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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 7cead8bc5acb10e5f2fd404b0f07e6ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13648325 No.13648325 [Reply] [Original]

Can we knock it off with this shitty style already? This is every guy I see in my city.

>> No.13648377

all the guys i see wear that shit. have hot gfs and im wearing my triple s and dealing with some bi-polar art hoe whos majoring in anthropology
not fair

>> No.13648390

This isn't even /fa/. It's just what normies wear.

>> No.13648397

You must live in the middle of plebsville or something. This style is outdated as fukk.

>> No.13648410

>Can we knock it off with this shitty style already?
Oh, sorry. Didn't know it was getting on your nerves. We'll stop it right away. Thanks for notifying us.

>> No.13648584


Why do high schoolers like to wear shorts all the time?

>> No.13648591

I dress like that in Spain

>> No.13648993

It's a good style. I much rather guys dress like this than like black people,which is the popular trend now.

>> No.13650125

>like black people
Gonna have to be more specific, buster

>> No.13650140

try to use that creative mind of yours, friendo

>> No.13650141

black people dress like morons, it's pretty straight forward

>> No.13650155

Hoodies, basketball sneakers, tacky belts.

>> No.13650167

>50$ for a g? Sounds good bro

>> No.13650177

haha wow, how unfuckable

>> No.13650189
File: 64 KB, 693x490, 1532746971686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see it too and it annoys me how every pleb can now dress mundanely preppy and upper-middle class just to give the impression of status. All of these lazy guys don't even bother tucking in their shirts because they all have a flabby mid 20s dadbod gut from drinking beers all night.

>> No.13650192

Don't tuck when wearing shorts lmao.
If they were wearing trousers, sure

>> No.13650618


>> No.13650657

They look like fucking extras in a pureflix film.

>> No.13651824

>Do you know who my fucking dad is!? starter pack

>> No.13651828

Don't tell me what to do

>> No.13651839

There's literally nothing else to wear during the summer if you're a guy, it's pretty simple. It's either salmon shorts or as the previous guy said the other option is to dress as the negro man does, there's no other options.

Unless you wanna dress like a skateboarder or something which is awkward if you're 24+

>> No.13651844

the negro dresses how white people dress, just in sizes that don't fit.

>> No.13651897

Where did American prep go wrong?

EU preppy guys dress way better than this american frat clown shit.

>> No.13651898

Nantucket reds + Light blue OCBD is the way to go

>> No.13651913

because americans don't have a class system, so they just dress like their peers

>> No.13651948
File: 142 KB, 666x1000, 1445852483423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we knock it off with this shitty style already? This is every guy I see in my city.

>> No.13651994

That would be an autistic beta nerd white guy, not those absolute normie Chad white guys. They never pay for weed, they just smoke it when other people have it

>> No.13652101
File: 8 KB, 250x229, 1528137734565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saddest man alive

>> No.13652405

when Im not at work I dress like a skateboarder that attends an ivy league school.

t. New Englander.

>> No.13652426

Akward as hell. New England has the best clothing style in the USA, and you go as a californian...

>> No.13652513

so they can let their nuts hang blud

>> No.13652544


>> No.13652579

no not really

>> No.13652728

Drone-core. The primary fashion statement of the new generation of sheeple.

>> No.13652737

>wearing shorts

Eww, imagine being so basic that you think leg fedoras are the only thing that can be worn during summer.

>> No.13652748

Not everyone is insecure, anon

>> No.13652757

Don't project onto me, fag. Shorts are shit tier normie trash which are ugly as fuck and inevitably make you look like a manchild in every case.

Show me a picture of a good /fa/ fit using shorts. Protip: you can't.

>> No.13652761
File: 27 KB, 320x320, 1526920552322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Can we knock it off with this shitty style already? This is every guy I see in my city."
>Post this shitty meme image, perpetuating it
Don't bitch at us about it, I'm tired of seeing people only shit on normie "fashion" here. I can guarantee anyone that frequents this board doesn't dress like this. Stop trying to change the opinion of people that don't give a shit about how they dress.

>> No.13653292


>> No.13653306

protip: you have to have calves to pull them off.

Look at new zealand for inspo.

>> No.13653320
File: 113 KB, 1152x864, 12874628375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fag wears his jeans in the pool

>> No.13653499

Boston is a shithole filled with retarded liberal twats. leave and save yourself anon.

>> No.13653631

i don't think you understand. It's not awkward at all. Also I said my style is a mix of a skateboarder that just read Take Ivy. I like it. It wouldn't feel right if I straight up dressed like some upper middle class ivy league graduate. I'm me. And I'm happy with that.

>> No.13653758

wtf lol

>> No.13653844
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>that manlet in the back right on his tip toes

>> No.13653864

Hey black meme Twitter, how's it goin?

>> No.13653894


Lmao you're literally an ugly virgin. Yeah it's the shorts stopping you from getting laid, LOL

>> No.13653908

It's alright the hot conservative girls show their lvls after 8 years of marriage
At least you get to see what you buy right after purchase

>> No.13654171

besides too long of shorts I dont see why this isnt superior to mouthbreather-core shit every poor/flyover american wears

>> No.13654272

>it's a good style
>dressing like black people is the trend now

You live in the suburbs of a medium sized city and grew up comfortably middle class.

>> No.13654305
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1485072728465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you dress like this

>> No.13654332

The manlet in the front is on his toes too

>> No.13654338

Does the name of your city have the word "port" in it?

>> No.13654350

Men will wear whatever gives them access to a particular group of people or a community 70% of time my guy, it's sad to say but really there's nothing you could do about it if you aren't a celebrity/musician/artist or someone with a high degree of success.

Normies don't respect individuality unless that person has had major success doing so, these are what people call trend setters, you either conform into a group or you are out, a good percentage of people here simply don't conform to anything and just stay alone for a very long time, not like it's a bad thing since it's easy to get used to.

>> No.13654362

Me too. It's literally chad core here

>> No.13654380

>Yeah it's the shorts stopping you from getting laid
Where did he imply that? Looks like someone's projecting again.

>> No.13654405

hi, are you me?

>> No.13654436

why is there two (2) people tip toeing in this opicture

>> No.13654452

> the geezer
Fucking boomers need to unironically off themselves

>> No.13655240

Why Nantucket red shorts? There are other colors you know, like khaki or gray or black or really anything that isn’t a pastel. Same with shirts.

>> No.13655291
File: 240 KB, 1200x857, salmonshorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the ultimate bermuda. Just type in google: salmon shorts. You are going to see a lot of rage

>> No.13655372

Does anybody have any experience with any of these brands? They seem to have cool shorts


>> No.13655384

this hits too close to home holy fuck

>> No.13657182

Fucking goblin Amerimutts

>> No.13657189
File: 995 KB, 1440x1871, Capture+_2018-09-06-05-48-55~2_20180906055130421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will they learn

>> No.13657313

I think this is the whitest Fit on the planet

>> No.13657314

I've never seen one of those guys. Probably an American thing.

>> No.13657320
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>> No.13657323

he means niggers

>> No.13657433


>> No.13657477

seguro que sois fachas

>> No.13657572

tu vida consiste en buscar una paguita del estado

>> No.13657600

nobody dresses like this anymore, it isn't 2009

>> No.13659151
File: 156 KB, 375x360, 1536152344874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this exact pair and i love them

>> No.13659293
File: 920 KB, 1366x768, [Ohohohoho stops].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're majoring in anthropology

>> No.13659296

daily reminded that you can only waear nantucket reads if you have a house on nantucket

>> No.13659810

normal people get normal girlfriends, weird dudes like us get none or fucked up ones

>> No.13659859



>> No.13660836

>those guys
>having girlfriends

one or two might have a girl that's interested but most of those guys won't see a vagina until they're out of college

>> No.13661285

this kind of style is completely foreign on the west coast, i remember being cultured shocked when i started going to school on the east coast.

>> No.13661291
File: 45 KB, 1200x856, Vineyard-Vines-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this shit is arguably the most disgusting brand i see on the daily. i can't believe rich people will actively spend money on this trash.

>> No.13661309

Being rich does not equal having good taste. Just look at all the new money chinks and hypebeast nigs out there.

>> No.13661423
File: 30 KB, 500x281, L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a good style

>> No.13661870

It’s just average joe tier
If you think wage slaves will start wearing fucking 1000$ hooded capes and 12 in tall boots in public you’re out of your godamn mind

>> No.13661874
File: 563 KB, 2518x1024, 58DE8D39-6DC9-4DEB-A2D4-AB56F28958B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bud
It’s just the way of the road

>> No.13662047

Does anyone have that "I love boys who are fashionable" image that is just guys in washed skinny jeans?

>> No.13662057

They have great clothing

>> No.13662075


Three (You)'s and no pictures, thanks for proving my point fags.

>> No.13662125
File: 275 KB, 1024x1280, cmbyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not them but there are some pics i like with shorts

>> No.13662126
File: 389 KB, 1010x1600, 1533958330638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna dump a few

>> No.13662127
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>> No.13662128
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>> No.13662132
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>> No.13662135
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>> No.13662142
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>> No.13662147
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>> No.13662161
File: 352 KB, 913x1200, 62b24f8cgy1fsr9rygd3wj20pd0xcwnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo fashion is heavily influenced by context
e.g. status, location, age, occassion, etc
shorts have their place but in same places may be highly unusual to wear

>> No.13662169


>> No.13662210

Shorts are based, it's the closest socially acceptable thing to not wearing pants at all.

>> No.13662250

Its literally one of the worst look around.
Seriously can't stand khaki's and pastels.
Also I detest the notion that this kind of look is like the "default" summer look for 20-40yo's.
Wear shorts by all means, and I'm not saying put on basketball shorts, or cargos, but serious to every pair of cotton shorts have to be khaki or pastels ffs.
Same goes for shirts, there's literally 1000's of different colours/prints for dress shirts, be original you turds.
Same goes for shoes, admittedly not as many options for cooler summer wear, but fucking boat shoes, uugghh.

Also worst of all, isn't the look its self, its the "group outfit" thing. If you are essentially wearing the same outfit as like 5+ people, your all a bunch of desperate douches. If there all wearing LS shirts, get a polo shirt, if there all wearing khakis, wear black, if there wearing all wearing boat shoes, find some classy slides.

Also never buy into the "dress a certain way to get puss" mentality. Now thats' not to say you should still dress like and unwashed teenager. maintain your appearance, just fuck a "in trend" style.

>> No.13662268

They really don't

>> No.13662319

because they are comfy and easy to wear

>> No.13662321

Why do those brown guys think they are WASP?

>> No.13662329

Why not?

>> No.13662374

virtually indistinguishable from other mall brands that source from china like j crew or gap. even polo RL has more design than the nu-prep frat rags that are vv

>> No.13662872
File: 153 KB, 750x1334, 1534877676003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13662878

you assume the avg girl is above dating those guys LOL

>> No.13662900

I'm on smoko

>> No.13662951

spoken like a true mutt

>> No.13663265
File: 789 KB, 792x758, 0ffd5f6b91a7b2b43a130a7c9612db82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chink or nigger detected

>> No.13664477

wtf does paguita mean

>> No.13664550


>> No.13664607


Wear with almost anything
Look better with age

>> No.13664779

white guys have the most options and you can only think of 3 styles?

i agree streetwear is shit tier and the skate aesthetic is just 1 tier above streetwear shit

you can always dress like a diy musician

>> No.13665169


Also, this is the epitome of "american fashion."

>> No.13665541

you must live in the south

>> No.13665601

>two of them are standing on their tiptoes

>> No.13666459


No one has pointed out that all of them are wearing long-sleeved shirts, which is why this pic is so cringey. If they were wearing short sleeve button down shirts, or v-necks, or even polo shirts (tolerable in this situation) it would have looked 100% normal.

>> No.13666833

How do people dress in the west coast?

>> No.13666857

I too remember when I was a "non-conformist" iconoclastic teenager who though I was being an "individual" and somehow escaping the influence the stylistic conventions of mainstream society by ensuring my tastes generally fell outside of the mainstream - however this is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for being truly "individual" in any philosophically, sociologically, or psychologically significant sense of the word.

>> No.13666877

Thisbis So true. I lived in and around DC and Baltimore for most of my life and just moved to the west coast. OP's pic is pretty much how all upper middle class people and white people in general dressed since I was a kid (mid 20s millennial boomer here); the only difference being the introduction and replacement of certain brands, e.g. Vineyard Vines becoming the shit since 2012 or so for some reason.

Anyway I moved to Seattle back in June, and I'm not memeing or trying to soind like a poor are, but everyone here dress like a stereotypical post-hipster s0..iboi.

>> No.13666879

*Sound like a poltard

Pardon my phonefaggotry.

>> No.13666887
File: 40 KB, 400x439, Flatbiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13666888

Also I live in whats called "University District" in Seattle, so theres a ton of frats here, and even the frat boys dont wear this shit. They actually look like the just buy the most generic h&m and urban outfitters shit.

>> No.13667723

this is a nice poster

>> No.13668570

no they dont black people have access to all white people styles plus there own styles.