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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 36 KB, 497x750, thinspo sticc legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13621510 No.13621510 [Reply] [Original]

Thinbois > Thingrills edition

Old >>13611889

>post thinspo
>stay hidratted
>no bully pls
Male thinspo:


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.13621521

>5' 11
>fluctuates between 127-134
reeee how do i fix this

>> No.13621524
File: 486 KB, 320x241, https%3A%2F%2F78%2Emedia%2Etumblr%2Ecom%2F9a568b81488931145bee0657ec79d3ed%2Ftumblr_owt5an7HK61u2p2coo1_400%2Egifv_encoded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you fags really want to look like this?

>> No.13621530
File: 63 KB, 640x640, thinspooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you want to be, pics could help

>> No.13621531
File: 192 KB, 1000x801, 1532031250128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my morning weight has become my night time weight and my legs looking better than ever :) i still have a bit more to go until my gw but finally seeing results is nice. only down side is that im already letting my self go by getting to comfortable with eating breakfast and going to the gym less :(

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
f,23,5'5", 124

>highest and lowest weight
hw: 135 lw: 115
>goal weight
115 or whenever i like how my legs look
>preferred method of losing weight
fasting twice a week has done me good but i usually just restrict and workout about 3-4 times a week mostly low resistance cardio
>aesthetic you are going for
pic related

>> No.13621548

But why? Unless you're trying to be a twink, being that thin is unattractive to women.

>> No.13621549

>looking a certain way for women
spoken like a virgin

>> No.13621552

I'm p sure at least 3/4 of the guys here are gay. If I was straight I'd prob wanna be muscular

>> No.13621555

Okay, so you're starving yourself for a Chinese cartoon forum. Is that any better?

>> No.13621574

I want to be 115. Not able to take pics rn.

>> No.13621623
File: 698 KB, 1598x2048, 511A8CC7-72D3-4DB4-93D4-AEF6F493EF7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m straight and I guess I like being somewhere in between skinny and /fit/

>> No.13621722

ech went out with friends and binged a little. i hadnt had sweets or good food in so long i went a little overboard, 400 or so above tdee... might go another few hundred over, but will restrict tomorrow to fix this.

>> No.13621724

post grills pls

>> No.13621834

Why did I gained 200 grams in 2 days :(
I ate 1200 calories on tuesday and burned 200 calories
Yesterday I ate 600 calories and exercise
I was 53,3 now 53,5 kg, I have to lose 13 kg

>> No.13621837
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>> No.13621839
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>> No.13621846

Do you guys do any sort of exercise or just starve yourselves?

>> No.13621849
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>> No.13621859
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>> No.13621862
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>> No.13621923
File: 61 KB, 640x783, BA2544A2-26DB-4178-BD10-B1817EB422D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any girls or I guess guys too, lose sex drive after going thinspo. I used to have/want sex daily. Now I just don’t have the desire. It’s sad because now I don’t mind being naked all the time but like I just don’t care about sex anymore.

>> No.13621941
File: 1.13 MB, 1079x796, 20170901_231434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, I don't want sex anymore
But it is okay for me

>> No.13622011

> if you fast you WILL fail
> if you starve yourself you WILL fail
> if you do not exercise while dieting you WILL fail
> if you have a cheat day you WILL fail
> if you drink sugar-free soda you WILL fail
> if you smoke/consume drugs and alcohol you WILL fail
All my points are true, objectively so. Any argument against these facts is automatically invalid.

>> No.13622052
File: 47 KB, 640x960, Diy4rnk_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have cheat days and lost 15 kgs lol

>> No.13622060

How did you come to these stupid conclusions?
Imagine being that insecure about your self control and discipline that you don't allow yourself a diet drink

>> No.13622079

That isn't /fit/ anon. Not even /r/fit. Just skinny. Not even /thinspo/ fit imo, a little too fat.

>> No.13622081

extra salt or heavier low-cal food.

>> No.13622082

I personally just starve because I'm trying to make weight before adding muscle and there is no need to exercise to lose weight.

t. ~850 cal a day

>> No.13622084
File: 54 KB, 800x500, 1512891216286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13622112

t. triggered fatties

>> No.13622161


you tried to hit home on all of them but you failed on everyone

>> No.13622294

am little under 115 same height and not happy with my legs :(

>> No.13622300

I used to do almost all of these and lost 80 lbs lol.

>> No.13622328

Well you're clearly a liar. Argument dismissed
And you failed to become thin, fatbot.

>> No.13622333

Delusional fatty. Losing 15 kilograms from 150 kilograms doesn't prove anything. Control your urges, pig.

>> No.13622338

every ones fat distribution is different, all my fat goes to my belly and thighs, my thighs when i get that low will always looking flabby and gross if im sedentary. skateboarding plus low resistance calories gave me a thigh gap even at my cw.

>> No.13622339

cardio* not calories

also with all that being said i think my UGW is 105 my legs will look thinspo even without the cardio

>> No.13622350

>do intermittent fasting for several months before normal cico
>lose 60lb in 8 months
>lear to maintain at that weight
its been 4 months of maintaining, so im going back to IF
maybe just speak for yourself.

>> No.13622351

Ha I'm 50 kgs now or 110 lbs

>> No.13622353

I am 166 cm tall

>> No.13622358

Suddenly I gained 2 kgs last week and it is not gone...

>> No.13622363
File: 1.48 MB, 1079x1070, 20171103_201718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here on thinspo are no obese people

>> No.13622377

Kek hows skinnyfat working out for you /slopbody/

>> No.13622399
File: 894 KB, 1079x1344, 20170701_130418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not skinnyfat and I exercise, so shut up and get out of here

>> No.13622402
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>> No.13622413
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>> No.13622441

At the end of the day it all boils down if it will get me pussy or not..

>> No.13622451


>> No.13622456

No, you are fat.

>> No.13622463 [DELETED] 

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

>> No.13622466

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

>> No.13622472

> 166cm
> excercises
Manlet detected
Projecting fatty detected

>> No.13622482

>Projecting fatty detected
fatty detected

>> No.13622505

t. triggered brainlet fatass reusing insult

>> No.13622519
File: 1.03 MB, 1079x1052, 20170920_230131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a female..

>> No.13622525

>t. triggered brainlet fatass reusing insult
t. triggered brainlet fatass

Lose some weight already and stop embarrassing yourself lmao!

>> No.13622536

> reddit spacing
get off my board

>> No.13622548
File: 138 KB, 754x1008, tt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> reddit spacing
what is reddit?

>get off my board
what board?

Fucking brainlets I swear...

>> No.13622554

> continually falls for bait
> accuses me of being a brainlet
this guy

>> No.13622562

Whats up with this guy coming to this thread and calling everyone a fat retard?
Here isn't /fat/ nor /fph/.
Please leave.

>> No.13622570
File: 130 KB, 1440x1080, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> continually falls for bait
> accuses me of being a brainlet

>> No.13622579
File: 376 KB, 447x438, IMG_7481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw stated in OP any argument was invalid
the game was rigged from the start, fatty. you lose

>> No.13622591

you can't tell anyone to leave so long as you're still fat. go for a run bloaty

>> No.13622595
File: 20 KB, 511x591, 1530798130041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw stated in OP any argument was invalid
I no fat :>,(
you argument invalid automatic

>> No.13622597

i see the fat has clogged your brain rendering you incoherent. godspeed, fatass

>> No.13622600
File: 37 KB, 720x682, _20180823_185833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I just did it

>> No.13622603

I have godspeed while you have godfat Mr. Fatgod >:^)

>> No.13622606

and your status as a fat pig immediately invalidates anything you say. >>13622603
spoken like a true fatty

>> No.13622611

Spoken like true fatgod

Post your fat fatgod

>> No.13622660
File: 233 KB, 1280x960, 702b3c6a-4914-428c-8b3d-1864d01f135a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m/20/5'4. Just hit 110 today. Surprised because I've been eating more than usual.

Being a manlet n all, I've decided to just go for a goth twink sort of thing even though I'd love to look a little more intimidating and masculine.

>> No.13622673

You sound pretty cute
>no severe manlet bf to make me feel tall at 5'7

>> No.13622683

erm, you just want to be mad at someone because you're struggling aren't you?

>> No.13622689

>tfw no bf to make me feel attractive

I'm so lonely, anon :(

>> No.13622694

Obviously not all women will have the same preference. I like skinny men.

>> No.13622753

my fat is all in my tummy and thighs too. haven't been exercising until recently so i look muffy af.
aah i've tried skateboarding. fucks up my back... like i get real bad lower back pain idek.

>> No.13622829

>150lb 5'9" squishy chub twink boy
>"why am still look chubby and soft when not overweight someone halp"
>dude bro just bulk and build muscle bro it's like an excuse to eat more and also you'll look better after wards
>"alright I guess"
>30lbs of working out and eating later and I just look ugly and gross and have a big tummy now


>> No.13622831
File: 397 KB, 1080x1166, 1534076382719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /thinspo/ listen to? A large chunk, I'd say 90% give or take, of my music consumption is David Bowie. I've been listening to him since my teenage years and haven't grown tired one bit. There's so much of his discography to sort through, each album sounding different than to last and his live albums containing different versions of tracks, each never sounding the same per show.

>> No.13622853

Smoking and drugs(amphetamines) helped me lose weight lmao(and now I'm struggling with it again because I had to quit smoking because my heart was getting fucked up), also booze calories can be negated by drinking liquor.

>> No.13622926

>gained 3kg in 3 days
Some of it is water weight, I know, but I just stopped counting how many calories I was binging at some point. I should feel horrible.

>> No.13622939
File: 250 KB, 466x510, received_208664410007687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emo rap, street rap, alt pop and some k pop and other shut
Billy got the stiffy uh

>> No.13622962
File: 42 KB, 480x480, 0_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand !
I suddenly gained 1 kgs 3 weeks ago, I was sad, ate 1000-1200 calories like always
2 weeks ago, I was still 51,3 kgs...
And I was so sad that I binged 4 days in a row, and now I weigh 53,3... I ate 500-1000 calories since Saturday, but lost nothing...I want to cry
I am 151 cm, so I look so fat
I was 50,3 kg 4 weeks ago....I could be now under 50 kg, I'm an idiot sandwich

>> No.13623014

haha get the fuck out of here faggot

>> No.13623022

>already read all of /fph/ thread
>already exercised
what to do, what to do

>> No.13623047
File: 2.31 MB, 268x350, QueenJoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is sometimes good and the girls are thinspo

>> No.13623058

>/fph/ thread
Are these supposed to be motivating? All that's posted there are obese people.

>> No.13623063
File: 446 KB, 640x1055, 1534514508822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be intimidating and masculine if you get t h i c c

>> No.13623068





If you eat like sub 1000 calorie you're looking at like a few months are least. Longer since you want to go past your starting point since you were still fat at that point so when you learn to bulk instead of just getting fat slowly (>>>/fit/) you won't go from skinny to chubby in 5 lbs of body weight.

>> No.13623072

Lil Phag, former Mayor of Hell, Michigan

>> No.13623087

Fuck off, blackpink are gud

>> No.13623105
File: 2.30 MB, 540x231, 1520316963374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My niggers.

>> No.13623147

fuuuck i binged again today. i dont think it was enough to gain weight or at least not much but fuck the day isnt even halfway over and im too much of a pussy to commit to purging i tried but couldn't get more than a little water out fuck im retarded

>> No.13623198

failing means you're taking in more calories than your body uses. you can do everything you listed and lose weight as long as you're in a caloric deficit

>> No.13623203

damn dude thats sucks :( i skated for the first time in months yesterday and my legs feel like they're about to fall off today im going to need at least 3 days to recover. im not young like i use to be

>> No.13623210

when you guys say that you binge, how much calories do you mean? bc i tend to call anything that's not restriction a binge even eating at maintenance makes me feel guilty enough to call it a binge.

>> No.13623213

i always gain 3-5 lbs of water weight the week before my period. it freaks me out every time, but after my period my weight goes back to normal

>> No.13623222

I'm the same way. Like 2000 cals is a binge to me. But there are people in this thread really doing multi-thousand cal binges so...

>> No.13623224

>i tend to call anything that's not restriction a binge even eating at maintenance makes me feel guilty enough to call it a binge
How cute. I know that's what most people here probably call a binge, though. Technically, eating too much of anything is a binge. Usually I call it a binge when I am going 1000+ calories above my TDEE. I could also binge on stuff like cherries or tomatoes but those are low calorie which means I can still stay below maintenance and not have to worry much.

>> No.13623259

Someone post fat to skinny thinspo please

>> No.13623279
File: 1.64 MB, 2500x3260, 1527142992594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1250 is binge for me, you guy need to straighten up if you want to hit the " bone zone "'

>> No.13623292

800 is 'ate too much but tolerable for me', 1000 is binge.
Aiming for 250-350 calories atm so I can not feel guilty when I have a cooked breakfast with work on Sunday.

>> No.13623297

Why are you people restricting so much? Are you just trying to drop off the weight really fast?

>> No.13623300


>> No.13623303

They don't know what they are doing.

>> No.13623307

yeah of course its motivating

if im being honest with myself it feeds into my want to fear being fat

>> No.13623313

>don't know what they are doing
Except I do?
I want to lose weight and would rather spend 20 days not eating much than 20 months autistically making sure I have a 500 kj deficit

>> No.13623346
File: 69 KB, 400x711, 조이3__슈가로즈.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's power up

>> No.13623358

Does this happen due to low weight, or insufficient calories/nutrients?

>> No.13623381

>there is no need to exercise to lose weight.
that's not true. beginners can build some muscle while losing weight.

>> No.13623392

More likely to be insufficient nutrients causing the body to go into a sort of survival mode, once you stabilise you should get your libido again.

>> No.13623433

nah, but i feel like i get panic attacks easier
anyone else like this?

>> No.13623473


>> No.13623477

Does it get better after a snackeroonie?

>> No.13623480
File: 58 KB, 720x1280, received_521073458346504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I thinspo? also, should I get these? they're super comfy and super cheap

>> No.13623488

Do you have a reason to not buy them? Just hope you would pick a good pair of shoes it go with them.

>> No.13623498
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, received_1974183889269311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they're kinda gay and my gf don't like that but I feel good in them, wish I could find these but in a dark gray or black color but it's just this one

>> No.13623507

They look gay in what you are wearing, and that pose is not helping. But you can't just acquiesce at your girls criticism. Even if you decide not to, it should not be apparent that you are considering her, in how you dress yourself.

>Thirst quencher q.
Pull up your shirt so I can correctly asses you thinsponess.

>> No.13623519

idk, actually. i'm usually outside when it happens, so i don't have any snacks on hand.
shame tho, dunkaroos are bomb.

>> No.13623532

Your body is probably craving sustenance. When I fasted, it was off eating constant carbs, even just healthy ones like oats, since it was constant, I had gathered a habit for high insulin in my blood stream causing massive panic attacks. After I lowered my carbs, this didn't happen, at least not as badly. Your experience may very, but try to lower your carbs, or drink more water, as that may have been the real issue. Or maybe it was some third thing, not a doctor.

>> No.13623601

that's probably it. i think my worst panic attack was after eating sushi on a low restrict day, oof.
my diet is getting better now tho. mostly veggies instead of inhaling the first thing i see till my calorie limit.

>> No.13623683

>eat huge dinner
>go over calorie goal
>feel like shit and mad at myself
it was delicious but was it worth it?

>> No.13623687

tbf tho i’m only 75 calories over

>> No.13623765

Idk anon first your only 75 calories over, then you're 750 calories over.
I'm sitting on around 250 calories today and I don't particularly want to go above 300, so 75 over would be a lot for me.

>> No.13623797

Consumed a little under 1500 calories today. Quite a lot but I haven't been keeping track for a few weeks.

>> No.13623826
File: 704 KB, 1960x1830, DlU9ifkXcAAdIcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl i follow on twitter @ratmic is like 75% boobs and really thinspo

>> No.13623833
File: 2.07 MB, 1146x1164, Screen Shot 2018-08-23 at 10.09.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the kind of legs i want, i wonder what her stats are. she's vegan...maybe i should go vegan

>> No.13624045

Subtract the overflow from tomorrows meal calories.

>> No.13624095


I haven't listened to much Bowie, but I would love to start.

What are some of your favorite things that he's made?

(I don't need starter/"accessible" stuff, gimmie the best you can think of)

>> No.13624105


Wear clothing that makes you happy. Don't rely on other people's criticism.

Also, like others said, the rest of your outfit isn't helping. They would look a lot better with something a bit more dressed up.

>> No.13624248

Yeah, that looks good, well at least from the angle you’re taking the picture form anyway.
Also nice legs 10/10 do want

>> No.13624292

>you don't need to watch what you eat, you're so skinny!
>you should put on some weight, you're so skinny!
this just makes me feel better about being thin and also if I'm so skinny now i don't want to waste it by eating like shit

>> No.13624340


>> No.13624344

Unironically inspiring.

>> No.13624347

Yes. Unless you are trying to save your muscle mass while cutting, there is literally no reason to go slower besides laziness or fear.

I didn't want to spend 6+ months doing what I could get done in at max 3.

>> No.13624353

My kindred.

>> No.13624359

I'd say you're eating too little or drinking too much coffee/tea. There is a lower bound to how little you can eat without suffering.

>> No.13624372
File: 240 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'2 143

bmi officially underweight, at 18. kinda wanna go to 150 :/

>> No.13624382

Is that you on the left? You would benefit from gaining weight maybe. At least from this angle. Or a different hairstyle. Your face is too thin for that lions-maned flared hair.

>> No.13624604

>ate like a fat fuck, 1200 cal
>still maintain a 2000 cal deficit (barely)
Not a good day desu, hopefully tomorrow will be better and I can stick to my 250 cal diet to prepare for that breakfast

>> No.13624623

black kray is so thinspo

>> No.13624825


>> No.13624837

As a former bulimic I now respect the word binge. Binge is when I let the animalistic instincts take me over and shut down the actual me. Generally just eating without control, be it a piece of chocolate I actually refused to have or a whole day of uncontrolled, disgusting pigging out.
Thanks to Brain Over Binge I and therapy I overcome those intrusive instincts now so a relapse is not a fear of mine.
Eating too many calories (to be in a deficit) is just my fat ass being a fat ass, not a binge tho.

>> No.13624840

Also, being that skinny is worse than being obese. You are more likely to get a heart attack at really low BMIs

>> No.13624950

How low are you talking? Anorexic, ala Cooney-esque is not thinspo, if that is what you mean.

>> No.13624974

lol I'm thin though, so you failed at your assumption

>> No.13624976

who's this girl

>> No.13624991

do cardio for half an hour

>> No.13625288
File: 97 KB, 736x736, 5975952eabe5d4290478e778de96b373--pretty-swimsuits-inka-williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13625292

what are some /thinspo/ snacks?

>> No.13625312

no snacks

>> No.13625328


>> No.13625332

Do you smoke, /thinspo/?

>> No.13625390

>gain 3 lbs in 2 days
probably water weight and food that hasnt been digested for some of that weight but i feel disgusting so I guess I'm trying dry fasting for a day or something

>> No.13625518

That is all it can be, honestly. It can be discouraging for a novice dieter, but when you understand it's just masking your weight loss you get over, and learn to wait for your loss on the scale, your discipline in calorie restriction should speak to the efficacy of your diet, not short term weight loss.

184 184 183
182 181 184
181 180 180

This has been the pattern of my weight loss so far. There was a stand still but reality it was just waste. Think in terms of long term goals know this rather, then day to day, when this happens.

>> No.13625519

>went from 75 kg to 55
>fucked up, lost motivation, got back up to like 65 or something
>too scared to step on a scale for like 3 months now
>decided today to get things on track
>it's 9 PM and I drank like 250ml of vodka already, which is like 600 cal
>feel hungry as fuck, literally struggle with myself like every few minutes to not eat anything

fucking kill me

>> No.13625532

Feeling like shit is not the problem, so long as don't go to the fridge.

>> No.13625716


I bet all the thinspo girls here drooling over this pic right now
some of them even touching themselfs

girls want strong big alpha males even those who say they ''I prefer twinks''

>> No.13625746

>Another "family forces me out" day
Second Friday in a row. And of course it always has to end in pizza. At least I can control myself and not drink soda

>> No.13625753

I guarantee most intentionally /thinspo/ guys are gay.
>t. Twink fag

>> No.13625760
File: 32 KB, 284x327, 1534433765750 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least I can control myself and not drink soda

>> No.13625761

My standards are pretty low. Just be skinny, white, and have an at least 4/10 face

>> No.13625764

If I don't eat shit my parents get all pissy.
>Anon you better not be anorexic

>> No.13625770
File: 40 KB, 680x680, 7a840edd39c94c1807286785e419105c2a50e160fd5332ecf5c229414f534b9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo how the hell does Japanese sizing work? I'm a 32 x 32 and Farfetch is saying that's a size 0 in japan. That shit don''t sound right.

>> No.13625771
File: 23 KB, 239x281, 1534738416146 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you eat, buddy?

>> No.13625782
File: 59 KB, 576x1024, 1534026935763m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of soft pretzel, two pieces of olive pizza. I need to move out. Keto's impossible with parents

>> No.13625788

What brand was the pizza, and the pretzel?

>> No.13625801

Pretzel - auntie annes
Pizza - local place

>> No.13625821

Yes, i love it

>> No.13625833

Nah, smoke smells like ass. Shitty for you plus deepens voice and may increse test. Not good when you're going for the cuteboy look

>> No.13625838
File: 106 KB, 894x633, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please help. I don't know what the fuck this means. What does this 32 stand for. Is this the pants size? Is this converting basic shirt size? I can't find straight answers anywhere. Why do the japanese have a 0, 1, 2, 3 sizing system for pants

>> No.13625848

>2000 calorie deficit
jesus what do you weigh

>> No.13625851

this desu

>> No.13625886

tea or coffee

>> No.13625945

>Keto's impossible with parents

Stop being a pussy.

>> No.13625946

I did so bad today lol fuck

i should go to the gym but my body is still recovering from skating 2 days ago

>> No.13626045

is okay anon, there's always tomorrow.

>> No.13626079

Cooney's 24, unless if she starts recovering, she probably only has a few years before organ failure or heart attack

>> No.13626126
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>> No.13626138

used to but am quitting because my bf hates it and it isn't cute

>> No.13626148

I want to.

>> No.13626152

Constipation and not having to shit isn't the same the same thing...

>> No.13626154

>the same the same thing
yea i didnt really understand the gif but its funny

>> No.13626233

haha look at this fag his parents don't care about him
yeah, and the day after that, and then the one after - don't give in anon, always push yourself.
why would you want to
a. have cancer
b. smell like shit

>> No.13626277

thanks, i always try to keep that in mind. my body is starting to feel better finally

>> No.13626278

>haha look at this his parents don't care about him
Would be better if my parents didn't care about me des. They shouldn't care about me anyway. I'm just a loser

>> No.13626281

a WEIGHT loser!
this is where we laugh, thinspo.

>> No.13626355
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I'm the anon you replied to. You could start at any point in his career but usually people go from Ziggy Stardust to the Berlin Trilogy. So I'll drop you a few personal favorites from that time period.


Those covered the surface level. There's so much more of his work to go through and as I said before, those are a couple of personal favorites. Obviously, I favor other tracks on the albums linked but I didn't want to post more than enough.

>> No.13626480

p o s t e d l i k e a w i n d m i l l
p o s t e d l i k e a l i g h t p o l e
p o s t e d l i k e a s t r e e t s i g n

>> No.13626551


>> No.13626558

I've been good today!
24 hours into a dry fast and I only about an hour to go before I can drink again.
Tomorrow morning or afternoon I can make myself breakfast, probably a banana or avocado.
But despite the 2 binge/cheat days, I'm feeling good and motivated to shed the weight I gained from those gross days. I'm angry at myself for doing that when I was so close to my gw but I'm almost back on track.
Stay positive friends, you'll get there

>> No.13626562

too lazy to eat at uni, dropped from 6'3 135 to 6'3 122 and i might drop farther. at least i'll be thinspo when i die

>> No.13626598


How much does a 5'6 grill have to weigh to look something like this???

>> No.13626611

[32] means waist size
(32) means inseam

>> No.13626616

If it’s attainable at on your body shape as in bone structure and where you store fat. You will look good if you lose weight but you might not get that defined hips, your legs or shoulders could be thinner or larger, so on and so forth.
The weight depends on body fat percentage and lean mass.
I’m guessing she’s bmi 17 ish, certainly not above 18. She’s not got a lot of muscle but some abs and maybe some leg muscle.
I’d try a bmi of 17, if you end up skinnyfat and square start running and working out a bit to get a more defined shape

>> No.13626645

>My parents don't respect my autonomy but its because they care


>> No.13626648

Name a more iconic /thinspo/ character. I'll wait.

>> No.13626652

You must be 18 to browse on 4chan.

>> No.13626979
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>skeleton man with a bmi of 17
>want to dress nice
>come to /fa/ for advice
>too poor for slp
>everything in thrift stores is too big and musty
>other brands they recommend are only in america

>> No.13626982
File: 79 KB, 750x711, 21151389_1951207785092960_2418680798922637326_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up, im just never gonna lose weight, i binge every single day, my emotions get to me, im weak, pathethic, im just gonna be a fat ugly dude the rest of my life.

>> No.13627154


what percentage is this guy's bodyfat?

>> No.13627159

How fat? I'm stuck in a binge cycle too, so I feel you.

>> No.13627192
File: 41 KB, 720x960, thin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60kg 1.85m
i like my body right now, dont know if it`s "thinspo"
trying to gain a bit of muscles in my arms and shoulders to look a bit wider

>> No.13627260

What is a /thinspo/ approved rate of weight loss? Currently losing about 2.5 lbs a weeks, down from about 3 lbs (since I lost weight and my tdee went down).

>> No.13627270

Nevermind, just redid the math. I'm sitting just slightly over 3 lbs a week (163.8lbs to ~147 in 35 days, aka 3.36 lbs per week.)


>> No.13627273

>Love and embrace thinspo aesthetic
>Worry I'll never get laid with it or be conventionally attractive (don't have the facial aesthetics to pull it off)
wat do

>> No.13627276

Grab some fabric and start sewing. It's easier than you think if you have acess to a sewing machine (maybe equipment sharing in your city or a relative/family friend will loan you one). Youtube some tutorials.

>> No.13627277

Tea and coffee. As much as you can tolerate. Let it coax you into forgetting hunger.

>> No.13627291
File: 60 KB, 653x851, 1527726169023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have the facial aesthetics for it, don't do it. Face > frame. For me I go from like a 7 ish to an 8 when I get thinspo. My cheekbones really pop and its glorious. If this wasn't true I would do something else. There are all kinds of aesthetics. Just be fit whatever you do.

>> No.13627311


>> No.13627326
File: 1.34 MB, 1079x1070, 20170222_172557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks goooood

>> No.13627341
File: 1.54 MB, 1079x1322, 20180825_172608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her instagram name is maria_domark and why is her belly so flat omg

>> No.13627346
File: 257 KB, 1366x2048, 1456425909937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting there guys. I went from 78kg to 56kg since february (5'7; GW: 48). I now enjoy life eating way less and drinking black coffee. I don't have to waste much money on eating properly, as I got used to it, and I'm still losing weight through my routine. It is a nice way to live my life, knowing I'm always doing something to improve on myself. Why didn't no one tell me about thinspo before haha.
Keep chasing your gw's, I love you all.

>> No.13627348
File: 1.48 MB, 1079x1220, 20180825_172553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that waist is perfect...a dream...

>> No.13627371

she looks good but you can tell she is doing the lordosis pose in this pic

>> No.13627383

>Be thinspo
>Have acne

Is there a contrast more jarring than this? My facial structure isn't bad at all but it is heavily detracted by a few inflamed pimples and a reddish, uneven skintone. My skincare routine and diet are on point so I guess I'll give it some time to take effect at this point.

Worship your skin if you are /thinspo/. It can be your best asset or your worst detractor!

>> No.13627389
File: 585 KB, 500x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

height: 175cm (5' 9")
weight: 84kg (185.11lbs)

quickest and easiest way (in terms of excercise and diet) to get to pic related?

>> No.13627429

Whats your routine and What do you usually eat?

>> No.13627434

Is it weird that black coffee is so nasty to me that I don’t want to eat anything for most of the day? Is that how it’s suppose to work? It puts such a gross taste in my mouth with out creamer

>> No.13627491
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I'm a second year in architecture. I wake up, I shower, and I drink a black coffee, and then I go at uni at 9AM. I have classes until late, and I have lots of things to do, so I distract myself pretty easily from hunger. I drink lots of water too, and if I get a craving for coffee, I just make myself one, as I keep stuff in my locker. If I'm hungry, however, at the point I'm sleepy and can't do anything, I get myself a 187-kcal cookie. It helps that everything that's sold at my uni is expensive and unappetizing (and it's also in the middle of nowhere, so good luck finding somewhere else to eat)
Whenever I get home, I drink another coffee, and have some carbs to work on something until late night.
I used to do rope jumps in february/march too, but now it's cold as fuck and I don't have enough time to do it, so I'm waiting until my vacations at summer.

(sorry for the blog post)

>> No.13627537
File: 109 KB, 533x800, 1392161841214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go Zach-mode?

M / 18 / 6'2" / 180 p.

>> No.13627552

>parents take me out to eat
>order tuna bowl
>only eat the tuna and a bite of rice
i love eating less desu

>> No.13627564

im 11kg away from my ideal weight

>> No.13627636

>tfw when got out of a 3-week "binge" cycle a week ago
Only gained like 5 pounds from it thankfully.
Just start counting calories, don't even restrict yet. Drink more tea, coffee. Soon you'll be ready to start restricting and fasting again.

>> No.13627648

ur probably drinking dog shit coffee or youre just a little bitch lol

>> No.13627669

Coffee is fucking disgusting. Just stick to tea, actually tastes good, safer to drink at night than coffee.

>> No.13627678

ur fucking disgusting

>> No.13627695

Take that back meanie! I never said anything mean to you, unless if you are coffee

>> No.13627699

You are what you drink, thus I indeed am coffee.

>> No.13627744

Eat as little as possible and do absolutely nothing.

^easiest and very fast. I eat about 800 calories a day. drinking tea helps a lot. Before that I was eating like 1400

>> No.13627751

you are drinking bad coffee or brewing it wrong. if its sour then you are brewing it too short/too high temp. If bitter then too long/too low temp. It's probably shitty coffee though.

Also caffeine is an appetite suppresant.

>> No.13627915

fuck im craving grilled cheese and I can probably make one for <600 calories but im 38 hours into a dry fast and want to finish 48 hours... would it be ok to eat or should i wait it out and just eat tomorrow on hour 60?

>> No.13627929

Don't eat.

>> No.13627953

thank you. dry fast is ending at 48 probably but im gonna continue to not eat
thanks anon

>> No.13628128

Whatever you do, don't break your fast with grilled cheese or anything carby. Carbs right after a fast will typically result in weight gain. Eat something fatty your first meal, then you can have some carbs in your next meal

>> No.13628163
File: 102 KB, 300x256, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calories are calories. You talking just in terms of bloat?

Grilled cheese is pretty fatty anyway

>> No.13628237

is biking ~12km every day on a flat path going to give me big legs?

>> No.13628259

if you do it at max with a big gear it might

>> No.13628440

Well shit guys I fucked up, consumed around 2000 calories today. Drank a shitload of black tea. How did you do today, anon?

>> No.13628445

>calories are calories
That's boomer-tier science. I'm saying you don't want to spike insulin after fasting for a while.

>> No.13628484
File: 339 KB, 800x1040, 1534370668249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'10 and 165lb.
I honestly dont see how I could go smaller. I'm at 28'' waist and my ribs can be seen through a tight t shirt. Maybe my fat distribution is fucked. I am fairly athletic. I ride my bike 15 hours a week.
I've been doing fasts and stuff for months. I just want to see a 5 instead of a 6 on my scale.

>> No.13628532

how many calories are you eating every day
how many do you need every day
thats how you lose weight

>> No.13628538

Yeah it's the balance of eating enough to have energy to ride but still lose weight.

>> No.13628543

>I don't see how I could go smaller
Haha, you're like fucking obese. Stop eating and then you'll lose weight.

>> No.13628550

>it's another "I'm so active, why am I still fat" episode

>> No.13628579

if by vegan you mean african genetics

>> No.13628591

you should only have to lose maybe another 20 pounds to match him desu, but zach has a very unappealing physique. his hips and waist are both wide, which would lend better to a lean muscular physique rather than a skinny lad.

>> No.13628596


>> No.13628640

Currently breaking my 28-hr fast with a big salad, some salmon, and some chips.
How are y'all doing?

>> No.13628645

Why not go longer?

>> No.13628650

the most upsetting part of looking back of this mess of a week of being off track is not spending my binge calories wisely. i should have went all out. but instead i picked around the kitchen and grazed on stupid shit like croutons, chocolates, tiny pieces of cake and nasty soup. i should have just ate pasta or pizza and enjoyed my self.

>> No.13628664

i did well, my boss legit made me try a piece of cake today and since i didn't want to be weird about it i just ate it other than that i went to gym right after and im still fasting but not technically bc of the cake?? idk it's the only thing i ate today so im still going to count the fast as successful since i definitely burned it all off at the gym anyways

>> No.13628685

I usually do go for longer. Just where I decided to stop it this time around. I have a long one planned for next week.

I have a little under 2 weeks until my gw deadline and 2.5 lbs to go according to today's weigh-in... I think I'm looking good to hit it on time :)))

>> No.13628686

on day 3 boys im going auschwitz mode

>> No.13628739

Don't exercise simply offset gluttony. Eat properly to make the most of your exercise. This is something very important to realize if you are doing a routine of dieting, and exercise. You start to think " I can eat this, I am gonna exercise, and this, and that, and these ". This is a bad situation to be in, because it very easy to eat, but not always easy to exercise, and sometimes not practical at all. Especially if you have ate past the means of your ability to overcome the calories though exercise. That is a problem that you should not even get close to getting to. I almost paid dearly today, but you don't have to. Discipline is almost a all pervading necessity for success in being thin, and staying that way.

True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline.”
― Mortimer J. Adler

>> No.13628845


>> No.13628907
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>> No.13628912

eat ur goddamn greens bitch ure a deer y do u even want carbs

>> No.13628913

eat some eggs and butter. Never give into the carb jew

>> No.13628920

>Just eat, you're hungry. Quit while you're ahead, quit while you still think you can stop. You've been skinny your whole life without ever counting calories or worrying about food, nothing has changed. You can enjoy food and not be fat. Losing a few more pounds and hitting your gw won't make you happy or make you look any better, you're already one of the thinnest if not the thinnest person you know.
I hate these thoughts, every time I get them I give in and eat, but it always turns into a starved binge. Even if I go back to eating like normal once I hit my gw I at least need to prove to myself I can accomplish my own goals.

>> No.13628927

>was overweight in my early teen years
>remember I'll be a lardass again if I dare eat

>> No.13628928


>> No.13628946

might make a spinach salad
that actually sounds p good.

>> No.13628995

why does corn beef hash have so many calories i feel like it should be a nice low carb snack. must be the potatoes, carbs really are the DEVIL

>> No.13629031

>m, 19, 5'11" (180cm), 116.4lbs (52.8kg)
>tdee:~1900, usually try to eat 800 or less but don't beat myself up for eating around 1000
>hw:133, lw:116.4
>restricting and IF, PF

despite binging two days in a row earlier this week, im at my lowest weight in years and lowest weight since i've finished puberty! a lot of the weight i've lost is water weight since im about 50 hours into a dry fast but it feels really good to see a number so low.

>> No.13629045

wonder how many people ITT are men... gross

>> No.13629143
File: 322 KB, 630x473, gallery_big_christian_bale_weight_loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically wants to look like the left

>> No.13629147


Thats close to skinny fat

>> No.13629174

t. fatties

>> No.13629178

disgusting. i refuse to put my dick in that skeleton

>> No.13629182

>cut marks

yeah this is totally a healthy mindset for healthy people

>> No.13629187

>caloric restriction, fasting, cutting carbs and sugar, losing fat all prolong life span and promote health
>thinspo isn‘t healthy guisssss

>> No.13629200


the ass still fat tho

>> No.13629207
File: 136 KB, 640x480, 1506154240625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eating 800 calories a day but a lot of salted veggies and rice so have 'gained' 2 pounds in the last 3 days.

I just wanna see that number drop anon. Still 30 lbs from my goal (115)

>> No.13629211

I guarantee you are using your bike riding as a cover to eat like a fat ass. Beyond reason. Go away until you actually want to lose weight instead of get attention.

>> No.13629214
File: 1.62 MB, 250x357, 83f9806d9be7cb0254ecb14dc02ab9a2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13629220

Thought the same. It's just this side of skinny fat depending on which eyes you're using to look at it.

>> No.13629379

it won't thats the thing

>> No.13629381

my exact reaction

>> No.13629541

women under 5’6 and men under 5’9 in this general, just give up. heightlets, no one cares if you’re skinny or not. just end your lives LMAO

>> No.13629584

does anyone have more slim thicc like this? i know its not really in the spirit of thinspo but its what im going for.

>> No.13629590

you sound like a manlet

men under 6'0" are virtually useless

>> No.13629638

3 eggs scrambled does not make me feel full anymore, has my stomach expanded?

>> No.13629700

what dates would a thinspo girl want to go on

>> No.13629756

weird motivation: being skinny will automatically put you on a pedestal above like 70% of american women bc they're fat.

>> No.13629759

coffee date

>> No.13629781


>> No.13629799

this, skinny is for women. Male thinspo is cope.

>> No.13629869

What's wrong with complex carbs? Eat them. Just avoid useless calories like bread, pasta and junk food. If you're on keto then ignore this I guess.

>> No.13629873

At least post Christian Bale during American Psycho on the Right, no one wants to look like him on the right unless they're currently morbidly obese.

>> No.13629875

>bread, pasta
literally the BEST tasting carbs ugh

>> No.13629897

I feel you. Living in NYC there are so many good bakeries and I grew up eating lots of bread as a kid. You just have to say no, find alternatives. I'd rather have a white sweet potato than a bagel now. I can eat a big bowl of pasta and get hungry 40 minutes later so that was really was really easy to cut out. Think of those two as useless calories because they really are. They have no valuable micro nutrients and yet than can be so calorically dense. I am not saying white sweet potatoes are the epitome of nutrient density but they're definitely a better option.

>> No.13629898

Walking through the city

>> No.13629903

Maybe add more fat and some fibre, avocado for example.

>> No.13629907

I've always been really skinny so I'm looking to this thread for recs
What outfit should I cop? I'm a guy btw

>> No.13629920

size 32 in suiting=32" chest=xxs=JP size 0 u nonce

>> No.13629967

calculate your tdee, but don't include any exercise in the calculation
then pick a deficit from there

example: i weigh around 190, my tdee is about 2000 calories/day
even though i run most days and lift 3xWeek, i don't include that in my tdee
so my deficit of 500 cal/week is regardless of how much i work out
this ensures that I lose weight, even if my work outs aren't to the intensity that i like

>> No.13629978

>falling for keto
baka senpai desu
fuck salt get that shit out of here
i eat the Protein Plus pasta, its not bad, just have to limit how much of it I eat -- only around 2-3oz at most, and always with some other protein (tofu/fish)

>> No.13630026
File: 76 KB, 1242x2208, 40178292_269903676960886_5152406569744334848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I thinspo? I started to be vegetarian and just ended up losing 40 pounds because of a shitty diet, trying to gain weight back now

>> No.13630114

I'm not a 50 year old boomer. I'll just kill myself or bulk up when twink death hits me

>> No.13630123
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>> No.13630125
File: 221 KB, 1452x1000, Hours2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ugly as fuck. not effay at all. you're mentally ill if you think this is good. Being slim is fashionable, but this isn't slim, this is skeletal.

>> No.13630169

I recently tried shriataki noodles as a pasta alternative and they aren’t half bad. I also tried bagels from the great low carb company, they tasted like ass though. But we’re only 120 cals for a whole bagel. I try to think about how bloated and gross I’ll feel afterwards it helps me avoid carbs sometimes but the real culprit is simply mindset and counterregulatory eating. That what the hell moment is the true enemy.

>> No.13630230

When I was a baby i was getting up too soon, then I had hernia operated. Was fat, lost weight. Now my arms, legs, face are slim but I got a lot of skin on my belly making me look skinnyfat. This is hell.

>> No.13630367

>fuck salt get that shit out of here

No thanks. I like living. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bNdhM4vt4I

>> No.13630372

Almost. That stomach pooch is not thinspo. Being a vegetarian is unhealthy though. You skin looks unhealthy.

>> No.13630374

t. big salt

you need some salt
but it’s bad for blood pressure and bloat

>> No.13630378

low salt makes you fat. it isn't /thinspo/


>> No.13630684
File: 115 KB, 381x381, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein gutness what is this unicorn

>> No.13630703

broke dry fast at around 65 hours with a couple glasses of water, a pickle, a banana, and an avocado.
im stuffed and only ate about 350 calories.

>> No.13630735
File: 1.40 MB, 485x200, 1522749995025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get started? Did you work your way up to that long? Are all the fasting anons in this thread just you?

>> No.13630746

>family making some disgusting cheese and tomato trash
>gotta cook up eggs beforehand to go with their side of asparagus

>> No.13630747

also finally weighed in at my lowest before gaining: 186.5
feels good man, its all personal records from here, and it feels so possible

>> No.13630754

another fasting anon here, you can work up, especially if your not at a average bmi already, it really depends on what your own personal body can handle, when things start hurting its usually time to have at-least something small, just make sure not to relapse and binge making all ya work useless

>> No.13630775
File: 37 KB, 580x580, 1534312360990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'2'' 130lbs
>tfw everyone on thinspo is trying to get your body but you're desperately trying to get out of it

i'll make a protip ez mode for you guys:
>go vegan

you'll drop 30 lbs without even realizing it
i actively try to AVOID doing cardio because i'll lose even more weight

i probably consume around 1500-2000 calories daily

>> No.13630776

can I drink unsweetened tea?

>> No.13630778


>> No.13630779


>> No.13630782

my body is so underweight and i have anxiety that i feel like i'll get a panic attack if i start seriously hitting the weights

at least that's the excuse i give myself
and i wonder why my appetite is so shit and i'm never hungry

>> No.13630785

Any short girls here? How do you feel about your body? I feel like because im short i always look chubby..

>> No.13630786

if its got any calories in then it kinda defeats the purpose of doing a "water fast" , because then your not fasting, your just at a extreme deficient, but as long as you dont have a ton it shouldn't matter that much

>> No.13630791

Unsweetened tea and black coffee are fine during fasting.

>> No.13630796

>unironically being this stupid

>> No.13630798

Eat more nuts and high glutamate food. And fat (its good for you, even out of keto). That will stimulate your appetite and give you lots of calories. I believe in you anon.

>> No.13630801
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>> No.13630804

What should I do to get started? Should I start small goals? Like 12 hours then 16 then 24.

What does babby's first fast look like? I used to do OMAD when I was doing keyo.

>> No.13630806

do bodyweight exercises at home and buy a pullup bar or something. get a friend to go with you to the gym when you want.

>> No.13630815

personal first water fast lasted 3 days, although i did close to nothing apart from lie down watching stuff or sleep, you could easily do 32 hours if you have done omad, just try it and see how ya go, give updates

>> No.13630846

I'm having a pot of herbal tea for dinner. What are you drinking/eating?

>> No.13630851

>family suddenly collectively comment on my weight and how i have to eat more
>suddenly get invited to eat huge portions of meat 'for fun' in a very pushy way where i HAVE to give a date where i'm available
huh so being thin means you get harassed by everyone who knew

>> No.13630853

12 hours is easy shit. Just don't have any snacks or caloritic drinks after dinner.

>> No.13630854

How old are you?

>> No.13630859
File: 82 KB, 864x634, IMG_20180826_115540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's meat. Family always gets me to eat pizza, and other carby shit. So much for thin privilege

>> No.13630865

It’s probably your proportions, I’m short and thin, but I’m about 60/70% leg so it helps a lot.

>> No.13630869


>> No.13630875

Potassium enriched cider water, with iodine. But I am feeling a little crazy so I took a biotin, zinc, and iron tablet, might even through some magnesium in there, maybe get a little trouble, take fish oil tablet, don't tell dadi.

>> No.13630879

All that cope. The absolute state of humanity in 2018.

>> No.13630883

Just had two fried eggs. Ending my day a little under 800 calories.

>> No.13630920


>> No.13630943

Nice shitpost. Not the same person, but vegetarianism cannot sustain long term. Veganism/Vegetarian are great diets for cleansing, but they're will definitely be some problems long term.

>> No.13630945

I started with restricting into OMAD into 36 hour fasting sometimes into 48 hour fast sometimes, but honestly you can just go for it. If you're water fasting you can drink tea which helps keep your appetite down but the most important thing for me was to be busy and keep snacks away.

unsweetened teas are fine just make sure they're still 0cal, same with black tea

24 is an easy starting place, just stay occupied and hydrated. 36 is good too, you eat dinner one day, don't eat anything the next, and then have breakfast the next morning. 36 is a good thing to aim for, just stay busy and you won't have any issue going longer

>> No.13630947
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, 1533928369066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13630949

What's the longest you can safely fast for? On MPA there's people who supposedly go on month fasts but they're mentally ill

>> No.13630973

month fasts are totally possible as long as you stay hydrated and take electrolytes and whatnot. Month fasts should actually be fairly safe, but I don't know, I know a few fatties have done it and had great results but for the MPA crowd its probably pretty dangerous.
Fasting is safe for as long as you have body fat and vitamins and whatever.

>> No.13631011


>> No.13631032

braincells apparently

>> No.13631045

ate 400 calories today

>> No.13631090

Mental health.

>> No.13631093

a relationship

>> No.13631118

Pic related

>> No.13631220

are you dumb? societies on vegetarian diets have been around for 1000s of years (e.g. buddhists and hindus in asia). i agree that veganism is not sustainable long term since you can only obtain b12 from animal sources (or pills)

>> No.13631248

She's not even that skinny what is wrong with these people lmao

>> No.13631313

America. I'm a 20 bmi skinnyfatass, family acts like I'm a skeleton

>> No.13631472

This is most of the reason why I stopped restricting for a while desu

>> No.13631547

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
M,19,6'3", 60(kg)

What the fuck do I do?

>> No.13631568

you have to be naive to think this is natural at all shit looks freaky & ugly
looks like cosplay though must be one of those chinese shooping hell n back

>> No.13631600


>> No.13631611

that's because it is a cosplay