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/fa/ - Fashion

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13604000 No.13604000 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ I start my first business casual job on Monday but don't really have the wardrobe for it.

What are some good starting points?

>> No.13604022

1 sports jacket, 2 wool pants, 5 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes (derbies, if they cost less than $200 msrp then don't even think about it) & 2 matching belts, no tie

Grey jacket, navy & charcoal pants, a mix of plain white and thinly striped shirts, brown and black shoes & belts

Shirts can and should be kind of cheap, just get something decent and have it altered to fit you perfectly

For the jacket and the pants, don't settle for low quality. Have them altered too so they fit you perfectly

$200+ for a pair of shoes may seem pricey to you but it's the starting point for decent quality leather. In the long run, given you don't wear them twice in a row and use shoetrees + essential cream + polish after each day of wearing, it will be worth it because they will last a lot longer than mediocre ones

Wear the charcoal pants with your black shoes and your navy pants with your brown ones

Might seem boring to you but with that combination of items you cannot go wrong as long as they fit you well and they will be sufficient to dress yourself well for a few months. You can opt for textured wool if it's subtle enough, it'll elevate your outfits a little bit. It'll give you a solid basis and once you get your first paychecks you can add more interesting pieces to your work wardrobe

>> No.13604027

Oh and make sure that the jacket's colour is light enough not to look like shit with the navy pants

>> No.13604052


>business casual

>> No.13604058

not OP, but: will i look like a tryhard if I layer a dark grey, blue or black cardigan over my shirt (when everyone else is wearing just a shirt)?

>> No.13604060

What are these photoshopped cattle animals

Also that's nothing you look like and it's not good to always refer to imaginaries when somebody superior comes around.

>> No.13604130
File: 51 KB, 530x794, 1518575636260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak American you fucking Nazi

>> No.13604193

A-tier post. Have a (you)

>> No.13605247

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.13605274


good post

>> No.13605407

Beautiful! You could also add a sweater or two

>> No.13605496

Unless you're working in finance or a law firm, the standard of dress in American offices has declined dramatically in the last decade.

As long as you aren't wearing a t-shirt and shorts, you'll be okay.

>> No.13607095
File: 2.61 MB, 1093x1223, 1474336392395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I work in a trade and literally never get to be /fa/ at work
Sometimes I'm jealous of office fags.