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13585057 No.13585057 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, can someone explain to me all the sudden hype around champion. This brand was shit you could by at fredmeyer for pretty cheap and wasn't at all seen as hype, if anything it was kinda poor fag status. what the hell happened.

>> No.13585062

Streetwear adopted it in a sort of ironic way, then rappers and famous people adopted it, hype goes up, prices go up

>> No.13585084

I don't even want to live anymore, jesus

>> No.13585094

Can confirm.
In my country it's a bit cheap and readily available in mostly cheap outlets so I usually didn't buy it but one day I had to complete this specific amount to get an additional 20% discount, so I picked 3 packs of Trucks and Vests.
I tried them after couple of days and damm. these are best fucking pair of Trunks and Vests I bought.
I don't know if these are meme but low price and top quality wise they're bang on.

>> No.13585128

Before the hype I guess it was maybe a tenner for a hoodie, now they charge like £60? or something

>> No.13585153

Why the fuck is every piece of Champion clothing that I own super high quality for the price and long lasting (15+ years for some of them...)?

>> No.13585272

they're flooding the brand in vintage outlets all around Australia, same with harley Davison. Honestly I reckon it has something to do with them selling out there storage warehouses. Too many of those coloured jumpers for it to be genuinely in demand or organically mixed in with the trends

>> No.13585289

hello online marketing shill :)

>> No.13585299

Lol as if this board has enough traffic to shill on

>> No.13585319
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>Ok, can someone explain to me all the sudden hype around champion

>> No.13585326

Can someone explain to me why wearing CHAMPION made my D I C K G R O W by NINE INCHES?!

>> No.13585809

you really think youre funny for talking like this aren't you. Just think for a second about how stupid you sound.

>> No.13585813

Brb buying powerfleece to hit the big 18

>> No.13585845
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>> No.13585855
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>> No.13585882

Some nigga used the brand so now everybody must too.
Which is fine on my book because riding these trends early on nets me some neat pussy.

>> No.13585891

reverse weave is actually great quality for price, also nice and clean looking

>> No.13585893

True but it shows you just how dumb humans really are and I don't respect people for this very reason.

>> No.13585898

their basics are made very nice and they are very cheap .

>> No.13585899

Street clothes for poor people

>> No.13585913

Their shirts are getting really expensive like 40 bucks when a couple years ago it was 20. They have more designs now at least

>> No.13585922

They have a fun logo, kanye wore it, somebody took a picture of him and showed it people

>> No.13585941

I remember when you could buy this at Walmart lmao. Now they have their own outlet store on hollywood boulevard

>> No.13586003

i mean their blanks i would never get one of their giant logo shirts

>> No.13586150

In the 90's it was cheap and dope for a good price, just like Carhartt, Dickies and other stuff like that. Wu-Tang and rap in general helped sales back then. Now I'm old and the shit I wore as a teenager is cool amd expensive again.

>> No.13586234


I love how none of you are outragrd at how just because some popular person in our society wears cheaply , mass produced clothes that the price skyrockets for the same basic material clothing.

I respect how you guys simply allow this to happen and be all "nah its cool, i dont care". You should, because if people are this fucking childish that a famous person can increase the price of regilar goods just by wearing them. It shows how devoid of any real common fucking sense people have and how stupid the masses are and how redundant expensive fashion is since you may as well wear fake brands and have the same damn effect.

>> No.13586258

Think of the value of a brand. If no one wears it for a decade that company isn't worth very much. Which means if you have influence or money for marketing you can come in, buy it, pump it up into the new trendy thing and suddenly your investment has paid off bigly.
This is why brands like Barbour, Belstaff and Baracuta got pumped up. They were purchased by big fashion corporations.
A handful of corporations own most of the brands so they can choose which one will be trendy and which one won't be to create maximum profit and value for themselves.
This is particularly clear if you look at luxottica.

>> No.13586354

old Fag here,
its a 90s throwback brand,
Champion, Fila, Russell Athletic, Nautica
were all made popular by 90s hip hop/ graffiti/ bboy /skateboarding culture.
Its sort of funny seeing kids wear this shit thinking they're edgy, because when we wore it was more to be tough, think baggy pants, air max 95, and Champion sweatshirt.

>> No.13586366

Are you sure you're not just making unfair assumptions about their motives? I see guys wearing champion every other day, in Australia, and I'm pretty sure their motive is "I want a sweater and I hear champion is the thing to wear now so I will buy that sweater."

>> No.13586402

its not as cheap in the UK. its pretty nice here.

>> No.13586438

Shut up why should I be mad? This happens all the time. Fashion is fickle who cares mate

>> No.13586449
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I'm an Aussie to mate, and yeah you're right it's worn by a wide range of people, gym crew ect.
I was more being specific about the younger generation wearing it as a fashion statement, or as a brand that's 'current'.
It's been around since the 1920's and they ma uniforms for college football in the states, the Army even used their products in training exercises.
I mainly remember them making the 92 Dream Team kit and wanting Jordan's jersey.

>> No.13586497

there's different lines of champion sold by different retailers that are different quality, the tenner hoodies you can still find in some places, I think in the UK zalando sells them, midrange shit is in places like topman, reverse weave is the expensive shit but is actually very well made. I genuinely recommend the hoodies

>> No.13586562

they are the lowest kind of celebrities. are you telling me people look up to those niggers?

>> No.13586594

Yes and you know people do since rap music is the most popular music/culture flavour in at the moment

>> No.13586597

How old are you?

>> No.13586599

It's literally mainstream. Every teenager listens to hip-hop these days. What are you talking about? Are you that out of touch with the outside world?

>> No.13586600


>> No.13586602

I just might hit the big 9 :D

>> No.13586603

I thought I was the only one

>> No.13586806

People need to realise there's different lines of Champion, esp in Europe/UK. The bulk of what they sell is garbage tier stuff that is sold in SportsDirect for £10. The "Reverse Weave" line is what's caught on in street wear and is much much better quality. The reverse weave hoodie I have is the best quality one I have and I have Uniqlo hoodies too.

I'd almost treat the Reverse Weave as a totally different brand.

>> No.13586936

Literally where have you been since 2015

>> No.13586946
File: 331 KB, 1440x1469, oh vey very cheap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I paid $200+ for a hoodie I wouldn't want to wear it, well I would but imagine eating a burger and spilling sauce on it or something.

>> No.13587245

For me, the appeal of champion is the good quality + clean look with low key branding.

>> No.13587257

Why does a 30 year old boomer want to cop to being mad about kids wearing the nigger brands he used to wear?

>> No.13587316

Imagine you're in the future, you're walking around a gentrified area that you live on the fringe of.
Young adults 15+ years younger than you are wearing brands you thought died in your era of invincibility.
It's not anger, it's more of a nostalgic funny sensation, especially when a skateshop is selling a collab for exuberant amounts of money far beyond it's wholesale value because it's a current trend. At least in the 90s we could look good and have a complete outfit for a 1/4 of the cost of one garments price today. Maybe that's partly where the cringe originates from to, imagine seeing the same brands doing the rounds 20+ years later only to be inflated 200%, I mean its great as a seller but I think the buyers are stupid.

>> No.13587326

I'm sorry but I disagree, the logo is as recognizable as a McDonald's M, however I'm open to seeing am example of a garment produced by them, that you own, that's, in your own words.

>> No.13587329

Dude shut the fuck up

>> No.13587331

>most popular
yeah it's popular with underage faggots

>> No.13587340

lowkey can mean subtle. I own a pair of joggers and the only branding is a tiny logo on the pocket

>> No.13587342

t. doesnt have any friends or all their friends are tree shamans who dont visit many civilizations

>> No.13587355

t. underage nigger

>> No.13587399

champion was the shit everyone in the 5th grade wore in 2003... quintessential back to school clothing. now big baby nigger rappers are wearing it and hyping the price up? what are poorfag tough white kids gonna wear now?

>> No.13587436

do you never leave the house or something?

>> No.13587483

Give me a reason as to why, the adults are having a discussion, so maybe before you make single line requests you should back up what you say with purpose.

>> No.13587487

Literally zoomers that don't remember Champion being embarassing to wear.

>> No.13587488

>champion was the shit everyone in the 5th grade wore in 2003
In Eastern-Europe?
By then it was already a shitty discount brand. Adidas, Nike and Puma were the brands. Fila, Champion and Kappa was for poor people that still had old clothing from the 90s.

>> No.13587512

the only thing embarrassing is you old boomers browsing this board

>> No.13587572

Actually you have to be a literal teen to not remember this.

>> No.13587683
File: 16 KB, 351x351, supply_demand_example2a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply and demand you illiterate

>> No.13587732


>> No.13587759
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i took economics 101 once

>> No.13587763

And it looks like you didn't

>> No.13587796

You Bernie Sanders supporting troublemaker

>> No.13587816


OP, you are aware Fred Meyer is regional only, right? Ah, of course you wouldn't. You probably live in Portland or Seattle, which are incredible cultural bubbles. Come to Chicago. We will shoot you immediately and then you will learn about diversity and travel.

>> No.13587929

You are really fucking stupid if you think this invalidates my opinion

>> No.13587937

In reality this is the reason why they are popular, other people realised as well that reverse weave is really good quality for that price. They are just harder to come by in Europe because the importers keep the amounts low and prices high.

>> No.13589178

seriously. was blowing up a year ago. OP must live in the bush

>> No.13589706

Don't know but vintage champ is as good as vintage Tommy

don't buy new it's shit

>> No.13589797
File: 43 KB, 550x512, 9D76084C-2643-479F-9994-52E690A3A15A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 10 champion sweatshirts used for beaters
>can’t wear them now because of annoying fags

What a bunch of cunts

>> No.13589812

no fun allowed faggots

>> No.13589884
File: 161 KB, 800x800, Gorilla-Biscuits-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it Straight Edge Hardcore Core though?

>> No.13589939

Fucking fashion scumbags. Champion used to be a comfy brand for poorfags, I loved buying plain cheap champion clothing at target. Now the hype is ruining it ree.

>> No.13589985
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I get what you're saying, but this has always happened. It's one of the basics of fashion. By the way I also lived through the 90s and wore my Champion sweater, but maybe it's because I live in Europe but prices haven't changed much for Champion clothing here. It was never a super expensive brand to begin with.

However I'll give you a better example. Remember the Freeman T. Porter baggy pants from the 90s? (pic related) Those were fucking ultra expensive back then. I used to do an internship in a clothing store and saw how they bought these pants for around 30 and sold them for 130 to 180. Now that nobody is wearing them anymore, the whole brand has become a bargain bin producer and only makes cheap clothes and sells their pants for 35 retail. Hype is everything.