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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 93 KB, 640x1141, 4127050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13539445 No.13539445 [Reply] [Original]


For me it's
>College student, Pre Med

>> No.13539454

med students are the most obnoxious, dont you want to tatoo "MED STUDENT" on your forehead

>> No.13539460
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>Junior Stylist

>> No.13539462

Just saying college doesn't really say much tho

>> No.13539465

t. collage fulnky

>> No.13539472

medical coder

>> No.13539489

what does fulnky mean ?

>> No.13539495


I just graduated with 2 degrees tho and I’m looking at music ed jobs, music tech jobs, lab jobs, and entry level engineering jobs. jobs

>> No.13539504

It was dyslexia-speak for “flunky”.

>> No.13539515

Hope you find one soon, anon. How do spend all that free time?

>> No.13539613

>EE Student, IT job

>> No.13539630
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>High school graduate, enrolled in college for the fall semester

>> No.13539976

electrical engineer

lads, if you dont actually like STEM, dont study it. it really is a meme

>> No.13540014

Not going for STEM kek, gonna go for an MD so that I can specialize in dermatology.


Good luck with college my guy

>> No.13540024

jesus christ looking at this shit makes me reconsider visiting this board, bunch of ogres and geeks who think they're not like the rest of the geek students the came with, when in fact; they are

im incredibly sure none of you are remotely as /fa/ as u think u are

>> No.13540025
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>Haven’t had any yet

>> No.13540027

Depressed college dropout, currently living off mommy and daddys money

>> No.13540037

t. selfhating geek

>> No.13540041

College fail out and stocker at the dollar store

>> No.13540056

>minimum wage slave/college student studying Packaging
>make pizza at little ceasars

>> No.13540061

t. hs dropout

>> No.13540074
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>studying Packaging

>> No.13540081

>video editor

>> No.13540098

My career is gonna be a giant How Its Made video and I couldn't be more psyched

>> No.13540105

>Law student, paramedic (work in weekends and holiday)

>> No.13540108


>> No.13540159

>Nursery gardener

>> No.13540171

>Gonna be studying music tech,former petrol station wage slave

>> No.13540181
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>> No.13540185

>SEO consultant

>> No.13540205


>> No.13540216

>Product Design and Engineering

Shit at math, can't draw, arthoes are nice, 7/10

>> No.13540228

50% owner of rope access construction/training company
Part time student, econ major

>> No.13540244

Kek I relate

Fuck that's nice

>> No.13540281

>SE student, BTA intern

>> No.13540283
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>> No.13540288

Can I eat your pussy please

>> No.13540308

Homeless by Choice

>> No.13540806

Am rich and travel widely

>> No.13540822

Aspiring musical artist

>> No.13540871



>> No.13540889

>Stage lighting designer

>> No.13540940

>After school Instructional assistant, student

I havent officially started yet, but I pretty much do the same thing already for less hours and they let me where whatever I want as long as it isnt vulgar which is nice.

>> No.13540971

same with all of us

>> No.13541017

>Part time retail. Part time freelance video editor/event organizer.

>> No.13541090
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>PhD student, math
boku dake ga inai machi is a must-watch anime

>> No.13541097

>full-time college student in the sciences
>work at a cont art museum on the side

>> No.13541695

>just enrolled in uni for international finances
its over

>> No.13541730

>Haven’t had any yet
youre an idiot

>> No.13541752

>clerical job/wasting my money on an mfa

>> No.13541763

Nurse, stopped lurking about 6 months ago though

>> No.13541988

Kek, I'll check it out

>> No.13542054
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>Software Engineer

The job may not be /fa/, but the salary lets me be as /fa/ as I want. I work a solid 8 hours too and can take time off whenever.

>> No.13542056
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>Literature Student, BA
just fuck me up senpai
at least I don't live in america and can actually get a job after my master's

>> No.13542084

>self employed tailor aka jobless

>> No.13542091

Same here, I can always work myself to death as a salaryman if it doesn't work out

>> No.13542092

>College Student, Architecture

>> No.13542098

Effay as fuck

>> No.13542100

>Student, philosophy

>> No.13542108

>late 20s
>medical student, final year

>> No.13542123

everytime, without fail

>> No.13542132

>nuclear enig student a/ current part time slave

>> No.13542141
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>not since 2013
>video editor

>> No.13542154

>Housewife but I have a degree

>> No.13542182

shit, you've got it made

>> No.13542184

>turned 20 today
>uni student for English Education, part time job at a factory

>> No.13542219
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>> No.13542568

>I have a dick
>Shoemaker by trade, working as a waiter before shoe design school starts this fall

>> No.13542608

Nice my dude, I wish I took the S.E. pill. Being broke and having no free time is fucked.
Nice my dude. I'm on that math grind, ergodic theory. What do you study?
Lol what did you expect.

>Masters in Math transitioning to PhD soon.

>> No.13542611

Software engineer at a decent-sized startup

>> No.13542616

Do you ever feel like you will never accomplish anything interesting in life?

>> No.13542654

>Logistics at a Tech Retail store (WAREHOUSE). In the meantime, student in Media and Entertainment Management.

>> No.13542671

Forgot to mention you’re (((bi)))

>> No.13542676

>gold digger

>> No.13542692
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Ive seen things i wouldnt wish upon anyone.

>> No.13542733

>headphone / random headphone component tester

>> No.13542736

Fuck, must be intense

>> No.13542831


You're not pre-anything any more than I'm pre-famous faggot. You're a bio major or a chem major if you have balls. "muh premed" faggots need to die.

>> No.13542836

hey sick me too

>> No.13542858

>unemployed graduate in accounting, currently working as a mover

>> No.13542872

Doing a double bachelors in Medicine and Surgery gay boy, I say pre med cause it doesn't mean much until I start my MD

>> No.13542885
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>Structural Engineer

One semester away from finishing my Master's Degree from a world-renowned university. Good pay and it allows be to be /fa/ and subsidize my cycling/training

>> No.13542899

Nope, I'm writing a book and the only thing I really want to accomplish is to have a big loving family with many children

>> No.13542915

>Graphic designer / illustrator / artist wannabe.
Onions job, but I'm a freelancer working without contracts so I got like 200k in savings with 0 debt since I'm self taught.

>> No.13542926

>currently living off mommy and daddys money
it's not sustaining you - you're dying from it.

>> No.13542976

>Engineer in the auto industry

Fast paced work with good pay and benefits. I refuse to do this shit for more than a few years though..

>> No.13542977

>Director of a company and Data Quality on another company
I think I'm too old to be here.

>> No.13542986

English teacher in China

My aesthetic is basically old man Picasso and I have never had my sexual needs unfifilled for more than 2 days without fucking an 8/10 at least. And every millennial here is impeccably dressed.

Dreading my return to burgerland. Will probably go volcel and stop dressing well, no point.

I’m dreading

>> No.13542994

>never had my sexual needs unfifilled for more than 2 days
teach me

>> No.13543001

>never had my sexual needs unfifilled for more than 2 days
teach me

>> No.13543013

>Corporate slut

It's ok.

>> No.13543017

>>13542184 here. I want to teach in China or Korea as well but I'm not from an English speaking country. Could I get a job there if I get a PhD?

>> No.13543019

Move to Asia, be charismatic and ‘white’. Im a completely tanned Portuguese so the definition there is loose. Speak English, very basic mandarin and a Romance language of your choice. Commit to an, aesthetic, a fragrance, and develop a taste for wines. I pull in about 200k rmb in freelance wine consulting (be white and as they say ‘Spaniard looking’) and every wealthy single woman here wants your opinions on wine and Mediterranean dick.

Also have hunter eyes. Can’t stress that enough. Get it fixed if you don’t.

>> No.13543026

Shit. I'm a pale Slav. I know beer, not wine.
Guess it's over for me

>> No.13543032

Where in China are you from? I'm from Hangzhou

>> No.13543033

Has to be a native speaking country or the EU. I’ve got a BA in English literature from a US school and a MA from s French one and they prefer the BA when advertising my credentials lol. Only in China.

>> No.13543039

>Computer Science student

>> No.13543043

Dalian but I’m going to move to Macau next year if everything goes well with my new job offer.

>> No.13543047

>Looking for work after dropping out of college because muh depression

>> No.13543055

Good luck anon, you'll get through it.

>> No.13543058

Ayy that's nice, I'll be moving to Japan in a few years to take care of my aunt.

>> No.13543065

>Joining college soon, I'm

>> No.13543073
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>> No.13543078
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>College student, major in finance & minors in economics & spanish

>> No.13543152

Alright I guess I'm save because I'm from the Netherlands. But it would be benefitial for me to get a degree in an English speaking country?

>> No.13543155

thanks man

>> No.13543168
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>Amateur YouTuber

>> No.13543172

>Materials Science Engineer

>> No.13543190

>Student, Animation

>> No.13543203

38, Collge boy.

>> No.13543208

fucking hate my job, going to Comp Sci.

>> No.13543287
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Male, and yes please
Security engineer

>> No.13543300

>double major in psychology and photography, planning to pursue masters in industrial design

>> No.13543403

>head barista until I go back to uni next week to study psych/neuroscience

>> No.13543719
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>College student studying Public Health

I've watched this movie 7 times

>> No.13543755

it definitely would altho with the Netherlands probably just getting a TEFL is enough. Literally its basically how presitigious the college thinks your country is.

The Chinese don't know jack shit about the west. There's an Austrian teaching at my uni who they thought was Australian. When they found out they were different countries, they just looked a map of Europe and because it's east of Poland they assume everyone speaks fluent english.

>> No.13543816

>starbucks wageslave

>> No.13543836
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CompE student, but research assistant for the summer

>> No.13543840

>teaching at uni, post-grad student

>> No.13543851

>run an artist collective online

The effay part is that I travel perpetually because I work online.

>> No.13543889


>> No.13543941

>TV/Film color

>> No.13543949

is that a real job? my dad keeps telling me about it but everything ive googled looks like a scam

>> No.13543964

>psychologist consultant/ university senior

>> No.13543982

>Cameraman, video editor, screenwriter, director etc.
Studied electrical engineering and audiovisual.

>> No.13543984

How did you manage to get into that position?

>> No.13543997

>warehouse stuff

>> No.13544119

I work as an editor for a magazine, I used to work for a perfumery

>> No.13544121

I study early childhood education

>> No.13544123

factory work, soon to be in a millright though so fingers crossed.

>> No.13544215

Industrial electrical control panel builder

>> No.13544436

>stupid decisions led me to an illustration degree
>medical billing on the side for cashishe

>> No.13544460

20/f/ I also run an online artist collective- cool.

>> No.13544816
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Pharm and tox lab ugrad

>> No.13544820


>> No.13544827


youre basically a neet with rich parents

>> No.13544828

>I'm studying psychology, i'd like to pursue a career in music though

>> No.13545566

I feel you senpai
>Studying english, pursuing music

>> No.13545793
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>Electrical engineer student

>> No.13546617

Trainspotting, both book and film, is truly art

>> No.13546624

You're the woman Jesus promised us

>> No.13546632 [DELETED] 

High school senior this year

>> No.13546692 [DELETED] 


>> No.13546695


>> No.13546763

>getting my phd (math) and working as a DJ

>> No.13546770

How many years did you spend as a barback?

Best answers

25, M, art handler/truck driver

>> No.13547119

22 male, media student
actually fucked up with getting my bachelor thesis done on time so I'll defend it only in September and will probably have no option to continue this studies on master level. I feel beaten, /fa is the only source of joy :(

>> No.13547139 [DELETED] 

I'm getting an MS. I worked as a high school teacher before

>> No.13547305

>visual design student, two un-effay jobs on the side to pay taxes

>> No.13547385
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You'll do fine, anon. I believe in you.

>> No.13547581
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Software Engineer I at Lockheed-Martin

>> No.13547590

Is an MBA earned online worth anything. I'm a programmer earning $55k now, but wages are only going down as every new hire batch is increasingly filled with poos. I'm looking for something that will let me advance my career and salary.

>> No.13547603
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Stevedore (unloading cargo + driving cars of ships)

>> No.13547972

what kind of school will dump 2 degrees on someone and not line something up for them?

>> No.13547982

go get a job, neet

>> No.13548026

>Medical Student

>> No.13548111

Air Force

>> No.13548251

>college student,wood engineering

>> No.13548295

none atm, my contract ended last month

i don't what i want to do with my life. working in an office was tiresome.

>> No.13548326

electrical engineering student. considering a career in finance

>> No.13548408

>Research Assistant

I think I'm too old to be here, too. Any advice for lurking 30+ styles?

>> No.13548773

>electrical engineering student

>> No.13549220
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t. warehouse guy

>> No.13549229

Looks like electrical engineering is the next bubble.

>> No.13549240
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If only you meek anons knew the truth about the man who stands behind the screen before you...

>> No.13549244

since your male im assuming your actually mining
successful sounding

> law firm office assitant - starting college fashion&design course soon

>> No.13549680

underrated post

>> No.13549756

>Mil fag

>> No.13549764

>Architectural Technology student

>> No.13549765


>> No.13550248


>> No.13550290

>physics student

>> No.13550622
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>uni student, classics

>> No.13550633

>24 (holy fuck when did that happen time flies I need to leave this place already)
>Just about to enter my Master's program

>> No.13550758

>last year of landscape architecture program

>> No.13550790

>he was an interior decorator

>> No.13550797

Nope. Got a business assoc degree before. Most useless thing ever. What a waste of time.

Almost as bad as interior decoration

>> No.13550844

>Dishwashing at two places

>> No.13550856
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>Sr. tech prod manager
Pretty lucky work lets me wear whatever I want. My aesthetic is mostly corporate goth with some 40s influence (more designer and less vintage).

That makes 3 of us oldies.

>> No.13551045
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>Software Engineer at GM

Job kinda sux but I'm making bank, thank god I'm finally ascending above poorfag mode

>> No.13551050

>Senior UI/UX Designer

Just broke 6 figures, feels good.

>> No.13551074

>software engineer

you work on 12 mile, faggot?

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.13551392
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>Photography student in New York, bike messenger/alleycat racer on the side

>> No.13551523

>law student

>> No.13551539
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>> No.13551546

19 m NEET trying to figure out what to do with his life

>> No.13551890
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>Pre Med
why do people say this? that's not a major, you're just trying to get into med school. that's like people who call themselves "aspiring entrepreneurs" or some shit. has no meaning. the phrase just brings up negative stereotypes

>> No.13551891

>law school

>> No.13552655

For me it's just a personal preference since nobody here thinks too much of their undergraduate studies.

>> No.13552677

>I'll be studying finance and economics next year

>> No.13552719

>almost 40
>cyber guy w/ six figure income

>> No.13552745

>software developer
very few effay people in the office that 10/10 me is crushing hard on an ugly just because i think he dresses best

>> No.13552768
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>woodshop worker and architecture student

>> No.13552773

>College student/fry cook/sex worker

>> No.13552786

Jerk off play video games get drunk and practice my instruments
A small private liberal arts school

>> No.13552873 [DELETED] 

>high schooler, work at my family shop

>> No.13552882

I'm a massive cuck brah
Professional cuck

>> No.13553265

hahahahahaahahahahahahaha dumbass

>> No.13553275


>> No.13553794

2nd year electrician

>> No.13554118

motion graphics designer / animator

>> No.13554753
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CCTV operator

>> No.13554754

post pic

>> No.13554819

>Fish farmer/student

>> No.13554861
File: 65 KB, 480x544, WellDoneRajeev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Data Analyst and miner
>Made enough for rent,car and lifestyle thanks to this site

>> No.13555171


>thinking you just "get" derm residency.

Lol focus on doing well on your intro to bio class

>> No.13555220

How has the whole androgyny aspect of being nonbinary evolved as you've aged? I've never talked with an nb person over the age of 18 so I'm interested.

>> No.13555255


>> No.13555264

Packaging design? As in only packaging?

Drop that, advertising is a shit job for retarded people who talk to clients like they were littlw children. Hours are awful due to the ad-world.

Tell me how are your classes constructed. And what you do in product design. As far as Im concernes PD stands for the overseer of big projects in the UX world that is a mediator between rhe projecta managers and the client, focused in the delivery of the project. (While PMs are focused on the well being of the staff). Maybe product design in your case applies to UX parameters of quality assurance, or is a BAD name for graphic design applied to packaging?
Im a bit confused by this name.
Maybe its just a fancy name for developer.

I dig this.

Keep fighting the battle, you are going to make it and become full time.


Whatever works for you, but that doesnt sharpen your skills, you could be doing hipster jobs till you die but school/studios with really really well educated people will rocket you uppwards in your design carreer

The career is solid. You're just bad...
Message to everybody aspiring to be illustrator: YOU HAVE TO BE GOOD BEFORE COLLEGE. college is only to sharp you a bit and then give you a title and connections. If you are good at illuatrating you will have a job, even as doing comissions on twitter for good money. Starving artist is only a reality if you draw like shit and are 20 and still cant do hands, or oil paintings...
Fucking autistic kids painting with wacom tablets shitty animu.

Hell yeaaaaaah, my dude.

>Senior designer in branding studio (big one, like 20 year old studio), also support in UX. Studying my third UX course rn, love it, is way less arbitrary than design.
Message to everyone, client will ask for shit changes, no matter how big of an studio you are
illustrator on my free time.

>> No.13555265

Reading this thread, I make a mistake entering design/fashion for uni... you have 1 month to warn me, hurry

>> No.13555277

>Language student/part-time supermarket bakery clerk

I think I wanna be a cop, but maybe also go into a trade related to electronics in the Navy.

Regardless, I need to be in better shape first for either. :(

>> No.13555337

Uni doesn't necessarily open doors for you, but it won't close them either. You can do what I did and get a master's degree and then do completely unrelated stuff afterwards. For me with my STEM degree, it was a choice. Dunno if that holds true for fashion degrees, though.

>> No.13555341
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>29 years young
>male (thank God almighty)
>perform menial tasks for the saudis

>> No.13555352


>> No.13555408
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> I need to leave this place already
LOL you think you can just leave? Where else even is there to go? I'm almost 30, going on nine years of uninterrupted shit posting. Started as a clueless normie, went through some rough patches, went into the rabbit hole (metaphorically, of course) and now I'm finna boutta get married to a girl who will never ever know this place exists.

Hell of a ride, for better or worse, and there's nothing else that compares. No matter where you are in life, I'm convinced this place has what you need, when you need it.

>> No.13555448
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>I'm looking for something that will let me advance my career and salary.
Ending immigration will help with this.

>> No.13555451

>Killing the planet working for offshore drilling companies and making serious money doing it

>> No.13555647

Same. France here, where are you from?

>> No.13555664

>Product Design (specialization in accessories design) student, doing modeling and hoping for it to become more serious

>> No.13555685

>Vintage clothing store owner

>> No.13555689

>deadbeat bedneet

>> No.13555701

>Ambulance driver

>> No.13555734

> 23
> Aus male
> qualified plumber, changing to nursing.
decided it was the best choice, makes me seem less staunch, have severe resting bitch face. thnx

>> No.13555737
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>Assistant manager at photography studio & Spirits (alcohol) Rep

>> No.13555739


>> No.13555832

polisci major & air force rotc

>> No.13555972

Read >>13542872

>> No.13556494
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Dude,i'm so sorry but i was shitposting and subtly alerting peeps that threads like these are used by data specialists and marketers for research purposes.

>> No.13556502

>University, Politics Philosophy & Economics

>> No.13556503


i study theoretical phsysics
i occasionally teach at a high school
i also dj

>> No.13556769

>Yes please

>> No.13557044

>grad student in computational linguistics, lab manager for a bunch of poojeet programmers

>> No.13557059
File: 314 KB, 1280x742, kembra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>College student, BA in Fashion Merchandising

>> No.13557093
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>majoring in advertising and environmental sustainability
>working part time at a record store

i get anxious a lot in my life, but i guess i'm doing somewhat alright after all

>> No.13557100

Whats your salary?

>> No.13557130

>Digital marketing/seo/content marketing

It's a pretty boring job but it pays well, great perks from tech life, and only work like 35 hrs a week

>> No.13557536

surfboard repair
itchy all the time

>> No.13557553
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love to check out your shit dude. i'm also a ux designer who illustrates for fun:

>> No.13557798

i'll be 30 in 2 months...

>> No.13557810
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>College, Urban Planning

>> No.13557828
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>College Dropout
Client advisor at Louis Vuitton

>> No.13557999 [DELETED] 

23, bout to do an internship at vice

wish me luck with the lefties.

>> No.13558011

23, bout to do an internship at vice

wish me luck with the lefties.

>> No.13558023

How is that treating ya?

>> No.13558077

dude I used to work for vice here in berlin. Worst time of my live, worst paycheck aswell. God I'm glad I'm in a regular fucking marketing agency now.

>junior art director

>> No.13558127

$38,000 annually plus full benefits and company car.

>> No.13558129
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thanks anons

>> No.13559438

What was so bad about it? What did you do there?

>> No.13559453

College Student, Math and CS

>> No.13559454

>Make up artist

>> No.13559475

>visitation supervisor at children services

tell me it gets better.

>> No.13559478

>Head gardener (residential fine gardening)

Working with plants is the best

>> No.13559500

I want to die

>> No.13559511

>Student, Software Engineer (Intern)

Pay is fucking insane, still don't plan on dropping any cash on high end brands though.

>> No.13559614
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>Student, BA History

Summer intern at the city's museum. Shadowing a curator and in the process of working on my own exhibit (with their assistance ofc). If all is well I'll be in florence next summer doing the same thing.

Construction isnt that bad my guy, I loved it when I did it.
Sounds soul sucking

>> No.13559728

Chemical Engineer

>> No.13559868

Animator (Amazon Studios)

>> No.13559884
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>studying fine art/painting

>> No.13559980

Have fun.
Fiance pays for everything

>> No.13559992

Plant operator and general construction labourer

>> No.13560010
File: 146 KB, 817x960, 1499635186057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line Cook/ currently pursuing a BFA

>> No.13560022

grad next month, looking for software/tech jobs

>> No.13560028

hint: if you're not making at least $70k/yr at age 22, you're not effay.

>> No.13560039

Having money is not effay

>> No.13560042

why does this say nikes but it has the lyrics to futura free

>> No.13560053

But muh logistics engineering tho
It's totally a legit field