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File: 120 KB, 800x1200, 3C0244FE-36F4-420B-9768-ACF9FBE35AD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13545701 No.13545701 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Koreans ahead of the curve in the fashion world?

>> No.13545708
File: 188 KB, 549x767, kpop11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they?
the top-tier designer stuff is good

but: name a korean mass consumer brand that could rival japanese ones like uniqolo, beams or rageblue. never heard of one.

>> No.13545709

they're not lmao japs are far ahead of them

>> No.13545715

afaik even the kpop stars wear foreign brands

>> No.13545718


Koreans are so ahead of the curve, their women don't even have them

>> No.13545728 [DELETED] 

Isn't it basically consumerism? All about showing recognizable designer pieces and brands?

>> No.13545729
File: 2.90 MB, 1422x800, kpopwebm3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8

>> No.13545730

so korean fashion is 2005 American Stacey fashion?

>> No.13545732
File: 1.67 MB, 1080x1920, kpopwebm4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, wrong webm

>> No.13545733

they desperately want to be white americans

>> No.13545739

koreans are noveau riches, but show some promise

give them time and their fashion will rival french and italian

>> No.13545742

whats a white american

>> No.13545751

>give them time and their fashion

Yes, now that we know they actually have time. I was hoping so much for a nork victory but my dreams got shattered

>> No.13545757
File: 137 KB, 867x1300, mina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never post those uggos again

>> No.13545773

ahead? they idolize girl group singers who try to be like Spice Girls.

>> No.13545777


>> No.13545783

korean pop moved far, far beyond western pop conceptually, a basic bitch spice girls image won't get you far

>> No.13545791
File: 124 KB, 675x1200, D929B3B3-91D6-4741-A13E-03425024B90E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twice have the most basic atires when they’re not in public settings lmaoo

>> No.13545801

thats actually how most koreans dress

neat, clean, nothing cardinally wrong, but not very inspired
kinda like the germans

>> No.13545837

crop tops are from the 90s and every girl wears high-wasted pants
you're just a koreaboo, which is fine, but you need to acknowledge it

>> No.13545840

>item type Y is from the XXs

not an argument

>> No.13545845

Korean fashion is so ahead of the curve that no one but Koreans dress like them, wow good job.
Imma say that nomadic Mongolians are ahead of the fashion curve, they been dressing fly in their style since the 12th century

>> No.13545858
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1532474720394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13545871

can you please tell me what about this is "ahead of the curve"? it just looks like something girls wear to the gym

>> No.13545873


what do you mean, even all their music videos are what girl groups did 15 years ago in the West, it's embarrassing.

>> No.13545887
File: 265 KB, 1200x1800, DB741A9B-0F2B-4818-9128-FB8332682918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 image is everything I base it off of

>> No.13545963

Because they read the Talmud lmfao

>> No.13545972

How is this ahead of the curve? It's not popular and never mainstream, just looks retarded. Besides that it isn't even unique
Supreme has been mainstream since like 2015, those pants look like the ones from the Jenny from the Block music video which is like 12 years old and the shoes are just regular ass.
Stop being a koreaboo and be realistic

>> No.13545976

>crop top and high waisted jeans
>ahead of the fashion curve
Basic bitch forever 21 core

>> No.13545983


Check the link for yourself

>> No.13545991

Do all cute Korean women really smoke, or have Hong Sang-soo movies lied to me?

>> No.13545997

when you present a picture with a question you're more than likely putting the most emphasis on the picture you're providing, retard. this isn't "ahead of the curve" either. every basic art hoe dresses like this. you just wish you had a korean girlfriend.

>> No.13546002
File: 1.16 MB, 2592x3888, 1529716639167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hime-sama makes any dress elegant

>> No.13546031

nigga i thought this was jisoo, get this ugly bitch outta here

>> No.13546045

>blinks trying to spam their shitty group on other boards
no surprise there

>> No.13546097

>channel shirt and some faggot birdhouse

>> No.13546124

Why the fuck are Kpop fans so absolutely delusional about how good the genre actually is? I like to listen to some occasionally too, but fuck Blackpink, Twice or BTS aren't doing anything new.

>> No.13546136

It’s the indie/non mainstream artists that are wear it’s at.

Honestly the big groups all have stylists, I doubt they know how to style themselves

>> No.13546182

can you recommend some indie kpop anon? ive been really like the experimental type of kpop

>> No.13546186

not that anon, but listen to is who by minseo, its swing and actually includes vocal talent

also not to be that loona fag but 100% to be that loona fag, listen to basically any loona song, theyre all pretty good and stray away from traditional kpop

>> No.13546191

we get it, jennie is pretty

no need to pretend like shes some fashion icon

>> No.13546192


yes loona is love

>> No.13546199
File: 70 KB, 600x900, F4B69865-CB07-41B8-A023-BAF422120C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s an official Chanel brand ambassador. She flew to France just days before their comeback for a private chanel event

>> No.13546200


>> No.13546204

o fucc this sounds really good anons. thanks

>> No.13546205
File: 186 KB, 800x1200, Kim.Dahyun.full.71861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13546207

please go back to stan twitter

>> No.13546211

I kinda like that basic, uninspired, but clean and good looking look. Looks good enough to compliment you, without putting too much effort.

>> No.13546223

rosy, ciki, reehab on soundcloud, all good shit

>> No.13546263

Thanks for this my man. I suppose I can listen to lots of indie kpop on soundcloud?

>> No.13546270

i just found all these ppl through through the discover feature on soundcloud
i've kinda run out of artists that are consistantly good tho :/

>> No.13546378

Well here’s an article published today about how blackpink are the hot icon in kpop fashion world. Blackpink are sponsored by Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Balmain and Saint Laurent
Literally btfo

>> No.13546403

and they dont dress themselves

therefore they are the equivalent of a mannequin in a givenchy store

popularity =/= innovation shockingly enough

>> No.13546507


I fucking love jennie

>> No.13546583

>since like 2015

>> No.13546585

korean women suck, htis bitch has AA cups and no ass

>> No.13546627

why the fuck do koreans despise ass so much? japan seems to be in the midst of cultural awakening where so many of them are becoming ass men, probably a result of american occupation...

>> No.13546714

>He's never watched kpop

>> No.13546716

They don’t despise it ... it’s just that they anatomically have smaller asses and tits

>> No.13546717

bts is pretty good but only b sides

>> No.13546724


>> No.13546771

>Blackpink are sponsored by Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Balmain and Saint Laurent

So they prefer non-Korean brands despite being icons for Korean popular culture

Case closed, Korean fashion isn’t cutting edge

>> No.13546916


Sorry for the late reply. I’m the anon you replied
Indie wouldn’t really go under kpop but s popular recommendation is hyukoh.

Some other interesting groups , I also like Sso sse neon (I think that’s the name), usually I’d say just skim around from the recommended after listening to these artists. Maybe car, the garden too.

I also like shin hae gyeong

>> No.13546920


>> No.13546922

don't you have a containment thread on /mu/? gtfo.

>> No.13546967

Sadly this

>> No.13547014

Fucking hell, these two are sick.

>> No.13547036

using kpop idols to try and support your argument is not very smart because they are given outfits to wear 99% of the time by coordinators/stylists who are usually aware of trends and hot items but arent really breaking new ground. there are exceptions of course but most idols and celebrities get paid to wear shit or just do it to bring their own image up

>> No.13547048

Why are koreaboos so utterly delusional

Korea had all culture raped out of their country decades ago and never recovered. So of course they ended up poorly copying American "culture" - shitty dramas and poorly made Hollywood knockoffs, cheap, poorly made fast fashion with no artistic merit, generic pop music, and western celebrity music. Luckily for them, American Kpop fans are too stupid to realize that something being foreign doesn't automatically make it good. They'll keep consuming garbage media and reading celebrity gossip online without ever realizing they're no different than the average 80iq American drones obsessing over the Jenners or Kardashians. You retards will spend hours defending "Korean fashion" but can't name a single decent Korean designer. Pathetic, get a life.

>> No.13547052

imagine being the sort of dude who would take this picture

>> No.13547143

you clearly know nothing about korea and korean culture

>> No.13547162

i think he has surface level knowledge about korean culture and what he said does apply to kpop, the most popular kdramas, and many of the blockbuster movies. much of it is very westernized which is why korean culture has been so easily received and digested by other parts of the world in recent years. im not an expert either but if you dont go into korean media beyond the most viewed youtube videos i can see why someone would say those things

>> No.13547504

>Korea had all culture raped out of their country decades ago and never recovered.

That’s not any more true for Korea than it is for the UK, Germany, France or Japan.

The whole globe has been Americanized to a large degree, but the Japanese and Koreans retained many of their idiosyncrasies and acquired new ones. If they didn’t, cultural exports from these countries wouldn’t be so massively popular.

>> No.13547507

Who wouldn’t?

You don’t see pop groups casually walking around every day, and it’s not a creep shot

>> No.13547511

Korean fashion is where Western fashion was a decade or two ago

And that’s totally okay because Korea as a modern, rich democracy is only some decades old

>> No.13547518

There is not a single fit ITT that would be ´´ahead´´ of the curve

>> No.13548185

name a single good korean brand that isnt overpriced niche stuff

im waiting

>> No.13548190


>> No.13548196

woah supreme and vetements
holy shit that is fucking crazy dude how did she do it

>> No.13548211
File: 156 KB, 1080x1616, kpop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her stylist did it, baka

>> No.13548214

go back to your /mu/ containment thread with your flat faced uggo gooks

>> No.13548228

>i entered a thread about korean fashion, why am i seeing koreans? t

>> No.13548410

Christ that made me cringe.

>> No.13548687
File: 75 KB, 860x800, 0045573482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, to lower the degree of pointless guesses and abstract accusations in this thread, i looked what korean (mid-range, not designer!) fashion looks like.

here are the results, r8/h8

>> No.13548692
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>> No.13548696
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>> No.13548700
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>> No.13548707
File: 150 KB, 770x800, 0046591545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its kinda simple, neat, clean

theres a certain charm in this plainness

>> No.13548708


>> No.13548715
File: 82 KB, 860x800, 0035636202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trend they seem to do best is oversized or "strange" fits

>> No.13548717


>> No.13548720
File: 189 KB, 600x781, gqsharp_SN2_180706732_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their striped stuff is cool, better than uniqolo.

>> No.13548727
File: 799 KB, 315x410, gqsharp_OU5_170511407_b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, of course, the partner look, something very korean to do

>> No.13548730
File: 40 KB, 850x800, 0040137282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually bought that (top), lets see whether it looks cringey or cool IRL

>> No.13548736

>when you watch too much kpop before designing a polo

>> No.13548740
File: 52 KB, 850x800, 0046607926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, here. notice to collar. the collar is the most important detail about a polo and they let their fantasy loose

thats it, kids

>> No.13548782

This one is very sexy, but not because of her clothing

>> No.13548792


>> No.13548799

>you clearly know nothing about korea and korean culture
it's entirely fucking artificial, that's what their culture is
anything pertaining to south korea is revolting

>> No.13548820


>> No.13548829

This is fucking stupid. Let me break it down.

In Korea it's all about brands the push to get that coveted Off-White bag or Baleciaga sock runners just to flex online when at least 75% of their shit is fake fuck that.

Japan is better and has been far more influential to fashion. Korea is okay when it comes to styling but it's literally just brand whoring with very little direction.

Fuck all the way off.

>> No.13548836


>> No.13548841


I work in the industry in Korea and you have no idea lol sage for cringe thread

>> No.13548846

What industry?
Korean or expat?

>> No.13548874


Fashion, I'm Korean American

>> No.13548877

Interesting. Please tell me anything you can about Korean fashion and Koreans in general.

>> No.13548898
File: 15 KB, 346x441, 1299292315575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because potato!

>> No.13548911
File: 97 KB, 1745x1080, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never lick Jennie's asshole
Why even live?

>> No.13548914

Stay in your containment general pleaaaase

>> No.13548916

they arent ahead of the curve in anything but surgery

>> No.13548929


Well there's alot, what do you want to know? The thing is that what OP is talking about isn't actually "fashion", it's just pop marketing and mass market product. So basically what he's talking about has very little to do with actual Korean "fashion".

>> No.13548936

So you’d rate Korean fashion lowly? Why so?
Any brands you’d recommend looking at?
How’s your homeland, Korea, to live in?

>> No.13548957


The domestic market and manufacturing infrastructure centred around the Dongdaemun market and manufacturing district is a world class resource, and something that's been in place in the country as widespread common labour. High population, high demand for clothes - so there's always a ton of shit being produced and because of competition, trends have to be followed, things need to be cheaper, more accessible, etc. as the market / consumers are volatile. This pace has been growing at an exponential rate in recent years with globalization / instagram, also due to fashion becoming a mainstream thing in culture worldwide.

So there's a fuckton of consumer goods that just happen to exist in the form of "clothing", but as far as actual fashion goes, it's nowhere near international standards yet. There are no superstar contemporary Korean designers or brands or designers recognized on an international level for the level of their creative work. The brands that have been able to break out into the global market (Ader Error, Gentle Monster, etc.) are successful due to clever marketing and the inherent Korean sensibility of watering things down, making it "clean" and easily accessible for the average consumer's taste. So these are examples of success in marketing and commerce, but not so much fashion.

There is a new generation of talent that is bubbling up right now, also at a rapid pace. Basically everyone from kids to rappers want to start a brand, and fueled by the creative community / scenes revolving around clubs and retail, it's becoming a force to be reckoned with. None of them are "there" yet, but given 5 years I'm sure we'll see quite alot more fashion labels from Korea that are legit, and not just a Korean take on global trends. Something that comes from an authentic reference and examination of experience there, not something that is a shallow reinterpretation of in the moment trends or overseas influence.


>> No.13548967

Thanks a lot, anon. I have to go to sleep, but I’ll reply tomorrow.

While you’re at it, please comment upon the economic situation in South Korea, of you’re aware of that. Koreans had high living standards, but also brutal working conditions. The recent left-wing government is trying to change that. Will they suceed?

>> No.13548971


Kanghyuk comes to mind but he is operating as an international brand by a Korean person with European education, so I don't really know if you could call it korean fashion. Ji Choi is also doing some noteworthy things, but again she had European education and exposure. I don't know if these things even really matter actually, as it's the way the world is. But if you're asking about things coming out of Korea from a ground level, there's not alot of people who have a deep, thoroughly researched understanding of what they're trying to do. Lots of smoke and mirrors in the industry - everything from clothes, interiors, retail concepts, music. Everything looks like a loose copy of everything else. I'm wanting to see something completely different, is why I say Korean fashion isn't "there" yet. But they definitely will be soon enough. I don't think it's really the lack of talent or vision, it's just that there's alot of garbage there that shadows the good and the consumers / young kids don't really understand what's good and what's not. So that's another huge thing, the level of the general public / consumer base. It's got alot of catching up to do before talent in the country can really be cared for, supported, and fostered.

Korea sucks ass to live in, it's a gloomy place and it feels that the soul of things has been recklessly disregarded for the sake of commerce and money. Very few things feel like they have real meaning or thoughtful intent. But again, there's enough good stuff, but too much garbage, and the level of good stuff isn't mind blowing yet. It's a fast country so there are lots of conveniences but at the same time so many things are retarded and so backwards. People are not open minded. Even within creative communities people aren't as open as they are in the states. Just cultural differences I guess. If you're social it's a great place, but peace of mind or well being is hard to find.

>> No.13548978


Unfortunately, yes I think they will succeed. Korea is in a pretty fucked situation right now, the current president is your typical "for show" politician, makes moves that have mass appeal for the common person who really does not know much about politics. But it's fucking the country up in ways that can have devastating long term consequences to follow - all for the sake of presenting an image of a "kind, progressive" president.

They just raised minimum wage a bunch and it's fucking everything up. Price of everyday consumer goods are rising, jobs are being replaced en masse by automation, and cuts are being made. North Korea deal is fucked too. I'm really glad I'm not confined to this country and can go back home whenever I want, I feel very blessed for that

>> No.13549267

Wooyoungmi is the only somewhat known Korean designer. They aren’t ahead of any curves.

>> No.13549269

>Korea sucks ass to live in, it's a gloomy place and it feels that the soul of things has been recklessly disregarded for the sake of commerce and money. Very few things feel like they have real meaning or thoughtful intent.

Sounds like the USA tbqh
Thanks for the great postings

Are there any non-luxury Korean brands worth looking at? The equivalent of Japanese Beams?

>> No.13549272

South Korea is facing the same problems as every Western nation - automation of jobs, Chinese competition, ageing demographics.

You’re not special in that regard. The economies in France, Spain and Italy are even more sluggish than yours.

>> No.13549284


Not really, "equivalents" do exist that fill the same market in Korea but why would you want that stuff if you could just get the Japanese stuff that's much better?

Same with streetwear, nothing to note in Korea at the moment.

>> No.13549295

I want to look at it, out of interest.

Also, it’s perhaps cheaper?

>> No.13549299

This they're literally no different than the Chinese with mixing hype beast garbage just to flex money, all you thirsty K-pop faggots need to fuck off

>> No.13549444

lol thanks for proving his point. asians have no butts, they mostly focus on breasts and cuteness

>> No.13549572

Absolutely nothing wrong with that

>> No.13549576

because there's no other hobbies, interests, or preoccupations in south korea. pure shallow vanity to the max, only

>> No.13549579

Did StarCraft die off?

>> No.13549596

i hope

>> No.13549623
File: 144 KB, 998x1499, 1532137741873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male girl group stans are truly fucking disgusting. Your admiration is inexorably underpinned by a disgusting desire to want to fuck them, so everything they do is pedestalized beyond reason by your dick. Male boy group fans, however, have a pure, platonic, clear-headed appreciation that doesn't just boil down to wanting to put your dick in them. There's an objectivity to opinions that just can't exist with neckbeard girl group fans because of the physical attraction. You don't like how she these girls dress, you just want to nut in them. Off yourselves immediately

>> No.13549624

He said, as he shitposted on an Anime imageboard

>> No.13549629


>> No.13549632

post a fit

>> No.13549635

>There are no superstar contemporary Korean designers
who are "superstar" western designers in your eyes exactly? I don't think putting on a runway show where a niche of autistic retards drool at utterly ridiculous looking bullshit is all that impressive

>> No.13549637

bro im lichurally cringing rn xddd

>> No.13549638


>> No.13549639

got mad

>> No.13549640

>replies with more brainless canned responses
wow you really showed me guys

>> No.13549642

Yeah, but there are no well-known mid-range brands either

>> No.13549645


>> No.13549648

cool greentext

>> No.13549652

at least you tried

>> No.13549653

it's on 2 on 1, dude... Walk Away. isn't your high school bullying ptsd kicking in by now?

>> No.13549655


Are you going to refute my point or just get mad because I stated facts?

Rokh is maybe one of the closest right now, actually. Design and brands at a high level span a wide spectrum beyond the usual Paris calendar, and I'm not particularly into those "niche" shows you are thinking of.

>> No.13549666

>it's on 2 on 1, dude... Walk Away

>> No.13549669

what kind of places to you go to to actually follow fashion like this in some capacity? /fa/ is terrible for actually figuring out trends etc

>> No.13549686

your angry

>> No.13549691

just stop

>> No.13549694

meme arrow

>> No.13549699

the lack of inspo in this thread surprises me

>> No.13549719


Hard to answer, I've been into fashion for quite some time now so alot of it is common knowledge and at this point it's just real life stuff from working and word of mouth. Instagram as well I guess

>> No.13549722


>> No.13549746

how new are you

>> No.13549751


>> No.13549753


>> No.13549829


>> No.13549964


>> No.13550087

It needs time to develop, little of interest yet

>> No.13550392
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x716, kpop10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korean fashion is pretty basic, but there are exciting things here and there

>> No.13550412

Fuck this asian minimalism shit.

>> No.13550935

are only asians itt?

>yellow women
>other asian things

lol who gives a shit

do you pretend to like this stuff?

>> No.13551035

culture that values appearance more than west, better attention to detail

>> No.13551605

whats your insta?

>> No.13551618

>being white in 2k18
lmaoing @ ur lyfe rn

>> No.13551767


>> No.13551780

>posting skinskin cope in 2k18
living your best life