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File: 40 KB, 674x720, leash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13708614 No.13708614 [Reply] [Original]

I am an Asian girl (5'3''). How do I dress to attract white Chads with yellow fever?

>> No.13708615

if they have yellow fever just exist lmao

>> No.13708617

no, you're a white faggot

>> No.13708618

there is objectively no reason to lie on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.13708623 [DELETED] 
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>Hello, i am an girl

>> No.13708624


>> No.13708625
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>Hello, i am a girl

>> No.13708627

As another 5'3" Asian (albeit half) girl , I'm gonna say thigh high socks, hair bows, pleated / circle skirts are your best bet. The cutesy look plays into their idealization more than the thotty ABG one

>> No.13708629


>> No.13708632

>The cutesy look plays into their idealization more

What if they mistake me for someone younger and more innocent than I am?

Chads usually aren't too interested in wallflowers.

>> No.13708633
File: 211 KB, 900x1352, acasc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking traitor whores.

>> No.13708639

I'm not even into white guys mu u, but just telling op what will work

Thigh high socks don't look innocent on adult women. It looks quite sexy

>> No.13708646

as a 5'2" 100 lb asian girl, those pieces are cringey/costumey when put together
just wear what suits you and your vibe

>> No.13708654

Okay, Walter.

>> No.13708663
File: 39 KB, 719x720, 62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything showing off legs basically. That will maximise your cute smol appeal.

You are already short so I'm sure it won't be hard if you are even remotely forward.

>> No.13708665

What gives you the right to call me a whore for preferring certain men?!

Does any man ever get called 'whore' for preferring certain women? Don't think so!


>> No.13708672

Yeah this is basically me (except I'm the white guy).

>> No.13708683

post pics, bet you ain't a chad, but yr average "i prefer asians" basement dweller.

>> No.13708687

And...are you an angry Asian guy?

>> No.13708693

Dress however you want, approach one and ask him out.
Even if you're uggs it's hard for most men to pass up easy sex.

>> No.13708697

as a jew, i am technically asian, i guess.

>> No.13708704

Bleached Palestinians are in no way comparable to Chinese, Koreans or Japanese stop fooling yourself

>> No.13708706


Pics proving your Chadness please

>> No.13708710

I’m not even that guy lol it’s just so pathetic trying to pass your jewness as being Korean or something you sad little weeb why don’t you post your pic proving how ”””asian””” you are lmao

>> No.13708713

I disproved his assumption I’m Asian by saying I’m Jewish, you retard

>> No.13708717

where are these pictures from

>> No.13708757

actually I tend to call my friends racists or idiots if they prefer a certain race

t. dude

>> No.13708760

girl don't racemix, you will be happier with your own race.

>> No.13708762

Says someone who browses /pol/ all day and never came close to being loved.

>> No.13708766

OP post pics of how you usually dress

>> No.13708816

u already did

>> No.13708906

Just by existing you mean?

>> No.13708909


>> No.13708958

reverse search and there should be a zip

>> No.13708988
File: 56 KB, 475x597, edvdsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better go back to the kitchen and cook us a meal, degenerate whore. Know where your place is.

>> No.13708990

Please tell me you black dudes

>> No.13709001


>> No.13709186

What the fuck is average height for a female if it isn't 5'3? literally not even small.

>> No.13709338

If you dress too cute, you won't attract them at all, they'll just be afraid to talk to you. Just dress and speak as fobby and autistic as possible.

>> No.13709388
File: 166 KB, 1024x1024, 1462667353103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, white chads go for white, latina or black girls. The autistic ones are REALLY into your kind.

>> No.13709393

too small. dropped

>> No.13709403

>Yellow fever
Pick 1

>> No.13709407

>white Chads with yellow fever
only lonely weaboos like asians, chad is too busy boning 10/10 white pussy

>> No.13709480

Your clothes don't matter. The thing is yall are always in groups with a bunch of other Asians so it seems hard to approach you. They are all speaking their own language so I wouldn't be able to participate in the conversation and it would be super awkward. I sort of figure they don't want to talk to white guys.

>> No.13709811


>> No.13709906
File: 31 KB, 500x462, 1527476875254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice LARPing OP; i hope you are getting off to it

>> No.13709907

If you really a gook you should be smart enough to know both of those are really ugly white guys.

>> No.13709908

apparently we're all petite asian girls here
sign me in lads.

>> No.13709926

>tfw you're a 6'2 happa that got all of your dad's god tier white genes, raised to asian academic/work standards, but plagued with a painfully average and unproportional dick
>tfw every qt asian you know at uni only fucks black guys

>> No.13709929

>every qt asian you know at uni only fucks black guys

Not true!

>> No.13709938

it is if your school is a stone's throw away form an hbcu

>> No.13709967

He looks like a fucking acorn.

>> No.13709970

But what do those Blacks have that others dont

>> No.13709972

based r/hapas poster

>> No.13709975

tfw I am a brown girl who is only considered asian geographically

>> No.13709991

big dicks and a buck wild fuck style

>> No.13710003

>as a jew, i am technically asian
As a jew, you are technically a rodent.

>> No.13710005

So just kill them all, idiot.

>> No.13710010

Aint those just /pol/cel stereotypes?

>> No.13710069

How did this meme even start? I could probably have counted the WMAF couples I had seen at my college on my hands while Asian couples were everywhere

>> No.13710081

Unless freakishly tall, your height won't make a difference as a woman. As for the rest of your question, it really depends on what you consider a Chad. If you're even moderately good looking you can probably snag yourself an 8/10 white dude, if you look like a kpop girl you could have whoever you want. Manner of dressing isn't that important if you're going after guys with yellow fever but skirts with nylons and comfy sweaters looks good on any girl. I can't give any more specific advice unless you post what you look like.

Also if in NYC post phone number

>> No.13710105

they're just widely known stereotypes my guy

>> No.13710241

I went to a boarding school with communal showers and every black guy was hung like fucking crazy. There wasn't a single one with a small dick.

>> No.13710256

I'm friends with a massive black man built like a quarterback he and says his dick is only 6 inches, but he isn't insecure about it because it's more than enough to please a woman.

>> No.13710258


>> No.13710265
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>> No.13710278

That's surprising. The ones I went to school with were easily six inches soft. Maybe they weren't growers though.

>> No.13710285

its 5'5 womanlets

>> No.13710329

>t. didn't read 19th century explorers
That's not /fa/ but more ot the point, if you had you'd know that black guys don't have a notably bigger erect size than anybody else whereas they're strongly showers. The further north you get the more people tend to be growers, basically for thermal reasons.

>> No.13710344

blue fever

>> No.13710347


Shut up, femlet.

>> No.13710353

That's interesting but disappointing. It doesn't really matter but my whole life I have thought something that turned out to be wrong. I wonder how different my life would be if I knew that. When you say North, do you mean where their heritage is from or where they are currently located? I'm from the South and I'm a grower, if I go to New York am I going to have a baby dick?

>> No.13710356

exactly. if you have any self respect as an asian girl you should avoid dudes with yellow fever like the plague, even if they're attractive

>> No.13710360

No, you idiot. It's based off evolution. Races that historically were located in the Northern hemisphere tend to be growers. The ones that historically were located around the equator are showers.

If you were an eskimo or a European in ancient times and you had a big swinging soft dick all the time it was much easier for it to get frostbite and therefore remove you from the generpool. And you also don't want to be a shower if you're engaged in combat because more dick surface area means that it becomes a bigger target for enemy weapons.

>> No.13710413

>t. coping chink

>> No.13710480

Girls don’t care about dick size as much as popular Jewish media would lead you to believe

>> No.13710481

>qt asian
you mean literal whores lmao

>> No.13710482

i'm an asian girl with a white bf who doesn't have yellow fever. but i have no preference for white guys, i just like lanky skinny boys. he prefers short skinny girls with dark hair, which is most asian women. but we almost never think about each other's race and it's better that way. if the only reason he was into me was my race then i would be deeply insecure and unhappy considering there are billions of short dark haired girls on this planet. you'll understand if you get into a relationship

>> No.13710486

i'm actually dating a hapa qt but nice larp, xi ling

>> No.13710554

>dark hair
Bleach it you disgusting FOB.

>> No.13710744

white chads dont have yellow fever they only go for stacies, you could however attract a right wing 4chan tard

>> No.13710848


>> No.13710850

>chads aren't interested in wallflowers
chads don't have a particular fetish for asian chicks either, your point?

>> No.13711145

Your height doesn’t matter without knowing your weight/body type. how much do you weigh? Post pics

>> No.13711150

I actually know a few that do lol, I’ve even seen a chavvy looking lad with an Asian girl before. Of course it’s very rare but does happen

>> No.13711169

Aquafresh poster here,
6"2 is the average for a woman here, men are around 6"4 on avg.
5"3 is small af

>> No.13711215

They will absolutely never date you. But then again most gookcels and deathnikks think any not-fat guy with blonde hair and blue eyes are Chad due to their pathological worship of nerdicness

>> No.13711251
File: 78 KB, 511x496, bogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my dick is longer than the average man in your country

>> No.13711303
File: 148 KB, 1024x630, B88344271Z.1_20170102152039_000+GIQQU93J.1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being an autistic chad in china/korea/japan

>> No.13711330

t. asian boy

>> No.13711597


>> No.13711613

not a chad, just autistic

>> No.13711701

I'll tell you if you tell me how to dress to attract cute 5'3" Asian girls

>> No.13711726

Given a choice, a woman is going to choose a dick that satisfies her more. Most are just apathetic or complacent to small/average because they can still get off with clitoris stimulation.

>> No.13711728

>i can't refute what this person is saying so i accuse them of larping
yellow fever is digusting, just accept it

>> No.13711800

Thank you anonette I agree. I'm south asian and my gf is an asian qt as well. Yellow fever is fucking weird and cringe. People accuse me of it as well but I'm far from it. I hate the submissive shy type from the stereotype, a bitch just gotta be bad and have a personality of her own.

>> No.13711965

How would your ‘asian qt’ feel knowing you’re justifying your relationship with her on a 4chan race bait thread?

>> No.13711968


>> No.13711969

You’re both absolute freaks then, perfect for each other

>> No.13712342

I'm >>13711800 not >>13711968 that's someone else. I'm not justifying it's just a point where I can relate. She wouldn't care though

>> No.13712346


>> No.13712379

Until someone makes one of those bbc threads and selfbumps it in order to make anons insecure.

>> No.13712385

>having a chad jawline
>still looking beta even without the septum

At least you can do math and shit.

>> No.13712392
File: 85 KB, 350x494, Screenshot_20180926-211205_Mimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop miring the caucasian masterrace.

It's over for Asia.

>> No.13712421

cope, chang

>> No.13712451

Literally just said I'm not a chang. An hero, Svenn

>> No.13712458

thanks for being sane

>> No.13712473

Blacks fought just as much tho, if not more

>> No.13712477

>We almost never think about each other's race

>> No.13712486

Unironically thigh highs and skirts.

>> No.13712501

sure, chang

>> No.13712570

>tfwiw spit on that nasty ass cracker

>> No.13712579
File: 610 KB, 1200x900, P1000852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asia is taking over by they masters

>> No.13712623

sure mutt

>> No.13712721

Okay adolf

>> No.13712747
File: 347 KB, 877x966, 20180926_150034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some avg ass white sperg with a lazy eye gets straight Wu Zhou's finest gene select.

Haoroi on Suricide Watch.

>> No.13713510

You're not even human, kike.

>> No.13713652
File: 37 KB, 440x386, 1537942382489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fat weaboo wh*te male still pulls more asian tail then asian men can ever get

l m f a o

>> No.13713719

>South Asians


>> No.13713827
File: 456 KB, 804x876, 1531342028418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white bf who doesn't have yellow fever
>doesn't have yellow fever

>> No.13714986
File: 57 KB, 550x652, Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how great asia would get when they masters taking over.

>> No.13714994

ITT: fat white males

>> No.13715046

I don't get why they're all posing around this dude, he's a 5 /10 who's overweight.

>> No.13715061
File: 734 KB, 2322x4128, NPakrDm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's white, that's all you need to be.

>> No.13715109

poor little asian ""men""

>> No.13715762

Them white fever goggles.

>> No.13715766

Asian men didn't make a whole thread of circle jerking wmaf because they probably got offended or triggered in that other thread. White guys did. Funny how that keeps happening.

>> No.13716443

I am the white chad with yellow fever, took a Chinese intl students virginity last weekend and fucking my other Asian fwb this weekend. If u want to attract me than go on tinder lol

>> No.13716453

hahahaha keep coping lee xin

>> No.13716470

you guys are fags

just be an arthoe arthoes of all races are high quality for fuckin'

>> No.13716485


>> No.13716489

I briefly saw a chinese girl, this ALL happened in the space of a MONTH

>asks me to come over on first date, doesn’t wanna fuck as she’s a virgin
>fuck on second date anyway
>she starts getting really weird, over possessive
>bit my nipple for falling asleep first
>tried to finger my arsehole whilst covering my mouth for falling asleep first
>I checked her phone one day and there was about 30 pictures of me sleeping
>broke up with her after one month as she was talking about getting married and having children and she threatened to kill herself, show up at my parents house, said I owe her £1000 but if I get back with her she won’t make me pay it
>she messaged some girl I was seeing calling her a whore, posted all over Facebook about how I’m a cunt, sent a shitton of messages to various friends and family members

Needless to say I told her fuck off and went about my business, the whole asian gf thing isn’t really worth it haha

>> No.13716496


>> No.13716502

dude that wasnt cause she's asian, but because she has bordeline personality disorder

>> No.13716536

Arthoes aren't high quality anything. Before Arthoe threads started popping up on here I would wonder "who the fuck actually finds these bitches attractive?" But now I understand it's the same dumb faggots that make "is X effay?" threads.

>> No.13716545

Lmao textbook bpd

>> No.13716593

>10/10 white pussy
doesnt exist

>> No.13716711

>What if they mistake me for someone younger
The type who lust after Asians won't be bothered by that.

>> No.13716725

>bit my nipple for falling asleep first
lmao this is some classic nutter shit

>> No.13716882

>only ever seen white ""men"" with uggos and trannies in my country

>> No.13716887
File: 45 KB, 377x635, 414ba9f5-62f4-4636-b77c-9a92eac13e0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White men who date asian women

>> No.13717351
File: 79 KB, 922x578, neckpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that goofy faggot needs to take the neckpill asap

>> No.13717542

she lied about being a virgin

>> No.13717939
File: 104 KB, 750x557, A6C5C9DE-B814-4FFB-B2D3-684CC0F6F338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is the product of a nerdy white guy and Asian female.
Master race of the future.
Imagine if it was a handsome white father, unlimited potential

>> No.13717950

u mean the girl who tried to drag my name through the mud and finger my ass is impure? this information is shocking to me

>> No.13717972

It's pretty similar to being a whore though, sincce whores prefer certain men.(the ones that give them money)

>> No.13717989

Dress like a street-walker and you can get them to have sex with you. Having a semi-successful relationship with one is out of the question for you. You aren't the least bit flattered as a white guy by someone appreciating you for your race unless you are trash.

>> No.13718007
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>> No.13718491


>> No.13718699

This entire thread is cope Joe Bob.

>> No.13718836

This but make it more subtle, Skirts and thigh-highs/stockings are def a good one.. no sailor shirts though, that looks like cosplay and super slutty

>> No.13718953

What does Oklahoma have to do with anything?

>> No.13718976
File: 105 KB, 960x960, nPhKCEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you bleached her or she riced you, don't sure about that.

>> No.13718980


Thanks Kanye, very cute!

>> No.13718984

whatever you do just remember to play up your sexuality. that's all they think you are good for anyway.

>> No.13718991

You guys ever see white female asian male couples? I do sometimes but its very rare

>> No.13719124
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>> No.13719449
File: 219 KB, 750x785, 1BE0DE2B-FA6D-4771-8345-79B3844F3280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a Hispanic girl. I’m thin and pale but I don’t feel I can pull of the cute Asian girl look bc I’m not petite. I’m a d cup and my hips are kinda wide. Can I do it /fa/?

>> No.13719451
File: 136 KB, 581x546, howaboutit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian 5'3"
Yes hello chad with yellow fever here.
Really though, no shit, by definition, our desire for you aesthetically STARTS at a huge level- as far as I'm concerned, if you have interest in fashion and put together A look - something I can respect even if it's not my personal ideal - that puts you fucking light-years above everyone else.
I'm pretty sure this would apply to most people like me who have a thing for Asians, who DON'T just want you to appear as close to a literal hentai babe as possible- which would really be a turn-off for me personally, if you purposely tried to act like an anime stereotype.

>> No.13719485
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Not nearly as many as the other way around but I've been seeing a ton of it here in Seattle.

>> No.13719495
File: 343 KB, 1280x1704, tumblr_owftqeswGD1tjw456o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a spanish guy and I prefer asian girls over other ethnicities because their eyes are sexy, I like dark hair and petite body.
Also girls from non white background, barring ghetto trash, tend to have better personalities since they are underdogs in society.

But 4channers will tell me I have yellow fever
Just fucking lol @ you
Stay seething

>> No.13719504
File: 121 KB, 912x912, e1m5edf--t59fwjK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to check out bbypocahontas on reddit and copy her
you might turn lesbian though

>> No.13719656

You can probably pull it off, just keep in mind the larger those features are the more the look shifts from cute to sexy. Post a pic if you don't mind so we can get a better idea of if you can make it work.

>> No.13719673
File: 85 KB, 759x1092, 1528515766190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time pro white and asian mixes are posted they're always of a girl

that's because your boys will look like eliot rodger 2.0s who will hate themselves and their family for making them feminine

its the tradeoff for producing qt female mixes

>> No.13719885

i'll point out the obvious and say that it depends on what the mother looks like. i have seen some ugly squash eyed women have ugly squash eyed kids, and i have seen model tier women have cute looking kids. the asian mothers genes will dominate the face of her kids, so ugly in = ugly out. the man contributes too, but white gets riced out of the way to a large extent.

>> No.13720006
File: 87 KB, 958x958, a40133639fd59be8b4a4cb6356702a77b327a011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normie/incel white guys get the top tier asian girls, also checked.

>> No.13720377

>that's because your boys will look like eliot rodger 2.0s who will hate themselves and their family for making them feminine
instead of whining they can become rich tho
or gay
even being funny could be enough

>> No.13720387

also, a slightly oversized denim/military jacket or dufflecoat

>> No.13720393
File: 56 KB, 640x566, 85DEC5A3-1C04-47A8-9136-661373C0FF8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine their son

>> No.13720403
File: 140 KB, 640x861, imnMPjT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eurasian masterrace

>> No.13720425
File: 51 KB, 636x382, 41CE113900000578-0-image-a-45_1498570717801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if they mistake me for someone younger and more innocent than I am?
That's the point

>> No.13720427

there are literally hundreds of thousands of attractive male asians, maybe even millions and you pick a guy with coin slit eyes and the most disgusting chiselled jawline i've ever seen

>> No.13720436
File: 40 KB, 650x365, 20171228000983_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because white men think everybody wants someone with yuge jawlines

>> No.13720485

>dat picture
That is the reward of taking excellent care of your skin throughout your years. While most Westerners are tanning their skin into leather every summer and looking two decades older than they are, they're achieving the opposite.

>> No.13720505
File: 213 KB, 1358x969, 5SKe8VW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chiselled jawline

Choose one, fag

>> No.13720961

Left. Only insecure men think right looks better, the same people that think women like Arnold size muscles

>> No.13720980

The only women who want kpop fags are the female version of onions boys and lesbians

>> No.13720990
File: 295 KB, 1200x800, 2013-anime-midwest-1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO are white weeb girls mostly mentally ill(millions of fuckfriends, seeking attention etc.).

>> No.13721085


>> No.13721113

There is only one thing worse than a weeb and that's a femweeb

>> No.13721218
File: 100 KB, 480x454, 1537797248946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-wait this many women are on 4chan?
WTF, how can i post here knowing a female is reading my posts?

>> No.13721289
File: 198 KB, 825x546, 1538165640879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an asian girl with a white bf who doesn't have yellow fever.
>a white bf who doesn't have yellow fever.
>white doesn't have yellow fever.


>> No.13721490

why are so many white guys attracted to asians?

>> No.13721500
File: 307 KB, 543x424, 1477635538422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a specific race of girls prefer your kind, wouldn't you attracted to them?

>> No.13721504
File: 86 KB, 775x590, 1536975747939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because anime but it's weird because most anime characters look white

>> No.13721513
File: 229 KB, 1022x1143, IMG_3863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp

Only on 4chins. Besides, most real chinks/nips/gooks are uggos.

>> No.13722021

ofc you can't pull it off you're not asian. It's going to come off as cringey

>> No.13722053

90% of those are Chinese tho lmao

>> No.13722060

they're korean

>> No.13722090

You're splitting hairs, anons

>> No.13722098

>Asian female, needs advice attracting white male
seems legit lol

>> No.13722106

yeh is it possible a person can be this retarded? i guess its why racist politics etc actually works, a lot of ppl really do see things solely through the lense of race

>> No.13722110

sadly true, hapa boys are beta and autistic, the girls have the best of everything

>> No.13722114

hes not incel, quite normal/decent looking actually

>> No.13722129

You only hear about the beta/autistic ones. The hapa chads don't obsess over not getting pussy like Elliot or whining about the white man like "asian masculinity".

>> No.13722196


Maybe apt for the seriously obsessed outcast weebs, but certainly not THE explanation.

Personally, I don't have a fucking clue, certainly not
I just...prefer their aesthetic- who knows why, tons of reasons I guess, even genetics? I also have slight preferences regarding other races- like how I'm simply not really attracted to black girls at all, and I'm by no means racist. I think part of it for me is, I generally prefer lighter skin tones (dislike tans / tan lines, hate fake tans), and am naturally drawn to abnormal/unique aesthetics- so because I'm white and was raised in white af Washington, this makes Asians the lightest-skinned most unique race. It also just so happens Asian styles, particularly Japanese styles seem to resonate with me.
Other styles I resonate with are Scandinavian and Slavic- so I'm pretty sure if I was, for example, Asian and raised surrounded by Asians, Scandinavian or Slavic women would be the most attractive to me.

>> No.13722316

sounds like a desire to produce strong hybrid offspring instead of inbreds

>> No.13722339
File: 196 KB, 500x270, 1515193837_ryuko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All pure breeds are inbreed
Image being this antiwhite

>> No.13722430


Mumblerap was a mistake

>> No.13722445

how about we just admit that asian girls are cute and have tight puzzies

>> No.13722455

its true, my brother got the short end of the stick

>> No.13722480

Have you heard of roleplaying? People get off on it and OP is of course fucking lying are you retarded?

>> No.13722489
File: 1.85 MB, 2160x1440, 1516597894624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>in college
> how to get asian Gf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Help me fa

>> No.13722493
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, 1537833986117.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this video makes me feel a certain type of way fellas...

>> No.13722636

It's no different than getting any other type of woman. The exception being that if you're white, are handsome to some degree, and aren't socially autistic you have an automatic boost.

>> No.13723115

hurt me a little bit desu

>> No.13723133
File: 1.25 MB, 750x750, 1517888045245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about your subconsciousness, you connect positive things with a certain race of girls, in this case asian girls, 'cause they prefer you. That's the mystery behind yellow fever.

>> No.13723151

Found the r/aznidentity

>> No.13723361

>ITT white incels roleplaying thinking Asian girls might not realize they are undateable losers

lmao it's always a weedy white nerd with yellow fever

>> No.13723371
File: 28 KB, 356x390, 1498790025396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont need these feels just after i ended it.

>> No.13723677

asians girls are more cute, white girls can be more aesthetic
there are plenty of americanized asian girls (so not cute) and plenty of ugly white girls
in the end its what you prefer

>> No.13723840
File: 128 KB, 912x513, 48257-et.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13723996

this whole fucking thread man. I can't imagine trying to use something as beautiful as romance and sexual intimacy to try to demean or cuck someone over race.

Dating an Asian is fine, and having racial pride is great but if you are expressing that by trying to weaponize your sexual conquests in order to make yourself feel superior then that's pretty pathetic, you are just as bad as a nigg, and should probably kill yourself.

>> No.13724007

t. chang from r/asianMasculinity

>> No.13724009

this is a pretty fair statement. it is nice to be appreciated.

I'd rather date an Asian who admires my race than a white girl who tacitly resents me, and herself for our whiteness.

>> No.13724020

Yeah we get called out just as bad these days

>> No.13724024

t. Self respecting Caucasian dating an Asian but recognizes that cucking people to make yourself feel better is 'groid tier behavior.

>> No.13724545

Jesus Christ you kikes are ugly.

>> No.13724675

>whites with yellow fever
Just dress like a Japanese school girl or animu character or whatever.

>white Chads
Dress like Stacy.

>> No.13724983

You're drastically over-estimating that aspect. It literally doesn't apply to me at all because I've had very little exposure to Asians and they haven't been drooling at my crotch the times I was around them... Nor have I been brainwashed by that genre of cuckoldry...

>> No.13725400

nah maybe but more like 5'5

>> No.13725401

>6"2 is the average for a woman here, men are around 6"4 on avg.
is this bait or just autism?

>> No.13725470
File: 164 KB, 400x400, ROBO FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13725588
File: 118 KB, 850x1060, 6F39CB40-6E10-4898-AF99-7BF388AF7A76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you supposed to avoid yellow fever when browsing a website heavily influenced by East Asian popular culture?

>> No.13725762
File: 188 KB, 959x907, 1520808888958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm white and I'm 99% percent of the time not into asians at all. I do however like pic related very much.

>> No.13725763

>99% percent

I know I'm a retard.

>> No.13725789

Literally this

>> No.13725828

>cap is still on

>> No.13725877

Until I was 18 I literally thought Asians hated white people and never mixed outside of their own race because I lived on a council estate full of white people and the only time I ever saw asian people was when I visited the city which was filled by international students who segregated themselves

>> No.13727082


>> No.13727105

There’s different kinds of Asians, u know

Just like some white people are SJWs and others alt-righters

>> No.13727119

Yeah I know that now I just made a blanket assumption years ago because I didn’t have any experience with them. I was replying to him because he said attraction to Asians was about subconsciously knowing they prefer you whereas I still thought they were hot even when I assumed they didn’t go near white people

>> No.13727152
File: 103 KB, 1080x1031, 1490384045740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This song is literally this thread.


>> No.13727311

just hang out at Pharmacy school frat houses. You'll be in the back of an Audi with a 4th year Chad in your mouth in no time.

Now, get back to studying Kathy.

>> No.13728434

Wow having a preference is racist

>> No.13728435

I swear fucking nu-anons on this board

>> No.13728445

Bait and you fell for it faggot

>> No.13728645

I'm an azn girl and yeah it's true I prefer white bois over asians get over it jesus...

>> No.13728653

when i dated an asian people thought he was my cousin or brother...never again

>> No.13730030
File: 297 KB, 425x491, slightlyaboveaverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder lmao. you will NEVER be able to compete with this

>> No.13730253

I wish white women dressed better. I hate the generic thot look. Asians seem to at least have heard of cuteness but stacey hasnt.
skirts and legwear are the cutest

>> No.13730347
File: 49 KB, 492x634, 457e40e4ed72ce25449b955984608a29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man of taste, i see. How the fuck do i achieve that jaw...

>> No.13730351
File: 651 KB, 2533x3000, 154636655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photoshop. i dont know what that poster bothers to repost that pic constantly

>> No.13730355
File: 64 KB, 1045x528, 9ueyechtnfb11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'cause this is how you should look like, bro.

>> No.13730360

>Tfw pretty boy Chad

Gib qt azn gf

>> No.13730688
File: 733 KB, 1006x751, HKJ3yGS[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13730699

Holy shit that girls cute who is she

>> No.13731181

Asian girls love getting BLACHED