This is how you have power couples.

>> No.13726366


>> No.13726387

you're free to disagree but give me your side of the argument first

>> No.13726393

Based and redpilled.

>> No.13726411

Mixed race couplings of any sort aren't effay. What's effay is things that go well together. Nothing goes better together than a European man and woman, or an African man and woman. That is how nature intended it.

>> No.13726412


>> No.13726415

Then how can mixed race people can produce offsprings if it wasn't intended?

>> No.13726423

A lion and a tiger can produce offspring too. That doesn't mean it's right.

>> No.13726433

based B L A C K E D poster making all the NEETS mad

>> No.13726437
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It is pretty darn cool though.

>> No.13726441

>That is how nature intended it.
There is so much wrong with this statement.

>> No.13726442

I know right?! I can't even...

>> No.13726444

There needs to be more studies into the affects of racemixing

>> No.13726447

>A black king needs his black queen.
I'm as black as they come and this shit always makes me laugh and feel vicarious embarrassment. Americans in general need to drop the scrabbling for old world validation and posturing by claiming royalty.

>> No.13726449

Go ahead then, explain what's wrong with it.

>> No.13726452
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birds of a feather flock together

>> No.13726458 [DELETED] 

There are plenty of studies. Most find no adverse effects outside of people constantly wondering what race your parents are.

>> No.13726462


>> No.13726463

>I disagree with this, therefore it's wrong.

Mixed couple anon here. I'm jamaican and my girl is a bleach white italian/irish. We talk about the skin contrast all the time, we're very attractive together. I'm more of a caramel though, complexion wise, so it works better I think.

My point is, that anon offers a compelling contrasting argument, this culture of "it's wrong because I don't agree with it" is the only part of this exchange that's wrong.

>> No.13726465

There are plenty of studies. Most find no adverse affects outside of people constantly wondering what race your parents are.

>> No.13726466

Bullshit, they produce offspring, but that offspring is infertile by nature, so nature not intended it. But with humans it's different, cause mixed race offsprings are fertile.

>> No.13726481

One, we're the same species and originate from the same place. A lion and tiger, to use your example, belong to the same genus of the cat family but are different species.

Two, diversifying the gene pool is literally how a species sustains itself. If you only fuck people that look like you for thousands and thousands of years you end up like Britain or Japan. And I'll let you in on a secret, Europeans are very likely to have small amounts of Neanderthal DNA whereas sub-Saharan Africans do not because their people never migrated. So it's pretty likely your family has been mixed with another species for millions of years.

>> No.13726488

>we're the same
Oh no no no no

>> No.13726489
File: 160 KB, 331x10000, he_top_hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill all niggers

>> No.13726497

Stop fetishizing interracial relationships

>> No.13726501

Neanderthals are literally what makes Europeans European. I also don't understand your implication that there's something wrong with Britain or Japan. And even if there was, look at Iceland, a completely secluded and homogenous country. They're doing just fine, they produce incredibly strong men and incredibly attractive women in fact.

>> No.13726505

imagine being a nigger

>> No.13726509


Vikings, kings, descendants of native american princesses and French, German, British and Scottish nobility.

>> No.13726513

besides the fact that mixed race children feel a constant sense of alienation, many times have multiple mental illnesses and will never be able to avoid rejection on the basis of innate tribalism

>> No.13726548
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>> No.13726586

Unsettling truth for race purists, we all mixed race to a degree, especially depending on how much genetic difference you care about to draw the line.

>> No.13726644
File: 46 KB, 492x480, 57123423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, certainly effay.
By the time everyone becomes a mutt with brown skin, hair and eyes being tall, blonde and blue eyed will basically give you god-like status.
>Tfw not living in 2200 in a very small community of elite 100% face specimen enjoying the eternal admiration of inferior brownies with no coloring wishing they could be you.

>> No.13726773

based and redpilled

>> No.13726782

Will the hate on mutts unite pure bred white and black people?

>> No.13726787
File: 100 KB, 662x617, IMG_5262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13726801

How do I get a black boyfriend? Asking for a friend

t. white girl

>> No.13726843

It should

>> No.13727577

Yes... And it will be a wonderful world where 100%ers of all races laugh at the muggles.

>> No.13727623

Nice nitpicking

>> No.13727633

>I'd cherry pick a response to your nitpicking but there just isn't enough African achievement to even manage that.

>> No.13727648

Non argument

>> No.13727653

Buttblasted Subhuman

>> No.13727697

Gingers arent white

>> No.13727715

There is literally 0 royalty in America, considering all the nobility stayed in Europe, you know managing their lands... Oh, and nigger.

>> No.13727753

Your pic does not look godlike but like a caveman. It's crazy how people with beauty standards like that call others like africans primitive.

>> No.13727775

girls who race mix are great because it's a clear indicator that they're mentally ill trash

>> No.13727777

If women found ayy lmao faces more beautiful than chadmorphs then millennials would all be happily married.

>> No.13727785

uh no sweetie, the white man's duty is to COLONIZE