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/fa/ - Fashion

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13634091 No.13634091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing that I could steal your girl by literally standing next to you?

6'2 btw. Stay twink, faggots.

>> No.13634098

>implying I have a girl

>> No.13634103

>How does it feel knowing that I could steal your girl(male) by literally standing next to you?

daily reminder only gays and disease-ridden thots are that easily swayed by muscles

>> No.13634105

Bet you're ugly though

>> No.13634106

Idk depends on if you have a butterface or not, faggot.

>> No.13634108


Except biology says you're wrong, fucktard

Like we are attracted to tits and ass females are attracted to big frames with small waists. And the same reason we are attracted to FACE

>> No.13634110

Your proportions look fucked desu senpai

>> No.13634120

you'd be doing me a fucking favor anon. wouldn't want to marry let alone date a woman who'd throw away everything just to get chads dick for 15 minutes

>> No.13634127

>missing the point
you must've missed the "easily swayed" part of my post, unless you mindlessly cheat on your gf and hop into any random pussy just because the bitch is attractive. 99.9999999999999999% of people have the minimal level of self-control to not start groping every good-looking person they see.

>> No.13634128

because his back is small so his arms are close to his body, on another note his side delts are also small

>> No.13634134

i have that same problem with my delts and have shitty lats, too, despite working both of them out. guess my genes failed me in those areas ;_;

>> No.13634144
File: 58 KB, 465x700, 5CF17B45-BE34-4C5C-899A-8B286ADDF54F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that I have only one girl
Go ahead and try gymcel

>> No.13634152

Nigga your traps are nonexistent

>> No.13634159

except your girl will take one look at my sick fit and determine that I have way more money than you--making me more desirable

Bet you didn't think of that, STUPID!!

>> No.13634163


>> No.13634207
File: 80 KB, 680x794, 30yovirgindragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no timestamp
>just arms
>looks to be about 15%bf
o i am laffin and so is /fit/. when i get out of physical therapy you faggot...

>> No.13634213

What brings you to /fa/ fellow /fit/bruh?

>> No.13634224

Why are you in PT, buckaroo? I'm doing it as well.

>> No.13634254

that bulge looks big

how big is your penis?

>> No.13634277

Please get your forearms caught up. For you, senpai.

>> No.13634278

from my experience they grow much slower that biceps and triceps

>> No.13634284


lol whatever, im handsome lolololol

>> No.13634290

>How does it feel knowing that I could steal your girl by literally standing next to you?

Fuck off faggot I'll never have a girl

>> No.13634301

chico goes to gym and secretly eats like autist tho

>> No.13634452


>> No.13634459

Unironically this

>> No.13634676
File: 30 KB, 385x563, 62345235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gymcel C O P E desu

>> No.13634677

I wonder if you guys really try to put your dumb theories in practice irl

>> No.13634682

2bh i prefer chunky guys over muscled

>> No.13634764

>that faggot that takes roids for a body like this and posts it everyday on fit asking if he looks like he lifts

>> No.13634774

No, you couldn't
Muscles like yours don't look good. No one cares that you can bench press an american. Stay mad, faggot

>> No.13634859

>that phone to hand ratio

>> No.13635221

Zyzz is in heaven laughing at you chunky monkey

>> No.13635233

Nice bait but next time use a picture of a man with an actual well built physique

>> No.13635237

You said you were 5'10" on multiple /fit/ threads. Kek, manlet.

>> No.13635246

pls gib forearm exercises

>> No.13635250

How does it feel knowing that teenagers are now taller than you?

>> No.13635251
File: 733 B, 15x20, 1511992398961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I know my girlfriend would never leave me for anyone

>> No.13635267

insecure faggot

>> No.13635268

sorry my girl doesn't like meatheads, she prefers little twinkk boys like me :)

>> No.13635274

P-post tummy

>> No.13635328

Jokes on you, you'd be stealing me from her!

>> No.13635602

Joke's on you, i'm gay

>> No.13635627
File: 61 KB, 1000x900, absoluteretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>42 replies
When will you /fa/ggots learn, sage and filter low quality threads instead of replying

>> No.13636259

oww we made it mad :3

>> No.13636276

Good luck with your fucked natural testosterone production and shriveled little balls

>> No.13636336

No you couldn't witeboi, my girls are queens and im their pharaoh you should really ask yours to stop being such a slut as she gives you a wrong idea of a true woman, tho im not surprised she cant resist the mighty black cock stay mad manlet

>> No.13636348

I'd literally pay you to steal my girl.

>> No.13636365

Say that to my gun

>> No.13636380

I am a twink yes but if I had a girl I wouldn't let u steal her I would fight u

>> No.13636395

OK, yes, I am a twink, and yes, I would let YOU put it in the one time, but then I wouldn't respond to your horny text a week later since you seem like kind of douche and not worth the effort, so.

>> No.13636457
File: 145 KB, 645x729, 1517001658845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13636499

well im bigger than you so you actually couldnt sorry lad

>> No.13636622

stop reddit spacing, dumbass

>> No.13636624

HA !!
No you couldn't. I don't have a girl.
Checkmate faggot.

>> No.13636684

I’ve fucked a girlfriend of a guy who looks like that just by making dirty jokes while eating bananas around her, and I'm skinny fat.

>> No.13636691
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, bloatlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're lookin pretty twinky yourself, op

>> No.13636715


>> No.13636727

>t.boss of the gym

>> No.13636777

If you stood next to me you would be 2 inches shorter you Popeye fuck

>> No.13636843

I'm 6'4", re:kt

>> No.13636882

I'm a trained tank commander. That's all I need to say to mog you faggot.

>> No.13636908


>> No.13636933
File: 875 KB, 250x231, 1527339133386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't sage while replying to a thread