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/fa/ - Fashion

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13582896 No.13582896 [Reply] [Original]


/fa/ggots on suicide watch

>> No.13582927

Clothing can be a hobby, just like cars, sports, etc.
People that are enthuasiastic about their hobby tend to spend a lot of money on it, because it makes them feel happy.
Therefore, saged for low quality b8

>> No.13582959
File: 370 KB, 499x443, Näyttökuva 2018-8-7 kello 22.58.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what's the point of not enjoying anything until you're 45 and you have a million in the bank? What are you going to do with that million if you've adapted yourself to not enjoy the conventional stupid uses of money?

I'd rather be poor and enjoy myself fairly often than miser away looking at numbers on my bank account.

>> No.13582968

Jokes on you I've made thousands on reselling luxury and hype sneakers

>> No.13582976

im only a couple minutes into this video but god damn this guy is so fucking stupid i just cant look away

>> No.13582981

I think the point is you should be able to do both.

Stop buying 300 dollar t shirts and budget so that you can buy that cool statement piece every now and then.

>> No.13583134
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absolutly this.

>> No.13583165

I know you are memeing but read the fucking comments and think about this video for a second
he doesn't provide any proof of actually rich people doing any of this, he just starts talking numbers and the kinda shit "rich" are buying etc.
and then the comments are full of people going "oh wow dude, this is definitely me, I agree, damn Im good"
He is basically catering to the exact kinda fucking morons who watch tips about being rich on youtube by trying to positively reinforce what the people are doing already or believe in

Like imagine Fat Acceptance video with someone going "You can be healthy at every size, look at this man running a marathon" and then cut to clip of fat dude running while talking about heart rate and flashing numbers on the screen

>> No.13583171

$2400 is a rent for a shitty studio with 1hour commute to the city center. And the fifteen bucks t-shirt a rich person is wearing is in fact some designer shit that's worth a few hundred but you can't tell because it looks like a regular fucking tee and they can just drop half a grand on it like it's nothing.

>> No.13583619

This is retarded. I guess homeless people are filthy rich since their houses are so small. And I suppose all the single moms in tiny apartments with 3 kids are just oozing cash because they didn’t buy a 4000 sqft home. I think what he means by “poor” is “middle class” lol

>> No.13583747

>Making car payments
pick one

>> No.13583800

What if you buys more money with your money??

>> No.13583855

there are assets, there are liabilities, and then there is leisure which is the basis of culture. i agree that you should spend money on wise investments, or assets, instead of liabilities. this is primarily how you have a surplus to spend on leisure - such as fragrances, books, watches, furniture, tapestry, clothing, etc. some people's leisure can definitely be rooted in vanity - like philistines who think gucci belts look cool and exude wealth (money can't buy taste). but ultimately they spend the same amount of money as they would on one bespoke brocade silk 7 fold tie if they did have taste.

yes, a fool and his money are soon parted. that's literally all this video is saying. if you want to be rich just exploit mass viewerbases on youtube into thinking theyre genius rich people for going to goodwill, which is just as delusional as thinking you're rich for having a mink coat

>> No.13583860

also most rich people pay for their assets in full and in cash

>> No.13583868

homeless people shaking cups in big cities like new york probably make more than minimum wage a year assuming they aren't working for a "pimp"

>> No.13584073

That guy is a faggot. You can easily buy an old Corvette, have your fun with it and sell it for nearly what you bought it for. Corvettes don't even break. They're stupid simple, and their parts are cheap. That guy's assessment is shallow and agenda pushing.

>> No.13584137


>> No.13584144

Is this guy fucking retarded? Rich people don't buy small houses, they buy big houses and still have money for everything else because they're rich. What a stupid faggot making a stupid video, being rich is about spending the least amount of money possible btw I'll tell you why at the END of the video! The funniest part is this guy is poor trying to look rich with his clothes and backdrop or at least his "idea" of rich which is the correct idea obviously. What a sack of shit.

>> No.13584461

its a luxury you wouldnt understand poorfag enjoy your bills

>> No.13584476

Rich people still have bills you mongrel.