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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 127 KB, 675x1200, 1538024409521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13713836 No.13713836 [Reply] [Original]

if backpacks are mocking tier what should we be using?

>> No.13713845

Girls are fucking stupid

>> No.13713855

u shouldnt carry anything at all
why would you walk around carrying stuff anyway
thats dumb af

>> No.13713865

Briefcases and messenger bags

>> No.13713871


Never carry a purse, briefcase, messenger bag, backpack with 1 strap etc.

Always wear your backpack using both straps. Putting too much weight on one side of your body puts too much stress which causes inflammation, poor posture, and eventual chronic back pain.

If you don't use a backpack, please use a fanny pack or a stroller.

>> No.13713886

This was probably taken by a guy who thinks brief cases are "classy."

>> No.13713888
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I'm not really concerned about taking fashion advice from her

>> No.13713918
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>> No.13713965

The picture says her name is Christine

>> No.13713995


>> No.13714001

with that logic you shouldn't even walk, just use your mobility scooter to go everywhere so you don't have to carry anything

>> No.13714036

>Putting too much weight on one side of your body puts too much stress which causes inflammation, poor posture, and eventual chronic back pain.

/fit/ here. the absolute fucking state of this board holy shit

>> No.13715127


stop being such insecure weaklings

>> No.13715132


>> No.13715142

I use w. I want.

>> No.13715611

what kinda of gentlesir uses snapchat or whatever that is.

>> No.13715625

You're right in theory. Anything that causes imbalance on your spine is a potential cause for health problems, however unless you're a little child or a frail elderly person this won't have a significant effect on you.

>> No.13715631

Even though she is an ooga booga Hamburger goblin I have to agree. We had a homeroom teacher back in highschool who wore backpacks and already kinda dressed immaturely and always looked like a student among us and wouldn't command much respect from the other teachers either.

>> No.13716739

there's a difference between static weight and just working out
with working out you're stressing your body so that it becomes stronger
but if you have a constant uneven stress then your body is just going to adapt to that and conform to it. Just fucking look at those pictures of nerds who hang their head at a strange angle from years of poor posture. Technically it puts stress on the neck but that doesn't make them stronger.

>> No.13716749

>but if you have a constant uneven stress then your body is just going to adapt to that and conform to it.

yes, if you have absolutely no muscle mass to speak of, chronic problems will arise from what is otherwise an insignificant amount of stress to a fit adult.

the A B S O L U T E state of this board

>> No.13716797

Very small amounts of uneven weight over long periods of time will mess with you even if you are fit af.

If you are fit I hope you take care of yourself mate.

>> No.13716804
File: 1.21 MB, 723x900, tumblr_nejf0dfxU91r8vrhxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's wearing a backpack????????

>> No.13716851

no they won't. this is how i know you're not fit.

>> No.13716952

Its different, where else will she keep her snacks?

>> No.13716995
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>> No.13717002

Listen, the thing about stuff like this is most of the time it's coming from dumb people with poor impulse control.
People that are even slightly polite think it, keep it to themselves, forget about it moments later.
Because it is coming from a dumb person that means you should not take it at face value as much as look for possibly underlying causes.
Look at this guy's shitty physique and terrible posture. Would this person really respect him if he didn't have the backpack? No. They'd have looked at him, been disgusted, found something else to bully.
If this guy had close-cropped hair, great posture and a powerful physique I'll bet you ten bucks this person would have not bullied him even for having a fucking spongebob or adventure time backpack.

>> No.13717005
File: 3.38 MB, 4656x3492, IMG_20180928_023619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at a stoplight in front of a train station today, waiting for the train to pass. The 40 or so passengers getting off the train had come from the city presumably where they work. A large amount, maybe 50 percent of them had backpacks. Form this I conclude that no it is not childish to wear a backpack. I would like to add that a unique black backpack goes a long way in overall appearance.

>> No.13717007

If you looked at their shoes about 50% of the men were probably wearing cheap ass pointy-toed abominations made out of leather deemed unacceptable for making rawhide chew toys.
So, just because a lot of people do it does not mean it's something you should do yourself.

>> No.13717043

True. But my opinion is that society doesn't see backpacks as childish in the right scenario.

>> No.13717072

Talk to a physio, you wouldn't trust bro science when it comes to gains, why do you trust it when it comes to your spine?

>> No.13717083

>have back pack on one strap, have about 8-10lb worth of shit in it
>carry it to work, take it off, 30-40 minute commute of insignificant weight
>carry it home from work, same amount of time
>go to gym, deadlift 330lb for 10 reps to keep my spinal erectors fit and symmetrical

do you see how scientifically, mathematically, and physiologically, you're retarded? i don't have to talk to a physio because I'm not so fucking weak that my backpack is giving me scoliosis.

>> No.13717339
File: 25 KB, 460x374, christine-sydelko-1-1519127017-view-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fat cunt can't really talk

>> No.13717341

Holy fucking shit absolutely disgusting

>> No.13717376

How do I into burger-core??

>> No.13717377
File: 20 KB, 340x311, what the hell isa wronga with you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this a human being?

>> No.13717383
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>> No.13717393


>> No.13717414

I have a job that affords me a lot of down time, during which I read. Since I don't have a car and bike or walk to work, a backpack is ideal for me.

I was actually thinking about this the other day. Here I am 30 years old still carrying a backpack with my books in it.

>> No.13717497

Here in nyc everyone wears backpacks of some sort. IDK what they do in flyover states.

>> No.13717535

I live in Minnesota. We wear backpacks.

>> No.13717605

Don't know. I got myself a sleek Samsonite backpack recently that looks more business and "grown up"

>> No.13717767


His backpack will have a longer life than her

>> No.13717849


Do you carry a brief case everywhere you go? Those are outdated. Backpacks are fine, if you want to dress it up having a messenger bag isn't inappropriate. Men have shit to carry when they need to get work done that does not require a tool belt. Documents aren't really circulated with paper anymore so you need to carry a laptop which is where the backpacks come in. Only NEETs and minimum wage employees would think it's weird to have a bag to carry your work or even gym clothes in.

>> No.13717864

even in italy backpacks are now a standard in the corporate world
briefcases are boomer corrupt politician tier

>> No.13717960

Nice to know that your half hour at the gym is equivalent to being a doctor.

>> No.13718011

cross body bags you retards. Backpacks are terrible because you can't get shit out of them easily.

>> No.13718045
File: 191 KB, 1540x1001, lookbook-modmedia-3386-page-41366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wear this maxpedition bag thats kind of an inbetween from a backpack and a messenger bag

its kind of odd looking but it holds 15 liters and can be rigged to hang from either shoulder

i wish more normie brands adopted this "sling pack" concept

>> No.13718046


>> No.13718060

you would look less retarded if you wore your backpack reverse

>> No.13718065

the best part is she says she "asexual"
wonder why

>> No.13718658

Youre full of shit roidmonkey

>> No.13718669

>Do you carry a brief case everywhere you go? Those are outdated.
says who? dumbfuck? yeah bro i put all my work papers into a my binder and put it into my backpack LMAO what is this 5th grade

>> No.13718687


>> No.13718702

Its fine if you are in health and have a light load (like one notebook and a 300ml water bottle).

>> No.13718952


First post ITT but a 330 deadlift is literal bitch weight and putting stress on one shoulder will cause spinal deformities, which will lead to scoliosis-esque spinal complications. You're really retarded and give that board a terrible name

>> No.13719491

this is true. obviously women are weaklings, but common complaint is carry a purse on one shoulder will make you sore at the end of the day. that's like 3lbs maybe, extrapolate that to a male and a backpack with a laptop, water bottle, etc and it will make you sore because it's bad for your back.

>> No.13719626

>putting stress on one shoulder will cause spinal deformities

If you're growing still yes. If you're an adult no.
>330 is bitch weight for deadlifts
Literally nobody who lifts would say this which leads me to believe you're a neckbeard pretending to know things about fitness.

Stop pretending to be knowledgeable, it's blowing your cover.

>> No.13719752

you wanna know how i know you don't lift at all

>> No.13719755

Are you retarded? Can you not read?

>> No.13720751


>> No.13720787
File: 73 KB, 533x505, 27545488_2390675814279515_7282702469137348018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13720796

w2c that backpack?

>> No.13720798

Snapchat was a mistake.

>> No.13721089


>> No.13721173

More like 560%. Bitch is like five of me.

>> No.13721185


>> No.13721200


>> No.13721235

Sour grapes.
I've seen this before, but this girl earned her place being mocked on the internet forever for being an obese cunt and posting some random dude secretly just to make fun of him.

>> No.13721245
File: 2.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180929-152419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ the bar for women is so low.

>> No.13721257

what's an effay messenger bag that can fit a 15-inch laptop
if it's got some waterproofing, even better

>> No.13721937

>fa is so insecure that they'll listen to a fat redneck bitch

>> No.13721938

If it makes you feel better she most likely spends at least one night a week crying into a pint of Ben and Jerry's

>> No.13721948

guarantee thats a gay friend

>> No.13721951

See this picture is embarrassing for the cunt who took the photo.

You know what kinds of ADULTS wear backpacks, uh....hikers, bikers, motorcycles riders, technicians, any kind of student from grade school to graduate school, business professionals or anyone wanted to carry things while having their FUCKING HANDS FREE!

This is the dumbest post I've seen but it's outdone by the MORON who took the picture to begin with thinking this was a thing that needed stating.

Whomever took this picture and posted this comment should have their gay phone shoved up their own ass vigorously!

>> No.13721953

Reminder to be careful where you get your insecurities from.

>> No.13721967

It's crazy that she has over 900,000 followers on twitter. I wonder if they are all fat women?

>> No.13721972

>Do you carry a brief case everywhere you go? Those are outdated. Backpacks are fine

I actually posted
I don't think it's the bag itself getting this guy shat on.

That said: backpack and suit looks like hot garbage, there's no way around that. People will excuse it because they understand you've got shit and you need to carry it but aesthetically it is bad.

>> No.13722023

When I wear a backpack, both straps on, it makes a sweat patch on my back :(

>> No.13722025

Still waiting for the spontaneous combustion

>> No.13722230


>> No.13722237

caring about your health and posture is part of being /fa/ btw. youll never make it

>> No.13722258

>>13713888 (checked and heiled + 1/2 heil)
This is America.

>> No.13722276
File: 101 KB, 983x555, hypebeast more like hambeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's not the backpack itself but the whole "46 year old NEET virgin with bad posture and hair" look, plus she seems like the kind of twitter cunt who just likes to stir up retarded "drama" like she's the next whoever

>> No.13722337

how can u look like that and have the balls to come at anyone?

>> No.13722354

fat people don't even look like human beings imo

>> No.13722358

What a stupid fucking whore

>> No.13722362

Checked and kek’d

>> No.13722568

It gets funnier when you realize it's a land whale who put that on their story

>> No.13723235

This girl I know who used to be hot and bitchy started gaining weight so now shes fat and bitchy. This will be her in a few years.

>> No.13723237

She retweeted something that says "who gave you permission to exist?"

>> No.13723359

that good. I just dislike bullies in general. I feel like the era of recording things with your phone made it worse.

>> No.13723558

Are some people really so retarded as to think grown ups aren't supposed to wear backpacks?

>> No.13724130

caring about how far you're hunched forward and about how much you look like you "don't care" isn't caring about health or posture faggot

>> No.13724281

>polish for jew.

>> No.13724695

You think repetitive stress on one side does not cause imbalance in your musculoskeletal alignment? I invite you to see where the knots are on your back and tell me if it's even.