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/fa/ - Fashion

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13556194 No.13556194 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13556213

"My fit costs more than your life nigga"

>> No.13556215

haha look guys this loser spent 200 on a black t shirt that is too big!

>> No.13556218

too relatable feels bad

>> No.13556227


Start yelling "Autism! Autism! Autism!" really loudly and see what happens next.

>> No.13556240
File: 1.16 MB, 3024x4032, 37233525_1871046369649094_4637719988461895680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't stop wearing what you like, its the biggest sign of insecurity
everyone says my waytts are ugly, but if you don't care then they wont care

>> No.13556256

most of the people who happen to make fun of what I wear are hypebeasts and sneakerheads (because theyre pretty much the only ones that care) so I just ignore them

>> No.13556268

Get some confidence and learn to genuinely not care. There will always be people that want to give you shit for whatever hobby/passion you have but that shouldn't keep you from enjoying it.

>> No.13556276

These are cool, I like them.

>> No.13556378

thanks friend!

>> No.13556983

I feel a hard r would be most appropriate

>> No.13556987

>don't care

This is actually shit advice because most of the time the normie isn't actually finding fault with what you wear as much as he's making fun of your inability to pull off what you're wearing.
Don't take banter at face value.
Assess your fits: what are you doing that makes you look like a try-hard or otherwise like you don't belong in that outfit?

>> No.13557002

Where are you? Is that what government housing looks like?

>> No.13557037

I dress like them but more thoughtful. I will try to make them understand my shit but also a bit impressed and intimidated by it.

>> No.13557200

The same way you handle them dissing your fly girl

>> No.13557206

The only people who have made fun of how I dress are farmers back home, and unlike them, I'm content in my own masculinity, so who's really the loser here.

>> No.13557213

Why would somebody be making fun of your clothes?

>> No.13557228

>>13557213 in my (>>13557206) case, anything that isn't pigshit-stained boots and shitty lightwash Lees from Blaines Farm & Fleet w/ a Carhartt flannel is "faggy" by farmboy standards.

>> No.13557248

the world is full of assholes and jerks

>> No.13557659

Normies don't even register in my though process.they are unchanging objects

>> No.13557663
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True. They are the best to take advice from since they don't care and it's nothing personal. All those without height or big feet should stay away from the chunky sneaker.

>> No.13557669

my problem is i get made fun of for my hair ;_;

but my fashion is fucking cash

>> No.13557694

I make fun of myself way more than anyone else could. If people don't think you're being pretentious or judgemental, you won't have a target on your back.

>> No.13557707

Build confidence, insecurity can be smelled kilometers away.

>> No.13557720

Instead they just think of you as a whimpy self deprecating faggot pussy ass bitch nigger.

>> No.13557745

They think that you're an insecure beta instead.

>> No.13557758


>> No.13557761

its some shitty karaoke place lol, expensive af as well

>> No.13557790

First, I don't understand where you would be in a situation where someone would outright make fun of you.
Unless you're in Korea; Koreans are rude.

In school I was generally taller that most people so I just used to get away with ignoring people or pretending like I didn't see them. Everyone always assumed I was oblivious which was fine I guess. My attitude still hasn't changed.
Why would you care about anyone else?

>> No.13557795

>go out wearing my hawaii shirt tucked in with high waist jeans
>feel pretty confident about myself
>”Haha look at that guy dressed as a pedo”
This happened last saturday

>> No.13557805

That would have made me pretty mad, lol.
I don't go to the mall though so I find it pretty hard to put myself into a situation like that. But typically girls who have no concept of others tend to have pretty unhappy lives, so I wouldn't feel too bad about myself if I were you.
t. someone who has a family

>> No.13557807

It was some out of town imbecile normie wearing a Fred Perry polo drinking his Bacardi cola. People like that flood my city on a saturday looking for /fa/ggots to beat up

>> No.13557813

Really, not a chick? Not everybody is the same but unless they're some poor unmannered idiot they usually keep to themselves and your story just makes it odd.
What city do you live in?

>> No.13557814

>How to deal with normies trying to make fun of your style?


>> No.13557817

I live in Groningen, the capital of a rural region in the Netherlands. On saturdays all the people who don’t live in the city go out and they are often assholes looking for a fight. Like 90% of assaults happen on a saturday night, while all the other nights (nightlife starts on a tuesday) are fine due to only students going out
Few people from the city itself go out on a saturday for this reason.

>> No.13557821

I had a feeling you weren't American. I guess I just don't know the culture there well enough.

>> No.13557826

It’s a clash of cultures. Imagine living in SF and every saturday rural Alabama comes to your town for a night out.

>> No.13557832

It might be an improvement actually, SanFrancisco is getting pretty shitty.
All jokes aside, I get what you mean.

>> No.13557839

The differences aren’t anywhere near as great but it’s really weird that wearing pink or vintage stuff can actually get people to make remarks or give you weird looks.

>> No.13557842

this guy has truly ascended

>> No.13557866

Yeah, the only thing about it is the kind of people that will shout at you probably can't/won't make a valid and specific point.
For instance you might have a hat on that is an /fa/ hat that you can theoretically pull off and some guy says:
because the rest of your fit looks like shit and doesn't go with the hat.
>there are no /fa/ hats.
It's just a hypothetical example to illustrate a point. Sometimes they smell the fart but can't tell where it came from.

>> No.13557915

what's the cutoff size for big feet?

>> No.13557921

Depends on your height

>> No.13557924

Dude like you've said they don't know what makes it bad and they're just telling their honest opinion about it

>> No.13558002
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>Be me in 12th grade(I can post I'm 18)
>known in school for dressing crazy and flexing on bitch ass niggas (keep in mind I didn't dress that outlandish but normies litterally cannot comprehend fashion)
>decide to cop some uggs
>if you didn't know uggs are synonymous to white girls but I was ready for the backlash
>show up to school 5 minutes in already have a camera in my face
>friend of mine is already roasting me for wearing uggs
>Im good at faking confidence so flex a lil and roast the kid back
>the whole school day people are looking at me
>girls love it, some guys are calling me gay me others are calling me a trendsetter
>it's all about confidence guys litterally
>though I wasn't a fucking loser so no one would seriously pick on me. Just throw lil jabs
once these faggots realize you don't give a fuck about anyone's opinion, they seriously respect you

>> No.13558158


heed their advice and stop dressing like shit

>> No.13558161
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How do I deal with knowing if a website is legit and not a scam site like this one?


>> No.13558168

Normies who have laughed at me for my bad fits have given me real trauma. Whatever, fucking assholes will look shit and be trapped in loveless marriages in ten years or so.

>> No.13558409

Just don’t care. I have had my ear pierced for 6 years now and from teenager to early twenties some boomer always has to say something. Just don’t let it bother you or fire right back about their gut

>> No.13558463

there's something wrong with your style if people around you make fun of it

> most of the time the normie isn't actually finding fault with what you wear as much as he's making fun of your inability to pull off what you're wearing
>Assess your fits: what are you doing that makes you look like a try-hard or otherwise like you don't belong in that outfit?

>> No.13558519

>everything is 80% off
>the social media buttons link back to the store page
>the name of the site
??? fake

>> No.13559199

they just hate those immigrants
just wear a blue overal and clogs
'nd spiek liek dis

>> No.13559247

domain name: fake
these chinese scammers/sellers of fake stuff buy up domain names that genuinely once existed for a plumming business or a choir. those chinks haven't got a clue what it says, they just know it's english.

>> No.13559395

Depends on your torso to waist proportions and your musculoskeletal phenotype

>> No.13559457

I've actually said something like this before, was more along the lines of "my accessories are with more than you two as humans"

>> No.13559567

fuck you

>> No.13559572
File: 32 KB, 568x443, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either bait or 14

>> No.13559639

lol i dont think fashion if for you

>> No.13560411

this totally happened

>> No.13560427

Isn't that the point of that style?

>> No.13560454

they look unused

>> No.13560466

evaluate it from situation to situation. some people out there are just having a bad day and try to find something to insult. but i guess basic social awareness is too much to ask from this website so carry on.

>> No.13560471

It shows, Anon, it shows. Don't fall into the self deprecation trap. Use it as sparesly as possible, otherwise it will lose efficiency.

>> No.13560684

I used to live in the Gelkingestraat (epicenter of Groningen nightlife) I know exactly how you feel. Although I have to say that Groningen students themselves can be absolutely horrible on Thursday as well. Never experienced any fashion related shitty behavior though. The only people's style I make fun of are the Vindicat students who strictly wear polo's with chino shorts but they deserve it because they are assholes themselves. Do you wanna reveal your first name in case the small chance of me knowing you is true? Groningen isn't that big.

>> No.13560686

only ~2 weeks old

>> No.13560689
File: 2.53 MB, 2928x3904, A3348740-966B-461A-8C5A-F72518B51343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also how self aware are you of your outfit because this guy jist posted in sleazecore wearing a blouse woth high waist jeans and absolutely yes he looks like a fucking pedo let's be honest

>> No.13560695

>hawaii shirt tucked in
this is where you fucked up

>> No.13561143
File: 1.64 MB, 680x499, d65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13562249

Chads and stacies sit together and talk about sex. That must be so fun. I’ve never talked about sex with a woman. If I ever did, it would certainly make me grow feelings toward her. But normies can talk about sex with the opposite sex without feeling anything.

They’re all better than me. I might dress good, but I wish I was a normie.

>> No.13562264

>but i guess basic social awareness...

Lel, you mean basic social awareness like when neurotypical people communicate there are assumptions they make that are unsaid and nuances that are a given?

>> No.13562281

former normie here. the whole thing is disgusting. you're suffering from a 'grass is greener on the other side' syndrome. i would honestly rather cuddle a waifu daki than deal with normies and their psychological miasma. sex is too much effort and barely satisfying, id rather jerk off to porn any time

>> No.13562282

>Haha nice streetwear cuckboy
And elbowdrop them through the nearest piece of furniture

>> No.13562291

>“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” - Henry Ford

This only works if your goal is to achieve a style that looks cool to normies. 'Vox populi vox dei' is used sarcastically these days because normies are nowhere near the gold standard of measurement; they are average as a whole (not individually) and will express average taste, average intelligence, average insight because they are the manifestation of the statistical median.

Greatness doesn't curtail to the masses; normies first try to crush it, and if they fail, they worship it. Not that anyone on this board is really in danger there though.

>> No.13562294

well it may not be completely basic but you can tell the two groups apart pretty easily imo. its not only about the isolated words but about the concept, the general mood they send off and their general way of talking.

>> No.13562296

respond to my post with "based"

>> No.13562687


>> No.13563416


>> No.13563630

You think you’ve ascended into the better being but you’re getting worse.

>> No.13563631


>> No.13564480

same here (olomouc, czech republic). great cozy nightlife on the weekdays and mdma eating contets on friday, but i swear 99% of people you see in the town saturday night are village retards with half teeth missing or milfs with multiple stds.

>> No.13564813

It's his fuckin haircut. Jesus christ he looks like a fuckin retard. Sleazecore requires either natural adult male balding or some las-vegas trashy slicking, not this skinhead core garbage.

>> No.13564814

better or worse on what terms? i feel much better in my day to day life

>> No.13564847
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>> No.13565182
File: 175 KB, 810x1440, 6FEB51C1-D5B1-48DA-B973-DC8663A430BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to make fun here.

>> No.13565200

there should be a law against wearing chunky sneakers with skinny pants. big trousers look so good with the balenciagas, and fucking migos had to go and make me wanna kill myself with this shit

>> No.13565371

whats in the fucking cup you slut

>> No.13565795

just give them a firm smack

>> No.13566072


Would need to see a full outfit pic

>> No.13566143

if it is friendly banter, fine
if it is from family, take it humorously (up to a certain point) but confidently
if it is from anyone else, you are a scrawny faggot for people to make flat out make fun of you and a beta for doing nothing about it

>> No.13566177

Kill them.