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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 35 KB, 504x522, HIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13595345 No.13595345 [Reply] [Original]

General cringe thread

If you know either any fashion victim youtubers or try-hard youtubers, post them ITT, it's what i love to cringe to the most.
Anyway cringe threads are too much photos and too little videos, so let's try to get some cringy fashion videos ITT
>try-hard https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdGStG2l8HEO9G9yhlsa15Q/videos
>trend victim https://www.youtube.com/user/EllaSplarkles/videos

post more

>> No.13595347
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>DUDE we take modern rap trends seriously LMAO
I thank god i don't live in America, specifically NY

>> No.13595352
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>666 is cool XD
>there's no actual meaning that i find so profound, but these guys are different for a small period of time so i respect their difference, i'm a bit quirky i guess XD
>my music is so basic and boring, that i need to like peculiar shit so my personality isn't as boring as my music XD

>> No.13595746
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Nothing say I judge myself like criticizing others. How about you crawl back under the rock you came from and stay there

>> No.13595773

obligatory cringe

>> No.13595825

they both have terrible tryhard styles but they're both also like 16 so i'm not going to make fun of them.

now THIS guy is cringe, jesus christ. i remember watching a video about leather jackets from him and he had to mention multiple times how a girl came up to him in the bar "because he was wearing his leather jacket" and said she wanted to sleep with him or something.

>> No.13595953

>knowing more about clothes and proportions than all of /fa/
>well respected among his comunity
>succesful bussiness owner


that's Antonio "lemme shill this jalapeno" Centeno not my boy Raphael

>> No.13596054
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well said, m8. post your sick fits with nice proportions.

>> No.13596120

Can't believe he hasnt been posted yet

>> No.13596124

man this board is toxic baka

>> No.13596128
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care to share your nice fits?

>> No.13596388
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more cringe, please, I need a laugh.

>> No.13596434

Or every other hype beast channel but this one stands out

>> No.13596436
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The OG

>> No.13596439

>missing point of cringe threads by this far
don't worry bud, i've been there
grew out from there a while ago tho
>but they're both also like 16 so i'm not going to make fun of them.
but so are you

>> No.13596447

Dude's ugly as hell, looks like he's 28-38 years old

>> No.13596449
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Another chink with more money than sense.


>> No.13596478

If you don’t hold yourself and others to scrutiny then I assume you dress like shit

>> No.13596612

>literally shirts and pants

>> No.13596706
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harrison nevel is the worst youtuber

>> No.13597105
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>> No.13597113


God this girl is the fucking worst

>> No.13597117


>> No.13597130
File: 95 KB, 1200x1200, spooky-blackjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly no one on youtube has an interesting. everyone is a hypebeast in one way or another. either they are raf simons fuckbois, undercover/mastermind fuckbois, current runway trend fuckbois, gaudy ironic vintage fucbois or just pure shit like>>13596706

really makes you think about style because i bet 99% of people into fashion currently fit into one of those archetypes even if they didnt plan on it

>> No.13597456

Riche fuckin le

>> No.13597744
File: 98 KB, 1462x2046, TSTBaQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks more like this

>> No.13597833

cat tell if thats a dude....or some crackhed whore

>> No.13597834

is it pc to say i want to murder dis fukn bitch...

>> No.13597837

its 4chan, go back to plebbit dipshit.

>> No.13597853

I really fucking hate billie eillish can we make a campaign to turn her into the next hopsin or halsey fuck this stupid little girl

>> No.13597922

I fit in none of your shitty stereotypes, fight me punk

>> No.13597934

Damn he changed a lot.

>> No.13597954

>Harrison Nevel
After all these fucking years the dude still hasn't learned that his legs look weird in super skinnies, or that his pant-shoe interaction looks awful most of the time.

>Owen Hyatt
Actually has an insane collection, but a lot of the time his pieces just don't fit him well.

>The Unknown Vlogs
Actually dresses nice, but he just vlogs these days or asks kids about their gucci socks for views.

>Magnus Ronning
He's been really uninspired lately in his videos and humor, still dresses nice though.

>> No.13598068

That isnt bad fashion. They are just ugly

>> No.13598080

>I'm gonna create a youtube channel to tell people to wear polos and jeans.

>> No.13598124

t. hasn't watched a single video of theirs

>> No.13598139

sadly, I have.

>> No.13598144

>mi jacket, two tausend euros.... saint loren

>> No.13598163

me pants, thrifted,,, theirtei euro

>> No.13598303

is she actually like 16? i thought she was like 20-21

>> No.13598305

>Cum de garcan pants like.. five-tausand

>> No.13598309
File: 13 KB, 220x229, 1531377093149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion youtubers and their fans have made me officially hate the word "vintage"
i can't say it unironically anymore, only if i'm joking can i use the word
Also "thrift haul" is another repulsive term

>> No.13598315

>ma shirt, uhhhh vet mont, uhh like, uhhh, tree hunrit fiftee euro
>pants uhh, from, zara, like, uhhhhhh, twenty euro
>shoes, uhhhhhhh, is yeezy like, uhhhh, five huntrid euro
>gang gang

>> No.13598323

TJR is the absolute worse, so incredibly up his own ass and exudes narcissism. The whole matchy matchy thing he goes for 75% of the time is so cringe inducing and the whole makeup/painted fingernails thing is faggy as fuck.

>> No.13598326

>Imran potato started all the boot leg stuff

oh no honey, what are you doing

>> No.13598336


what a spoiled brat, using his parents immense wealth to jump start his resell business, at least I assume he's reselling items for some sort of income otherwise he's even more spoiled than I give him credit for. Also fix that haircut fuck

>> No.13598344

God I love that guy, OG follower all the way back to the snapback karmaloop/plundr days fuck thats nostalgic. Glad he really progressed in his taste in fashion and it sounds like he's doing really well in the industry without being a clout thirsty youtube personality

>> No.13598357
File: 98 KB, 1280x785, ?m=02&d=20170718&t=2&i=1193457659&r=LYNXMPED6H14I&w=1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all look ridiculus while they spend their daddy money

>> No.13598365
File: 15 KB, 460x288, obama-smoking-460_1121795c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga what are you doing on 4chan?

Tumblr/Instagram are places where you leand how to dress, /fa/ is a place where you learn how NOT to dress.

Negative feedback you get from /fa/ is very valuable IMO

>> No.13598369

You are prob a kid that tucks shirts into his pants and thinks yung leo is the coolest haircut ever

Also known as a softboi

>> No.13598373
File: 387 KB, 680x708, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes me really mad are fake thrift stores full of overpriced shit picked up from real thrift stores

Buying a "vintage" adidas jacket for 200$ is not thrifting stacy you dumb whore

>> No.13598376

do you count Fernando rangel as an undercover fuccboi

>> No.13598388



>> No.13598499

Holy shit this is bad. I knew he can't dress for shit and looks horrible but damn this makes me despise him even more. Way worse than anything theuknownvlogs has uploaded.

>> No.13598671

I feel bad that some of you have watched/know who these people are.

>> No.13598799

Almost mistook him for my favorite twink. Phew. They all have the same hair now man.

>> No.13598803

God I hate all of these Cairo girls or whatever her fucking name was.

>> No.13599071
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>> No.13599095
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>> No.13599133
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>> No.13599148

which gent is that? the urban? the effortless? the penniless? the sexless?

>> No.13599155
File: 87 KB, 640x774, 1456478352-b575cabdb1bee21dae9b2c65534cc5d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13599353

are the kids after millenials called gen z and do they dress shitty on purpose or am I just old?

>> No.13599426

Without makeup, in normal light she will look like 16.

>> No.13599444

Why does he sound like a hispanic male?

>> No.13599447

Scratch that he sounds like he's trying to sound black lmao.

>> No.13599451
File: 337 KB, 640x478, 1531130478883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13599452

HAHAHAHAHAHAA immer drauf, der Typ hat Freunde die ihn auf Twitter gegrillt haben ernsthaft in nen Video thematisiert und tweets gezeigt, dann ne Geschichte erzählt wie eine ihn in Köln Mal abgesehen hat und sie wohl böse geschaut hätte. Mir wird sowas erzählt, mich interessiert der seit 5-6 Jahren nicht mehr, aber holy moly hat dieser gestörte Typ ein paar psychische Probleme.

An dieser stelle möchte ich einfach mal justin in die Pfanne hauen. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcPQ61cfBu9Tj0vyQmgNYbA

>> No.13599474

>he sounds like he's trying to sound black
one of the cringe aspects
plus him doing all the rap black dances, just comes to show why NY needs to be wiped off the map

>> No.13599485

pretty much

>> No.13599497

was that guy skating in air max
what the fuck

>> No.13599505
File: 101 KB, 1677x937, 1515423932039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just comes to show why NY needs to be wiped off the map
Fuck off, we were supposed to be insulting the kid not my state.

>> No.13599622
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>> No.13599644

sup guys just thrifted this shirt its got a bit of a vintage vibe to it its flowy and shit

>> No.13599661

guy at 5:44 is good though

>> No.13600316
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>> No.13600320

yes nigga are you dumb

>> No.13600330

haha this shits the funniest
i met jacob at machus (the boutique he works for in portland) dude was so fucking nice.
funny guy, great taste in clothes and tatts

>> No.13600502

>Also "thrift haul" is another repulsive term
as a career thrifter I reserve the right to use it.
(I bet these bitches never hit up anything that's not a Goodwill though lmao)

This can go die though

>> No.13600532

>career thrifter

>> No.13600536

Because I'm a poorfag that's why (actually I just run an etsy store as a hobby)

>> No.13600538


>> No.13600539
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>> No.13600540

it's shit but keep doing you!

>> No.13600548

I'd like to see you do better but ok

>> No.13600555

I mean you resell resold clothing and call yourself a professional thrifter. Can't get much worse.

>> No.13600562

I'm not a professional thrifter, I do it as a hobby. I've just done it my whole life, that's all. And I could honestly care less if you look down on me for it, I got over that in high school last decade.

I've made $1000 on it so far, I'm not closing it because of some faggot on a sudanese basket weaving forum

>> No.13600572

you've been doing this your whole life? That's a shame it's only netted you $1000. Well I've said my piece on the matter, but I hope one day you'll realize how gay this is.

>> No.13600578

>you've been doing this your whole life? That's a shame it's only netted you $1000
I've thrifted my whole life, not run the store for that long. I've made that much over a year or so.

whatever, though, go back to your jealous rage at wealthy trust fund idiots

>> No.13600636
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>hey guys, uh got this shirt from thrift for about, forty five dollars, it has a lot of vintage vibes, it's got that old school loook, kind of a, like, a soft grunge type of look that's really hot right now, y' know. it's like, a real throwback vibe to it

>> No.13600700
File: 1.37 MB, 2523x1440, Screenshot_20180815-114650_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hobo fag actually looks really cute >:[

>> No.13600701

Was für ein hässlicher und unsympathischer Hurensohn

>> No.13600729

Only 1000$? lmaoo

Protip: go to goodwills in rich neighbourhoods

>> No.13600732
File: 85 KB, 800x533, 22996996_1502715829.8904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone without rich parents even live in manhattan/williamsburg?

>> No.13600779

Is it just me or are 90+% of fashion youtubers basically just spending daddy's money. Cause fuck me they aren't making this shit.

>> No.13600782

or wife's money, in some cases.

>> No.13600783

>And I could honestly care less if you look down on me for it
Why are you caring so much ?

>> No.13600790

>first tattoo
>gets two small designs with light work
>no really thick lines
>work isn't really good
>not anywhere that painful
>still complains about pain saying its 11/10

Fucking pussy. Honestly arms are really easy. Shit that hurts is stuff like your back. Things on the spine and shoulderblades. Especially when they use the midsize or large needle. His looks like it was mostly done with the small one.

>> No.13600917
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>> No.13600922
File: 225 KB, 657x527, 3A76A6A2-ADF5-42E9-9D4B-72AD7DB59037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's weird is that that guy has a following, people actually say his fits are good and even have fans coming up to him and talk to him.

Are normal people that clueless about fashion? The kid dresses like complete utter shit.

>> No.13600941

>are normal people clueless about fashion
Just go outside and look at the average person.

>> No.13600957

>Are normal people that clueless about fashion?

Most people who claim to be into fashion are just as clueless too

>> No.13600969
File: 4 KB, 200x193, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sadly doesn't work that good anymore since there will be other dudes taking the good stuff. I've decided to hit up a thrift once in a richer area of town and literally crawling with students and "professional" thrifters.

>> No.13601105
File: 55 KB, 297x300, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sjw on his high horse
>gay cartoon as reaction image

maybe you should shoot yourself in the face

>> No.13601213

lmao those are bad though

>> No.13601228

Debt-free and has a partner? This is a chad, not cringe.

>> No.13601271

Gentleman's Gazette looks like the retarded dude from Trainspotting, but at least he dresses nice for having a fetish for 1920s clothing