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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 88 KB, 640x640, 46484F0A-455E-4DFD-8D8E-8C5F710109FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13565743 No.13565743 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here truly extraordinarily beautiful/attractive? I mean causing car accidents when you walk by beautiful. I mean never having to apologize beautiful. I mean people being unablr to speak when they are trying to talk to you beautiful. I mean get free stuff beautiful. I mean everybody being friendly to you beautiful. I mean, even as a guy, being unable to go to places without people talking to you beautiful.

>> No.13565749
File: 50 KB, 492x678, 623224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish

>> No.13565752

yes, me

>> No.13565755

Yeah, I am. People around me are usually too shy to have a conversation with me or even approach me. I've been turned down by girls just because they thought I was out of their league.

>> No.13565779


>> No.13565783


>> No.13565786

>tfw attractive yet shy so girls expect you to make the first move otherwise they think you hate them

>> No.13565792

nothing worse that super attractive person who tries to convince you that being attractive is actually a 'curse', even though they live life on easy mode. fuck off

>> No.13565794

he's meming you dolt

>> No.13565834

>having random roasties throw themselves at you is not a curse
>people having super high expectations of you is not a curse
not saying there aren't upsides too, but there are two sides to every coin and we still gotta do what 99% of other people have to do to get through life

>> No.13565855

yeah but my dick is short

>> No.13565886

thats like saying being a millionaire is so bad

just make yourself uglier then if you don't like it, stop taking care of yourself.

>> No.13565996

I am quite attractive, not extraordinarily so, but I'm 6'4 so my face gets halo'd extremely hard IRL.

made me become narcissistic desu, because my mood gets ruined if I feel people aren't looking at me in public

>> No.13566056

then it must be the clothes/hair if they ain't looking.

also there's no everyone being nice to you if you're a pretty girl. Other girls treat you like shit. I doubt pretty guys go through that

>> No.13566070

>I mean, even as a guy, being unable to go to places without people talking to you beautiful.

My life in a nutshell. Idk about stopping traffic or causing car accidents but I've gotten hit on by plenty of people of both genders and have had men and a surprising amount of women cat call at me from their cars a surprising amount of times. I guess OP is looking for attractive people stories. I think one of the funniest situation was during a dinner with my ex's family where the (cute) waitress was flirting so hard that it served as the conversation starter each time she left the table. The highlight of the night being my ex's very white and proper grandmother picking up a knife and threatening to shank the waitress in my ex's favor after said waitress placed her hands on my shoulders before she left the table.

I was also an ugly duckling during my teenage years so I have a good look at both sides of the coin if people really want to chat about this.

>> No.13566074

>turned down by girls just because they thought I was out of their league
Lol no you’re just ugly

>> No.13566090

Nobody. We're all ugly fat sacks of shit

>> No.13566103


>> No.13566140

hey im not fat

>> No.13566178

>>13566140 Then you're either skeletrik to the point of seeming almost dead, really full of acne, or really stinky.

>> No.13566182
File: 241 KB, 1080x1517, Screenshot_2018-08-02-15-56-27-088_com.instagram.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord, I wish. And anytime I told anyone (my friends, my family etc.) "I wish I were prettier" they were all like "oh, but you're already pretty". Yes, maybe 7.5/10 pretty at my best. And I want to be an absolutely gorgeous 10/10, not just "pretty".

>> No.13566204

You're not if that happens.

>> No.13566217

yes, usually when i haven't bothered to get a haircut for months.

yes, people have always been nice to me really. but like I said, it built an ego that gets broken quite easily, if someone doesn't compliment me on my looks

>> No.13566222

Okay, so this is not photoshop you believe

>> No.13566228

7.5 is still really pretty though, you can always bump yourself up through clothes, fitness, and hairstyles. As far as dating 7.5-8 are still able to compete with a 9 or a 10 if you're educated, funny, gainfully employed, and not crazy.

>> No.13566244


Monica is 8/10.

I bet you are too but have issues.

>> No.13566253

Monica is higher than an 8

>> No.13566261

lol fag

>> No.13566284
File: 43 KB, 480x640, f0ebf54651afc321a592f6599eda5173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm not 100% sure if OP's pic is Adriana but she looks sooo good even after gym

>> No.13566305

Cheeks too fat, no chin and tiny nose,,ugly Norman eyes, I don't know about her lips because of that stupid expression, ew.

>> No.13566312
File: 826 KB, 881x662, stephen-eastwood-face-study-lens-distortion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Adriana Lima is without a doubt beautiful. That picture of her >>13566284 is terrible, People don't realize how much the angle, lighting, and quality of their crappy cell phone cameras affect the way they look. It's why I avoid taking cell phone pictures.

>> No.13566324

Now, imagine being ugly.

Fat cheeks, big nose, big lips, small forehead, etc, etc...

Kill me please :(

>> No.13566327
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1526837594475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye of the beholder cunt :)

>> No.13566330

>I mean causing car accidents when you walk by beautiful. I mean never having to apologize beautiful. I mean people being unablr to speak when they are trying to talk to you beautiful. I mean get free stuff beautiful. I mean everybody being friendly to you beautiful. I mean, even as a guy, being unable to go to places without people talking to you beautiful.

I don't think that kind of beautiful even exists, especially for men. At least not with beauty being the only criterion, I can only see those things happening when some kind of fame enters the equation.

>> No.13566331

Big nose and big lips aren't necessarily bad things, neither is a small forehead (except if it's extremely small), your cheeks you can change by losing bf%

>> No.13566380

>atleast not for men
Women are always less beautiful than males and if you don't agree you are an american't or agp scum.

>> No.13566396

I (kinda) agree with you, however, women are more commonly seen as beautiful, I feel as if men are a) less often even considered/appreciated for their beauty and b) don't get as strong reactions as women get for their looks.

Also, I'm European. Not sure what agp is?

>> No.13566405

>Women are always less beautiful than males

Not true unless you're gay which is okay, or incel/red pill and misogynistic which is not okay.

>> No.13566409

I masturbate to Alexander the great.

>> No.13566416

I mean I've been proposed to at first sight before so idk.

>> No.13566418

I think that says more about the person proposing than about you.

>> No.13566425

unironically women are more visually pleasing to humans because of how we've evolved as a species.

>> No.13566429
File: 173 KB, 804x1024, 1527816576168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13566430

So how is your bed life ?
asking for a friend

>> No.13566434

I mean yeah I wouldn't say I'm 11/10 attractive more like "everyone's nice to me and I get propositioned so often it's irritating" 7.2/10

>> No.13566439

counterpoint: tiddies

>> No.13566445

I know man, I'm trying to lose bf. Start with 19% now I'm in 17% but still hate my cheeks and nose.

And my nose has marks from acne, so is worse.

>> No.13566450

>counterpoint: tiddies
Counterpoint: tiddies.

>> No.13566461

counterpoint: ballsacs

>> No.13566480

if you are actually incredibly attractive then you'll generally have an easier time in school, career, relationships than the average person. you can get away with doing the bare minimum. people will still want to date you or work with you because just being around you is a pleasure
work with you

>> No.13566515

I once saw a guy in SoHo or something that was so good looking that I had to do a double take. I'm not homo and the girl he was with was beautiful too, a solid 8/10 maybe, but she barely registered in my vision because of this guy. I suspect he's a model.

So I think they level of beauty exists, but it's exceedingly rare. Plenty of 9/10's, but objective 10/10's are hard to find.

>> No.13566690

I don't think that any objective 10/10 exists. My 10/10 are someone else's 8/10 and vice versa.

>> No.13566968
File: 84 KB, 256x256, 57822c19e1ad1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's you again!
>Finds men more beautiful
>Therefore, is a faggot
>Therefore, is more likely to be autogynephilic himself
>Projecting this hard
It's always a laugh to see you post, but honestly, take it to r9k

>> No.13566977

It was /lgtg/ tier and it was on /fa/.

>> No.13567005

Fasted state (0 face bloat and awesome skin if you haven't tried it) + good haircut + shave and I get some solid stares. I've also had four unrelated strangers stop me and tell me I look like a movie star. Other than that I just get too distracted by stuff and end up not keeping up any sort of grooming routine. Plus I'm a little too fat for a proper cut face so I need to fix that.

>> No.13567039

it does exist.
I travelled to the states when i was 18 i literally had people honking, girls screaming from their cars even people stoping at the side of the drivewqay to cat call me.
Got marriage proposals, women from all ages hitting on me, married women even.
Have girls dropping their spaguetti fairly often.
I also got sexually harrased because of it, even by other males, and this actually got scary.
And also people being nice of course but also ''friends'' not inviting me to gaatherings because they would get envyous, and want the girls for themselves.
People trash talking me out of envy,
Girls on my city reaching out toward their friends just to meet me.
Guys getting all jeallous and shit.
Guys acting all violent towards me, when the girls in their group basically called them out and defended me.
People attacking me verbally and emotionally for no reason trying to bring me down.
Im like a more handsome more sharp version of jason momoa, talk, thin model faced, and as a tennager i was also fairly androgynous in a way so it enhaced all of this.

>> No.13567111

pic of you

>> No.13567113

Nice larp, fag

>> No.13567125

same, fuck

>> No.13567141

story of my life

>> No.13567163

are you guys sure you are attractive? women usually come on strong, ive gotten used to not making the first move

>> No.13567192

>why won't they make the first move :(

Because you're a stupid faggot that should just become trans already.
You have internalized a feminine mindset and need to work on becoming a man.

>> No.13567604

Desu if a women don't hit first she is not my type.

>> No.13568164

im so ugly that my parents blamed me for their existence and kicked me out, was forced to live in the wilderness but i made everything ran away.

>> No.13568168

I'm a legitimate 7.5 when lean.
Not extraordinary by an measure.

>> No.13568315

i love how everyone here is an 7-8 but nobody posts pics u all ugly

>> No.13568374

I don't want to be attention whoring. It's not /soc/

>> No.13568455

People post pics here constantly.

>> No.13568736

what exactly is the upside in posting a pic

>> No.13568744

I pretty much mog everyone I meet

>> No.13568883

I've been told I'm pretty good looking, but I have to cover my super high forehead with bangs so that really limits things.

>> No.13568929
File: 38 KB, 696x900, FB_IMG_1530220592307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With luck I'm a 5.5.

Anyway I feel there is less beautiful people in the world now. Why everyone is so fucking ugly now?

>> No.13568938

I have the complete opposite problem

>> No.13569052

They can come on strong without making a move bruv. And yeah, people have told me both online and I've had randoms come up to me to tell me I'm attractive, ask if I'm a model etc

>> No.13569134

whenever i post pics people would say its not me lmao

my insta is @enzo.cml


>> No.13569184

You are what you eat.

>> No.13569207 [DELETED] 

3 reasons I think.

1. People are fatter and less fit now and spend more times indoors.

2.The relatively small amount of attractive people in the world have been collected in placed into the palm of your hand. Where you get to watch carefully selected cuts and edited moments of their lives, where they're looking and sounding the best their best.

3 In the same vein as reason two. Plastic surgery, makeup, good lighting, photo editing and being able to take quality photo from different angles. When you meet that girl (or guy) off of instagram or tinder and you realize she doesn't quite look like her account photos those are the reason why.

>> No.13569219 [DELETED] 

3 reasons I think.

1. People are fatter and less fit now and spend more times indoors.

2.The relatively small amount of attractive people in the world have been collected in placed into the palm of your hand. Where you get to watch carefully selected cuts and edited moments of their lives, where they're looking and sounding the best their best. So not you're biased because you're subconsciously comparing everyday people to that smaller group of ultra attractive people.

3 In the same vein as reason two. Plastic surgery, makeup, good lighting, photo editing and being able to take quality photo from different angles. When you meet that girl (or guy) off of instagram or tinder and you realize she doesn't quite look like her account photos those are the reason why.

>> No.13569224
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, 19933458_1710655949238013_482014249665691648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 reasons I think.

1. People are fatter and less fit now and spend more times indoors.

2.The relatively small amount of attractive people in the world have been collected and placed into the palm of your hand. Where you get to watch carefully selected cuts and edited moments of their lives, where they're looking and sounding their best. So now you're biased because you're subconsciously comparing everyday people to that smaller group of ultra attractive people.

3 In the same vein as reason two. Plastic surgery, makeup, good lighting, photo editing and being able to take quality photo from different angles. When you meet that girl (or guy) off of instagram or tinder and you realize she doesn't quite look like her account photos those are the reasons why.

>> No.13569226

3 reasons I think.

1. People are fatter and less fit now and spend more times indoors.

2.The relatively small amount of attractive people in the world have been collected in placed into the palm of your hand. Where you get to watch carefully selected cuts and edited moments of their lives, where they're looking and sounding the best their best.

3 In the same vein as reason two. Plastic surgery, makeup, good lighting, photo editing and being able to take quality photo from different angles. When you meet that girl (or guy) off of instagram or tinder and you realize she doesn't quite look like her account photos those are the reason why.

>> No.13569335

According to Blanchard himself, autogynephiles are straight men who have an erotic target location error that basically makes them project their heterosexual feelings onto themselves.
The ''actual'' transsexuals are called homosexual transsexuals and they are the gay ones.
Please study Blanchard's typology and theory before you talk crap

>> No.13569340

You're not that good looking, you simply have a strong jaw and that's it

>> No.13569463

I actually think she looks amazing there, but I get it isn't on par with her better 'glamour' pictures. To me that is more a testament to how you can't fix ugly, Lima looks amazing even in the worst conditions. This pic even emphasizes her eye asymmetry and it doesn't matter.

>> No.13569508

can relate

>> No.13569513

c o p e

>> No.13569733


>> No.13569850

Unless I start seeing some faces posted I'm just gonna assume every post in here is LARP

>> No.13570008


I don't want anyone giving me the excuse that they don't post pics of themselves on the internet. Thats the lamest excuse. Everyone post pics of themselves, instagram, twitter, Facebook, and a lot of the times theyre public for the whole world to see if they really wanted too

nobody cares if you post your pic on here, most prob don't even know what /fa/ is. they'll never find out and if they do they won't care

>> No.13570087
File: 1.24 MB, 1142x885, Jeff the N.E.E.T. guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really cute w/o poor brah clothes on

>> No.13570378

still waiting for the pic bruv? unless this is a lookism.net larp, fuck off

>> No.13570389

again, whats the upside in posting a picture here.
At best, nobody responds or an anonymous comment acknowledges your picture.
There are plenty of clearly negative outcomes

>> No.13570572

to prove a point that you are indeed beautiful. plus I'm curious what you/person claiming they are beautiful look like. you might think you're a 8/10 while i think you're actually a 6/10. beauty is subjective. i personally think I'm a 5/10. Def not model tier but in a room with other random guys, id say I'm one of the most attractive.

Also what are the negative outcomes? people say you aren't attractive /ugly? who cares

>> No.13570663

>to prove a point that you are indeed beautiful
whats the upside for me though. how would I benefit from this, when you said yourself said beauty is subjective.
I don't really rate myself, but when I went to those looks theory sites like lookism etc, I get rated 6-6.5 PSL with height boost. this is me >>13565996

So I don't think I'm beautiful in the first place, that is reserved solely for people like Sean O'pry

>> No.13570669


I don’t know, my experience is I’ve had many good looking women act awkward and desperate around me, and other times zero interest.

I don’t think it’s as clear cut for guys as it is for women. A guys attractiveness beyond being in shape and healthy seems to be far more subjective and personality based

>> No.13570814

>tfw to attractive to get laid

>> No.13570838

Most people who claim they’re beautiful are vastly over estimating their looks. Cognitive bias is a hell of a drug.

>> No.13570986

I think I'm 7/10 at best so I don't think that my face belongs in a extraordinary beautiful thread. However, I'm curious if others agree with my rating. I tried posting in a faces of /b/ thread a few times but you know, it was /b/, if they see slightly above average female they are ready to propose lmao

>> No.13570989

Kind of, like never being creepy beautiful,
Can tell a girl that she's a hoe and she still will apologize for nothing beautifull,
Girls actually know me before I know them beautifull.

>> No.13570993

Post pic.

>> No.13570999

>A guys attractiveness beyond being in shape and healthy seems to be far more subjective and personality based
probably this. i'm kinda popular with silly dorky girls because i'm kind of a dork myself but not at all with stacies, especially once they get to know me. it's pretty crazy actually

>> No.13571013

I'm pretty popular at my workplace but 1 of my friends is a top tier chad and the the other one is also really attractive and popular (even if slightly short) and i sometimes feel self conscious cause they get more attention/attention from better looking girls even when i'm better off than most guys there.

Guess it's impossible to be 100% satisfied with your looks all the time.

>> No.13571016

I think it works both ways, though. I don't know why but every guy who had crush on me (well, there were maybe 5 or 6) fitted the scheme: kinda nerdy, kinda outsider, likes anime and video games. It's weird because I'm not nerdy and I don't like video games.

>> No.13571034

yeah for sure

i have a huge crush on a short flat girl right now and she's got a cute face but really meh body and her personality is what does it for me. i know way "hotter" girls but they don't make me feel 1% of what she does just because of how cute she acts and talks

men on average are more superficial than women imo but personality still means a lot

>> No.13571084
File: 456 KB, 2048x1790, AF93F6C4-84ED-4C5D-9581-F7CDE4E4EB25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t gas myself up to how you describe it, but I break necks every now and then, and get a good stare from a full room for a good bit of time. Free stuff is harder to come by as a male, but it’s pretty easy to sense someone’s feeling towards you in a conversation.

Pic related is me

>> No.13571090

average asf lmao

>> No.13571203


>> No.13571241


I can imagine he has a striking quality while in person. Seeing him in three dimension would bump him up.

>> No.13571415

Agreed. The hair makes him look a lot better than he would if it was short. Don't cut that mane, mystery meat bro.

>> No.13572033

Old photos dont show a lot of detail in the face. Everything is blurred a bit, so you see less flaws.

>> No.13572116
File: 1.52 MB, 640x1136, 103F3B49-05D4-4012-86E8-8F4D1D447D40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to get hit on all the time by guys so I cut my hair. Now I just get called an anorexic lesbian behind my back

>> No.13572129

pls marry me

>> No.13572151

Do you have any pictures with long her? Also, did cutting your hair really stop that many men from hitting on you?

>> No.13572155

Damn girl you're lookin hurt as fuck

>> No.13572156

I'd feel fine calling you an anorexic dyke to your face. What would you do, hit me with those ayy lmao hands of yours?

>> No.13572201

Girl, you're beautiful. Do you have ig?

>> No.13572349
File: 82 KB, 640x596, 4A4D268F-FA21-43DE-8D33-E0B5E6FDB7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a pic from about two years ago when I used to wear tons of makeup and dress like I was going out to the club even though I was still only 17. Used to get hit on by everyone, from your typical chads to even older guys my dads age. Once I cut my hair those guys stopped hitting on me completely. They don’t seem to like the short hair. Now every once in a while some cute skinny model type guys will try to get my number which is what I prefer so I don’t actually mind. Since they’re my type!

Yes but it’s private. Honestly you can post yours and maybe I’ll follow you if I like it but I don’t want to post it then have random guys I don’t know trying to DM me/troll/send dick pics with priv accts with 0 followers. Truthfully I don’t mind participating in this thread but I am a pretty private person in real life :)

>> No.13572381

No offence but it's most likely simply because of the way you dress

>> No.13572389
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x2448, DSC_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feast your eyes upon my illuminating visage

>> No.13572405


You maybe right, although my wardrobe isn’t too outstandish. For example in this picture I was just wearing a black tee

>> No.13572422

Don't worry, I won't send you pictures of a dick because I don't have one haha
My username is @podfruwajka

>> No.13572425
File: 112 KB, 637x632, D4818E44-A3D8-4E3D-85DC-535EA217D832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s another pic from last summer. Stopped dressing so slutty and started wearing less makeup. Still got hit on annoyed/creeped on. A group of guys actually followed me and one of them came up from behind me and grabbed my ass on the boardwalk at the beach

>> No.13572449

Well, I kinda feel better about not being so attractive because I get cat-called like once a year and I still feel it's too much lol

>> No.13572461

Not me but there is a girl I work with who is, used to model when she was younger but changed careers. I'm a sub 5, overweight and completely out of her league so there's zero pressure when we hang - we get on great as friends.

It's either funny-as-fuck or really creepy all the attention she gets from guys at work or when we're out.

>> No.13572474


>> No.13572480

why are you pouting tho
doesnt match with 'trying to look less attractive'

>> No.13572485

sorry avg at best

>> No.13572489
File: 114 KB, 560x586, 37185968_1466754030137062_7736978765896482816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> group of guys actually followed me and one of them came up from behind me and grabbed my ass on the boardwalk at the beach
Holy crap
Assuming you aren't LARPing as a model I feel bad for you femanon

>> No.13572528 [DELETED] 
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 4860E1B9-6C50-4360-9D8C-73F82B518966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well even if I’m actually only average that’s alright with me. I have trouble finding confidence in myself. Here’s another pic. I bleached my hair a couple weeks ago, if anyone wants pics of that as comparison

>> No.13572546
File: 688 KB, 1936x2046, D3EFD451-9AE7-4520-B39F-FF3B7AC17AB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well being average is good enough with me. I have trouble finding confidence in appearance desu. I bleached my hair recently aswell.

>> No.13572604

tits or GTFO attention whore

>> No.13572608

Yeah, do you want her to get banned?

>> No.13572614
File: 130 KB, 346x406, 8933481A-C6B3-439C-AAE0-FAA49546FC10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13572620

>Now every once in a while some cute skinny model type guys will try to get my number which is what I prefer so I don’t actually mind. Since they’re my type!
This larp is honestly too much, holy shit.

>> No.13572641

if you really are supernaturally attractive then no one will be able today you're ugly. and if people do then it wont matter to you

>> No.13572676
File: 55 KB, 626x626, 76C6FF2C-60F2-4F1D-84DF-DDEFD74238FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timestamp, nerd.
Also, name a guy you think is hot.

>> No.13572722

was gonna say the same shit lul

>> No.13572759

lol get out thats @chiara

>> No.13572785

I actually believed it because reverse search didn't show anything

>> No.13572790

I knew she had to be a larp. She’s too hot to be posting on here. Her with short hair is like my dream girl

>> No.13572869

I know it's kinda off-top but why people say someone's too pretty/hot to post on 4chan? I know that majority is probably fugly or average at best but I don't know why this site could be completely hot-proof.

>> No.13572937

my sides

>> No.13572968
File: 190 KB, 750x1100, 1532921257561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because an attractive person's life experiences would most likely not result in them ending up on 4chan. Whether you believe it or not, most people here are social outcasts/had terrible upbringings/traumatic experiences. This (typically) doesn't happen to really attractive people. They are rarely outcasts. They receive enough interaction from others in daily life that they don't need to find more on some japanese forum.

And even in the rare case that someone extremely attractive were to be on 4chan, I HIGHLY doubt that they would choose to draw more attention to themselves by posting pictures. So that's why the site is hot-proof.

>> No.13573029

No. Not on /fa/. Take my word for it, this place is full of narcissicts that think they're that attractive but they aren't.

>> No.13573344
File: 193 KB, 1600x1184, 1532923223281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say I'm around slightly above average. I haven't had any problem attracting the opposite sex, I've been told I'm attractive before on numerous occasions. For those who're into skinny pale people with light eyes and dark hair, I fill that category. I don't think I'm attractive but that's probably just low self esteem.

I'm not ridiculously attractive, I'm not a model but it is possible for generally "attractive" people to lurk this website. But, you are right about something being wrong as I suffer from psychosis.

>> No.13573488
File: 81 KB, 540x540, Y2I2NmM4MTY2NyMvSXd2RVFDOTFBem01X1JVQ21QUjhXOEVXaFc4PS9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6Zm9ybWF0KGpwZWcpOnF1YWxpdHkoODApL2h0dHBzOi8vczMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbS9wb2xpY3ltaWMtaW1hZ2VzL3VtZzg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a IRL 4chan where slight outcasts but normal-thinking people could hang out
Not even trolling or trying to be /r9k/ this is the only place I really feel like I belong

>> No.13573494

No but I hang around a lot of good looking people
My boy Connor is a surf bro and total slayer and I remember he asked this 10/10 girl out and she started crying tears of joys
And whenever we drive together girls are always rubber necking and we’ve had girls follow us just to ask for his number

>> No.13573499

It would go sour. I'd imagine it wouldn't take long for problems to arise among people, probably bickering about useless shit. Just look at threads on other boards where people get together virtually, at first it's great but after awhile becomes corrupted. It devolves into attention whoring, problems arise, people hate each other, and eventually it is no more.

I wouldn't want to meet another person from this website. I prefer the anonymity and it's a shame this website is the last true bastion of anonymity, barring identification via mods or the authorities.

>> No.13573500

I always assumed that there was some hot chicks here who were probably ugly when they were younger and posted here then they blossomed and now they still post sometimes
That’s the only feasible way i could see a good looking girl posting here

>> No.13573559

post pic of ur friend?

>> No.13573620

I like it. It reminds me of the girl from the new IT movie

I would say I’m attractive if I didn’t have a weak chin. Literally makes me feel like an incel but I still can hookup with attractive normie girls. I’m also 6ft, but still always taller than the girls I talk too. I like short petite girls. I also workout and have a built up chest. But still feel like an incel because of my weak chin. I actually only discovered this site because my roommate. He browses some other sections on here. I only browse fa. I think anime/manga ect is stupid gay af no offense

>> No.13573626

everyone in this thread is ugly lmao

>> No.13573650

I am more attractive than any of you will ever be

>> No.13573664

You are not really average my g. Solidly in the "good looking" camp.

>> No.13573879

i fell for it baka. i hoped she was real too

>> No.13573883

Because there are more fat people than ever before and less whites.

>> No.13573927

Thank ya. I imagine a lot of ppl on this board r better looking than they saying

>> No.13573953

aesthetic as f gjdm

>> No.13574021

I know you won't but post pics

>> No.13574118

the golden one's sister, lol

>> No.13574370

that anon was larping

>> No.13574458

Holy shit there’s no way you could be that attractive to people

>> No.13574467

Are you arab, hispanic or light skin black?

>> No.13574663

u can ask me stuff, i dont apreciate myself as other people do to be honest, i went growing up as a lanky nerdy kid, and when i became a tenneger i became an scene kid, and puberty hitted and i drawed way more attention that i could hand.
Had some anxiety because all the atention i dont wanted.
And as i said some weird shit has happened to me because of it, so it was not the walk of roses some anons want to believe it is.

I got seriously deprresed once i turned 20, because those i called friends were more interested on standing by me because of it, than to actually apreciate me as a person.
I habe being compared to a male Cassandra of that bukowski small tale.

>> No.13574691

the way its written makes it sound like it all happens in a week or a month but its probably a tally of things that happened to him over years. i dont find it that unbelievable. im not even that attractive and every time i get into a new job i get harassing comments from women and gay men (especially older women) just because i work out, and an old fwb from high school who is married now slid into my dms out of nowhere. if you stay fit it gets more common as you get older because everyone else lets themselves get fat

>> No.13574706

Exactly this, thank u for claryfing it i apreciate that.

I did got intense as i said when i was 18 too much atention on a daily basis, but as u said is not all in a single week.
Many anecdotes from a timeframe and a really intente adolescence paired that i was alternative and kidna androgynous and it promoted it all.

>> No.13574861
File: 162 KB, 719x1028, 6FF505E6-B9D7-4079-851F-FCC5868107B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pic dude

>> No.13575417

I accidentally made a girl worship me, literally.

>> No.13575471

You realize most people that use this site are normies right? And being physically attractive doesn't magically make people like you, in fact it can have the opposite effect if you're an asshole, like me.

>> No.13576140

post pic or you're a larper

also i know english probably isn't your first language but i could barely understand your blogpost

>> No.13576298

get out while you still can

>> No.13576312

Larping this hard lmao. Or simply cherry picking events.

This doesn't happen to men.

>> No.13576376

roastie detected

>> No.13576382

lens distortion is cope.

ugly people are ugly in every photo
attractive people are attractive in every photo

>> No.13576416


you are objectively wrong

>> No.13576669

What about this doesnt happen to man?
Truly interested because, i found amazing u dont know anyone who doesnt get stuff like this or that it doesnt happen to any of u.

>> No.13576676

you are objectively ugly

>> No.13576724

You'd be surprised. You need confidence to go with the attractiveness. If you're a shy introvert it gets you nowhere and actually leaves you worse off than if you were a shy average-looking person.

>> No.13576751
File: 132 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Lying_beautiful_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look young but i'm slim and awkward.

>> No.13576776

i didnt feel like it was worth chiming in because his mind is made up but ive had attractive friends and been around them when this kind of stuff happened in real time. it takes some self-awareness to not take it out on the attractive person but i can understand the jealousy, being violent, attacking verbally or emotionally. the guy who doesn't believe this happens must not have any friends who are conventionally attractive.

you ever have a chick chat you up and find out at a certain point she wasnt really interested in you but just was trying to get to your friend? yeah, especially if anyone is drunk or young and dumb with their hormones raging about it happens.

>> No.13577059

Yeah youre the definition of average

Not ugly but not like extremely good looking. Like I would say do something with the hair but that’s prob the best you could do with it. Also you look short/very young. I can’t picture you being y’all when you’re older. In the end I feel you’ll just forever be a Manlet. And with that skin tone and hair, I’m sorry

Your best bet is too get as much pussy as possible when you’re young and still in high school/college because you aren’t going to age well and you can at least use that boyish look for a few more years

>> No.13577123


I actually know men who are 10/10s and this isn't commonplace.

As I said, you're either cherry-picking some occurrences and presenting them as something usual or simply larping.

>> No.13577156

show us those 10/10 please.
Atleast one so we can understand what ur talking about.

>> No.13577281

who's attacking whom? you lost me there

>> No.13577286

attractive guy A
unattractive guy B
woman C

C starts talking to B. B thinks she is interested in him. C is actually interested in A. B is angry and disappointed when this becomes clear. B is jealous and takes his anger out on A.

>> No.13577301

oh i see, i thought you were talking about people in this thread

i've definitely seen what youve described in real life. my bf had a friend who would get really mad when girls would prefer talking ane flirting with him over his friend. but girls can smell insecurity and immaturity from a mile away and so girls never tried to hit on the friend

>> No.13577321

The lack of social awareness is too damn high!
Asking people to post their friend's photos to be nit picked over. Even posting your own photos isn't a great idea in this context. This is different from the waywt threads where people are commenting on your clothes as opposed to your face.

And ofc you could be the most attractive man or woman on the planet there will still be a good number of people that want to tear you down. And this is 4chan after all, you better not have the audacity to not be white.

>> No.13578318


I’m 5’10, it’s just a pretty high up mirror

>> No.13578643

Depends on the woman. I've had friends of girls say "anon thinks you're really hot but too intimidating". Older women tend to be more up front...as in 24-35, not straight up milfs. Usually old women 45+ at work just ask if I'm a model/athlete (I work at sporting events)

>> No.13578893

lol only one person posted a picture and he was a 5/10 at best you fucks are god damn ugly.

>> No.13578943

Natural blonde hair and bright blue eyes with a fit body. It's nothing special in northern Europe, just basic good looks but around mediterranean and east Asia I turn heads and people give me more attention and compliments on my looks.

>> No.13578947
File: 342 KB, 960x1280, 1533044738519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some normies said`s that i can be a model but i don`t beliebe them.
Now i`m try to improove my body to try this way.
It`s was be stupid to not trying.
6"2 / 72kg

>> No.13578952

What's the differences in how people have treated you, my man?

>> No.13578954

now i know that in was mistake to post in this thread because it`s not about this

>> No.13578969

if ur attractive and shy people think your endearing, if ur shy and ugly then ur just creepy

>> No.13578996

You're fine ass fuck and everyone saying otherwise is just jealous.

Great skin, great hair, only thing turning me off is that you look really young. You could be really attractive if you got a little older and a bit taller(or got shoes inserts)

>> No.13579048

your a solid 8.5/10 no homo if you lifted you would be a 9+ tho

>> No.13579066

u might wanna change the filename before you larp buddy

>> No.13580022


Haha I appreciate that you're the only one that has replied to my post, seems like even the OP may have abandoned the thread.

I wouldn't say that men treat me much differently outside of the occasional gay man trying to get my attention or a guy not feeling comfortable with me around their date.
People do love to talk to me though, like a lot. I'm a giant introvert and have quite a few days where I don't want to say anything, going outside during those days are a pain because it feels like every other person wants to stop me and tell their life story. I'm never an asshole about it though, I'll stop and listen to anyone up for a few minutes, you never know what they might be going through and just three minutes of someone being nice to them might improve their day, I know I've had depressing days like that myself, where I just needed one person to be nice.
The biggest difference is in the way women treat me. I went from having my face cut out of group photos with an x-acto knife and having to ride amusement park rides by myself during class trips because no girl would sit next to me, to having three girls spend the night competing for my attention, pulling me into club bathrooms to make out. A shocking turn around.