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File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, 1532120489492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13532216 No.13532216 [Reply] [Original]

How does anyone find this unnatural heavy make up look attractive? Are these people trying to look as obnoxious as possible? Are they all being ironic? Is everyone here being ironic? Is everyone actually aware of how awful this looks and having a laugh?

>> No.13532232


it's easy if you're not a fucking homo

>> No.13532236

Covers up various skin issues that most women suffer from

Sephora makes some shit that makes ugly girls look hit, flush red roscea faces, sunken eyes, acne, acne scars, un flattering noses, round faces

All hidden

>> No.13532290

Gotta cover up that farm girl, man face somehow.

>> No.13532310

personally I don't like it but people are free to do what they want. if it makes you feel confident then by all means

>> No.13532327
File: 43 KB, 493x449, 5986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when her hobby is make up

>> No.13532411

Seriously pic related could also be a fag with a wig.

>> No.13532425

dude fuck off, no one wants to hear your generic non-opinion you fucking pussy

>> No.13532438

are those fake freckles? baka

>> No.13532441

>I don't do it for YOU I do it for ME yaaas
The answer to your question is really just marketing.

>> No.13532442

What I absolutely loathe are those fake, painted-on-with-makeup, cartoonish looking freckles that girls use

>> No.13532458

you reacted to that pretty strongly, was your anger triggered by something?

>> No.13532464

That's why heavy make ups are disgusting. Could be a male too.

>> No.13532475

The funny thing is this style has originated thru drag queens.

>> No.13532482


>> No.13532485


>> No.13532512

This is @local_gal on instagram. She's actually pretty hot but a raging sjw. Like top tier level kill white men.

>> No.13532513

literally everyone looks better without makeup

>> No.13532547

>raging sjw

>dyed hair
>tons of make up
>fake freckles
very surprising

>> No.13532627

I'm just so fucking tired of hearing the same live and let live bullshit like people think they invented that shit
also, I'm having a really shit day

>> No.13532901

It's absolutely disgusting and every thot at my uni does it. Go out any night of the week and it's like a fucking face-paint showcase. It doesn't look good but I guess these hoes would be even uglier without it.

>> No.13532929

sorry to hear that anon, hope you get back to center in a couple days

>> No.13532948

I would argue against this, but that's because in order to look good you have to take good care of yourself and your skin. Heavy makeup worsens skin problems, and a lot of people have shit diets. Ideally everyone should strive to not require makeup by improving their self care. Even then some problems, such as rosacea and acne etc, can be caused by hormones or genetics, and that's harder to deal with.

>> No.13532953

Make up is just a thing you put on and take off
How is it any really different from clothing

>> No.13533028


>> No.13533213

>unnatural heavy make up
>posts girl with light makeup and ugly eyebrows

>> No.13533222

it hides imperfections and so it has become a popular act of conformity
unsurprising given the female psyche

>> No.13533237
File: 245 KB, 1600x2400, taylor swift no makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don’t know what’s goes on in the minds of chicks because they most of the times actually look better with way less makeup.
I wish they would just remove blemishes or that the No-Makeup makeup was more popular.

>> No.13533302

Not a fan of the makeup and brows but that girl is really cute. That scar on her nose is cute too

>> No.13533308
File: 22 KB, 351x351, 1514540280598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all qt's I know mangled their eyebrows

>> No.13533322

I think it’s time for you to return to /b/
This is a fashion board, not a board for mocking the inoffensive

>> No.13533323

not him but you sound like you belong on reddit

>> No.13533336


> dat eyebrows



>> No.13533401

>have very sparse, light, and kinda far apart eyebrows
>fill them in lightly with blonde eyebrow makeup and do nothing else
>people still complain I wear too much

Fuck it I’m going full naked mole rat mode

>> No.13533433

Fucking disgusting. No wonder there is so many fags in America

>> No.13533442

makeup should be used to emphasise attractive traits rather than completely cover up unattractive ones.

>> No.13533446
File: 24 KB, 819x795, 1531482835085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taylor swift no makeup.jpg

>> No.13533463
File: 139 KB, 1600x900, No-Makeup makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“No-Makeup makeup” is a type of makeup, look it up.
Some girls still look better without anything at all tho.

>> No.13533569

But this looks only good when the person has already a kinda good looking face. Ugly stays ugly with or without makeup

>> No.13533792

>Covers up various skin issues that most women suffer from
mostly cause by makeup they wear
Its just a tool for deception, girls with nothing to hide don't wear makeup and have more confident personalities.

>> No.13533796

this. its a multibillion dollar industry propped up by vulture culture. The ones who look good are selling it.

>> No.13533801

average cutie susie
tryhard insecure THOT

>> No.13533852
File: 33 KB, 540x359, 51821d831ef6edeb3dceea5d98e49276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13533857

Im not sure what these weebs think heavy makeup looks like

>> No.13533880


>top tier level kill white men
>white boyfriend

>> No.13533906

whats a hybridhure

>> No.13534168

for me those are second worst; the overdrawn solid millipede brows are what trigger me

>> No.13534180

I like both minimal and more dramatic makeup (as long as it makes sense) for example some girls have a sort of alt goth vibe which works with heavier makeup. I just dont really care, i even like shaved heads. Much more into how they style themselves and if they have a decent personality.

>> No.13534229

Don't forget that using a ring light (look at her iris's and you can see it) is also a very forgiving form of lighting as well. It can help flatten skin texture and give a more glowing appearance.

>> No.13534537

You know that all models ever use a ton of make up and Ps, right? Male and female. None of you would find them as attractive if you'd see them bare faced

>> No.13534551
File: 248 KB, 1200x849, model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any make up here.

But I have no idea I can usually only spot it when it's very obvious.

>> No.13534637

she basically looks the same in both pictures. You wouldn't be able to tell a difference if you didn't know there was any.
I feel like a lot of people don't see makeup simply as an accessory but rather over dramatize it with this inceltier shit about "deception". It's not that serious.

>> No.13534743

Contour powder
Pressed powder/foundation
Eyebrow mascara

>> No.13534754

its fucking disgusting and why i dont fuck white bitches lmao

>> No.13534806
File: 136 KB, 853x960, IMG_2794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heavy makeup isn't limited to one race tho

>> No.13534841

like clockwork

>> No.13534843

effay has been proudly one of the most vitriolic boards on this website

maybe return to ur subreddit faggot

>> No.13534848

this look is directly copying transexual and drag fashion my man

>> No.13534849

False fucking advertising then. I despise most women. Shallow, vapid whores.

>> No.13534861
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, gradientbrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing worse than the overdrawn super thick millipede brows are girls with eyebrow fades
what the actual fuck are these hos thinking

>> No.13534876

How could you tell? I only notice the eyelashes now.

>> No.13534922
File: 477 KB, 931x517, 1426434679021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light makeup
Bitch, where?

>> No.13534929


>> No.13534949

post pics

>> No.13534972

I noticed that a lot of the trannies and traps that people post on this site have bangs. I never realized that they chose that hairstyle so that it hides their really masculine hairline and sometimes male pattern baldness.

>> No.13534977

She has a pitbull though, and that's like the Tyrone of dog breeds.

>> No.13535524

I think I have a makeup fetish

I get off to makeup tutorial videos, and in particular to "boy to girl makeup"

Make with this information what you will

>> No.13535526

Fuck this though just made me hard

t. repressed fag

>> No.13535659

Girl is @local_gal on insta. Idk why youse are giving her such a hard time. She's a school teacher for elementary kids that acts like anyone else from Seattle, WA does. She likes to do her makeup a certain way, so what?

>> No.13535670

i'd like to beat her to death with my bare hands

>> No.13535680

Fucking hate these bitches trying to fuck with me like i dont care about u

>> No.13535985

Make up is used because camera flash and studio lighting washes out the face, making you lose definition on the subtle shapes.
Other anon pointed out what make up is used. I will add Photoshop to the mix to make the beauty marks stand out and to erase some lines, but ultimately, the effect is very natural looking
Also, eyeshadow.

>> No.13536036

>copying transexual and drag fashion

you mean trying to look like women?

>> No.13536504

I think both those eyebrow styles are pretty hot, desu.

>> No.13536821
File: 93 KB, 500x750, Tomboy-Fashion-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not liking zero makeup tomboys.
Come on boys, take the redpill, its like traps but way better.

>> No.13536973

I don't take the opinion of a chick who needs to cake on makeup to feel remotely confident or attractive seriously.

>> No.13537097

your pic is not zero make-up, it's just discrete make-up, she uses mascara, eyebrow mascara and probably a bit of concealer (or has really good skin)

>> No.13537407

her eyebrows are made up but they're done well
i want to try the tomboy aesthetic but i have a small, straight frame and i don't want to be mistaken for a little boy

>> No.13537689
File: 1.51 MB, 1124x629, dragmakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely covering up your face's natural features and re drawing them to be a certain aesthetic. for example the kardashians use techniques that have been popular in the drag community. heavy contour, highlighter, and over drawn lips are drag techniques to "fake" female characteristics and exaggerate them. look at pic related


^very famous makeup artist wayne goss "instagram is turning girls into drag queens" is worth the watch and explains why we get a creepy feeling from heavy instagram makeup

>> No.13537698

she's hot

>> No.13537810

>you mean trying to look like women?
yes nigga, women shouldn't have to try to look womanly, only men trying to look like women do

>> No.13537817

These types don't really believe what they think they believe, they just subconsciously shape their personalities to fit into archetypes.

>> No.13538056

>Dr. Anon, I’m D.Y.K

>> No.13538656

She looks annoying and retarded but cute and attractive and the same time. Would cuddlepunch her face/10, but I'm into Emo/Goth/Arthoe in the 1st place.

>> No.13538851

>hobbies: food, the office, traveling

>> No.13538865
File: 670 KB, 639x628, Chumming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small, straight frame and i don't want to be mistaken for a little boy

>> No.13538916

I would probably consider a mid-length relationship with this women, unless those freckles are fake (which I'm 85% sure they are) which in that case fuck that vapid hoe

>> No.13540423
File: 16 KB, 320x358, 8a6ac2c7-60fd-432b-b292-f57a532857c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless this site

>> No.13540470

who saying it is
people criticize the clothes you wear all the time, same with makeup

>> No.13540491

i hate this. wish my gf just let her eyebrows grow

>> No.13540510

Better than painted brows. WTF?

>> No.13540609

pretty gross when you notice that she actually has dark hair running all the way down her eyelid.

>> No.13540617

why are men so blind to makeup? it's literally just pigments on her face. do you think that her skin is naturally brown beneath her eyebrow hairs? i can forgive not noticing her concealer, foundation, and contour-which is actually pretty strong.

>> No.13540626

because we're used to seeing kardashian tier clown faced whores running around in the streets

>> No.13540634
File: 67 KB, 626x311, 846186_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's painting, but on a face instead of a canvas. you can look at a drawing and see that light and darks bits have been added for depth, no? they use the same words even

>> No.13540639
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe this is something with men's brains not being able to pick up colors as well/being less detail orientated than women?

>> No.13540650

or maybe it's because men don't use makeup so they don't notice when it's used subtly to enhance natural beauty instead of looking like you failed out of clown college

>> No.13540653

I don't use make up or paint. I do know how to make a circle into a sphere though, learned that one in elementary school.

>> No.13540658

how do i unsubscribe from your blog

>> No.13540666

you mean this thread about noticing heavy makeup on girls that use makeup? that's up to you to hide the thread mate

>> No.13540859
File: 78 KB, 354x390, 1514350518142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is actually incredibly ugly, significantly lacks bone mass in the maxilla and orbital area accompanied with a clinical short face (deep bite?) and depressed nasion. All combining to make her look like an autistic deathnikk goblin.

Pic related is what a GL female face looks like.

>> No.13540861

she looks cooool ^^

>> No.13541132
File: 346 KB, 713x871, 1531630296817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while you're technically correct that she doesn't have a classical beauty. the standard of beauty changes pretty rapidly. while a bit outdated now, she fulfills a current beauty archetype of squat pixie-like features. it's seen a lot in the online drawing community aka tumblr

>> No.13541137

only problem is the eyebrows

>> No.13541148

don't discount how bad fake freckles and matte lipstick look irl

>> No.13541150

edit: matte lipstick with a dewy look specifically

>> No.13541174

>the standard of beauty changes pretty rapidly
no it doesn't, beauty isn't subjective, it's only a matter if people want to recognize it or not.

>> No.13541242
File: 2.26 MB, 1322x1070, eyebrows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13541408

Maybe you could educate us? Maybe share some videos of good subtle make up being applied?

>> No.13541416

You're getting old if you find that weird.

>> No.13541742

teachers like that are literally poisoning our youth's minds

>> No.13541758

God I love low IQ "looks theory" posters

>> No.13542202
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 10514042_293468627493822_313151749_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did she draw on an entire upper lip?

>> No.13542670

Yeah because you can't polish a turd.

>> No.13542674

Would you want a thot like her poisoning your kid's mind? Of course not.

>> No.13542680

going to public school in muttland means you're fucked regardless

>> No.13542747


>> No.13542779

it always runs through my mind that these girls would have been compared to drag 15 years ago

>> No.13542783

>extroverted introvert

>> No.13542792

fyi the painting in the top left might have had eyebrows originally, certain pigments are less lightfast than others and will fade away or disappear over time

>> No.13542796

girl looks like a dude trying to look like a girl

>> No.13542830

She's not the Mona Lisa, she's just a ginger. Queen Elizabeth's pale skin and red hair was considered attractive and many women mimicked this by plucking their eyebrows to be like hers.

>> No.13542890

lookism posters are deluded. Thinking they are doctors while never having read an anatomy book

>> No.13542940

she has amazing breasts.

>> No.13542951

post them

>> No.13542987
File: 118 KB, 282x291, 3284A371-52E8-412B-B3D1-1177DD5C073A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every girl you meet from tinder is 2 points lower irl than in their photos

Yet i constantly get “you’re better looking than in your photos”

>> No.13543010
File: 182 KB, 685x1023, 12d974d616a7a9c5755bf10149c278f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh we out here plucking foreheads dawg

>> No.13543095

Makeup does all those things in photo. Real life makeup looks cakey and obvious as shit and it doesn’t fix bad facial proportions.

>> No.13543195

>her eyebrows are made up
>i don't want to be mistaken for a little boy

god, i hate trannies

>> No.13543421

who's a tranny?

>> No.13543932

is this the same girl?? what a shame

>> No.13543963

look in the mirror and smile, your top lip will thin out, that being said, she over lines her lip, it's nothing new

>> No.13544630

would facefuck to see all that make-up run/10

>> No.13544741

Holy shit, I feel so bad without makeup. I don't even go grocery shopping without it... What do I do?

>> No.13545596

shes beautiful

>> No.13546231

Jesse Norris?

>> No.13547168

off yourself bitch

>> No.13547197

They probably due it so faggots like you all will leave them alone. I mean who gives a fuck, don't give them attention and nothing will happen.

Incel repellent

>> No.13547200


>> No.13547351

Uh, because she is the queen.

>> No.13547355

That's a very transphobic and, paradoxically, transcentric statement.

Where do you think drag queens came from huh?

>> No.13547364

She really doesn't. Her face in the before is cutie susie, her face in the after is tryhard thot. look at her lip posturing, her smile, her eyes. tryhard as fuck.

>> No.13547365

Because that's practically the bare minimum.

>> No.13548866
File: 28 KB, 659x659, 1526031038723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad they don't sell makeup to make you not a fat fuck

>> No.13548878

dude, that wasnt a dude, that was a female. look at how its typed

>> No.13548882

YOOOOO i'm gone for two years and this dickhead grew 200 pounds

>> No.13549009

this collage proves that natural eyebrows are best eyebrows

>> No.13549499

Really feel second hand embarrassment when I see this irl. Chicks noses are just brown and look weird.

>> No.13549501

Where did this new photo come from? Back when I used to post here there was just the one where he was in that vagina collar sweater

>> No.13549960

art hoes basically just look bad on purpose. they get downs syndrome haircuts and wear "ironic" (actually just ugly) t-shirts with jeans 5-inches too wide around the waist. But their "ironic" look still gets them a guaranteed 10k instagram followers because every post is a pic of their outfit and then a close-up of their ass

>> No.13549969

that photo is legit like 5 years old, no joke

>> No.13550024
File: 935 KB, 259x1296, local_gal_titties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13550027

check her insta for better pics

>> No.13550070

God Americans are so fucking fat and disgusting

>> No.13550071

Those are fat pancake titties. The nastiest titties of all

>> No.13550299

where do you live. im tired of fatties being acceptable

>> No.13550302


>> No.13551054

Just move to anywhere in europe except britain

>> No.13551086

I do no-makeup makeup or actual no makeup 99% of the time but I can appreciate girls with bolder styles if the application technique is good. It's not really a big deal unless you're stupid or really insecure.

Ditto. Dramatic contour looks so bad irl, especially when they don't blend properly. Yikes to the max.

Gott kvöld! I visit once a year, love it there. I wouldn't mind moving over permanently if I could get citizenship.

>> No.13551088

Cuz da bih uglier witout it u fucken genious

>> No.13551121

She's just kinda big. Do big tits count if you're overweight?

>> No.13551157


Are these steps supposed to be read from right to left? Because the nose on the left looks 10x better

>> No.13551162

you could've just said that you think the left looks better without acting like you're a retard that can't figure out which direction the steps go.

>> No.13551166


>> No.13551191

why are you guys so obsessed with this girl?

>> No.13551209
File: 168 KB, 1200x1600, 1523495037864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she incorporates several of the current trends at once so it's easy to use her as a symbol for that fashion style?

>> No.13551254

She is the epitome of retarded art hoe cartoon character style

>> No.13551308

Handsome Jonnie again? I thought this guy was gone?!
She looks like a good girl, a sweet girl, sweet like a fireplum

>> No.13551398
File: 1.07 MB, 530x715, khbn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13551403


>> No.13551404

Why are Americans so fat bros?

>> No.13551411

this girl is what? 28 max? that's the body of a kindergarten teacher with three kids. jesus christ

>> No.13551414 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 3790x2133, in n out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much cheap, tasty, high calorie food.

>> No.13551566

Does this place not make you want to kill white men?

>> No.13551659

For the love of god please fucking do it

>> No.13551671

No, it makes me want to kill shitskins desu

>> No.13551710

Why won't this thread get off the front page

>> No.13551977

Nigga, I'm confused
Is this girl or boy?

>> No.13552377

No it really is. Theres a standard, but so many deviations to it. You think everyone is attracted just as much to the exact ideals of human beauty?

>> No.13553219

>i lack any sort of masculine features and project this into my standards
you must be of homosex if you like women like this.

>> No.13553264

you guys are fags haha

>> No.13553316
File: 122 KB, 1080x1350, 36043938_281380215937283_8541298682987806720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13553325

My buddy and I came up with this theory that the anthropological function of this is more like in-group signaling/coalition forming than sexual display.... ie it encourages solidarity and lack of competition among women by homogenizing their facial features. That is to say, if all the girls at a party have agreed (unconsciously of course) to wear the same instagram thot makeup, the playing field is evened out and they can divvy up men among themselves as they please. So it's not actually meant to make them look attractive to men, it's just meant to make them look the *same* level of attractive as the other girls.

This wiki article is somewhat related:


you know that meme of all the different girls with the same dyed hair and instagram makeup going like "you're never going to find another girl like me"... it's kind of like that. Wish I could find that image

>> No.13553399

I have always wondered how women feel when they have a lot of make-up on and someone calls them beautiful
it might be just some stupid philosophy of me, but I even avoid good angles when taking photos of me, just so I don't look like someone I am not

>> No.13553724
File: 83 KB, 640x631, IMG_0302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know that meme of all the different girls with the same dyed hair and instagram makeup going like "you're never going to find another girl like me"

This one?

>> No.13553773

Men enforce it a bit too. If there's one blonde in a room of all brunettes, or one brunette in a room of all blondes...you can pretty much guarantee that the chick will have the most men going after her.

>> No.13553814

It's pretty weird how massively and uniformly influential Kim Kardashian was on young women's fashion. Especially in today's world with the internet and the flourishing of sub-groups, and yet every girl is making themselves look like this one woman.

>> No.13553836

kim "stole" her look from a subculture lol

>> No.13553839

Right but the sub-culture didn't set the trend, Kim did. Which is what I'm saying. I don't give a shit who originated the style.

>> No.13553844

i blame youtube not kim desu

>> No.13553858 [DELETED] 

Thought: isn't this tacky make up trend actually a good thing? You know right away what people to avoid instead of finding it out after already spending time with them.

>> No.13553914

Thats the beauty of it fren.

>> No.13554764

I'm happy someone finally said it.

>> No.13555172



>> No.13555182

Welcome to the post-ironic, postmodern fourth dimensional media-based proto-narcissistic hell-world you chose, kiddo.

>> No.13556385

ngl at first these kind of threads used to really piss me of but now reading this kind of stuff is opening my eyes more and more. At the moment i'm trying to gradually quit the makeup meme after wearing a full face, almost everyday, for more than 5 years of my life. It's scary how doing that messes with your head and your self esteem over the years...

>> No.13556409

you never stopped to think about how you were literally painting on a more "attractive"/different face over your real face everyday?

>> No.13556457

not the anon you are replying to, but thats easy for anyone to say that from the outside. there are probably things you yourself still do every day that you were raised with and are consider normal that you dont question

>> No.13556500

i basically just told myself the same lies they all do. "I'm just enhancing my natural features", "it's self expression", "i do it for fun" ...

>> No.13556534

this. I also just never saw it the way >>13556409
describes it, because it's such a normal everyday thing that most women just do. Growing up i saw my mom putting on her makeup everyday before work. It never occurred to me how weird that actually is.

>> No.13556719

this reminds me of these gangnam unnies

>> No.13556921

because they take 20 pictures until they get the best one

most women are average 6 or 7/10, makeup makes them an 8. It only matters if you're going to get married

>> No.13557117

This is going to sound edgy as fuck, but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape.

I look at her and feel two things at once:

Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter

Sexual attraction

The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity

>> No.13557126

no need to add the reddit spacing to it m8

>> No.13557142

based and redpilled pasta

>> No.13557165

put me in the screencap

>> No.13557197

Favorite pasta on the menu desu

>> No.13557446

good for you anon. accepting yourself and enhacing your beauty through proper lifestyle habits is so much better than relying on makeup
im cutting back instead of going cold turkey. it really is an addiction

>> No.13557538

Where her lips go?

>> No.13557902

Question for the men: if you had a no makeup GF and were hanging with your buddies and their whore make-up GFs...how would you feel?

>> No.13558175
File: 2.95 MB, 2042x1021, neon-eye-01-1488580794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not entirely sure why this is a bad thing? I've seen some pretty cool makeup looks that imo could be considered a form of art.

>> No.13558185

wouldnt feel anything about it. people do as they please. why, does something bother you about this situation?

>> No.13558187

i would feel pretty good that i don't have to taste chalk if i want to kiss her on her forehead or some shit