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/fa/ - Fashion

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13675642 No.13675642 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't asians/international students wear supreme anymore? Obviously a few still do, but it seems like they've pretty much all moved on.

>> No.13675648

Because the hype is now about flexing other brands such as Gucci, Thom Browne, balenciaga and other garbage

>> No.13675788


>> No.13675939

They literally look like some cattle lmao

>> No.13675948

how do they ALL just wear glasses

what the fuck

>> No.13675949

study hard party harder

>> No.13675965

Total worth of clothes: $3,000
Total women fucked: 0

>> No.13675975

I see so many Chinese students on my campus wearing fucking Thom Browne. Are these chink students actually dropping their daddy's money on $1000 sweaters or are they all wearing fakes?

>> No.13675978

a lot of it is fake but a lot of it is real too.
asians are just ------- trying to flex, they don't actually have any taste. you'll never see a mainlander Chinese in a good outfit that doesn't have any branding on it, it got to have the huge logo on it because they are nouveau riche cattle

>> No.13675986

When I used to work a chip shop over the summer, my Chinese boss used to flex with Hollister and Superdry. They're not even good quality or prestigious but he made a big deal out of his fashion sense.

He commented on my lack of style and even bought me an ugly Hollister t-shirt as a work bonus once. He was a chill guy otherwise but damn did he look ridiculous as a 40 year old Chinese man in Hollister.

>> No.13676009

looks like prep's back on the menu boys

>> No.13676023
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Most asians and Hypefags don't really look at clothing the way you or I might. They don't see a jacket or a pair of shoes - They see security clearance, they see proof of belonging, they don't build fits so much as they don whatever their k-pop overlords have decreed is the mode.
Maybe it'll be North Face next year, or maybe chinatown will find itself awash in neon Asics this time next year. It doesn't matter, all the trends are interchangeable. Proof of commitment to conformity and group identity is the real prize here.

I honestly feel that if gook dragon or whatever-his-name-is started wearing counterfeit crocs from the dollar store that shit would be on the feet of every soulless, beady eyed second gen banana in the lower half of manhattan within under a week.

These people don't have a reason for wearing or not wearing shit. Unless your definition of planning one's wardrobe happens to include browsing sneakers on KTT with a sharpie in your asshole while Naruto buffers.


>> No.13676046

50/50. You have to understand that most FOB asians come to the States for university are either 1) absurdly rich back in their home country, or 2) intelligent enough to where they're paying little to nothing to go to college here. The former flex HARD; none of the live on campus, park leased exotic cars on the street, wear mostly designer, etc. The former try to keep up because of singularity, but can't from a monetary standpoint.

One of my neighbors was the former and was a pretty chill guy; we used to hang and watch esports tournaments and drink Johnnie with green tea. He started a semester late and bought a Cayenne S the moment he got here, in cash. He used to street park it next to our building, which was comical since the other cars on the street were beaters like my Volvo.

One day, he forgets to move it during a snow storm and it gets towed by one of the shady tow companies in my neighborhood (jerks just trying to make $120, they work with police, etc). The dumbass tow driver doesn't realize you can't just drag a Cayenne down the street because they're AWD and completely fucks the transmission; something like a $17k repair from the dealer near us. He's telling me this like he's talking about the weather and I ask him what he's going to do. He goes, "I just replace it man, no biggie." He gets some scrapyard to pick up this $90k SUV on a flatbed, gets like half the valuation for it, and then buys a Model X the next week. Still can't parallel park.

>> No.13676195

Chinks have no souls and look all the same so they have to compensate by buying logos to act like they have a personality

>> No.13676207

do these guys lack any sense of self awareness?

>> No.13676209

On top of what you said, a mate of mine who went to China explained it to me like this: "They don't really do big cars or big houses over there - they can't really. So instead their clothing becomes their way of standing out, of showing they're rich." They're pretty much like rich fucks with unimaginative big houses and boring sports cars.

>> No.13676216

I know some that are /fa/, studying design.
But they are very rare

>> No.13676244


I live by many designer stores. I see loads of fucking asians go into these stores and come with with many bags and boxes of this shit. It's actually fucking disgusting that they can no problem swiping a card and buying shit. but no one told them how to fucking pickup their feet when they walk.

try all they want they will never be white.

It's like their family tried super hard to be american and follow USA. Ever since the bomb dropped they thought that was the source of happiness. To be american

>> No.13676297

they dont wear expensive shit to be white they do it because most expensive branded shit are made by white people. asians in asian countries don't really have big designers since art and creativity is actively frowned upon by their families and society at large. basically it's pleb tier in their eyes to care about fashion but they still wear these expensive pieces to establish social hierarchy if you know what i mean. a lot of things they do is not out of individuality or wanting to express themselves, it wanting to be better than others or at least, appearing so.

>> No.13676301

Dude, the U.S. never nuked China, are you retarded?

>> No.13676302


then why do the women and some men "brighten" their face. Dye their hair blonde and try to act more white?

suck my big fat cock

>> No.13676307

give examples of them acting white lol

the same reason why white girls tan to be darker and get lip injections to get fuller lips or butt implants for huge asses. are you sure you're not just trying to push some kind of political agenda here or are you really that dumb?

>> No.13676312

tans go away. not all girls get lip injections or ass implants.

But most asian girls use a more white foundation when they put on makeup. Not even matching their skin tone. They want white boyfriends.

get away from your computer and goto a major city fat ass.

>> No.13676317

your logic is completely out of whack, there can only be one culprit behind this post

i smell white roastie

>> No.13676321


whats wrong homie? scared of the big city? someone might make fun of you for being over weight?

its okay pal. don't worry

>> No.13676327

>t. reddit sociologist

>> No.13676370
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never seen people talk so so confidently about something they have absolutely no idea about
stay triggered amerilards

>> No.13676371

>t. fashion victim chink

>> No.13676385
File: 35 KB, 750x720, 1518812410116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try all they want they will never be white
why is this a point that needs to be made?
I'm constantly reminded of how insecure people on /fa/ are

>> No.13676394

>not all girls get lip injections or ass implants
dude you're going full retard right now
and btw, Chinese people literally have white skin LOOOOOL

>> No.13676404


hey fat-so. go suck a dick. and eat shit

>> No.13676410

Hi Li Ping

>> No.13676429

Absolute clones.
Or, I guess you could say: NPCs.

>> No.13676489


>> No.13676597

tfw banned from supremes webshop because they sent me the wrong item

>> No.13676661

Just create a new user in chrome you retard

>> No.13677093

They're still more redeeming than whitey though in the way they give people something to laugh about

>> No.13677686
File: 1.32 MB, 200x190, clint-eastwood-disgusted-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After living in Asia for a couple of years, the whole buying expensive logos to flex culture makes sense.

Girls don't have much to choose from when it comes to men, and the social stigmas deny them from having serious relationships/marriage with men of other races and cultures without facing shame from their parents and friends.

Guys desperately try to not look like losers or bums by buying expensive clothing. It's literally like they think they can buy themselves into being Alpha.

Japanese guys also like to throw money (wich they often lack) on thots in bars, dating apps, and dates, some cucks will literally pay girls 10 000 yen per date.

>> No.13677696

Maybe they have realized supreme is completely overpriced garbage.

>> No.13677702

They wear thrasher now and still look like absolute retards

>> No.13677706

You can't be serious.

>> No.13677714

Those services exists in the west too and are just as niche as they are in Japan
You just hear about it more because Japan is oh so weird and they don't have sex (they do)

>> No.13677758

I just want to weigh in on this thread as it makes me sad. Seeing these international students put on a show and try to look fashionable makes me sad. Seeing myself worry about presentation, or really, anything, makes me sad. It is a quiet despair, born partly of conviction, partly of a mode of thought which is typical to us living in the midst of contemporary technology. This despair not only unmasks the conceited media addled sheep and dismisses with its irony the matter at hand, the expectant attitude of the public, the somewhat presumptuous titles under which the our cultural symbols are announced—the feeling pierces our whole epoch, its whole overwrought activity, the whole surge and strife, the whole vanity, the whole superficial play of a shallow, opinionated intellectuality. And still deeper, it goes far below the faults, defects and hopelessness of our time, our intellect, our culture alone. It goes right to the heart of all humanity, it speaks eloquently in a single second the whole despair of our time, of the full worth and meaning of person’s life. It says: See what monkeys we are! Look, such is our kind! At once all renown, all intelligence, all the attainments of the spirit, all progress towards the sublime, the great and the enduring in society falls away and becomes m00tiekins. They take pictures, all these people, useless photos of a trivial existence. I miss moot. I’m crying now. I want my daddy back. I don’t want this cold, mean world. I don’t want truth. I don’t want to die.

>> No.13677772
File: 442 KB, 500x600, Thats_Cool_Bb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a quality post.

>> No.13677806
File: 45 KB, 411x480, u_r_stupid_goyim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the lack of self awareness in this thread is hilarious. Shitting on asians for being brand whores while this entire board is brand whores. Shitting on asians for using fashion to displace a lack of personality when this entire board thinks "buying clothes is a hobby". Shitting on asians for buying whatever the media tells them when everyone here thinks they're original and not definitely not just buying what the (((media))) tells them to. The saddest part is that you dumb fuckers are probably more similar to these asians for interest in fashion than to any cargo shorts and crocs wearing white person.

Also you're fucking retarded >>13676244. The U.S. never nuked China or Korea. Not knowing the most basic Western history is the opposite of /fa/.

>> No.13677812

lol there was an azn kid in my chem class who always rocked full fendi/gucci fits. he was p chill though. one day we were all going to go eat and we went to the parking lot (mind you this is a community college) and we see a bmw i8 and i jokingly go, "hey i bet thats your car lol" and he just nervously giggles "h-heh, yeah" and then he beeps his car fob which lit up the i8. we stuffed his car and went to get lunch lol, i never felt so cool. (the i8 is slow af/overpriced but it is def effay as fuck) the week before he had a panamera he traded for the i8
ill never forget that lmao

>> No.13677825

hey chang

>> No.13677917

>you'll never see a mainlander Chinese in a good outfit that doesn't have any branding on it
I can very distinctly recall 3 occasions on which I've seen fantastically dressed Chinese international students at my university, both with and without branding, male and female. Brands don't make an outfit, nor do they kill it. You would do well to remember that.

>> No.13678191

no one wants to be american. not even americans. americans are some of the most depressed people in the world despite material wealth.
also mainland chinese people are actually pretty racist and proud of their culture. why do you think east asians generally don't mix with other races, or even other asians?
t. half chinese, dad's family hates my mom

>> No.13678196

not asian mate but nice try

>> No.13678199

What the fuck? How did you extrapolate all that out of "these guys used to wear X brand, but now they don't"?

How is this shutting on Asians or calling them whores?

I swear some people just want to see drama in every thread

>> No.13678207

ghost man detected
the desire for light faces in china/korea/japan started long before asians ever met whites. it's a status symbol. if you're untanned you look rich and like you don't go outdoors for work. if you're tanned you look like a farmer or manual labourer.
in the west people all work desk jobs and look pasty so getting a tan means you have time to go on vacation or at least spend some leisure time outdoors.
also those brightening skin products arent bleaching the skin or anything. they're to get rid of hyperpigmentation from sun damage or acne or whatever. you cant reliably whiten your skin beyond its natural untanned state. but many east asians are fair, some even fairer than white people.

when anyone changes their hair colour it's just for fun. it's not that deep.

also what does it mean to act more white? get fat from copious amounts of butter? get sunburned? talk too loud? small talk?

>> No.13678228

the former the former the former

>> No.13678373

Being American is not /fa/ my guy

>> No.13678383

they are hype beasts and only wear the most recent trendy thing, they have moved on because the trend has moved on

>> No.13678386


>> No.13678408


>> No.13678439

r/aznidentity called

>> No.13678638

I prefer the drama in /r/hapas; they're more whiny.

>> No.13678645

>Obviously a few still do, but it seems like they've pretty much all moved on.
this is how it is for east asians in general. fashion for them isn't about being individualistic and cultivating a unique look, it's about blending in and conveying social awareness by knowing all the correct brands and hairstyles. they are bizarrely similar to black people in this regard.

>> No.13678687

You go TOO white in a lot of asian countries (specially korea), then you get labeled an incel shut in because you never get any sun.
So there's an optimal range apparently.

>> No.13678765

I find the Korean students tend to dress far more minimally and with less flex branding than the chinese kids. Plus their hair is pretty sick.

>> No.13678837

i'd be embarrassed to admit it too

>> No.13678841

can almost guarantee they were from hong kong, not mainland china

>> No.13678939

being individualistic and cultivating a unique look is literally bourgeois bullshit
dress either comfortable and bland, or hypebeast

>> No.13678943

where do asians get money to copy all these expensive instagram fits?

>> No.13678949
File: 26 KB, 600x750, truepatrician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on post, comrade

>> No.13679180

Nouveau riche Chinese get them from their parents, whose businesses disregard labor laws, human rights, and environmental standards so they can sell shit at extremely competitive prices at high volume.