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File: 227 KB, 1440x814, 8EB11C0F-879A-4C7C-AA57-FD1E2AE2FF1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13686089 No.13686089 [Reply] [Original]

how to attract high school girls?

what do these bitches like

>> No.13686090

Get b&, underage.

>> No.13686092

This is 4chan dumbass, there's a 99.9% chance OP is over 21

OP, i wish i had an answer for you. Memes and brockhampton is all i got

>> No.13686094
File: 44 KB, 750x747, qsdp1rgv2wp01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is, how to attract 18 year old girls as a male in his near 30?

>> No.13686097
File: 647 KB, 668x887, 27425F4F-164B-402D-833D-E1662742BBD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be yourself op and find a hobby. Be good at hobby too. Might not believe it but I was just like you 6 years ago. If you can’t figure it out then gg.

>> No.13686113

find underage grils on tinder, i was one once. i had my age range set as 18-40. too pussy to actually go and fuck any matches though, these guys seemed out of touch and creepy. meemays are your best bet

>> No.13686120

be a tattoo artist or make electronic music. always have drugs on you katamine is very popular but fantalean will make her addicted to you and the drug and you will get addicted to but at least youre together. and wear black crusty clothes. only black. also smoke alot of cigarettes girls think its cool

>> No.13686142

Fucking high school girls if you’re over 25 is absolutely disguising

>> No.13686156

You probably should check your test-level

>> No.13686197

t. 28yo roastie

>> No.13686329

money, drugs, interesting hobbies
high school girls want to feel special so show them alternative music and obscure films and act all deep and tortured

>> No.13686335

stop listening to faggots ITT
they like a man that looks older and more "mature" than the boys their age, someone that can take them around in places where older people hang out
ain't nobody giving a shit about hobbies and memes

>> No.13686361

if you have to ask then you’ll most likely never get one

>> No.13686376

Weed and memes, not kidding.. these are like the only things they care about, and some dick obviously.

>> No.13686378

Yeah, maybe like 21 but don't try and think you automatically got a chance with 18 year old girls because you're 30 or something

>> No.13686392

Only a small minority of them like older guys, and they’re always the trashiest and most fucked up of all of them.

>> No.13686495

better question is how to attract middle school girls?

>> No.13686588

this is true, i was a high school girl not long ago and no one dated much older men because everyone would know and your parents would find out. but if you dated a guy that was in his early 20s people would think you were hot shit

>> No.13686926

>us patriots vs democrats
Absolute cancer

>> No.13686956

urban outfitters and thrift store shit

>> No.13686981


>> No.13686989
File: 321 KB, 668x1438, 1537175706948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres how it really is

>> No.13686991
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Grow some nuts, fag

>> No.13687066
File: 198 KB, 717x880, 56220783-DD53-45DB-98E6-8FDFE31B29B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 year olds trying to be edgy never go on 4chan

>> No.13688181

Is that you, New Zealand amazon goddess?

>> No.13688226

Theres plenty of hot 18 yr old girls in porn, im sure you jerked off to some too. you saying you would fuck those girls?

>> No.13688264

fuck it
i would love some 18 year old pussy
but no thanks nsa.

>> No.13688281

they go to /b/ and shit not fucking creative boards retard

>> No.13688283


>> No.13688292
File: 179 KB, 1800x1606, chad visits braincels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based teen pussy slayer chad

>> No.13688324

lol i can be violent lol hey MOM

>> No.13688325

unironically based

>> No.13688326
File: 71 KB, 600x536, 1533580305305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in the 1 in 4 meme

>> No.13688334
File: 157 KB, 750x750, CABB62C9-53B8-4068-8C6F-EE42D465BEC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13688350

either sell drugs and let dumb chicks hang out in your apartment (if you're some community college attending borderline pedophile scumfuck) or find a subculture to cater to. got myself a death grips loving sewer exploring ex-lesbian gf and shit's pretty cash
t. 18 year old senior

>> No.13688355

not based

>> No.13688371

Get nominated for the Supreme Court.
realpolitik makes anything ok.

>> No.13688571
File: 307 KB, 829x1076, 1518810303138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, those are candidates for getting bullied.

My guess is to look like pic related and be teacher in a high school. Girls would go crazy over you.

>> No.13688981

libtard trolled epic style

>> No.13689397


>> No.13689412

jesus. this is just sad