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File: 43 KB, 585x410, 1536006356267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13649969 No.13649969 [Reply] [Original]

Nike just took an L

>> No.13650962

who the fuck cares lol

>> No.13650973

finna bout to drop more Gs on a shoe company that uses slavery to #resist cletus tryna oppress my pigskin chucking brother

>> No.13650976
File: 70 KB, 470x470, 1522089749978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not again, Nike. cmon man get it together

>> No.13650984

dudes are literally burning their nike shit and posting videos i swear to god the right needs to come up with a better comeback than burning their possessions to own the libs

>> No.13650995


>> No.13651012

literally who?

>> No.13651016
File: 121 KB, 634x867, IMG_0409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmbao yt pipo are so triggered >:)

>> No.13651024


>> No.13651026
File: 36 KB, 443x332, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan bugged, forgot pic

>> No.13651034

This is literally just Nike knowing their audience lmao

>> No.13651038

This is hilarious. Whypippo literally burning their shit. God they're so pathetic.

>> No.13651041 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 506x495, 1496314969400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

>> No.13651066

why are non-europeans so damn ugly? oh right, evolution, they're still busy with it

>> No.13651073

Should be keep Alex Smith

>> No.13651076

lel that was a pretty good destiny impression desu

>> No.13651089

This is some nice pasta

>> No.13651090
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>> No.13651109

Why are pol tags so fucking stupid when it comes to middle school science concepts? ALL populations are ALWAYS evolving

>> No.13651147

>What is hyperbole

>> No.13651551

yeah, it's almost as retarded as burning down your own city because some spook that objectively deserved to be executed was shot full of holes by a based white cop (who got away with it)

>> No.13651558

It’s always a fucking retarded move to alienate half your customer base.

>> No.13651561
File: 105 KB, 720x960, cha3i6prcqj01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the USA such a retarded country?
Kaepernick was right and even if he wasn't you shouldn't make it a presidential matter.

>> No.13651565

the proto-kneeler who started the great mutt chimpout

>> No.13651588

>Why is the USA such a retarded country?

because white people, have been fooled into thinking they're not poor, ugly, and stupid just like everyone else.

>> No.13651594

Why are they so easily baited? Why is an NFL player starting a partnership with Nike bound to turn into a right wing shitstorm?

>> No.13651596

always been a adidas boy anyway.

>> No.13651602

Can someone da a quick rundown on this?
I saw someone cutting nike socks on twitter and I think that he's a football player.
But what he did?

>> No.13651616


It's a long answer that takes us through U.S. and world history, but I would say that it can be boiled down to money and classism.

Which is also why Nike is doing this. I'm quite sure this mega corporation has crunched the numbers repeatedly and know that democratic or liberal voters out number republicans and that pissing off a few right wing loud mouths only gives them more free advertisement in the news and social media. On top of that their are plenty of conservative voters that have been wearing Nike for all of their lives and aren't going to stop buying their products any time soon.

>> No.13651620


He took a knee during the national anthem or whatever in protest of police brutality. That's literally it.

Conservatives flipped their shit in response, people are stupid. -The end.

>> No.13651628

Thank you.
Is part of that meme, let me boycott what I disagree with.

>> No.13651648

countdown to the Trump/Nike meltdown...

>> No.13651810

Fuck politics, get that shit outta here
And Nike is not fashion

>> No.13651842

What I don't understand is what is the importance of nike "paying Colin Kaepernick all along.." here?
I thought he was a Nike sponsored athlete during his career, so what's the big deal now?

>> No.13651847

>I thought he was a Nike sponsored athlete during his career

Yes he was, by way of his team's apparel.

>so what's the big deal now?

>people are stupid. -The end.

>> No.13652047

Imagine being an advertising pawn for a billion dollar company that makes it's products using child labor.

>> No.13652052

oh no what are obese boomers going to do without their air monarchs?

>> No.13652075
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, 1533981822932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boys hard at work eh

>> No.13652174
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>> No.13652184

Didn't he not get drafted this year so the NFL has effectively blacklisted him?
I don't know, I don't watch sportsball.

>> No.13652192


He's currently pursuing a lawsuit against the NFL accusing them of collusion because teams have very obviously all decided together to not offer him a contract, despite there being dozens of players much worse than him all being offered new contracts.

>> No.13652197

posting this pic is doing the same thing they are though except you're trying to show how not mad you are.

>> No.13652298

He was offered a contract on 2 separate occasions and turned them both down, so I don't know what this cunt's problem is.

>> No.13652345

2 things:
1. Negative press is press too, if it's negative at all.
2. People already started buying Nike items just because of this.

>> No.13652354

>someone sat down and made this thinking it would own people

>> No.13652371
File: 10 KB, 406x431, 1524235151261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13652373


>> No.13652384 [DELETED] 


Because they were offering contracts incredibly far below market value, essentially so he wouldn't have a case against the NFL.


>> No.13652393


Nope. The Ravens were rumoured to be considering offering him a contract, but it never happened.

>> No.13652464

Literally who the fuck even cares who a brand uses to sell their shit. nike is dope anyway, y'all need to care about the product and not the face they slap on a poster to sell shit y'all were gonna buy anyway

>> No.13652503

i'm a racist but adidas are fugly

>> No.13652628

i'm a dentist and the Off-White Leather Ankle Boots are beautiful

>> No.13652635

>takes a knee
>becomes famous

>> No.13652639

>People are actually burning Nike shit

LMAOOOOOOO Whiteys sure are dumb.

>> No.13652641

I bet you came to this site during the 2016 election newfag

>> No.13652647

Whites have evolved the capacity for empathy, and while it's a high concept, it really screws you over in the end. No other race feels this about others.

>> No.13652650

>lmao lefties are so fragile and easy to offend
>OH FUCK better burn my nike shit

>> No.13652671

because their country runs on drama and they make pretty much everything a shitshow
>oh this coffee chain wants to serve gay people, they are the embodiment of satan
>christmas trees, all signs of religion are really offensive for atheists like me
>oh this person thinks we should have somewhat stricter immigration laws, they are a xenophobic racist
>oh this person doesn't think everyone other than my color are subhumans, what a leftist cucklord

>> No.13652683

the irony of you saying this; if you actually had empathy you'd know other feel it as well and if anything black americans seem to have a great capacity for soulfulness and emotive creative output- although modern black culture isn't exactly edifying, there are lots of 20th centruy black artists that have created really moving works of art. If anything northen cultures are the most puritan, autistic and souless.

>> No.13652709

He is a C tier player now. Once he started choking and fucking up games, he made himself relevant by pretending he is a woke as fuck nigga. It's a huge compensation for being biracial and raised in upper class white neighborhoods and it helps him blame his lack of a contract on 'discrimination' despite his performance in game being completely awful.

>> No.13652811

Nike's corporate office is in Beaverton, OR, so it's basically Portland; and Portland is a haven for white neolibs who would buy more Nike products as a response to this ad campaign (while arguing against school integration, but whatever). Nike, as you say, has determined that the detractors are far outnumbered.

>> No.13652816

>le moving works of art
how about not committing over 50% of homicides despite making up 6% of the u.s population

>> No.13652901

does this mean i can get acronym prestos easily now?

>> No.13652905 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 960x684, 20170914_Racial_Weath_Divide-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, let's keep blaming the blacks for everything, all problems related to them are their own fault and have nothing to do with 400 years of oppression

>> No.13652906

/// stripes gang where we at?

>> No.13652909

>beaverton is portland
t. has never been to oregon

>> No.13652911

You look too much into it. Nike is the biggest sports company on the planet because of how recognizable their brand is since they depend for 90% on selling volume items like Nike branded socks, Nike branded shirts, Nike branded sweaters, etc. It's just a sports brand

>> No.13652916

b-but they have been equal for 60 years now why haven't they gotten themselves some grandparents with money?!

>> No.13652935

yeah, let's keep making excuses for blacks and completely absolving them of any culpability
>400 years of oppression
are you fucking retarded?
>this wealth chart totally proves that it is the white man keeping blacks down! even though jews and asians have a higher average income than whites
i don't know why i'd waste time arguing with some literal highschooler from a flyover state that has never left their little suburb lmao

>> No.13652939

You really think this whole
>You people are worthless pieces of shit why don't you just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps dumb niggers
attitude so many people in the US seem to have is one of the reasons they struggle so much?

FYI in the South for decades even after (and lets not discuss before) segregation ended people worked their hardest to prevent black people from having any succes and then after denying them education have the guts to tell them to "git gud"

>> No.13652971

Why is a fast food company donating to a Republican bound to turn into a left wing shitstorm?
That's what I thought.

>> No.13652979

Kaepernik is not the democrat party though

>> No.13652990

Other way around, whites have been degraded non stop for 100 years, while everybody else has been told they are the best thing to happen to the world, and whites owe them everything. They have no drive to be better or improve only looking for gibs. Its cycle of white empathy being exploited.

>> No.13652996

nice strawmanning lmao
i'm sure removing their personal culpability is definitely the best way for them to overcome their shitty fate, that along with providing constant welfare, food stamps and ignoring their destructive culture
i don't give a fuck about the south, and the repercussions of segregation - blacks get easier enrolment into secondary schooling, and diversity quotas are becoming increasingly prominent
the irish, as one example, faced slavery, segregation and poor overall treatment for as long, if not longer than blacks and yet i've never once in their history heard of them making demands for reparations or receiving absolution from their actions so fuck off with your bullshit excuses, you retarded fucking 16 year old

>> No.13652997

>are you fucking retarded?
Atlantic slave trade began in 1526, 400 years is just a rough number that I said because I'm not going arbitrate when the oppression of blacks began in North America
>i don't know why i'd waste time arguing with some literal highschooler from a flyover state that has never left their little suburb lmao
Read this then and you might learn something

>> No.13653003

wow, got em'

>> No.13653014

is this guy even black? Cut his afro off disgusting what and have you as a dad normal that looks.

>> No.13653020

>b-b-but the Irish were slaves! what about the Irish!
would be a great excuse if it had happened.

>> No.13653024

i don't give a fuck, most north american and european whites had no part in slavery or mass oppression, it is not my responsibility, nor anyone elses, to make up for the shortcomings of people i have never known
be a normal fucking human being and create your own fate and don't rely on others, or the past to excuse your failures
blacks across africa and the middle east are still sold into slavery, north americans were the first to dissolve slavery after it had been enacted
the reasons blacks don't succeed at the same rates at whites is because of their comparably low iq, and their impulsive nature, a similar explanation can be found as to why jews or asians succeed at a higher rate than whites but only then is it a valid conclusion

>> No.13653027

>i don't give a fuck, most north american and european whites had no part in slavery or mass oppression, it is not my responsibility, nor anyone elses, to make up for the shortcomings of people i have never known
No but all white Americans had their part in the segregation era afterwards.
If you ask /pol/ nobody is to blame for anything but the jews and the blacks.

>> No.13653031

I don't know, i buy like a new pair of nikes every other year. It's all going to New Balance now.

>> No.13653034

I think a quadroon. Born to a white single mother who burned some coal, later on adopted by a white family who's weak white sons kept dying so they wanted some strong virile black blood.

>> No.13653040

>let me ignore the remainder of your post to totally school you on this!
i was talking about the 11th century irish slave trade, you fucking retard lmao
and yes, even when coming to america they were treated like shit in comparison to the english

>> No.13653041

>wearing branded things anyway

fucking shig

>> No.13653043

>but all white Americans had their part in the segregation era afterwards
how the fuck could someone sincerely believe this, how much of a pathetic, spineless fucking retard do you have to be to utter this garbage

>> No.13653046

>and yes, even when coming to america they were treated like shit in comparison to the english
During a time when blacks were property and Italians got lynched by accident. Irish moved up the social ladder long before your great grandfather was born.

>> No.13653049

At some point you want something not from Aliexpress you know. Most clothing, even the highest end stuff, has some emblem somewhere.

>> No.13653051

that dude is revoltingly ugly, god damn. why are his eyes like that? wow

>> No.13653052

Lmao /pol/ mad as hell

>> No.13653054

they got really unlucky with how incredibly ugly he is, though. I'm in awe at his proportions, they're just so disgusting, hahaha

>> No.13653057

Yeah I agree he isn't exactly a very good looking guy.

>> No.13653058

>Irish moved up the social ladder long before your great grandfather was born
a feat that blacks will seemingly never accomplish, granted your wish to eternally baby them

>u-ur mad

>> No.13653060
File: 45 KB, 800x576, 63037d8579194cad029921c8a2b79ba8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can a european be mad when they can look in the mirror and not see this looking back at them? I never really looked at his face, it's just so hilariously ugly I can't get over it. He looks like a monster. Why would Nike want someone this unattractive facing their campaign?

>> No.13653063

What do Europeans have to do with this? They're not the ones sperging out about some kneelers

>> No.13653066
File: 125 KB, 1200x630, colin-kaepernick-gettyimages-598586582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of god's creations? hahahah wtf

no wonder he doesn't cut his hair, anything to distract from that monstrous face helps him. take note, ugly anons of /fa/

>> No.13653069
File: 72 KB, 736x736, Dl4g6UPU4AAj7NN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sure isn't african-americans sperging out, it's the european-americans, genius... hahaha

jesus christ he's so damn ugly. this is incredible to me.

>> No.13653071

>the irish, as one example, faced slavery, segregation and poor overall treatment for as long, if not longer than blacks and yet i've never once in their history heard of them making demands for reparations or receiving absolution from their actions so fuck off with your bullshit excuses, you retarded fucking 16 year old
wait, so you are talking here about the Irish slave trade of the 11th century here? a slavery not based on race which stopped in the 12th century, therefore, the Irish have had over 800 years to recover from. You think this is a good comparison to the African slave trade, okay anon, you got me...
>why aren't the Irish seeking reparations from the Normans when blacks seek reparations from the US?

>> No.13653074
File: 128 KB, 640x960, colin-kaepernick-indigenous-peoples-day-1511544696-640x960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the sack of baltimore was as late as the 17th century, illiterate. let me guess, you look like this monster?

>> No.13653077

He looks like 1 in 10 Carribeans. If you think he looks weird you haven't been to New York.

>> No.13653084

>i-it wasn't race based so who cares!
>t-they had 800 whole years to get over it, blacks have only had like 150 bro that's nothing
legitimate retard


>> No.13653088
File: 154 KB, 810x610, colin-kaepernick-gq-cover-main-810x610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in Queens. I don't even look at niggers and spics so wtf do I know. But this ad campaign focusing dead center on his face made me laugh a lot since, y'know, he's butt ugly.

but yes, I know brown people are not refined and tend toward the monstrous. durr

I mean, the stupid manicured mustache is doing him no favors at all, hahaha

>> No.13653091
File: 136 KB, 1000x600, usp_nfl-_san_francisco_49ers_at_miami_dolphins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would honestly kill myself if I was this ugly

>> No.13653092

>I grew up in Queens
You didn't grow up anywhere near a city little /pol/ cuck

>> No.13653094

Try to imagine the person who would take a non-trivial amount of time out of their lives to make this dumbass image.

>> No.13653097

huh? Middle Village... is that a status symbol among you faggots? hahahah, I can assure you I'm very ashamed to have grown up there, only good part was getting to go to the Met and orchestras on school trips and the weekend. The niggers, they were a quick redpill at a young age :^)

>> No.13653102


You're trying too hard. Dude is average as fuck which but not ugly.

>> No.13653105


what is your taste level? I'm genuinely astonished at how ugly he is. it's really unfortunate. he has to look at that in the mirror every day

btw I hate America and never stood for the pledge of allegiance in school, lol. I couldn't give two shits about the controversy. I just had to comment on his appearance since this board is all about that, and god damn.

>> No.13653146

dios mio

>> No.13653168

His stats weren't bad, just average. There are far worse quarterbacks.

>> No.13653169
File: 2.53 MB, 368x349, 4D429E22_3819_4C60_97FA_AD8126395007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw live in comfy Italian american majority neighborhood in western Nassau

>> No.13653170


>> No.13653175

They're right next to each other. I get the microregional politics are a bit different, but no one from Beaverton works at Nike anyway.

>> No.13653188

how is looks not related to fashion, genius? nike, a fashion company, chose someone who is not remarkable for anything but repulsion as their face. most models that are "ugly" are remarkable for strong bone structure. his is just plain gross

>> No.13653193
File: 156 KB, 500x564, slavery-was-a-choice-adidas-the-internet-never-chills-lol-36014941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13653248

The libs burnt their new balances over way less.

>> No.13653270

A huge market for nike is black people. There's a lot of people with liberal views that also wear nike (a lot of kids dressing like rappers or athletes). Why would they not do this?

>> No.13653305
File: 21 KB, 266x400, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13653346

>White people getting angry about kneeling is a chimpout

>> No.13653369

Slavery is unironically a choice. It's a choice between being a slave and being killed but it's still a choice.

>> No.13653390

this is at worst amazing outrage marketing. and at best they'll be applauded for standing by this lib hero. this is only going to help nike. all those retards burning their nike shoes already gave them their money, and the outrage is only temporary, then their stocks will shoot back up. a year from now all those tards who wrecked their already paid for nike appeal will have forgotten all about this shit and buy the newest pair of nikes.

>> No.13653403

if he wasn't fat and retarded he wouldn't look as bad as Colin "eyes on top of each other and a jewish hook nose" Kapernick. Seriously, look at that dude's ugly brown face, omg.

>> No.13653438

>grandparents with money
Fucking lazy ass millennial bullshit. Get a fucking job, earn your own money, take some god damned responsibility for yourself and grow up.

>> No.13653804

holy fuck, this is godlike bait. brb repoasting on other boards

>> No.13653818

I suppose they've never left their country so they don't know how not normal it is to worry about being *murdered* in cold blood by a policeman.

>> No.13653825

wow you're so above everything

>> No.13653832

Is this copypasta?

>> No.13654165

>Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer

It's almost fall now

>> No.13654168
File: 366 KB, 641x567, 548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13654172

pointless alienation of a portion of their customer base for short-term popularity over meme politics
what a great idea

>> No.13654181

Pelosi's approval ratings are in the trash. Her one visit to Israel pissed off both Israel and Syria. She can't even secure a joke position, no way she'd ever get to take office.

What a random copypasta. something more plausible would be more effective imo

>> No.13654203
File: 61 KB, 500x667, 1483441735365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying virtue signalers who pretend to care about this constituted a large enough portion of Nike's market to matter
Wow, you go to Big 5 and buy $40 Nike running shoes once a year. Whatever will they do without you?

>> No.13654209

>immediate ad-hominem
it's not my fault nike made a terrible marketing decision, and that your own stupidity and obsession with american meme politics blinds your sensibilities
i'm not american and don't wear nike regardless, stupid mutt lol

>> No.13654241
File: 1.71 MB, 990x1000, 1483140574451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrible marketing decision.
Again, you are not a large enough market share for them to care about the boycott. Nobody will even care about this in 5 years or less.
The fact that I don't give a shit about what people do during the national anthem does not make me obsessed with meme politics. You seem to be the one who is obsessed with it. You're fucking boycotting clothes because of your feelies, lmao. You're virtue signalling. You don't give two shits about the national anthem. You just want to be mad at something and you're acting like a child over it.
I am a mutt, btw. Keep screeching /pol/lack.

Pic related: u

>> No.13654243

>Pic related: u
>writes out a literal autistic sperg out
lmao unironically cringed

>> No.13654250

You're still the one who is having an autistic fit over Nike like it even matters.

>> No.13654251

>projecting and strawmanning
lmao don't you have school tomorrow morning, little buddy

>> No.13654256

How is this projection in any way? Explain to me how it's a strawman too. I feel like you use these words a lot in the hopes that you don't have to explain yourself.

You are mad that Colin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem, which does not matter. You are so mad about it that when Nike signed him, you boycotted Nike. You told me that I was obsessed with it, which is closer to projection than me telling you that you're throwing a fit. You are both obsessed with the politics of the situation, and throwing a temper tantrum over the outcome.

>> No.13654270

Post your face rn faggot

>> No.13654275

it's almost as if that post wasn't originally typed up yesterday. weird

it's a reference to the line of succession, brainlet. holy shit

>"but didsh you hearshh about how mad isshhrae and syhhyria were"
yeah i don't think that's relevant to the line of succession

>> No.13654530

Jesus, imagine his pubes.

>> No.13654585


When you cant write edgy so you revert to calling people mad

>> No.13654590

Can someone explain a pleb, that never wore brand sportswear like Nike or Adidas, what is going on here?

>> No.13654647

>the right needs to come up with a better comeback

They won't and never will.
Right wing-ers are either rich or brainlets.
The rich don't give enough of a shit to do stupid shit. And the brainlets do stupid shit.

>> No.13654653

Literally none of those memes apply to me retard.

>> No.13654664

Great 5 stars

>> No.13654675


>> No.13654681

fuck off kike

>> No.13654685

Only one of those people called you mad. The rest are just lamenting the fact that you took time out of your day to make that image.

>> No.13654694

European guy migrating to the US in the XIX century:
>has some money and jewelry. At least enough to pay for the trip and to eat for a while
>can read and/or write
>has learned useful skills that they can use to work
>can buy property and marry whoever they want
>can go to college if they so desire
Black ex-slave:
>can't read
>can't write
>only can make whatever job they were forced to do as slaves, and the wages for those jobs are shit
>can't own property, banks won't loan them money
>cannot talk or build relationships with white people, further reducing the amount of opportunities they have
>their kids can't go to a good school or college
So even when the white European had poor offspring, they weren't in the absolute state of misery the offspring of slaves were born into. That takes several generations to break out of, especially when there are societal rules against your people (like blacks being unable to sit down on buses or buy property on certain areas.)
Just take a look at the richest companies right now: Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google were all created and funded by middle-class college kids who had enough money and free time to fund their little ideas in the first place. That's hard to do when public schools in black neighborhoods don't even have enough professors and the kids have to start working ASAP because their bank accounts are empty.

>> No.13654733

that's just poor children growing up to be poor adults, this isn't insightful or profound my guy. There are plenty of middle and upper class black people, stop pitying them for their ethnicity.
Also, Europe doesn't have a shared culture bucko, that's like saying all the asians are the same.
Pretty fuckin racist for one so woke

>> No.13654744

I honestly don't get it.
I'm not from the us

>> No.13654749

This just proves how much of a newfag you are, never seeing this pic before

Lurk more or go back to fucking reddit/tumblr

>> No.13654753

Why should we care for black people?

>> No.13654754

gr8 thread

>> No.13654768

>that's just poor children growing up to be poor adults, this isn't insightful or profound my guy
No, it isn't. It's obvious. It's something any eight grader would infer by reading a little bit of history.
It seems that anon doesn't, since he insists that the black, impoverished people is genetically violent or some shit like that.
>There are plenty of middle and upper class black people, stop pitying them for their ethnicity
I'm not. As I said, it is very hard to get out of that circle of misery, but it's not impossible.
>Also, Europe doesn't have a shared culture bucko
I never said they did, all I said is that the Europeans that migrated to the US knew how to read and write, had useful skills and at least some money.
I used "European" to denote people that comes from Europe, the same way you used "Asians" here:
>that's like saying all the asians are the same.
>Pretty fuckin racist for one so woke
This doesn't even work here because I didn't say anything about their "race" or culture.
Why shouldn't you?

>> No.13654844

thanks for tdlr my g

when will boomer conservatives understand that porkies are their enemies
embrace the communism the redpill

>> No.13655029

>Buying Nike for social Justice
>Raging against child labor

>>How to fucking get rid off both the Left and Right 101

>> No.13655047

don't underestimate how sad people can be thinking "m-muh secret club"

>> No.13655049


Because we're all in this together. I don't understand why people don't get this.

When your neighbor's, or rather your fellow citizen's life is good it makes your life better by extension. Well being is not a competition.

>> No.13655052

anger/stress reduces lifespan

please stay mad

>> No.13655059

you already know that this won't work man, any mention of anything that sounds like compassion is immediately going to be seen as "gay" by people that want to be edgy

been here since 2008 and used to post shit like niggerfaggot when I was 15, but some people don't grow out of it. For some people they never stop being /b/ and never stop being a contrarian

>> No.13655073


I've been here for a long time too. Just as you pointed out some anons are young. They don't get to talk about these things with people who aren't immediately around them. Then they come here to this site whose (toxic) culture has evolved from "those guys are crazy but joking" to "oh shit they actually believe some of that crazy shit".

>> No.13655136

>whites have been degraded non stop for 100 years
apartheid only ended in the 90's man

>> No.13655182

this motto could be the one of 9/11 hijackers, I mean it truly sucks

>> No.13655197
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>> No.13655198

lol, yikes

>> No.13655242

What kind of Italians? Northern or Southern?

>> No.13655243

Damn, snacks still uses that handle

But yeah, every year it gets worse. That one image with the meme compilations paired with years (2008/2011/2015, I think) hits really close to home.

>> No.13655244

Jesus christ, Franklin Square?

If so I feel bad for you son

>> No.13655248

Why do people even care when the majority of Nike wearers are literally ethnic minorities lmao, I'm confused why anyone is even angry or surprised about this.

>> No.13655256

/fa/ is definitely the faggiest board on this website

>> No.13655271

literally who?

>> No.13655275

at least we saved them from living in their mud huts. thats all they deserve, they can free themselves from the chains of oppression and fuck off back to their home any time they want but surprise surprise they just want to leech off of the success of white people anyway

>> No.13655277
File: 24 KB, 113x225, 50EC9723-ACE1-48D1-9059-9932A4DA8E7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this post.

>> No.13655280
File: 319 KB, 465x455, 1368916727737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-yeah 4chan has always been racist but in the past it was all just ironic and friendly jokes!

>> No.13655283

>back to their home

pls be bait

you got me to respond, so good bait

Africa is not home for any black person born in the U.S. It'd be like you fucking off back to Ireland or Poland, going "OH THANK CHRIST IM HOME".

You were born here, they were born here.

>> No.13655288

Maybe it wasn't jokes, maybe you actually disliked people that weren't the same color you were before you grew up.

Actually still hating an entire group of people is nonsense, and won't get you what you want.

It's hilarious how people in the U.S say "we want a white country!", but in the UK when they mean the same they go "Oh, but not Poles, not so-and-so...". Goalposts move, hate stays, you'll never be happy like this.

>> No.13655300


>> No.13655304

don't care

>> No.13655308

no, we're not
nobody cares about you

>> No.13655312

>reddit spacing

>> No.13655317

The guy who kneeled doing the anthem and therefore DISREPSEC DA FLAG AND FREEDUM AND TJE TROOPS AND VETS GODDAMNIT

>> No.13655594

I like my neighbours western and white, thanks

>> No.13655654

>yeah I matured by lobotomizing myself into self-hate and deliberate obtuseness instead of just calming down and using my past as a reminder not to take outrage so seriously
the sage and mature "esjaydoubleyous" are just having a second edgy channer phase behind a veneer of sanctimonious virtue

>> No.13655692
File: 702 KB, 1366x768, gambino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile at Adidas...

>> No.13655846
File: 96 KB, 1200x679, air-jordan-1-ko-model-image_wko48s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mad at Nike at all.
How many niggers are dead because their shoes exist?
They do good work.

>> No.13655879

the most annoying guys in the world are the ones who posted on /b/ or FYAD once, got run off for being an unfunny faggot, and then spent the next 10 years solemnly talking about how they "escaped"

>> No.13655895

he looks fine you autist

>> No.13655904

This is fucking 2009-tier internet argumentation

>> No.13655983

I'm not even on your side but bro you should stop responding to a guy when he's clearly baiting you.

>> No.13656024

I understand where you are coming from but they ultimately gain more than they lose with this. Look at all the free marketing they are getting from everyone and every media outlet talking about it. There's no point getting mad. Nike doesn't give a fuck about black people or white people getting upset over this. Liberal views are safe to advertise so that's what they are going to do.

>> No.13656115
File: 89 KB, 406x371, 1526181743105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people mad at someone not respecting a fallen Israeli puppet country

>> No.13656162

>ungrateful, retard americans burning perfectly good shoes because "muh feelings hurt"
>hating a shoe brand that yesterday they loved - shoes that have day after day carried a 200 pound tard
>nike is disrespecting our veterans!!!!!!!!!!
>don't donate them to veteran charities or the poor
The dropkick right are onto some real politically correct shit hahha

>> No.13656175

Anyone gonna burn some white af1's size 10.5 I'll take them!!!

>> No.13656373
File: 35 KB, 657x1054, 1523025575704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Case for Reparations
I'm literally a left leaning libertarian and I still think that's some commie bullshit. That shit will never happen and even if it did nobody would actually pay it. And even if they did niggers would still be the poorest demographic. Congratulations for making me reply to the gayest thing I've seen today.

>> No.13656375
File: 371 KB, 536x622, jewsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13656396


El Atrocidad de las Americas...

>> No.13656399

Whoa, if it's in a tweet I guess it must be true. At last I truly see that it I was really being a jerk all along.... Truly, I must thank you Anonymous, my eyes have been opened.... Oh my God, I haven't talked to my mother in months.... Why did I shit in my sister's sock drawer... Oh God, Dear Sweet Lord, why hath the scales fallen from my eyes at such a late hour?? If only I had known, DEAR GOD IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN.... WHAT GREAT AND TERRIBLE SIN OF A PAST LIFETIME MUST I BE ATONING FOR? IS THIS HOW IT ENDS? IS THIS THE AXIS ON WHICH MY LIFE TURNS? SHALL I BECOME A NEW MAN WITH THIS TWEET AT THE FIRMAMENT OF MY VERY SOUL?

>> No.13656408

America literally cannot give a fuck about the veterans they keep putting on flags for politics and false morality

>> No.13656421

those quarterbacks also aren't going to be extremely political and cause a scene

>> No.13656429

>conveniently leaving out asians
when will these brainlets learn?

>> No.13656478

so anyone got some J's they want to give away

>> No.13656802

this is the most retarded image, and i would be pleased if you would not post it.

>> No.13656864

I feel really bad that someone gave birth to you, probably had dreams of what their son would be like when he was grown.

And then they got you. I bet your mother sobs alone at night asking herself "where did I go wrong?" I want to hold her and tell her it was just a fluke of genetics, and not her fault.

>> No.13656880

autism tier projection

>> No.13656919

The absolute state of amerimutts getting their diabetes stuck in their dead brains

>> No.13656932

someone lost an argument jeez

>> No.13656936

Adidas has always been more FA

>> No.13656938

yea its retarded I don't get it

>> No.13656941

That’s using your earnest protest as nothing more than a way to make money. They have you look like a cliche black activist in an ad playing on nostalgia millennials have for a time they never lived in, to give meaning to their vapid lives.

>> No.13656943

Those jobs are good jobs in those countries

>> No.13656956

It’s because black people have lower iqs. I saw someone state “black students are chronically under marked at school” as proof of systemic racism while not bothering to ask the obvious question “what if the black students are just dumb?”

>> No.13656962

Blazer and a t-shirt? Definitely not fa. Definitely boomer trying to look cool at Kings of Leon concert

>> No.13656974

black people did the same shit with new balance supporting trump

>> No.13656978

ayo hol up? you saying we aint reponsible fo nottin? sheeeit

>> No.13656989

no they didn't, this is the most perfect move they could've done to pander to retards

>> No.13656992
File: 353 KB, 2560x1440, Trumpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than niggers burning/looting their own cities lmao

>> No.13657010

>what is hardy-weinberg equilibrium

>> No.13657060

Every time someone posts that image there are 5+ angry replies like this

>> No.13657085
File: 267 KB, 1200x630, nikeisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nike just changed the logo.

>> No.13657299

fuck black people
fuck coalburners(Colin's mom is white lol)

fuck /asianmasculinity/ at first

We white poeple are MINORITY and there is NOTHING racist to talk about saving white population and fighting miscegnation. N-O-T-H-I-N-G

(yes, dear blacks, mutts and asians of /fa/, white women and whtie daughters dont want to date you)

>> No.13657332

>hating on /ic/ and /trash/
get fucked

>> No.13657360

>What is a, by definition, impossible criteria for a population to meet

Hardy Weinburg exists as a mathematical model and null hypothesis, it doesnt really exist. Maybe you should learn what terms mean before you start using them to sound smart

>> No.13657379

Unironically agree even though its prob a troll

>> No.13657404

What does any of this have to do with this Nike campaign

>> No.13657418

They targeted gamers.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.

We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.

We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.

Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.

Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.

>> No.13657431

What is happening and why is this a huge deal?

>> No.13657638

been using this shit site since 05, and I haven't seen it before, faggot.

>> No.13657888

He's not even a good player so who cares.

>> No.13657899

this but unironically

>> No.13657930

/fa/ and 4chan in general wholeheartedly supported Kaepernick's protest, so they're disappointed to see that protest commodified, especially by a brand whose own manufacturing practices are contrary to the spirit of the message. /fa/ is disappointed in their burly hero for selling out his heartfelt beliefs to become a sneaker shill.

...or it's something else ;)

>> No.13658432

Dont lie lmao

>> No.13658521

non burger here, is this an american thing?

>> No.13658544

I'm not, newfag.

>> No.13659235

This chart includes the 0.1% of wealth holders who are majority Jewish. Obviously it skews the stats and makes wypipo look so rich and well off. Asians households have the highest median income where black and white are very close. But hey its so easy to manipulate statistics so LOL

>> No.13659397

Yeah, I'm not buying this

>> No.13659412

This might be the best post. Made me really think

>> No.13659543

he looks like an arab. i heard hes got white parents anyway. what a fucking shill pretending to be black. if i was black id be furious

>> No.13659545

1200 people die a year over sneakers in the USA. Almost all of them are blacks. Someone willing to kill over these tacky ugly shoes is a literal animal. And Nike profits off it. That is who liberals are supporting with this.


>> No.13659586

>People kill eachother for expensive desirable things
>This is the company's fault, for making expensive desirable things

>> No.13660304

>christmas trees are offensive to JEWS so we removed the holiday lights and decorations

>> No.13660307

why do these charts never include chinese or asians in the graphs

>> No.13660339
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>> No.13660769

I can't believe some people ITT actually believe this chart

4chan, you really are fucking dull.

>> No.13661144



>> No.13661668

Imagine being mad at someone kneeling at an inanimate object. He's respectfully protesting just like others in history before him.

>> No.13662454

You came from from reddit faggot

>> No.13662579

ITT niggers

>> No.13663260

The rich do seem to care enough to pay people to burn shit. Remember Clearchannel burning the Dixie Chicks CDs.

>> No.13663293
File: 37 KB, 475x434, 1lwdz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believes that cops are systematically going afterr black men
>B...but you can't fall for anything