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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 33 KB, 600x467, Leather-Jackets-James-Dean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13627012 No.13627012 [Reply] [Original]

What clothing and fashion used to be:

>protection from elements
>longlasting materials and quality
>timeless cut

Clothing and fashion today

>some people cant even wear a fucking beanie in the winter because it mess the haircut
>plastic in every fabric
>buy clothing today, cant wear it tomorrow because its broken or out of date

Go suck fashion jews cock a little more you consumer sheeps.

>> No.13627066
File: 449 KB, 744x994, da68ff7f2d2822f79e08dc859ae1b506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you

>search for quality shops or thrift
>go with natural fabrics only
>study and learn about what beneftis your proportions
>learn what fabric works for what environment

My go to winter outfit consists of a leather jacket, which acts as a windbreaker and seals in my body temperature, a thick wool sweater, which seals in my body temperature even better than the leather jacket, and either a cotton shirt or an undershirt to absord any moisture. Wool flannel pants and leater boots, either plain leather lined or with fur depending on the weather, with ribbed cotton socks.

As for the summer, full linen is the way to go.

Not OP btw.

>> No.13627080

Great thread, post more.
It all comes down to materials, colors and sizing. The rest doesn't matter. Actually, colors aren't even that important, as long as your clothes fit your body and the materials are genuine and, as the other anon said, not filled with plastic fiber and other symptoms of modern mass-produced garbage.

>> No.13627085
File: 690 KB, 2186x2894, Sort Polo med khakis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to find me a good black leather jacket again. Any recommendations for a place to find one?

>> No.13627104
File: 529 KB, 617x592, 1419301864524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leather Jacket
in Britain, as a symbol of youthful rebellion. Spin-off movements, such as punk, also displayed a penchant for the jacket (the FIT’s exhibition also highlighted how certain countercultural groups were attracted to the sexual and fetishistic qualities of the biker jacket).

>> No.13627127


Denim.. before it became stretch, spandex.

>> No.13627140

I can't help you my man, best tip I can give is to thrift leather jackets. Since most items in thrift shops have seen their fair share of use and tear it's really ease to determine which ones are of good quality.

>> No.13627170

That's true. However, I find many leather jackets from thrift stores are incredibly stiff. Perhaps that just means they are shit quality

>> No.13627200
File: 206 KB, 1080x1440, 29054_v9_ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was James Dean gay?

>> No.13627236
File: 496 KB, 500x385, Consider the following....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I can agree with your premise, unless you go back to the caveman days.

In old Greece for instance, it's known that materials and colours would signify a person's wealth or status (so, practical yes, but with extras). In the late Renaissance in Italy or France, disposable clothing was very much in style for the super rich, and in England at that time there are absolute known examples where the superrich would wear clothing that was distressed (like the famous portrait of King Henry VIII) to show how they were so wealthy that they could afford to tear up expensive fabrics.

As for the timeless cut, that's a myth entirely. What we see today of clothing examples from the 30's for instance usually come from photographs of exemplars where everything is in good order. We don't see the average man in the street or pay attention to him AS an exemplar, and when we do (like in old b/w photos from that era), we see people who shouldn't be wearing zoot suits but do because of the fashion...and it looks awful compared with the examples we normally think of.

Something which really fucks things up is that humans on average have grown since the 60's due to nutritional standards, so even if we followed early fashion trends, we would never en mass be able to wear them because the clothing would simply be too short or too small. Combine that with the obesity epidemic that hits every demographic, and you have clothing that is completely different today.

I understand your point, but perhaps refine it towards something like this:

>clothing today is cheap to manufacture
>thus disposable in use and in perception
>the internet allows styles to be global and instantaneous in dissemination
>thus accelerating the adoption and eventual turnover of styles

I don't agree with your problem with plastic...some of the best protection garments use plastic, including proper riding gear. Also, things last long if you take care of them...

>> No.13627630

Try swedish designer Nudie Jeans, i got my fantastic leather jacket from them, 150 euros, was 500

>> No.13627647

no he just liked the feeling of having a cock in his asshole

>> No.13628033
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level, my timeless leather jacket will be just as un/fa/ tomorrow as it is today while you chumps ride your fashion rollercoaster.

>> No.13628321

him and Marlon Brando no doubt fucked