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13636565 No.13636565 [Reply] [Original]

People sometimes think I’m gay by having my own style. I don’t like that social stigma, or when people stare.

>> No.13636567

nice blog

>> No.13636573

>Dressing retro
>Own style
Wew lad

>> No.13636575

if pic related is you then it's not that you have your own style, it's that you look like a queer

>> No.13636593
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x2448, 60D144D1-7CEC-4D0E-8684-E45B10669451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13636599

For fucks sake grow a mustache if you're going to look like that.

>> No.13636621

please throw that shirt away...

>> No.13636623

trying that hard to look like alex turner

>> No.13636657
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x2448, F3FB52F6-BDFF-48FE-814F-DE9EAE769B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t know who that was, had to search. I’m on the retro style tho fo-sho

>> No.13636658

ya look like a fucken dummy

>> No.13636659

>Own style
Mate, you're a couple years late to the half tuck party and yet you're trying to say you have your own style. Maybe if you didn't act like an insecure homosexual or removed the armbands you could possibly be perceived as straight.

>> No.13636664
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x2448, D4F2915C-3954-437B-A7A8-6B5BA48047D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard some good advice so far. Anything else?

>> No.13636665

Get a haircut, hippie.

>> No.13636668

You have very feminine features

>> No.13636671

You dress a like a male art hoe - all of which I've ever met are both gay as fuck and gay as fuck - so it's no wonder why people think you're a poof.

Want to stop being called gay? Put on some muscle, try a different shape of glasses, and get your own fucking style, not this shitty blend of sleaze with art hoe.

>> No.13636673
File: 25 KB, 600x455, 1534801712552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow your internal confidence and self-esteem until you can confidently verbally joust and parry with the people who try to attack your insecurities.

You sound like a younger guy.

Protip: The world is full of douchebags and crabs who will try to pull you down. Don't be an idealist about society.

>> No.13636676

Also you do look a little feminine, but I think it's your hair and natural facial features.

>> No.13636680

You are so cute would you be my boyfriend uwu

>> No.13636697

then stop having an effeminate style

>> No.13636760

d o u b l e d e n i m

>> No.13636761

I just don’t like being misperceived. Its mostly just social constructs.

>> No.13636767

Nah you look like a fag. Work out and grow a mustache.

>> No.13636793
File: 16 KB, 310x312, Ray Manzarek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe muttonchops...

>> No.13636800

U are cute OP

>> No.13636821

stop pouting you look like you're about to give a blowjob, cool it a bit with buying new clothes, they are nice clothes but dress a little bit squarer it doesn't look like u have enough money to be able to peacock 100% if that's your intention. There's nothing wrong with looking square either, usually solves the "not looking masculine" problem for most people.

>> No.13636984

people don't think you are gay because you have your own style. people think you are gay because you look like a faggot.

>> No.13636996
File: 164 KB, 1200x795, agarden12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like pic related

>> No.13637301

call of duty inspo

>> No.13637305

sick hoodie, and your style is good but if you grew a moustache it would be 70s and match your hair

>> No.13637315

cut your hair

>> No.13637428

people think you're gay because you look like a homosexual my man

a chad could wear that shit and not be confused for a transexual

>> No.13637462





Please God let this be bait

>> No.13637468

A bit Johnny Deppy

>> No.13637536
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x2448, 968B3E10-5069-46E8-BCA5-7290E89C7B0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is off to slave to wage, will cut hair. Any ideas? I like to keep it long but I’m gonna bring more attention to the crown area and trim the back to about chin length.

>> No.13637546

No wonder people think you're a faggot.

>> No.13637566

Learn to pose, please, if your mannerisms are anything like your poses you're checking every single queer red flag. Heed the advice of people here they mean you well even if they may come off as harsh.

>> No.13637587

faggot, and no, its not because of your clothing

>> No.13637593

You look like a fucking lesbian mate

>> No.13637594

You look gay so that's probably why

>> No.13637604
File: 13 KB, 225x360, codec030508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otacon, this is Snake. You look gay as fuck. bloop

>> No.13637605

I like this.

>> No.13637719

Nah, you look cool

>> No.13638013

homo smile

>> No.13638078

>muh social constructs
You're definitely gay dude.

>> No.13638211
File: 966 KB, 244x284, C24406C3-2026-4BEF-B4A4-AC4ED6CA89A2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13638214

a chad wearing a tucked in denim shirt like that would definitely seem gay to me

>> No.13638239

look @ this john denver looking motherfucker lmao

>> No.13638325

You're tucking wrong, try the other side.

>> No.13638331

It's your lips man. Are you wearing lipstick?

>> No.13638340


Own style?? I wouldn't even notice you in a crowd desu...
You look like any other dude, only difference is, you tuck everything into ur pants/jeans..

>> No.13638424

you look like me but with an adams apple n no breasts

>> No.13638542


>> No.13638591

underrated post

>> No.13638805

don't compare these beauties to OP, please. those are my boyfriends

>> No.13638816

-1/10 would not bang ever..

>> No.13638826

Still looks like a fag.

>> No.13638830

Man, not even the homos would fuck him. That's bad because you know they have no standards!

>> No.13638835

Nah just scored some good lips. Genetics man, im 6’4 and pretty slim. Makes it hard to find clothes.

>> No.13638838

Your face is unfortunate.

>> No.13638839


>> No.13638841

I think his face is cute.

>> No.13638847

Post pics or I'll call you a liar. Of your breasts that is.

>> No.13638848

I think you're retarded.

>> No.13638849

Maybe he's a gay dude.

>> No.13638853

That's punishable by death.

>> No.13638857

i'm not

>> No.13638866

Good. Homosexuality is haram.

>> No.13638867

Then what r u

>> No.13638891

I think you’d look v good in gosha or off white, esp at ur height/body type.

>> No.13638970

i can only imagine how obsessed/in hatred you are with this guy to have posted all this, OP

>> No.13639139

They don't call you gay for having your own style, they call you gay because your fucking face screams "COCK SUCKER"

>> No.13639151

Hatred probably comes from the fact that you're trans (FtM).

>> No.13639272

You have dick sucking lips, I'm.not gonna lie

>> No.13639276

Your style isn't over the top or anything, pretty normal for someone who cares about their appearance.
Maybe you just have shitty friends?
My gym short wearing friends i knew from middle school/high school would give me shit when i started caring about my appearance but eventually stopped caring, and as they became adults started to care about it more too.

>> No.13639418

Is no one gonna mention the fact this dude is wearing lipstick or is that just normal around here now

>> No.13639585

You look OK in the first picture (second photo's shirt is too flashy for me), but a short back and sides haircut would be ideal. It's probably the combination of the naturally red lips (as you stated), the longer hair, and maybe the overall youthful features that communicate the undesired connections. Just a shorter haircut could be a big improvement, I think. I'm not advocating for an undercut, but rather a tapered short back and sides haircut, or even slightly longer than that, if you want.

>> No.13639622

Lmao gay moot xd

>> No.13639637

People sometimes think you're gay because you look like a complete faggot. Having your "own style" has nothing to do with it.

>> No.13639647

you have the exuberance of a gay man, you dress like a 60s dad without the waterweight and the moustache and your glasses don't suit you.
You look like you're LARPing.
You look better suited to wearing baggy skater gear, your face has hardly any age detail

>> No.13639913
File: 100 KB, 900x1200, wait_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They think you're gay because you dress like a faggot

>> No.13640035
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, 72B79658-3D4E-483B-9405-BF8C4453F8C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely gonna try to get a cut

>> No.13640502

This is obviously someone who knows him posting his pics from some social media. It's pretty fucked up man. I mean sure the kid is goofy and probably cringey as shit but it's not cool making fun of people like that. Worry about yourself, you shouldn't need to put other people down like that.

>> No.13640587

I dig it

>> No.13641334

i think you look cute in this picture.

but this makes me mad, you look like a racist hillbilly

>> No.13642256
File: 18 KB, 376x500, The-Magazine-and-the-New-Photography-Koga-and-Japanese-Modernism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconded on the glasses. thin rectangle is a meme shape.

>> No.13642372

Dress in full Wayne’s world mode

>> No.13642395

Gay men actually have much higher standards than women

>> No.13642411

you do look like a faggot desu, maybe another haircut would make your face look sharper

>> No.13642448

lol no

>> No.13642568

keep the length of the hair but get it a bit shaped, a little less 40-year-old mom

>> No.13642621
File: 123 KB, 469x404, 20180829_083545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my own style

>> No.13642793
File: 246 KB, 600x1169, Reg-6-Slim-Whitt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13642811

And you sound like a massive closet case “dude”

>> No.13642816

I guarantee this guy is better looking than you lmao

>> No.13642960

triggered homo detected

>> No.13642966

no u

>> No.13643021

Its the neotonous face.