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File: 727 KB, 2048x2048, D2CDD11B-FC9E-4074-9D70-923A2447DC4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13565173 No.13565173 [Reply] [Original]

It's pretty simple folks

>> No.13565185

dealer shill please go

>> No.13565658

A point I guess....but burnt lips and shit teeth arent exactly dope.

>> No.13566087

are those legs suppose to be skinny? they look exactly like mine which i can tell you they are not thin

>> No.13566498

Why are her thighs tan but not the rest of her leg?

>> No.13566509

1lowkick and they would break like nic nacs

>> No.13566528

Delusion. Any thinner and it's a turnoff.

>> No.13566550

I'm 12 and what is this?

>> No.13566567

She's in a wheelchair

>> No.13567007

ordering online is such a hassle though

>> No.13567009
File: 816 KB, 531x752, asr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on down there

>> No.13567015

trying to order via dreammarket, but i have no fucking clue how to handle bitcoin payment. i want to buy bitcoins per paypal or paysafe just to send it to my dreammarket profile, can you recommend the easiest service to do so?

>> No.13567025

those are the cat's back legs. its stretching. do you have trouble with spatial reasoning?

>> No.13567029
File: 36 KB, 680x350, How-To-Know-Whether-You-Bought-Good-or-Bad-Cannabis-680x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it was this shit. There was a 2-3 month period where I was smoking every night and I lost 20 pounds. I lost 35 pounds over the ~7 month period that I was smoking weed in total.

It wasn't that I didn't get the munchies when I was high, it was that my appetite was almost nonexistent when I was sober. And because I only smoked for a 2-3 hour period at night it meant that I ate very little for most of the day.

>> No.13567044

How much were you smoking a day?
I used to smoke a quarter a day on average but sometimes I’d just smoke until I was completely brain dead
Shit isn’t addictive but it definitely demotivates you to the point where all you can do is smoke

>> No.13567311

cop in person then :^)

>> No.13567321

Don't smoke (or inject for that matter). you can swallow it like a pill with some water, its the least damaging way anyway. It doesn't inherently destroy your teeth, if you keep taking care of your hygiene your teeth won't be any worse off than they were before.

>> No.13567425

Not that much, relatively. I had a vaporiser (Arizer Air) and would vape 2 or 3 bowls of that which equated to around a quarter per month on average during that 2-3 month peak. But I also have a buddy who would buy a qp at a time and loved sharing so I ended up smoking a lot of that with him too.

I got the demotivation too though and I also noticed my memory getting worse. Was doing a lot worse in school but I didn't care, weed was pretty much the one thing I looked forward to.

>> No.13567430

Suze and a simple diet are just fine with me thanks. and coke

>> No.13567617

coke is just shitty meth anyway, meth lasts much longer and is much cheaper. you're paying more for the same effects.

>> No.13567714

i agree at OP's legs aren't skinny, just average for people outside murica
even meth cant compete with large amounts of fatty food

>> No.13567725
File: 33 KB, 500x375, dnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks you are path*

>> No.13567734

well that was just what one month did with the fatty diet, imagine the possibilities as time progresses

>> No.13567751
File: 298 KB, 720x603, wtfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /fa/ (or any fucking board on this stupid site) tries to talk about drugs

smoking isn't what causes meth mouth. meth is caustic but its not that damaging to enamel unless you're smoking a huge amount over an extremely long period of time. you're going to fuck up your gums if you smoke it, not your teeth.

eating sugary foods and not brushing is why meth heads have british tooth syndrome.

coke isnt an anorectic.

this is wrong and you're bad.

plug it or snort it. never ever take anything oral if you can help it. its a downright wasteful roa. the only drug off the top of my head where oral is the ideal roa is DXM because it causes way too many complications in every other roa imaginable.

>> No.13567755

or you could stop smoking meth and stop eating shit food.
being a haggard methhead and heart disease sufferer isnt attractive

>> No.13567758

Plugging isn't always convenient and snorting is pretty unpleasant. It's okay to be wasteful with meth, its strong enough anyway, if you want to be efficient just inject, and take the beast of addiction with it. Of course you will get addicted no matter the roa if you let it get bad enough but the severity depends on how you treat your usage.

>> No.13567767

No, do not inject anything as caustic as meth ever. You are asking for collapsed veins IV and necrotic muscle and nerve damage IM. Your injection sites will look like Dresden within 2 weeks. Ironically both of these ROAs are the least likely to result in addiction and especially compulsive redosing, but you're asking for serious physical health concerns.

Also get the fuck over yourself if you can't handle the little sting of meth in the sinuses. Snorting ice isn't even a 3/10 on the "uncomfortable to dose" scale.

>> No.13567774

or just get ogre yourself and don't compulsively redose

>> No.13567784
File: 48 KB, 462x462, 1532373000973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Can't even snort meth because it tingles a little bit

>> No.13567787

shoo u addict shill

>> No.13567800
File: 176 KB, 635x768, IMG_2983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. What we all will end up anyway