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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 389 KB, 725x553, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13562234 No.13562234 [Reply] [Original]

What's the real reason Asian's aren't sexy, /fa/?

>> No.13562238

They have a point desu.

>> No.13562242

Found the asian

>> No.13562248
File: 481 KB, 937x706, trav02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

appearance is a single factor which says pretty much nothing about ones individual attractiveness to women (not gay men)


asians aren't sexy when you rationally and logically sit down to determine attractiveness

> as if thats how attraction works /outside/ in the fucking /heatofthemoment/ when her /cavemanvagina/ is tingling /yesOrno/ and determines /geneticmaterial/ that is actually useful, appearance says shit about whether or not you're fit for success within the set of dominance hierarchy which includes the domain of the /socialworld/ and the /naturalworld/ and every /otherworld/

so fucking kill yourself

>> No.13562250

Because the culture in itself promotes selfishness and femininity. These traits are not attractive in men. At least that's how I see it as a Chinese American.

>> No.13562251

too feminine

>> No.13562252

I want a stoic asian gf :(

>> No.13562255

The video ends up with the fag on the left saying be "more responsive not reactive" - AKA "please consider my personality before you judge my pancake face!".

>> No.13562257
File: 89 KB, 960x938, travy and asap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I want a stoic asian gf :(

no you don't know what you fucking want if youre still a virgin jesus

>> No.13562258

>the culture in itself promotes selfishness and femininity
Exactly. And the irony to this is these guys say in the video that K-Pop is helping their cause, despite K-Popstars looking like dykes.

>> No.13562628

You got two tryhards on the edges with shit, shit absolute shit hair that could be so much better. Some 9head having small spectacled mutant looking motherfucker like that tard from the goonies and what looks like a dot indian with a jew nose who looks as greasy as if they both were actually mixed. Lol yeah media is the problem, maybe they could look at thw face and hair of models and not just try to cheaply copy what they wear and posture as something that theyre not, god im autistically picking apart their body language.

>> No.13562629

What the fuck is with your greentext anon?
If you have shit to say say it straight

>> No.13562638

It's because they are vain and narcissistic like a woman. These are guys that are jealous of boy bands like N sync and Nick Carter when nobody likes those fucking idiots twenty years later. They will never get it because they are cucked from childhood. Believe me, asians are very very dumb.

>> No.13562647

Low-T Buzzfeed basedboys are never attractive to anyone.

>> No.13562655


because asian men suck ass. Short dick short insane

>> No.13562731

in korea it's not hard to see tall and muscular guys given how classical masculinity is forced upon males with the whole conscription process and improving nutrition, but I think the problem is how well established antisocial culture is among asian males, given the gaming and anime/manga scene. whereas in the past asians were stereotyped as exotic and varyingly "sexy" due to their hollywood niche as the "mysterious bad guy", the modern archetype is "shut in game-addicted sperg". I don't want to say anime was a mistake, but anime was a mistake

>> No.13562750

>caring about 3DPD

>> No.13562753


>> No.13562915
File: 185 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20180726_175929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my asian men

>> No.13562944

there are plenty of asian chads here in nyc. these guys are ugly, cringe, tryhard. far left could do much better

>> No.13562960

asian men can be very attractive, but only if they have a certain look. just search harajuku guys"

>> No.13562975
File: 512 KB, 1500x1000, Harajuku-Guys-2013-03-03-DSC1490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>harajuku guys
these guys?

>> No.13563016

Asian guys aren't sexy because they make videos dressed up like virgins complaining about how no one finds them sexy

>> No.13563021

Small stature
Short dick
No soul

They can't compete desu

>> No.13563030

god damn i love the harujuku scene

plebian gaijin would be afraid to wear things this bold in their own HOMES

>> No.13563232

basically this

>> No.13563235

Yes. You can't tell me that they aren't attractive, regardless of fit

>> No.13563260

They're kind of androgynous bug people, and the men more than ever act incredibly feminine. And we all know that their main issue isn't to do with the media making them seem unattractive, but rather with the fact that their own women generally seem disinterested in them. There's not much they can really do. When asian women have sexual freedom and there are no real culture boundaries between them and whiteys, they will usually go for white guys for sex and dating, and ideally marriage. The guys would go for white girls too if they had a chance, but they don't really so they focus all their attention on asian girls.

>> No.13563278
File: 67 KB, 400x320, 9298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epicanthal folds
>low/flat nasal bridges
>thin, straight asian hair
>small penis

>> No.13563552
File: 44 KB, 567x709, 767322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine pic related trying to compete with Chad and Tyrone in a market where hypergamy exists.

I thoughts Asians we're suppose to be smart and figure shit out easily but somehow they don't realize they're genetically inferior if selecting for masculinity.

>> No.13563602

>Asian American
Into the trash it goes

>> No.13563606

your photo can be taken at face value

eugene: decent looking asian dude, looks way too flamboyant and probably gay at first glance

asian man 2: the all encompassing below average asian, no fashion sense, receding hair, and chubby

asian man 3: brown and middle eastern (w/e), compensating with his fashion, wearing ugly ass sneakers, large facial aesthetics/genetics due to his race

eugene 2: literally a copy of eugene with an aesthetic sense that does not match his face at all

>> No.13563616
File: 106 KB, 768x960, NICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am sexy

all the dudes besides the twink on the left most are ugly af

these guys cry too much, hit the gym slackjaws

>> No.13563622

Beauty is just found in symmetry.
Just symmetry yourself.

>> No.13563629

but asians are sexy

>> No.13563651
File: 34 KB, 385x600, ed658cea9e0d0b7782d65a1642d444d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao watching this shit right now and I love how they turned the argument to "if you're preferences don't include Asian men you're racist". Stay mad little buzzfeed bitches while actually attractive Asian men have no problem getting with women whatsoever. It's not your race, it's your shitty attitude and your stumpy ass frame that's stopping every female from considering you.

>> No.13563659

liberals are fags
t. conservative asian

>> No.13563660

also i only sleep with asian women
and im asian

i legitimately do not find other races attractive

>> No.13563664
File: 69 KB, 700x766, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muscular asian dudes are top tier because of:
no baldness
age well

>> No.13563687

low T

>> No.13563690

small eyes

>> No.13563691

Liberalism is just asians with mommy and daddy issues finding a way to rebel. Bai Zuo.

>> No.13563694

slight frame

>> No.13563696

the yellow triad

>> No.13563697

this is buzzfeed. of course any injustice in the world must be down to mean people making a society that oppresses. Nothing can ever be due to inherent / incurable deficiencies that are inborn in a person.

>> No.13563702

and ironically it's this very incapability to confront reality head-on and come to terms with one's permanent shortcomings and / or inequalities that is probably the least masculine trait imaginable. These guys are unattractive because they're ugly, asian, AND pussy leftist types.

>> No.13563752
File: 1.38 MB, 2000x2923, 1528526260205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, i think i'm ironically racist
i think every white girl is basic and genuinely retarded
every other race is beneath consideration

>> No.13563756

>caring about a fags opinion on men

>> No.13563772

stfu stubby little boy

>> No.13563776

> I am sexy
Sure thing, buddy

>> No.13563786

>no baldness
>there's literally a balding asian in the op

>> No.13563804

They are attractive but their aesthetic is garbage

>> No.13563812

The real joke is caring

>> No.13563894
File: 126 KB, 710x710, tumblr_ni0bscGm2v1tvmqcgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy looks like ryuichi sakamoto
rock it dude

>> No.13563900
File: 144 KB, 500x500, 25f9bd9e8402f6b8e9cb49a62d879f06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. Also they conveniently forget about the current kpop wave that's taking white girls everywhere by storm
People like OP just have poor taste

>> No.13563911
File: 143 KB, 924x540, traps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quiet cuck
i cannot hear you over your lack of gains
i want to dress more asian, need more koreaboo and weeaboo inspo

>> No.13563917

>ryuichi sakamoto
I knew that name sounded familiar
he was the dude who composed merry christmas mr lawrence

>> No.13563935
File: 25 KB, 450x338, 346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple question: Do Asian American women find their own men attractive ?

>> No.13563948

i have only slept with asian women lel

5 of them or so were the "im only into white boy" types

you just gotta show them who the chad is

>> No.13564550

>implying their aesthetic wouldn't have countless art hoes fighting over them

>> No.13564556

guy on the left has no confidence even though he has a decent body (no homo, though i have seen buzzfeed videos), 2nd guy is a bald fat boomer, 3rd is brown asian and the right guy is a try hard "i'm cool" guy who has no personality behind his ridiculous quiff. trouble with asians is that they come from non-western societies and are trying to fit into western society. they have had no training and are try hards with no natural ability.

>> No.13564570

>thinks attracting art hoes is somehow an accomplishment

>> No.13564576


>> No.13564590

My half Japanese/half white bf is literally the hottest guy I've ever seen
Yeah, I'm biased, but my friends and random girls are all over him.

>> No.13564603

they speak on behalf of other asian men as well. very respectable

t. black man

>> No.13564608

you're huge faggot or mentally ill tranny. ffs i can't believe people take this board seriously. these are neither attractive, manly or stylish.

>> No.13564626

You are right though. I pick apart small details in peoples appearances. I've seen these types of guys in street here (NYC) many many times. They wear $1k+ outfits but you can smell the stench of their insecurity immediately. They are born followers and have willingly feminized their bodys through their dietary choices and lack of exercise. These are not men.

>> No.13564637

lol fuck outta here

>> No.13564664

U right, got some onions sauce to get <3 yum yum
Lol stay mad, /pol/

>> No.13564670

*s o y s a u c e

>> No.13564687

Based trav poster

>> No.13564698

Guys, what did he mean by this?

>> No.13564701

post pics or this literally means nothing

>> No.13564709

Why the fuck is cave-goblin sitting at the table. Looks like he's about to start the chosen commander for me.

>> No.13564711


>> No.13564716

You need to be chad
> beautiful face symmetry
> long straight nose
> sunken cheeks
> strong jawline
> pearly white teeth
> tall
> muscular-ish

>> No.13564720

Yeah I'm not posting a pic of my boi on 4chan
But he's 6'1, thin with a little arm muscle, big hands and feet (and other things), thick black hair, strong jawline, big eyes. He has "white" eyelids but is still visibly part asian ?? but yeah just picture a half jap Clark Kent

>> No.13564729

just realized I'm in a committed relationship with ching chong chad. Bless up

>> No.13564731
File: 62 KB, 233x235, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most asians are too feminine, that's why there's so many asian traps, they know they will "pass" after taking hormones

>> No.13564733

no way he has a big cock, its genetically impossible

>> No.13564734
File: 318 KB, 641x761, 1532733614164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he is encouraging us to clean our rooms...

>> No.13564746

honestly kinda this...if youre an asian guy struggling never verbalize your frustration in front on women. And never see yourself as part of a group. What people think of other asian men is of no consequence to you, youre going to have success and thats all that matters. No group/nation/race owes you anything, and you owe them nothing as well.

>> No.13564748

Depends on your definition of big I guess. I was a virgin when I met him so maybe it's bigger for me than it would be for others
It's like 5.5" long (perfect imo) and REALLY thick.
His white half is made up of the "bigger dick" white ethnicities, to be fair

>> No.13564761

you just outed yourself as a dude, no woman would ever say 'bigger dig white ethnicities' (thats not even a known stereotype unless youre some sort of obscure nationality trying to create a meme about yourself)

>> No.13564762

I want to legally wear skirts without being called a faggot

>> No.13564768

Yeh theres nothing wrong with 5.5" its perfectly average, but you joked/implied he had a big cock

>> No.13564772


Is that your little?

>> No.13564780

Not a dude/tranny/whatever but you're free to think I am
And my understanding is that the white groups known for being tall (ex. Scandinavian) would also have larger dicks on average? Idk I could be wrong
Yeah, I get that 5.5 isn't long to most people but he's got some serious girth there

>> No.13564796

r/asianmasculinity has gone too far this time
go back to your containment sub, you autistic faggot

>> No.13564862

>no one with any azn genetics can ever be attractive
Keep telling yourself this, manlet

>> No.13564912


>> No.13564995

lol that what was not a good troll...dude you should have just said your boyfriend was a sick kunt and fuckin shredded to the bone, and how theres nothing sexier on a man than cross striations. Women do often talk like that.

>> No.13565001

He is

>> No.13565016

You've got the body of a chad but with the face of shortround. Sorry buddy

>> No.13565020

I cringed. Basically the equivalent of a white guy banging girls that are "only into BBC".

>> No.13565022

So he's a 7 but has novelty factor.

>> No.13565026

Small dick

>> No.13565034

At least your hair isn't retardedly large like the fags in the video.

>> No.13565036

>they conveniently forget about the current kpop
They mention Kpop
> that's taking white girls everywhere by storm
If by white girls you mean literal 11 year olds who are attracted to feminine men, then yeah

>> No.13565037


>> No.13565041

At my university, the top 10% most desirable grills always seem to have an asian bf. My university is about 70% white.
Explain this

>> No.13565044

He is sexy. Look at those fuckable red lips.

>> No.13565045
File: 347 KB, 960x1280, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this shit actually happens or if they all just say it does and perpetuate the idea into the atmosphere.

I genuinely believe that it's the way they think more than the way they look, they feel entitled to pussy when they aren't and they don't actually try.
Woman will literally fuck anything if it talks nice, if it has money, if it's funny or if it tries hard enough really, I know plenty of girls that are into the k pop gay boy look regardless, it's not about the way you look my dude, it's about being dependable (money) and being confident.

>> No.13565046

Nice traps

>> No.13565048
File: 86 KB, 1200x801, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the top 10% most desirable grills always seem to have an asian bf

>> No.13565054

>current kpop wave that's taking white girls
go out on the streets here in Australia, and ask the attractive white women aged 18-22, if
a) they've ever heard a Kpop song in their life,
b) think the guys in Kpop look homosexual

>> No.13565056

Not 4chan
(met him at college orientation)

>> No.13565059

It's frustration and a coping mechanism. They've tried fucking everything possibly, and they still aren't getting any, so they think it MUST be some sort of external oppressor. Thus the blanket "media portrayal" excuse crops up, as if by Hollywood casting average looking asian men in leading rolls, women will just be falling head over heels for them. Essentially, they are requesting the brainwashing of women because they cannot acquire them in a normal scenario. Real creepy and pathetic stuff.

>> No.13565069

You don't even need money, if you want a girl worth a dime (pun intended). Fuck goldiggers. Confidence and half-decent genetics are all that is really necessary

>> No.13565082
File: 135 KB, 768x1024, Cg2fBWFUkAAKuh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've tried fucking everything possibly, and they still aren't getting any
But how is that possible though? There has to be some fat asain girl that would settle for one of these guys, every guy had a unfuckable period in their lifetime, the issue is that their mistaking this some mental gymnastic bullshit that ends up making them even less attractive.

>> No.13565090

im asian and i pull. maybe 20-30% due to external cultural factors and the rest on the individual.

>> No.13565114

They don't want asian girls. It's funny because they lampoon asian women for wanting white men, yet themselves are absolutely obsessed with white women and see them as the ultimate prize.

>> No.13565140

LOL sup Chris

>> No.13565198

Not much, you?

>> No.13565201

The vietnamese are the worst
t. Hapa Japanese

>> No.13565212

i think it's changing a little now but asians were much shorter on average and that was a big part of it. i'm not built but i'm on the taller side and have had girls tell me too many times that i'm attractive/hot 'for an asian' and it always rubbed me the wrong way. a lot of people are talking about individual experiences and while i agree that an attractive guy is going to do fine regardless of race, there is the sterotype of the nerdy small dicked bad driver asian that just doesnt ooze sex appeal that hinders a lot of ugly/average asian dudes

>> No.13565235

Too much so y on /fa/ lately

>> No.13565251


>> No.13565298

near the end the freak in center left says something like "getting to know people who are different draws us closer". hmm wow sounds like a good idea... hearing about how nigerians put tires over kids and burns them alive for stealing and the fact these people are my new neighbors will draw me very close to them indeed. or what about indians who stink like shit, eat smelly food, bathe in pollution, shit in the street, and worship cows? i'm sure they'll be my best friend :D

>> No.13565335

Asians have the highest levels of neoteny meaning they retain more child like features into adulthood. This leads to asian females look young and cute while asian men look more feminine and not as manly, add shorter average height and penis size and you have a combination for an undesirable male.

>> No.13565337

brain damage at play here, but I still like your manic reaction to the concept of women or race

>> No.13565340

No, I don't have the statistics on me but I saw one study that recorded how many women exclusively dated outside their race, white woman were at the bottom in the single digits while asian women were the highest with like 45 percent exclusively dating outside their race.

>> No.13565375

After attending a college with a considerable amount of foreign students for 5 years, I could probably count on my fingers the amount of WMAF couples I've seen, meanwhile I've seen countless Asian couples. I suppose the language barrier could have to do with it, though.

>> No.13565383

language barrier is a huge part of it but there are also less asian girls who are into white guys than the internet would have us believe. a lot of my kroean girl friends think white guys are hot but have never entertained getting into a relationship with them because of cultural differences. many asian americans are more open to it but even they tend to hang out with other asian americans a lot of the time

>> No.13565395
File: 166 KB, 960x1280, 0c1b2f83-0cb3-4a6c-8994-5a193a7e9642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565396
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x1349, zsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565400

Is this supposed to be attractive? Big baby head with almost no shoulder support.

>> No.13565401

holy shit this dude is ugly

>> No.13565406


>> No.13565409

judging by that door he's also like 5 feet tall lmao

>> No.13565412

Lol is that the low test onions boy from the buzz feed videos?

>> No.13565413
File: 674 KB, 640x644, Andy Lau caught up in new lawsuit and scandal B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad

>> No.13565417
File: 234 KB, 2048x1536, fu-manchu-getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a mysterious and sexy bad guy

>> No.13565559
File: 41 KB, 1095x790, Belt-Facepulling-Before-After-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565562
File: 109 KB, 842x505, Belt-Facepulling-Before-After-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565564
File: 324 KB, 415x568, SeqQzHn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avg AZN man

>> No.13565571

Jesus Christ every time I come to /fa/ I get cancer

This whole board should KYS itself

>> No.13565573

jesus what is this abomination

>> No.13565579
File: 605 KB, 1080x1084, Screenshot_20180801-222411_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565581
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20180730-203443_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565602

c o p e

>> No.13565615

you're lucky and your life is easy.

>> No.13565619

If he fixed his hair, stopped pouting and closed his eyes a little he could be attractive

>> No.13565670
File: 133 KB, 2560x1440, 35518591_645414252474471_6047332434012274688_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13565687


>> No.13565692

>Eugene talking to a bunch of fours
Of course they don't think Asians are sexy, they're comparing themselves to the most attractive asian man to hit mass media.

>> No.13565727

he doesnt
hes an idol and relationships are banned in his contract lul

>> No.13565730
File: 40 KB, 400x388, 1519693562985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're australian aren't you

>> No.13565791

They are feminine and all look alike.

>> No.13565838

I feel like the latest Chinese generation are a lot taller than the rest of the asia

>> No.13565841
File: 124 KB, 878x768, R4EFiYgky-3dgEU1mq5WuUHesDu9H-dRJicqnFmCwvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13565846

Too high bf

>> No.13565852

we call this a "fat cock" in the industry, a "chode" if you want to be dysphemistic

>> No.13565872

Most of them are girly looking, small, and have small penises

>> No.13565885

they're chinks not gingers dont be too mean

>> No.13565979


>> No.13565991

>a lot of my korean girl friends think white guys are hot but have never entertained getting into a relationship with them because of cultural differences
this is absolutely the case for 99% of the international students at university these days. At least for Koreans and Chinese.
very understandable imo

>> No.13566062

>No traps
>No lats

oh nononono

>> No.13566300

>short penis
>very feminine
>rat faces
>they all look the same

Only women can be attractive being asian but men won't, I dare to say that you can find find more attractive niggers than attractive chink (if there's one).

>> No.13566317

>the culture in itself promotes selfishness
Uh no. Asian cultures are notably collectivist in comparison to selfish, hyperindividualist western culture.

>> No.13566334

Non-europeans are all ugly subhumans.

>> No.13566340

So americans are all ugly subhumans?

>> No.13566342
File: 23 KB, 519x521, 1521990597589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*with the exception of single--child rule kids. I live in Nippon land and everyone here hates chinks, especially younger ones since theyre usually selfish / entitled

>> No.13566344
File: 173 KB, 1080x1350, 33470058_247353772484138_8963235320959074304_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think they mean modern/new money Chinese culture and to a small extent South Korean. Chinese people in particular have gained a not so great reputation through the last decade or so when it comes to not having shit manners.

>> No.13566359

Nice original comment, reddit.

>> No.13566369

I don't understand what's so reddit about my comment, you said that non europeans are all ugly subhumans so americans are all ugly subhumans because United States isn't an european country.

>> No.13566395
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 35654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the real reason Asian's aren't sexy, /fa/?
Western culture is hyper masculine by default. It goes to a point where even women deliberately try to act and look masculine. It is an extreme form of extrovert individualist notions of perceived 'strength' and cultural reflections of interconnectivity through structures of 'power' which each member tries to project in its own way. Also Western men are genetically more inclined to have taller bodies and increased mass and body hair. Androgen attributes which Westerners associate with manliness.

Eastern culture has masculinity projection too, but is nowhere near as extreme and omnipresent. Eastern women are raised to embrace their femininity and tend to have different views on attractive attributes to men such as kindness, non-pushy, being a responsible, hard working husband and loving father. Things that are more gendered towards femininity in the West. Industrialized Asian societies value these qualities along with sacrifice of individualism for the greater good of the workplace and living area. Western masculinity constructs are often seen as bold, exaggerated like parody and at times barbarian. It is a more genderless way of living, despite having more patriarchal rites in place. This leads to a media projection of the 'attractive man' as a comparatively androgynous, young looking, soft spoken male, especially in East Asia. Of course the genetic disposition of smaller, narrower frame with leaner muscles and less body hair contribute to it.

That being said, I think far left guy looks good and all of these guys in the video could be great looking (except the baldie) if they just worked out a bit and played towards their strengths with styles that work with low body fat, great hair genetics etc. Don't try to mimic some other race. That's just bullshit.

TL;DR: Western men are huge hairy neanderthals. Asian men are little smooth aliens. Their societies don't mix well.

>> No.13566408
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No hiroshi abe no care

>> No.13566415

>even women deliberately try to act and look masculine

Are you seriously implying that they aren't dwarfed (or at least mirrored) by the veritable army of twinks and traps? Show me a cultural with more deliberately effeminate men than the west; it goes both directions.

>> No.13566417

this is a heterosexual topic

>> No.13566438

But it is

>> No.13566452

And is that supposed to be an insult? Just FYI, I'm 6'2, 195 lbs, 10% body fat. Broad shoulders, very defined, powerful back (deadlift PR of 505 lbs), chest hair, full thick beard, veiny forearms, protruding and defined jawline, and the majority of my wardrobe is made up of dress shirts.

I'm an Instagram girl's wet dream, and I still turn that shit down since I have better options throwing themselves at me nearly every time I go out in public.

>> No.13566453

My god.
I am sorry but this video is the most pathetic thing i have ever seen in my life.
No surprise they don't get any puss...

>> No.13566458
File: 105 KB, 1024x574, kpop-idol-chicken-cf-snsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not here to argue much bro. All I want to say is that your statement appears a bit subjective to me, but it could be true. I have no real insight on this.

>Show me a cultural with more deliberately effeminate men than the west; it goes both directions.
That is true, but again this depends greatly on the cultural framework in which you define 'effeminate' I always like to point towards Michael Jackson's 'Beat it' video, which was filmed at a time of the absolute peak in mainstream-mediated hyper masculinity with bare chested brutes reigning in the cinemas etc. yet he plays a comparatively 'effeminate' character in this video who reigns over the far more masculine characters:


Despite the strong contrast, this is still nowhere near as androgynous as the current ideal in Asian mainstream like Kpop etc. In terms of outright transgenderism I only say Thailand & the kabuki theater which influences Japanese rockstars to this day part taking in draq-queen like performances. The most mainstream 'manly' role you find in industrialized countries is ironically the depiction of the classic Japanese salary man, drinking beer and fucking enjo kosai school girls after work. Again this is hardly on par with symbols of mainstream 'manliness' in the West.

Apart from all that, I think a lot of gender pictures between east/west have to do with openness about sexuality. Everyone knows Asians are super extremely kinky, perverted and sick behind closed doors with their porn etc. but it public it is frowned up and both men & women keep low profiles. While the West is a lot more open about these sorts of displays and thus projection of gender in open society.

>> No.13566459
File: 993 KB, 750x1334, 04C9526F-1DAF-44EE-890E-772AE4B544B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pasta right?

>> No.13566474


100% reddit pasta

>> No.13566479

guy on the left would easily be attractive with even a decent haircut instead of the faggiest shit of all time on his head currently

the other three are ugly because they're ugly, nothing about race. nobody ever said jackie chan or bruce lee weren't attractive, asian men aren't slandered in the media for being ugly. there are plenty of attractive asian men, just these 4 are ugly.

>> No.13566513

What's the deal with that haircuts?

>> No.13566522

Asian here
Fuck buzzfeed and their shitlib agenda, and those faggots doesn't represent us at all

>> No.13566525

their builds are too slight, there are some Japanese who are quite big but it's not common

>> No.13566603

Damn, this baord is full of fagots

>> No.13566608

>literally well-dressed twinks.

They're not attractive because they have literally the body of a 12 year old boy. I've met a lot of attractive asian dudes, but it is in the context of lifting for grappling or oly weightlifting.

>> No.13566723

Their hair is over the top and stupid and they're ugly.

>> No.13566760
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>> No.13566784


>> No.13566787

saved for future autistic posting

>> No.13566798
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>> No.13566874

Does anyone else think that the weird racial tension on the internet about asian guys, or male height, or chadness in general excludes women? Like it's all about men and what they think women think, but as soon as a girl posts that she finds whatever contested feature attractive you get


I'm just tired of hearing about it at this point, I don't care what guys think about other guys.

>> No.13567043
File: 63 KB, 720x960, e68e307f1034203f2d27f142386f90d4--asian-guys-asian-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is the public toilet of the internet. It's a cesspool full of assholes and psychos. What do you expect?

I'm not Asian and I think Asian guys have the potential to be super stylish and their bodies are great. Not weak either, just lightweight and lean. I'm super jealous of their hair genetics as it's impossible for most to experience hair loss in their lives. They tend to have great skin too.

Over all I believe in individual effort to look good, not in racial disposition. But saying that Asian guys can't look good is absolute shit. I actually find it cringe when they try to be as Western as possible like this Tony Leung wannabe:

They can pull off the rugged look when they hit middle age + in their youth they can go for the 'cute' look. I'm 191cm 80kg so I could never do that. I could never court a qt kpop chick for example. I just googled randomly 'good looking Asian guy' and found a good middle ground. He's ripped af but still looks normal.

There you have it. You made me save a shirtless guy on my computer.

>> No.13567092

I'd exclude Kpop. It's a wave taking prepubescent girls and "trendy" art hoes of all races.

>> No.13567093

Anon plenty of Asian men go bald.

>> No.13567118
File: 54 KB, 500x412, 1532876734373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being delusional. Asian men aren't exceptional and are no different than European men in terms of hair genetics, skin, and fitness.

I don't know what you're basing this off of but Asian men bald just as much as European men do. The chances of natural good, clear skin for an Asian isn't as common as you'd like. Asian hair is typically black, straight, and hard to style outside of short cuts unless they're gorging on a myriad of hair products, treatments, etc.

Generally, they're weaker and shorter than European or African men but even then it varies individually. The man in your photo example would look good whether he was Asian, European, or African as he's fit.

Their intentional of being super stylish is just like anyone else. Contrary to popular belief, Eastern Asians usually buy into hypebeast consumer cultures. Don't go to these countries expecting "effay fits brah." It's similar to the West. Some dress well, some are crazed for Supreme, some dress just to be comfy, etc.

Cut the bullshit.

t. studied a semester abroad in japan

>> No.13567122

Yeah, but the % is definitely a lot lower than other races.

>> No.13567134

His delusions are the direct result of weebism/yellow fever.

>> No.13567139

> I could never court a qt kpop chick for example. I just googled randomly 'good looking Asian guy' and found a good middle ground. He's ripped af but still looks normal.
>I actually find it cringe when they try to be as Western as possible like this Tony Leung wannabe
Those give it away.

>> No.13567149

Chinese have no souls. Japan is literally a different planet in comparison.

>> No.13567220

Wow dude a painting from the 1600's is just ebic ownage

>> No.13567222

This is the epitome of delusion. Jesus, get a life dude.

>> No.13567231

so according to you theyre no different when it comes to balding or skin, but they are different when it comes to strength and height?

balding and beard growth are linked. both are most prevalent around the mediterranean and and the north atlantic. prevalence radiating out from those centers.

you comment about hair is retarded. hair is stiffest when its short so asian hair cant possibly be easier to style when its cut short.

shorter than europeans in general is true, but not africans as africans in africa are pretty short on average. we cant know the "true heights" of the races until asia and africa catch up with europe in terms of nutrition.

ive seen some construction workers on the street in asia that could probably kick your ass anon

>t. studied a semester abroad in japan

>> No.13567306
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the funny think is that that is completely wrong and they're really just betas projecting their insecurities onto other asian men.

>> No.13567820
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1352, jongmeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13567919

The most awkward part is how even when the first white people set foot in Japan they were thought to be more attractive by the Asians themselves.

>> No.13568088

And all I got was this fucking wall of text