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/fa/ - Fashion

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13620414 No.13620414 [Reply] [Original]

Where do qt Asian girls dress?

>> No.13620423

Probably in Asia?

>> No.13621004

>Probably in Southeast Asia and Oceania


>> No.13621040

do you mean Australia?
NZ has a serious lack of qt asians that dress well

>> No.13621088

oops, I thought the Philippines was in Oceania

>> No.13621195

In their bedrooms

>> No.13622074

bumping for azn girl inspo

>> No.13623455
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how is she so perfect?

>> No.13623554
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>> No.13623557
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>> No.13623559
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>> No.13623564
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>> No.13623570
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>> No.13623575
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>> No.13623581
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>> No.13623586
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>> No.13623590
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>> No.13623597
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>> No.13623603
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>> No.13623607
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>nobody posted nao
You had one job, /fa/

>> No.13623612
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Asians in Europe are always so effortlessly stylish, I kinda envy them

>> No.13623613

shes not that great

>> No.13623616
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>> No.13623617

how do i dress to get a qt azn gf

im 6'2 and white please help me

>> No.13623627
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Post fit

>> No.13623633
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I've had quite a few and im way shorter and ugly, but im half. most fashionable asian girls i talk to hate white guys lmao

>> No.13623638
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>> No.13623640
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>> No.13623647

probably either cus their parents want them to marry within the race or cus weird white guys always try to talk them up cus of their yellow fever (which, ironically, i admit i have as well. but to be fair its not cus i think asians are 'submissive and shy like my waifus' i just like pale skin and black hair, would like it on any other race desu just asians have it most commonly, latinas second on my list though)

tfw the only asians i ever dated were adopted

tfw never get an asian wife to cook korean food or wherever she's from together ;-;

>> No.13623651
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>> No.13623653
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>> No.13623656
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>> No.13623664
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>> No.13623666
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>> No.13623685
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>> No.13624746

plastic surgery

>> No.13624951

In their bedroom?

>> No.13626038

what college clubs do i take to meet qt asians

>> No.13626080

In my bedroom after we've fucked

>> No.13626720
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w2c bored looking modelfu?

>> No.13626936

Only if you count getting plastic surgeries and getting up at 4am to put on all the make-up and do the hair as 'effortless'.

>> No.13627062

dont make the yellow fever apparent dude...
you're tall so you have that going for you. you could pull off minimalist korean or japanese fashion. asian girls like guys that are gentle, but still manly/strong. humility and kindness are important. they care about stuff like good grades and good job prospects. youre more likely to meet them at school or shopping areas, and not at clubs or bars
ofc im talking about more modest and stylish asian girls and not the ones that are dress and act like basic white girls. those girls will just be attracted to regular chads

>> No.13627073

Fuck this is such terrible advice, sounds like some shit someone who has never interacted with a human being before would say.

>> No.13627124

I want to lick her pussy

>> No.13627212

Who is this?

>> No.13628221

what gender is it?

>> No.13628226

kiko mizuhara

>> No.13628227

We all do.

>> No.13628536

bet it tastes like sashimi

>> No.13628540
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Female (girl)

>> No.13628590

Filipinos are not humans

>> No.13628722

There goes nofaps. Thanks dude.

>> No.13629710

lmfao simon?

>> No.13629735

damn this is spot on

>> No.13630340

wait what, I am pretty much the embodiment of what he is saying and I am getting married with a really qt asian, have been with lots of asians as well, so I can say, this works

>> No.13630427

she has enormous fucking ears and no lips ewwww

>> No.13630538

You're simply white and handsome

>> No.13630931
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>> No.13631564

>asian girls hate white guys
wishful thinking little guy:)

>> No.13631690

read "fashionable"

there are plenty of asian girls that fawn over white dudes but they are the pathetic, boring ones

>> No.13632580

ofc it's spot on, im an asian girl who's had many asian friends

>> No.13632598

Really?? Where are you from?

>> No.13632754

In Asia?

>> No.13632764

kys weebs

>> No.13633183

holy shit i cant unsee that

>> No.13633206

how to dress like a boring fuck

>> No.13633212

Girls will look ultra cute in this kind of clothing

Guys will look boring in it

>> No.13633466

I'm half arab, half black. 6'1" and am doing a master's in compeng at a very good school and am probably going to make a fuckton of money. Tell me the truth, do I stand a even smidgen of a chance in hell?

>> No.13633612

I'm half Chinese/Finnish living in Seattle

with traditionals/fobs no, but american asians would probably date you if you're good looking but then again i NEVER see arabs/blacks with asians, usually only asians and whites

>> No.13633614

hmmm it's hard to say for sure. some asian girls are secretly racist and only like other asians or white guys. but there are a lot of more open-minded ones who would be interested if you're into more liberal/westernized girls. you're tall and accomplished, so if you have a chance if you're confident and wear flattering and simple outfits.
but be careful when you approach asians. they're often reserved and move in pairs/groups.

>> No.13633627

I understand. It's hard out here. It seems most women are distrustful of me in general, despite my christian upbringing and rather liberal views.

People only look at the outside. I just like black hair on light skin. I don't even have yellow fever.

>> No.13633645

>liberal views
Pick one.

>> No.13633666

Reading comprehension, dummy. I had a christian upbringing, that doesn't mean I follow it blindly. Furthermore, you can be a christian and feel that you have no right to control other people's actions as well.

>> No.13633984


>> No.13634297

Try and find out

>> No.13634967


>> No.13635005

sorry anon, you seem nice. i can see why people would be intimated by you based on your description. i'd say try to look and act kinder and people will be able to sense you're not a threat

jesus had views that would be considered liberal by modern day "christians". the old testament shit is bunk

>> No.13636526

I try to dress "studious", whatever that means. To defuse that kind of idea (of a threat) of me going in.

>> No.13636706

How should I dress as a western living in South-East Asia? I'll be going there for 2 years as expat.

>> No.13636745

Have you ever interacted with young asian girls? They’re pretty inhuman.

>> No.13636824

w2c jacket?

>> No.13636877

Hififnk , its south korean

>> No.13637046

thanks anon

>> No.13637093

being human was never the criteria

>> No.13637568
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music videos

>> No.13638073

Yes, stop being a faggot. I had a moment with this Vietnamese chick at my job, I use to babysit this half jamaican half japanese girl growing up(proof it's a thing). Screwed it up with a Pinoy girl while in college. Long as you're not ugly and half a shit personality you should be able to find an asian. Also, the girl I use to babysit ended up being attractive woman, shit's weird when you know she's attracted to you. Even weirder when you're little brother who grew up with her gets totally ignored she starts attending your needs. Fucking weird.

>> No.13638079

Also forgot to add
half jamaican half grenadian

>> No.13638408

I love Frederic

>> No.13638443


i didnt know asia also had a thot problem

>> No.13638526

But that's the same girl I posted...

>> No.13639260

In Asia

>> No.13639500
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>Had 2 asian gfs
>The 1st was a caramel SEAmonkey 6/10
>2nd was a mainland Chink 5/10
Didn't introduce either of them to the family because of how fucking ugly they were, where do people find these pure white korean/jap beauties?

>> No.13639504

>6/10 is ugly
>calling your gf monkey

You deserve to die of yellow fever

>> No.13639509

>white knighting some dude's seamonkey gf based on a less than 10 word sentence
what went wrong

>> No.13639513

I’m mocking his/your standards

>> No.13639519


>> No.13639521

But that’s BS, Nips and Gooks have good money themselves

>> No.13639524

the good looking ones I've seen probably won't date unless ya wearing some expensive brands and shit

>> No.13639545

They won’t be able to tell unless you’re wearing a giant “Gucci” print is something, in which case they could find you (rightfully) disgusting