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File: 489 KB, 1280x819, 1551477E-BCE7-48CA-92CA-18DACD2A6E6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13611889 No.13611889 [Reply] [Original]

Better OP pics edition

Old >>13603506

>post thinspo
>stay hidratted
>no bully pls
Male thinspo:


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.13611976

I used to be able to do that, but probably not now.

>> No.13611994

>male, 18, 177.4cm/5’9.8425”, 66kg/145.505lbs
>not sure
>lowest (as of recent): 50kg/110.231lbs (February)
>highest: 66kg/145.505lbs
>goal weight: 80kg/176.37lbs

>> No.13612008

Why are you trying to gain if your goal is to be skinny?

>> No.13612017

Just joking there. I want to be a normal weight with a good balance of muscle and fat t b h. I only became a healthy weight for the first time ever a few months ago. Before that I was Auschwitz-tier and I’m paranoid of reverting back to that state.

>> No.13612358

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
F, 21, 157cm/5'1.5'', 48kg/106lbs
>tdee and your deficit
~1400 TDEE, 800 or more deficit
>highest and lowest weight
Highest: 52kg/115lbs, Lowest: 46kg/101.5lbs
>goal weight
Not sure, trying to drop to 43kg/95lbs for now.
>preferred method of losing weight
OMAD and cardio
>aesthetic you are going for
I just want a thigh gap and for my thighs to stop being so fat.

>> No.13612365

Started with very light chub. Been eating at abo 200 kcal deficit for the past several weeks, running hills, and doing calisthenics (push up, pull ups). Body is starting to look pretty /thinspo/ desu.

>> No.13612384

how was being 110? im the same height and its my gw

>> No.13612399

I felt tired all the time and I got sick easily among other things. Why is that your goal weight?

>> No.13612423

because im 117 and still am not satisfied with how i look

>> No.13612426

hey, gj anon!

>> No.13612437

If I'm 196 cm tall how much should I weigh?

>> No.13612442

Why? What do you think is wrong with your body?

>> No.13612462 [DELETED] 

it disgusts me. i hate looking down and seeing anything but a flat stomach. i know im fucked up but i dont care

>> No.13612495

Losing even more weight will probably not help you. You would be better at at 130lbs and working out than at 110lbs and not working out. 110lbs won’t give a flat stomach.

>> No.13612498
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good afternoon anons let's get this bread

>> No.13612501
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>> No.13612502
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>> No.13612505

This looks great.

>> No.13612516

Male 18, 6'4" 193 cm, 212.75 lbs 96.5 kg
3200 calories and probably surplus atm
Highest was 260 pounds in febraury 2018 lowest 196 pounds at the start of august
Goal weight is 175 pounds
Water fasting but i dont have the willpower anymore so need a new method
I just want to be skinny bc ive been a fatty since i was a kid

>> No.13612529

I have the same wish, I feel that if I become skinny no one will think Im gross.

>> No.13612534

low carb diet, ketogenic diet, low fat diet intermittent fasting, paleo diet.

>> No.13612538

fantastic shape

>> No.13612551
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>> No.13612624
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>> No.13612626

Roughly four and a half kgs

Also why the fuck are shirataki and kelp noodles so difficult to buy in NZ
I just want that low kj ramen

>> No.13612660
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..Yesterdays Meal

......943.3 Cal

5.5Oz B.Liver...280
2 eggs............140
2tbs butter.......200
1 tsp s.free.......3.3
3 tablets F.oil.....45
Sardines &.......145
4 pc. gum..........20
Whole pickle......20
1 egg.................70
2pc of gum.........10
2 4ths pickle.......10

>> No.13612672



Keto coffee
Boiled egg........70
Pork rinds.........80
A tomato..........62.7
Martini skewer....5
5 pc. of bacon.225
3 eggs............210

>> No.13612676

Is that the only thing you ate?
Seems a lot for just one meal, but 4000kj is decent for a day I guess

>> No.13612691

It was over the whole day, not one meal. 4000 kj isn't decent it's excellent!

>> No.13612716

>mfw Im too lazy to count calories
aint gonna make it

>> No.13612862

I am too lazy as well so I just fast and drink coffee.

>> No.13612869

20th, round number, + monday = perfect start for new diet


>> No.13613187

What's your tdee?
I'm glad you're doing well though anon

>> No.13613207

ty fren.

>> No.13613211
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hate my wide hips

>> No.13613222

jsut had morning meal, raw steel cut oats and pearled barley w molasses cut apple and grapefruit juice. organiic.

felt way better tahn cooked, trying to beat a dead food mind I've been stuck in for a week or so.

not counting calories but felt pretty light.

would recommend as nutritious and relatively low cal breakfast

soak oats and barley overnight w water (spring water or mineral filtered tap) and any flavouringgs you want to add, I put molasses cinammon and grapefruit juice in mine, water should maybe cover 1/3rd again the top of the grains.

in morning drain off any excess liquid (you can drink this, it's pleasant) and serve w any fruit or nuts/seeds you feel like (if nuts and seeds also soak overnight or for at least three-six hours to activate)

hope this helps some other anons trying to lose.

>> No.13613225

love your wide hips

>> No.13613230

>be male
>wide hips
Can I ever be thinspo? I'm already pretty thin but have 33" hips.

>> No.13613307

>tfw 28" hiplet male
why even try

>> No.13613367

>all these people complaining about hips
The would have liked to be a trap but my shoulders are 17" and I'm only 5'8

>> No.13613381


>> No.13613391

>shoulders are 20" wide
bruh cant be worse than me

>> No.13613412
File: 309 KB, 1000x1000, wtisworse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder you can't be thinspo without cutting yourself a little

>> No.13613414

>accidentally gained about 10 pounds
can we post some male thinspo, preferably hispanic boyes

>> No.13613418

needs thinspo or just likes hispanic boys


>> No.13613426

just need thinspo t b h

>> No.13613431

I think I"m fine enough with my stretch marks as is.

>> No.13613433
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>tfw no cutting pretty princess points gf

>> No.13613436

>get gf
>start putting on weight

Why are women like this?

>> No.13613520

Way too close to home


>> No.13613597

Halfway through the 29th hour of my fast! Pls gib motivation and tell me I'm a good girl.

>> No.13613611

how long do you plan on fasting?
good luck though and you're doing good! looking at yourself at the end of your fasts is always super satisfying
stay hydrated friend

>> No.13613641

wow you look thin and cute keep going

>> No.13613648

you're doing great anon, I'd love to be able to control m=y body that well ;a ;

>> No.13613676

Not super long. Planning to stop at 40 hrs (in the morning) so I don't feel super sick at work.
Ty and I can't always, which is why I gained 5 gross pounds :'c

>> No.13613700

>wide hips

Lol. Sorry sweaty, but no

>> No.13613702

I have 34” hips. I want to fucking kill myself everyday because of it

>> No.13613708

Fair enough, that's insane
My shoulders are too broad to trap

Trying to sort of ease into a wet fast/extremely low calorie diet, currently sitting on 2000kj but will probably move up to 4-5000 by the end of the day.

>> No.13613748
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>> No.13613754
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>> No.13613762

Needs to be thinner

>> No.13613776

Post skinny /fa/ kpop idols pls

>> No.13613790

You will never be thinspo. Fuck it, don’t fight your genes. You will always lose. Do the best for your body type

>> No.13613840

What is best for this body type? I feel like I am fairly /thinspo/ despite my wide hips. I think thin is the best option for my body type.
What other options do I have?

>> No.13613843

Usually if you have wider hips you want to balance them out with wider shoulders so I’d suggest an athletic body type

>> No.13613849

more like why do none of the ramen places actually do shirataki noodles with the except of like a rice box from oriental blue in wellington which is still half filled with rice like everything else in the capital markets

>> No.13613855

wellin gton nz?

>> No.13613857


>> No.13613859

capitalfag here too, nice to see some other kiwis on here.

>> No.13613917

thinspo meetup when

>> No.13613922

; 3 whenever bruh just lmk

>> No.13613925

How about in a month when I'm not a fattie

>> No.13613927

ofc dude whenever you wanna. you on discord?

>> No.13613930


>> No.13613978

How to stop them binging urges :(

>> No.13613993

at first, just find something low-cal and ideally healthy to eat. then work on reduction of quantity,a nd your stomach will shrink with time.

>> No.13614006

when you feel like youre about to binge i found brushing my teeth helps a lot.
hard to want to eat when everything is going to taste like shit

>> No.13614047
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>5' 11
>124 lbs
how much more to I have to lose before grills start to take interest?

>> No.13614048

lose? you need to gain muscle buddy

>> No.13614050

how do you know when you have nothing left to throw up?

>> No.13614053

gag reflex is triggered with nothing coming up rly. you'll probab get bile for a little after solid foods are expelled.

but purging isn't really the answer anon, I hope you get through this period of self-abuse.

>> No.13614055

My uni has a "free" gym but I am unironically afraid of the sports chads in there. Plus I have no desire to get ripped, would rather stay thin and lonely.

>> No.13614058

don't be another chad-level musclebro. find meaningful activities in your life that naturally promote muscle growth and the gain will be lean and toned.

>> No.13614060

I hike. My legs are pretty lean but rest of my body is just bone with a bit of fat and flesh. Don't some women like skeletons? Or is just a meme?

>> No.13614062

how would I know anon, I've been alone for eight years. I'm just doing what I feel is right for self development.

>> No.13614067

>119 lbs
anon, most grills don't like skellyboys. some do have a thing for skellyboys but most girls are either indifferent or not attracted to that build. where you're at though is plenty thin to have those girls be attracted to you but unfortunately there isn't much demand for such thin boys among girls.
that being said, you're fine where you are and don't need to lose anymore to be the cute thin, it now comes down to finding a girl who is into that body type

>> No.13614069

that being said, are you really trying to chad up and attract normies? you'll probab have to give up on anything you deem remotely interesting.

>> No.13614078

i want to be thin because I'm terrified of gaining weight and like my current body type.
I wouldn't give it up to cast a wider net but if someone was trying to get more girls to be attracted to them, being a thin guy just isnt a great plan.
you make a good point though about not wanting to attract normies

>> No.13614472

tfw the pants i bought when i got fatter don't fit any more :(

>> No.13614504

if they're too big dude, then congrats.

c _c; somehow I think you're not on that side of the coin tho.

>> No.13614542
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gained too much weight this year. Back to a healthy weight and I hate it. My boyfriend keeps trying to encourage me to eat healthy and work out "for myself", but I know it's because he wants me skinny again even though he's overweight himself and doesn't want to change.

>5'4, 110lbs
>GW: 90lbs

>> No.13614553

if you're not losing weight together it's not a relationship. what are you his object or something

>> No.13614559

5-htp is a good over-the-counter supplement you can get in holland and barretts that aids in weight loss. It makes food more satiating which means you feel like you need to eat less.

>> No.13614586

>male, 24, 5'9", 193
>almost exactly 2000 before exercise // N/A
>highest: 255 (1 year ago); lowest: 185 (this was 4 years ago, never maintained that low)
>goal weight: 160
>method: CICO
>aesthetic: those skinny strong faggets you knew in high school who wore nike shox and would tape your buttcheeks together

I've cut a ton of weight in the last 12 months, a full 60 pounds, but I still want to lose more, and I think 160 would look good on my frame, but I definitely want a lower bf% than I have now, not just a skinnyfat look

plan rn is:
high deficit: 1300 or so
Intermittent fasting//iifym, macro splits of C:40/P:40/F:20
running every weekday
lifting 3x a week

thoughts on plans? I did a DXA scan at my uni a while back, I'm at around 140lb of lean muscle mass, so if I can build that up and cut fat, that'd be ideal, but obviously everyone wants that

>> No.13614589

This is only going to work if the reason you don’t have a flat stomach is that you have no abs and your intestines are bulging out.
It’s not going to give any effects on any fat you have in that region (unless you do them enough to lose weight)

The exercises are good though I suppose. No reason not to do them...

>> No.13614590

accept me on insta reee

>> No.13614595


>> No.13614711

Im 1m87 and 62kg and I have a gf

I feel like shit tho. Ive always been thin af and thought it looked disgusting on a guy

>> No.13614771

>Female, 26, 5'6", 195lbs
>2,302 kcal tdee with 1,100 kcal deficit
>highest: 215 lbs, lowest 140 lbs
>goal: 130 lbs
>diet + cardio is the dream but I'm a fat piece of shit soooo...
>I wanna be thin enough to not feel like shit, but strong enough to win fist fights?

>> No.13614785

>Keto coffee
what is this? just regular black coffee?

>> No.13614789

its with coconut oil or butter
look up bulletproof coffee aka meme coffee

>> No.13614793

>just got physical labor job
>relatively dangerous/high risk
>burn more calories daily, but also can't restrict as low because any recurrent shakiness or weakness will fuck me up and get me fired

>> No.13614805

ive had that before (as a full breakfast, to supposedly control appetite)

anon, i hope you counted the calories in it somewhere

>> No.13614811

Don’t fucking do this. It ruins your fast and also is hard on your stomachs

>> No.13614829
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Yeah he's always ordering in food when we can't really afford to and buying tons of snacks, then he says I should work out and eat better when I feel like shit. I do work out and eat better when I'm not around him. He was gorgeous when he was thinner too, now his dick is hidden by fat rolls and I always have to be on top. Every time I suggest we BOTH change our habits he agrees then never actually wants to follow through.

Saged for rant.

>> No.13614865

don't think jani gives a donk

>> No.13614919
File: 21 KB, 372x540, 31B05FA4-95A8-4FEE-943E-FA184519D28F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide hips are good, anon.

>> No.13614932

this, im a girl (female) and hips and ass are god tier. even on non-thinspo fit guys.

>> No.13614941

>lose 15lbs
>get bf
>lose 10 more lbs
>decent shape, at a bmi broadly considered attractive
>still 10lbs away from goal (underweight)
>no more practical motivation to lose weight other than desire to be actual thinspo and having mental illness
>change my mind every other day and end up getting nowhere

anyone else pushed through this? i still have shit proportions but its only noticeable when im not wearing clothes

>> No.13614942

>tfw when 36" hips
Though i don't really have wide hips from the front, it's the ass

>> No.13615018

Listen to Brain over Binge, saved my life

>> No.13615076

33"/34" waist here
embrace the thickness my man. girls love touching male ass too

>> No.13615080

Waist or hip? 34"waist is fucking disgusting

>> No.13615082

Some people are thicc

>> No.13615084


Shit are you me? Have you tried talking to him more in depth about how to lose weight? Like on my end, my bf really doesn't know that much about losing weight/dieting.

He went vegan before I met him, and lost a bunch of weight, so he thought that was the solution to staying skinny. But when he started gaining weight he kept trying to lose it again. Since he didn't really know what he was doing wrong, he ended up getting discouraged and turning to food for comfort.

I've been trying to talk with him about cutting down portions, calories, and filling foods, and it's been working alot better, albeit slowly. It is kinda hard, knowing that he's more attracted to a skinnier me, but I also know it's hard on him because he knows it's the same with me. But we care about each other enough to not give in, and hopefully, you and your bf will do the same.

If he doesn't want to/just wont work on himself? Then you don't need him. Realtionships take work and effort, and if one person isn't contributing, then it's not gonna work out. Especially if he's intentionally making you feel bad along the way.

>> No.13615087

That's not just "thicc".

>> No.13615100

I’m 6’2” with a 34” waist. Nobody would call me fat

>> No.13615114

I would. If your hip is like 40" you could be thicc with that waist

>> No.13615129

I assume it is waist because my jeans size is 34" (waist size ?)

>> No.13615238
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Sorry to hear you're going through similar shit anon :^( I suggest things, like eating vegetables, drinking more water, eating less meat (I'm veggie and he never shuts up about how he wants to be too) but in the moment he's always like "I don't fancy eating healthy". I get a part of it is his depression but he always says he wants encouragement to eat healthy then never actually wants to. He always thinks I'm relapsing when I eat a serving size of something and he'll eat 4 servings at once of a ready meal and wonder why he can't loose weight.

He's really nice and can be very selfless at times but he doesn't seem to care that me tolerating his weight doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer it if he looked after himself. I don't even really care that much about how he looks, I'm sure he'd prefer me skinnier too, but at least I'm a lot healthier now, whereas his health is a constant worry.

>> No.13615264

Try a measuring tape, fatty.

>> No.13615289
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>Hit new low weight
>Super proud
>Binge to celebrate

Why am i such a fucking retard

>> No.13615360

how to make my thighs smaller?

>> No.13615540

lose weight

>> No.13615635

today was good, went out with a friend and didn't feel tempted to eat with them. 7ish more lbs till ugw.

>> No.13615882

12 pm and all I've eaten today is an orange.

two cups coffee and two cigarettes.


>> No.13615909

congrats, you have bulimia

>> No.13615939

Why not just fast?

>> No.13615941

uh I'm bad at self control. low level consumption is easier to manage.

>> No.13615985
File: 73 KB, 400x565, Koroshiya-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

184.5 :8/19/18 8pm, after peeing, and eating in the middle of the night the day before. Need less to say I am furious, and in doubt about my progress. Though I will need to stay more hydrated, as I think it was the source of my discormort physically. That being said, I think I was just lacking normal human water weight, not losing actual weight. At least not as much as I had thought. I am angry, frusted, annoyed, and feel set back. I will not fail tomorrow. The fact that at the end of the day It would seem that my calories are short of 1000 is nothing less then a miracle, as it had nothing to do with discipline, unfortunately.

Please pray for me anons, I am really trying. I never want to go back an inch to where I was. But I am scared of myself. I just want to be rid of this weight. It weighs on me like spiritual tumors, it is more then vanity. It is the source of my dismay. I hate it, I loath it, I want it to burn.

>The pic is who I want to be, it's whoo IAM!! DAMNIT

>> No.13616160

can i tell from face is someone is bulimic? i dont want to post here but someone i know looks super weird

>> No.13616170

puffy cheeks and broken blood vessels are almost always a dead giveaway. bad teeth and sores on their knuckles too

>> No.13616244
File: 25 KB, 474x355, CF1B5ACD-D65B-4FA7-A812-E3DF62D44F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google “bulimia cheeks”. They always have bloating right under their jaw bone that makes their face look square.

That’s why purging is retarded imo. It may help you lose weight but you’ll also have an ugly as fuck bloated face so what’s the point?

>> No.13616254
File: 306 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-533140447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden pumpkin soup (310kj) with nori salt and vinegar chips as a side (80kj) and multiple glasses of L&P sugar free: (10kj)
Total: 400kj

Konjac and carrot noodles in a spicy onions chicken broth and topped with corn, egg and cheese (650 ki) served with a glass of Ultra Sunrise (0kj)
Total: 650kj

So far I'm 1050kj into my 2000kj day

How is everyone?

>> No.13616265
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s o y is what I meant lol
Also pic related was my haul from earlier today, breakfast soups, noodles for meals, two can of *sips* as snacks and a spiraliser to turn vegetables into pseudo noodles

>> No.13616270

why do their face become bloated? i have no idea

>> No.13616275


>> No.13616277 [DELETED] 

Lol, I could touch index and thumb around your hips.
>I'd wreck your ass nomsayin :^)

>> No.13616282

He deaf tho.
>that razor on the glass table scene is etched into my memory to this very day.

>> No.13616301

w/e ill post my shit.
Man. 33 5'9" 200lbs.
dunno/dunno. I only eat when I'm physically hungry. So usually 1-2 meals a day.
I put on 20 lbs this summer cuz I've been depressed as fuck. Mostly from drinking.
Gonna stop drinking. I eat very healthy so this shit is gonna just fall off me. No worries.
Fattest, 230 two years ago. Target weight, 172.
Burly dude. I'm naturally mooskly w/o exercise so I'm optimistic I can get pretty cut with regular exercise.
>I have the willpower of Sisyphus so I'll be alright.

>> No.13616359
File: 43 KB, 640x1136, Snapchat-2040063473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 140

Never posted before, should I stay thin or go ottermode?

>> No.13616386

you have wide hips and the most awkward body ive seen in these threads honestly
definitely lifting

>> No.13616482

very feminine hips

>> No.13616649

your hips aren't wide lol.
when i was 98lbs my hips were 38 inches, and i gained like 30lbs recently and they're 43 now.. kms

>> No.13616652

also when i was my hw (180~) they were 48

>> No.13616680

most girls want a man who is at least somewhat dominant. if she can beat you up or outweighs you she will probably not be attracted to u... sad world, needs more femdoms

>> No.13616722

you look nice

>> No.13616751
File: 390 KB, 1079x1066, 20171124_161025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucked
I am 151 cm and was 51 kg last week and today 53,3 kg (Want to be 41-45 kg)
I had bad binge days last week (4 days in a row, maybe 4000 calories every day)
It will take forever too lose the fat, I'm an idiot sandwich

>> No.13616754
File: 51 KB, 400x400, 9CBCCB4C-6059-4525-AD95-541B6090EF37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13616784

That pic is eating-disorder tier.

>> No.13616816

i gained some weight the last couple weeks after a plateau but im finally back to losing!
best of all im only a few pounds off my (u?)gw.
losing feels so good and i feel so much healthier this time and my mindset is so much clearer i feel great and am loving how i look for the most part.
life is good, stay hydrated

>> No.13616826

No idea what youre measuring, but it ain't your hips

>> No.13616830

fatness is simple in 99.99% of instances: too much sugar/carbs. Cut down on meat if he/you want to, but it won't impact on health or weight in any positive way. In fact if the meat is replaced with less satiating carbs it'll likely cause weight gain.

>> No.13616832

talk in calories like the rest of humanity

>> No.13616837

as a cow I can attest to this

>> No.13616926

not really its peak performance tier imo

>> No.13616949
File: 174 KB, 500x280, Kirsten_9241e5_2189672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lose the fat fast that I gained, I ate 500 calories few days ago but I felt weak :( I also have a thyroid problem
I normally eat 1000 or 1200 calories

>> No.13616957

You're one of the rare cases of a guy that looks good thin. I say keep at this size.

>> No.13617027

shes so thin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlMgV5EZdnU

>> No.13617030
File: 357 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1812835315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calories are a far inferior form of counting energy, and like 99% of packets here are in kj.

I had dinner since then (another ramen bowl, but slightly different) as well as soup and half a piece of toblorone which brings my total intake to 2300kj, or 550 calories whilst my daily expenditure is 11000kj, or 2600 calories.

>> No.13617090
File: 84 KB, 736x980, C3yBoeMVYAAenBk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its not necessarily healthier. It would just make cooking healthy meals easier since I'm vegetarian for ethical reasons, and I usually eat something healthy while he has a ready meal for 4. It'd also make him less likely to rely on takeaways, since the veggie options from fast food places are generally bland.

But I wouldn't make him. He's just expressed genuine interest in cutting out meat, so it's just another thing he doesn't seem to want to follow through on.

>> No.13617091

>here's a low calories recipes made using impossible to find ingredients!

thin tho yeah.

>> No.13617108


>> No.13617109
File: 89 KB, 730x1080, cd73969bbdc87f8ac5a8f2f4904e5f98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to lose weight by not eating but I suck at it since I usually just skip a meal and then eat a bunch for my next one so nothing really changes. What's something filling but low calorie I can eat for every meal? Was wondering about just weetapix, two boiled eggs, one frozen schnitzel chicken and vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day since that's inexpensive and doesn't look too bad.

>> No.13617128

i feel guilty every time i eat something

>> No.13617139


yeah they are too big now lol thanks

i dropped around 10lbs these past few months and fit into my old pants again, but the pants i bought when i got fatter have become my favorite. i went to see if they still had some in a smaller size and they're sold out now :(

>> No.13617208
File: 481 KB, 1280x1920, EC34382F-0CE4-4A12-A8B8-2DA80A33B42D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to not eat anything for months what type of vitamins and supplements do I need to take?

>> No.13617219
File: 296 KB, 962x1331, 2805834400000578-3061005-The_teen_wore_red_as_the_vibrant_colour_captured_particularly_we-a-8_1430327529763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went back to my hometown for a month and everybody in my family tried to feed me, somehow i managed to get out of it losing 2kg yay me
thanks to the anon who told me to eat 3000 cal to break the plateau it really worked

>> No.13617221


what have i done with my life

>> No.13617261

There was one overweight man that did this.


DO NOT go through a starvation diet. Most of all don't take advice about how to perform a starvation diet form an image board full of sick teens and young adults.

If you are set on doing this, go to a doctor to get checked out first. The doctor will tell you not to do it, obviously, but they can't stop you. However, they'll be aware that you are starving and will monitor you body and make sure you're not going to kill yourself in the process.

>> No.13617274

>an image board full of sick teens and young adults.
you have no evidence the user base here is unhealthy

>> No.13617275
File: 801 KB, 530x1152, Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 9.09.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have no evidence the user base here is unhealthy

>> No.13617349
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, 06C3D21B-0101-43FF-9617-B5A41246E5AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t really been trying to loose weight but I have just due to me forgetting to eat and when I do eat its usually just light snacks and coffee

Idk if I’m thinspo yet but I am a Hispanic boy

>> No.13617357
File: 811 KB, 2048x1365, 4da64c1927be04e6c557ae5feb61b9b0ca44be83de9f6c586e16147c459a8d9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw legs disproportionately big

>> No.13617361


I've been reading and posting thinspo multiple times a week for close to two years now, it's very clear that more than a few of the users here are not mentally healthy and have eating disorders. I hate that some anons seem to think it's okay, encourage it (sometimes arguing against posters pointing it out), or think it's a joke, but this is 4chan everything is suppose to be edgy and maymay funny.

>> No.13617370

>I've been reading and posting thinspo multiple times a week for close to two years now, it's very clear that more than a few of the users here are not mentally healthy and have eating disorders.
Where did you go to medical school, how did you take their clinical history for objective diagnosis?

>> No.13617379

sick young adult with ED here

the encouragement is par for the course with anorexic online forums, that's not surprising at all. it's the people who outright deny that starving yourself or being extremely underweight is unhealthy that i don't understand. i can't imagine that they have eating disorders themselves, unless they're just extra delusional.

>> No.13617388
File: 85 KB, 768x768, vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13617389 [DELETED] 


Are you retarded? At least every other week there's are users that come in talking about their eating disorders, rarely discussing treatments to get better but definitely mentioning their binge eating and purging, asking for verbal (text) abuse from other users or finding other ways to punish themselves when they've over eaten or. Have you been here during or after the holiday season? There's at least one or two other anons that post (pro) anorexia pictures and will argue with anyone that asks them to to stop doing it.

>> No.13617394


Are you retarded? At least every other week there's are users that come in talking about their eating disorders, rarely discussing treatments to get better but definitely mentioning their binge eating and purging, asking for verbal (text) abuse from other users or finding other ways to punish themselves when they've over eaten. And have you been here during or after the holiday season?

There's at least one or two other anons that post (pro) anorexia pictures and will argue with anyone that asks them to to stop doing it.

>> No.13617401
File: 81 KB, 576x1024, 1531066478482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for verbal (text) abuse

>> No.13617422

Sodium cloride and potassium cloride with water, check out snake diet guy on youtube for more information

>> No.13617425
File: 195 KB, 804x720, 1498541011871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have no evidence the user base here is unhealthy

>> No.13617427

not evidence

>> No.13617429

>another cartoon (samefag)
not evidence

>> No.13617435
File: 41 KB, 403x304, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paranoia? Possibly caused by a lack of essential minerals.

>> No.13617438

i enjoy being hungry unironically originally

>> No.13617439

not that anon but here

>> No.13617599
File: 700 KB, 1079x842, 20161001_195414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear thin people
Never take iodine, gained fat from this sucker
Might have Hashimoto now

>> No.13617607

Well your opinion is pretty skewed, imo.
Being in your prime, but so skinny that you're gonna break three bones if you trip and fall is pretty sad.

>> No.13617617
File: 110 KB, 600x795, 90159A1F-8781-4385-8409-EFEC22AF0EB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13617621


I have been on this board for ~ 20 minutes.
Its pretty obvious to a me, a well-adjusted intelligent adult, that most of the people here are a bit mentally ill.
>Body dismorphia being the prime symptom.
Just face it, you're a sad teen/early 20-something. You make stupid choices, because you're not mentally mature yet.

My stupid choices back then were drugs and silly fashion. I grew out of it though. I hope you all do too, before you permanently damage yourselves.

>> No.13617629

>I took clinical human biochemistry courses in college. This statement bothers me.

>> No.13617658

Few weeks ago I gained 1 kg
last week I gained 2 kg, that's not normal :( I eat 1000 calories like always
I already lost 15 kg and gained 3

>> No.13617667

My docter once said my thyroid works bad
She said if i took iodine it would work better... if not i will get these thyroid hormones
It sucks cause I'm a petite girl

>> No.13617680

Alex, I'll take Water Weight for $300 please.

>> No.13617683

Iodine is a necessary nutrient little lady.
Trace amounts sure. Were you drinking it straight or something...
This board is fucked.

>> No.13617698

Yes, I drink normal
Why should I gain 3 kgs of water ? I never had something like this, and the 'water' is not gone. 3 kgs of water for 3 weeks hmm...
Actually iodine is bad when someone has hashimoto, it can trigger it..

>> No.13617707

My therapist says the reason I restrict is because my step father raped me from age 8-11 and called me fat even though he was fucking me and making me cry.

My question is, why would I want to stay thin now if that's what he wanted (we don't talk much anymore)

>> No.13617717

Nutritionfag here, eat foods with a lot of fiber. It leaves you full for longer.

>> No.13617722

My old job I worked 50-60 hours a week, all year. Standing all day, working hard.
I would regularly fluctuate 8-12 lbs a week just in water weight.
You're ~%60 water, and its 12lbs a gallon.

>> No.13617724

Were you actually diagnosed with Hashimoto's, or are you just larping here...

>> No.13617727

>Binged around 3000 cal yesterday and 3000 more today
I am fucking retarded, judge me.

>> No.13617729

>>Binged around 3000 cal yesterday and 3000 more today

>> No.13617730

>Not a psychiatrist, but someone with an above-average understanding.
I have heard many times that victims of sexual abuse will often relive their abuse in many forms in an effort to heal.
Probably doesn't make sense at your age though...
>I'm in my 30s.
Read up on it if you like. Not pop-psych bullshit though. Established theories accepted by mainstream psychologists.

>> No.13617736

that's weird, i never said how old i am

>> No.13617741

>Neither did I. :^)

>> No.13617747
File: 35 KB, 540x765, 1530554260702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please insult me i need to get on track please

>> No.13617755

you need to learn to get back on track without input from anons on websites

>> No.13617774

When I was 14 they looked my thyroid, because my hormones were low, but my thyroid looked okay
And now I'm 18, and it could be Hashimoto, many people develop it, whem they are young
My grandma has hashimoto
And I will meet my doctor in 2 months

>> No.13617781
File: 130 KB, 249x241, 1480883843571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I binged 4 days in row last week and had like 17,000 calories
R.i.p me

>> No.13617785

Like an effeminate Edward Scissorhands without the scissors.
Go do something instead of being a narcissist.

>> No.13617789

So basically you're larping.
I get it, you're 18 -- but pretending to have special conditions does not make you more noticeable or relevant. Sorry for being blunt.
Cultivate yourself. It's the only hobby worth anything in life.

>> No.13617795
File: 48 KB, 920x584, 55434554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fine man we're gonna be alright, i know you can make it, and ill make it too, for you, i promise you.

>> No.13617806
File: 457 KB, 2070x3084, IMG_2088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone help me guess what weight i am and how much i should lose? im 5'2" and have no scale

>> No.13617811

take panties off and show if boy or girl

>> No.13617819

>That has a penis.
>Not interested.
Lose 100% weight. The only true victory.

>> No.13617857


You're short so I'd guess you weight 100 pound maybe 110. I feel like I'm wrong though. Just buy a cheap scale or even ask a friend if they have one.

>> No.13617904

I think like 110 pounds
It looks good, I wish I had that body

>> No.13617915
File: 62 KB, 500x750, IMG_0178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt very depressed this month, of course I gained fat....
When I feel depressed, I want to eat
I want to eat 500 kcal to lose the fat fast, but 500 is difficult

>> No.13617957
File: 188 KB, 800x533, 1516051740049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I got down to 123 from 141 in a litte over a month and got back to 140 within 3 months
I think I finally nipped this binge eating in the butt, I just want to be thin again. I probably lost a good amount of muscle in that period. If I try to lose weight just as fast again will I become a skinny fat mess?

>> No.13617959

Well, what would you say is the cause of you gaining weight?
>Isolate root causes, work forward from there, would be my methodology.

>> No.13618001

Binging and purging/ emotional eating. Mainly eating for pleasure. I am just worried about how fucked my "physique" will be if I lose again.

>> No.13618006

No, that's your method of gaining weight.
The cause is: why do you do that?

>> No.13618099

Come to any possible answers yet?

>> No.13618110


>> No.13618138

I used to exclusively binge when I was depressed but it recently became an everyday problem. When I am not depressed it usually comes down to boredom and feeling unfulfilled. It's easy for me to go a long time without eating when I am not busy. School keeps me thin. I know I need to stay occupied but once I am out of that environment I stop caring and it gets really difficult to leave the house. I'll try to sort this out with myself, thanks anon. Running has been helping a little.

>> No.13618164

So you think its more of a "filling the hole" kind of a root cause? Not a "I hate myself" kind of thing? Not leaning that way, just asking.
>I'm gonna keep this tab open if anyone wants to talk about shit.

>> No.13618181
File: 35 KB, 260x753, _20180128_230600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I had that issue with my ex a year ago. We broke up for different reasons but pic releated is me a year ago. She cheated on my with a better looking guy (beard, tattoos and that stupid haircut, more muscular than thin). I wanted to loose weight but I couldn't. She said she loved me the way I was, fat.

>> No.13618184

Yeah I would say so. Even when I am depressed I don't think it's a self hatred thing It's usually me just letting myself indulge and not caring. It does give me an excuse not to leave the house though, especially when I am bloated/retaining water. Alright I am done now.

>> No.13618186

ur both dating total fucking faggots what the fuck is wrong with you both jesus christ are you hideous or something?

>> No.13618194

So you don't want to discuss it any further?

>> No.13618200

>Girl I was madly in love with in highschool ended up sleeping with one of my friends.
>To this day, I won't hook up with a girl who already has a boyfriend, because it affected me so much that I wouldn't want to inflict that on some rando dude.
Am I a good person yet?

>> No.13618203
File: 166 KB, 1536x2048, 36980758_1979621515382907_5138542754615263232_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me now. My point is that at least in my case, I eat when I'm happy. I wasn't since the break up and it was easy to stay away from eating feeling like shit. She was obviously lying about liking me fat when she cheated with someone that wasn't fat. Now I intend to stay like this since from my experience no one likes fat people. Got used to drink alot of water and only eat some portion the three meals a day. And a shit load of cigarettes. I want to get more thin though, I can see my ribs now but my skin hangs really bad. Changing the subject, I have to do a workout right? Just straight up crunches?

>> No.13618209

Sounds like you might have pendulum'ed yourself into going too far the other way my dude.
Success in life is about finding the equilibrium point for most things.
Stop smoking for fucks sake.

>> No.13618229
File: 1.06 MB, 3120x3120, IMG_20180821_130059_147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To tell you the truth, I did sleep with a friend of mine's girlfriend like 10 years ago. Don't do it man, it feels like shit. People that try that shit with girls/boys who are on a problematic relationship are dirtbags. I did that and till this day makes me feel like a bad person. There's alot of single people out there. I will never do it since I destroyed that relationship with them plus my friendship with him. And I also know how it feels to be cheated. Lesson learned for me.

>> No.13618238

I know. Ex coworker wanted me fucking bad. Like talked about her clit when we were alone at work and whatnot. But she was in a long term relationship, and I would have just busted and walked away. Her relationship would end up ruined because of the guilt she felt. Not worth it to get your dick wet and end up really fucking up someone's life. That's just being an irresponsible child.

>> No.13618243

I can see that now. It was not just about my weight. Alot of other things I made her cheat on me. But if anyone is reading, don't do that shit. Say the truth and talk to your partner about the issues you have and if that doesn't work then dump them, don't cheat.

>> No.13618254

if you massage your glands during/immediately after purging, or put ice packs on em, the swelling is signifiantly less

>> No.13618258

Exactly, also people say just fuck and walk away, but always... ALWAYS one of them wants more. She told me she did it once but if that's the truth it was because I saw naked pictures of them on her cellphone. Only time I felt I needed to invade her privacy but what if I pretended like everything was ok? She would still be fucking him while me pretending everything was ok. It's hard since we had a baby but, it's alright now. She's pregnant with some other guy. I'm happy that I left that relationship because I only had the thought of cheating but to me, it wasn't worth hurting her like that.

>> No.13618273

Yeah I rather not. Thanks though.

>> No.13618304
File: 355 KB, 1280x720, 1485254409199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. It's a shame because I was doing perfectly fine for a week and I was so optimistic. I wonder why I get in such a crazy food-craving mode sometimes and nothing satiates me. Oh well, hopefully I will be back on track again tomorrow.

>> No.13618309

Alright. yw.

>> No.13618342

Your room looks absolutely horrifying for some reason.

>> No.13618354
File: 1.15 MB, 1181x1827, 20180821_234852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys
This is my belly... i hate it
I am 117 lbs, how much do I need to lose to have a flat belly
I am 4'11'5

>> No.13618361

20 to 25lbs, I guess.

>> No.13618369

keto and cardio

>> No.13618372
File: 122 KB, 633x793, 35 percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay hydrated

>> No.13618395

Lol Wtf.
What advertising firm thought that was a good idea.

>> No.13618399

Ok, I thought that I need to be something between 90-100 pounds
I do cardio but no keto
I already lost 28 pounds

>> No.13618507

You can do it.

>> No.13618539
File: 32 KB, 400x301, EB9D07B1-938E-4BC8-845B-C3E9B0526EF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you realize how easy it should be.

Sip some green tea, some cold diet coke, do some sit ups, I mean how hard is it?

Its just because you’re lazy.

Its because you lost a lb and congratulated yourself by gaining two.

This isnt all fun and games.

>> No.13618545

Who are you talking to? Yourself? Sounds like a dumb way to lose weight.

>> No.13618582

It's not about laziness, it's about self-control.

>> No.13618641

I eat 500kcal a day, it's not that hard if you change what you eat - literally half my diet is a mixture of spiralised zucchini and shirataki noodles, which can replace things like noodles, pasta and if you're willing to put some work shopping them up small, rice. Combine with lo-cal broths (noodles) and sauces (pasta) and you can put every meal you eat under 500kj, which is about 120kcal. I normally have two larger (600kj) meals a day, lunch and dinner, and fill the gap with diluted instant soup, water, calorie free soft drink and experimenting with lo cal snacks.
Gl anon

>> No.13618700

This is cool but how do you guys not lose muscle doing this? R u a gril?

>> No.13618707

Just eat chicken and greek yoghurt.

>> No.13618728

Nope I'm a guy
I just make sure to work out too

>> No.13618791

Does petroleum jelly have calories, and how many. Curiosity got the best of me.

>> No.13618828

Isn't lifitng in combo with a low protein diet a recipe for disaster?

>> No.13618836

I only do cardio, and I normally have at least one egg or tuna etc each day

>> No.13618838

i'm >>13614789 but i never drink that garbage
why bother with coffee if a pill gives me the exact same thing

>> No.13618846

What, you don't like coffee? Also, coffee is a whole different experience then just caffeine. Also, the fat from the oil is what satiates on top of the coffee.

>> No.13618847

>finally broke through a plateau
all it took was eating at a 1000kcal deficit for a few days
on our way again

>> No.13618851

Proud of you.

>> No.13618853

Okay. I am only asking because I just recently started caring about protein and was worried that my 60-80 grams a day while losing isn't enough. Running is the shit though. Not sure why people who aren't obese don't exercise, it makes everything "10x" easier and quicker.

>> No.13618857

That is a weird question, some people do not like cardio, I suppose.

>> No.13618877

I don't enjoy exercise very much, but I dislike being fat more
Hopefully I'll hit my goal weight soon so I can lessen the cardio I do and up my calories

>> No.13619059

I've eaten about 750-800 calories today
I keep getting cravings for food but not having any snacks or unprepared food around has really helped me control my eating. I've been losing at such a great rate and I know a lot of it is probably water weight but seeing progress feels so good

>> No.13619249

prob less than you think becauses of height...10lbs and you'll look like a different person

>> No.13619253


smol goil

>> No.13619261
File: 51 KB, 480x354, meowhaw_roughrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can be your new boyfriend :D

>> No.13619270

white knight detection: triggered

>> No.13619277
File: 77 KB, 950x126, lookingood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go job on weight yo already lost anon
proud of you

>> No.13619306
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>> No.13619310
File: 1.55 MB, 350x594, tumblr_o26ogd4DyU1qjdx5qo1_400 copy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13619312

Eww her legs look like sausages :c

>> No.13619322

>being this much of a faggot

>> No.13619330

how do I know you are a disgusting tranny

>> No.13619350

3 lbs from my goal weight (115) and going strong :) how is everyone?

>> No.13619356

I'll know tomorrow, weekly weight check. hopefully still on track, had p bad week w cooked foods, thankfully looks like back to raw tho.

>> No.13619361

ever tried poking your throat with your fingers

>> No.13619396

Had zucchini spaghetti with a tuna, corn, green beans and tomato sauce for dinner.
Total meal came to 350kj, or 83cal.
Brings my intake today to 1550kj, which feels really good.

>> No.13619417

Should I try skipping breakfast? Will it help me lose weight?

>> No.13619419

depends when you stop eating for the day but yes, if you skip breakfast or dinner and widen your fasting period + eat less as a result you'll get good results. and don't just eat more for your other meals to make up for skipping otherwise it's pointless

>> No.13619431

Is that you skeletor?

>> No.13619434

Clearly you don’t

>> No.13619509
File: 49 KB, 188x546, All_Might_Full_Body_True_Form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he thinspo?

>> No.13619601

Anyone else motivate themselves through their hatred of fat people? I was out clubbing two weeks ago and a fat girl was on the dance floor and in an instant i developed this seething, bitter hatred for her. And then i realised that i have developed a gut and therefore should hate myself, which i now do to a greater extent. Hate is god-tier motivation to lose weight imo.

>> No.13619621

It's alright.

>> No.13619624

Yes, i don't take fat peoples opinions or choices in any kind of consideration, i desmiss anything fat people say because if they cant even get their weight right how could they get anything else right

>> No.13619705

all the time

>> No.13619716

Show me the ingredients on those packets please. I wonder if they have secret appetite stimulants in them like most food items in America.

>> No.13619722

you're doomed to fail. you will end up binging in a week or two, get depressed and lose the will to starve. just like 99% of the other idiots attempting meme diets

>> No.13619726

Eat a little more if you feel week and get some caffiene in you to suppress your appetite. Start with tea. Graduate to coffee when you have to drink a ridiculous amount of tea to keep your appetite down.

>> No.13619738

Do you have diabetes? Stop injecting insulin in the same spot. It leads to over accumulation of fat in that spot.

>> No.13619740

No, because he's not /fa/ and looks sick.

>> No.13619744

Yes. Whenever I see fat people I imagine I'm them and just double my efforts. I wanna be as skinny as they are fat.

>> No.13619822

>loving myself
I really recommend this for y'all

>> No.13619833

/thinspo/ made me feel guilty for being content with my weight.

>> No.13619920
File: 81 KB, 500x662, CB5F4914-9F8B-480A-866C-26B5ED66DFAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to be weighed
>day before eat lots of vegetables, chug salty broth and coke zero before sleep
>before weight in chug water and coke
>put on heaviest clothes
>have inner mental breakdown at weigh in because I am 3kg heavier than my (actual) weight

>> No.13619925


>> No.13619926

Fuck it, seriously. I remember when I used to do shit like eat water soaked cotton pads and believe me, I felt much more miserable then. I know it's easy to say but when I see all those sad people in /thinspo/ I feel urge to post stuff like this

>> No.13619931

Why would you eat water soaked cotton pads?

>> No.13619939

Yeah, ew :(

>> No.13619990
File: 18 KB, 900x900, wewgrhedgfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the whores looking to fuck random dudes the relationship was already doomed retard, if anything youre helping the guy by speeding up the process. But do NOT try and be a 'good guy' and contact him or some shit, always give a fake name if possible and NEVER take the whore to your place, as when she feels guilty, its not unlikely she'll say you raped her to take responsibility off herself.

>> No.13620035

>If the whores looking to fuck random dudes the relationship was already doomed retard, if anything youre helping the guy by speeding up the process.

No you aren't you're just being an asshole. Don't stick your dick in crazy or put yourself in dubious situations. This is also how a few guys get accused of rape, having consensual sex with a cheater where the boyfriend finds out or she feels guilty later and can't come to terms with her bad decisions and wants to save face.

>> No.13620039

Literally went over that you sperg.

>> No.13620073


You still missed the initial point retard. You're not doing yourself or anyone else a favor by knowingly helping someone to cheat on their spouse or boyfriend / girlfriend.

>> No.13620110

Update: this morning weigh-in, I am 117.4 lbs!!! I'm so close yay

>> No.13620126

Congratulations. How long was the journey?

>> No.13620137


Yeah good job, keep it up. Post before and after pics if you've got them.

>> No.13620154
File: 38 KB, 436x413, 1527864671756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully, I am just very lonely

>> No.13620195
File: 69 KB, 720x960, tumblr_p8fjixmjMl1wmzeljo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you child. Enjoy gaining after you binge back all the water weight you lose.

>> No.13620240
File: 56 KB, 644x960, 756165AF-C420-4029-BF3F-B43CA7225715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fasting for months
>hurrdurr you’ll only lose water

>> No.13620266

To fill my stomach so I didn't feel hunger. Please, anyone reading this, don't do it is as dumb as it sounds

>> No.13620298

Not terribly long... overate for a few months up to 122 (blehhh) and am just making my way back to my happy weight. I had forgotten how fun undereating and fasting could be!

>> No.13620340

No, why

>> No.13620380
File: 333 KB, 589x578, tumblr_p2pvejWcqh1vjbnb5o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a first time (most likely overweight) faster won't binge within the first few weeks, if even that

>> No.13620382

great job anon! im actually same weight with same gw, we're gonna make it

>> No.13620421

Nice!! Sex, age, height??

>> No.13620516
File: 269 KB, 679x511, 1516072839222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that's a weird distribution of fat.

>> No.13620520

>all this projection

You're revealing more about yourself than Anon, anon. Whether you know it or not.

>> No.13620527

I knowwww
I want a flat bellyyyy

>> No.13620564

You will NEVER have a flat belly if you dont fix your anterior pelvic tilt.

>> No.13620622

>m, 19, 5'11
how about you?

>> No.13620672

Holy shit, you must be tiny...
I'm F, 20, 5'6

Could I ask for a pic?

>> No.13620722
File: 1.66 MB, 1531x2726, 20180822_124331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the best picture but its what i could come up with

>> No.13620753

also sorry, i have kind of a fucked up chest

>> No.13620767

Looking good, anon. Living for your tummy desu
Stay healthy + hydrated xoxo

>> No.13620843

Requesting azn girl thinspo pls

>> No.13620916

>tfw not hungry during my eating window
not sure if this will bite me in my fat ass or not

>go thrifting
>decide to look at pants that I might eventually fit in to
>broken-in 31inch waist jeans fit
hellllll yeah feeling good

>> No.13620941

Nice enjoy it while you still can
Thrift stores don’t normally have small sizes

>> No.13620953
File: 1.71 MB, 4000x2664, IMG_1361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just did weight for the week

62.7 kg.

pretty happy with loss atm, above 0.5kg so faster than projected. lookin like might hit gw by december.

celebrate w normal day diet. organic fruit and drugs.

>> No.13621046
File: 88 KB, 564x645, 2f5bbb0219df95c619c10e7dccef53a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks that most thinspo is white people. Even when you see other races they're always pale.

>> No.13621058

>wii fit
>that 90s camera dating
what year is it

>> No.13621087

ayy just bought a bunch of xs stuff on aliexpress
can't wait to cry if they don't fit :')

>> No.13621091

Yeah, I'm no sjw (and am also pale as a tissue) but it does kinda suck. Thin black ladies with super deep skin tones are honestly so stunning.

Oh well... mayybe it at least means less people with EDs??

>> No.13621110

what small things should i spend money on instead of soda nd snacks?

>> No.13621202

home decor
low/no calorie drinks

>> No.13621224
File: 2.54 MB, 480x480, 1529526586105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only inspo image I've saved from these threads. I think that's because in most other images, the person is more exposed, so you can see their weak-ass withered muscles, vampiric pasty skin, and sad tiny tits. But in clothes, this build looks fantastic. Anyone got fully-clothed pictures to post rather than skirts and lingerie? (I guess that's out of season since it's summer in 'Murica.)

>> No.13621340

id suggest looking at the waywt threads tbhtbh

>> No.13621359

>doing well
>sister wants mac and cheese
>try to get her to eat something else
>nooo she wants mac and cheese
>get carried away
>add actual cheese and other stuff to it
>had a bowl of it
damn it

>> No.13621369

think about vegan mac, it's def better for you in terms of cholesterol, plus save animals ; 3c

>> No.13621373

I don't buy or typically eat mac and cheese, my parents do and I watch my sister a lot and she wanted it. Also I could care less about muh animals

>> No.13621390

They do have them. I know two black dudes who are anorexic. They can be annoying (like turning fictional characters into minorities) but sometimes I really do feel alone and it's nice to see representation.

>> No.13621393

even if animal life isn't a motivator, low calorie food is p good. high raw fruitarian over here, losin weight every week. not watching my intake. feels p good yo.

>> No.13621402

prob a combination of EDs being less common and that most thinspo comes from Europe/America

>> No.13621405

pasta is still going to be high calorie no matter what

>> No.13621421

try lookin at zucchini or pumpkin noodles. basically negative calories, while maintaining some nutrient value. better than processed wheat any day.

>> No.13621426

I've had shirataki noodles a few times. Nothing like wheat pasta but fried with peppers, tomatoes and s o y sauce is good

>> No.13621427

my morning weight has become my night time weight and my legs looking better than ever :) i still have a little more to go until my ugw but finally seeing result is nice. only down side is that im already letting my self go by getting to comfortable with eating breakfast and going to the gym less :(

>> No.13621449

some of the most thinspo people i see irl are poor black people at the bus stop bc they have no car and walk everywhere probably and can't afford to eat all the time. they have the skinniest legs, i get jelly sometimes

>> No.13621517

neo brot
