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13535303 No.13535303 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here still getting acne even after taking accutane? I have a few tiny white heads and a fucking cyst (i think the head is faded. Somewhat visible but isnt out) on my face. What the fuck do i do if even last resort wasnt enough???

>> No.13535315

Don't fuck around with this trial-and-error /r/SkincareAddiction bullshit, just see a dermatologist. Acne is a medical problem, have it treated like one. Get it sorted or get aborted.

>> No.13535333
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Again the last resort accutane didnt work .. im sti getting acne 2 years later... fuck i feel like a god damn sub human. Why the fuck isnt there a cure for this bullshit?

>> No.13535390

lol, you're completely clueless.

what's your current routine and diet?
what was your isotretinoin dosage?
to what extent did it help the acne, and how much do you have now in comparison to before?

>> No.13535443
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>Well i wash my face 2x with oxy benzo peroxide (morning and night)
>i moisturize with cetaphil after every wash
>starting to apply honey once a day
>avoid peanut butter and bananas because i heard they can cause breakouts
>avoid milk but i still eat cheese (probably going to stop that if my acne keeps coming)
>i lift (/fit/)
>dont drink much soda or juice. I drink a lot of water

And accutane did work for a year but the little by little i would start getting tiny white heads. And now 2 years later im getting a cyst like once a month along with the tiny whiteheads. Perhaps summer is contributing since i sweat a bunch.

When i was prescribed accutane i was taking 2 pills a day (i forgot how much per pill but pretty sure it was a strong dosage). However i dont want to take it again because i am convinced that it gave me internal and mental problems.

>> No.13535454

Do a second round of Accutane.

Currently on my third round of it senpai

>> No.13535473

I would but im scared man. I think it fucked up my liver even though everytime i got my blood work done they told me i was good. And im telling you, it fucked with my head. I would get severe depression swings and increased social anxiety. I dont know if i can handle all that again.

>> No.13535480

acne isn't a medical problem

its a diet problem since it means your body is out of balance not functioning properly.

I suggest going on a lemon and dates detox. Search on google for more info. Lots of good protocols explaining it.

>> No.13535481

desu accutane is not a one time thing. about 20% of people need to take accutane again after a few years

>> No.13535483

source: I also went on accutane twice with second time being a higher dosage. This was 3 years ago when I was a senior in high school. I did that protocol for about a month and my skin is currently better than ever. Also switched to raw vegan after i was done with it. Still incorporate the protocol here and there

>> No.13535497

Then explain how normies have baby smooth clear skin with a coke , hot cheetoes, fastfood lunch diet daily?????

>> No.13535517

everybody's body is different/react to foods differently. me and my brother grew up eating the same foods, yet he had clear baby skin like you said yet i had inflamed cysts/acne all over my face.

It wasn't until I got to college and could make my own decisions for what foods I wanted to eat (my parent thought veganism was a meme) but once my skin cleared up very quickly after having shit skin forever, they actually eat predominately vegan now. They still eat meat and dairy, but Id say 70% diet is whole food plant based now.

Foods such as dairy cause inflammation in the body. I have to instead eat a lot of anti inflammatory foods.

>> No.13535525
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Yeah i think im going to give up dairy completely soon until i see clear proof that it clears my skin. Its going to suck a lot because you know almost every delicious dish or social food has some type of cheese or dairy (pizza, ice cream, butter pop corn, birthday cake, cheese cake etc.) Ive done it once before so it shouldnt be too tooo hard. And hopefully that solves the problem because honestly i cannot give up eggs or meat. Im a /fit/ bro and i love chicken and whey protein.

>> No.13535536
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My dermatologist said that there's no study proving that dairy or certain diets causes acne. I don't entirely agree with him but if you're stopped drinking milk and still getting acne then I don't think milk is the problem.

In high school I had pretty bad cysts all over my face. Was given Doxycycline which completely eliminated it and didn't come back after a few years of not taking it. If it comes back I would take more doxycycline. Problem with being on and off medication is that you develop antibodies and the medication will stop working.

Had another really bad breakout of cysts that was causing scaring. Recently started using clindamycin phosophate topical lotion which did a pretty good job clearing that up.

In my case it comes in waves where I have massive cysts growing all over my face that feel like knives stabbing into me and causes my lymph nodes around my head to swell up from the infection. Even get them on my chest which I still have scarring from. Face gets pretty fucked up and I look like a zombie but then there's times where I'm completely clear of any zits. I think I get it from having bad oil control/anxiety and the really bad shit from when I was taking a shit ton of medication I was taking for Ulcerative Colitis.

>> No.13535544
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Tell me more of Doxycycline desu ive never heard of it. Im currently looking into retin a because i honestly feel like a damn sub human. I am the only one with acne at work. My confidence has gone to shit with this cyst that i cancelled potential dates.

>> No.13535574

It's just an antibiotic pill used to fight infection. But when I first took it it cleared me up within a week. Just ask a doctor to prescribe it to you.

>> No.13535585

im on accutane now. 80 mg / day. month 8. heavy dosage but im 90kg. im doing 290mg/kg total cumulative dosage because there's new studies showing that a heavier accutane dose decreases relapse chances without any increase in side effects. my lifts have gone to shit though (/fit/ also). down almost 40% in strength. here's the link to the study.


>> No.13535654

How do you feel mentally? I would lie about that mental side effects to keep getting more.... i did it for about 6-7 months

>> No.13535780

Roaccutane got rid of mine, can even eat dairy, sugar and not wash face and nothing comes up. cycled off for about a year. I feel for you op I hope you find the solution

>> No.13535877

Living a healthy lifestyle, staying hydrated, and cutting dairy and tapping out of my life solved my acne skinacea is a good website resource for acne

>> No.13535881
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take cyproterone acetate senpai cleared my acne right up

>> No.13536037

BP washes doesn't do that much compared to leave-on creams.
you should also not use the BP in the morning, as the exfoliation increases sun sensitivity. consider some kind of sunscreen to prevent further "photodamage". this is especially important if you want to help existing scars and wounds heal.
you can definitely skip the honey.
there's no need to avoid peanut butter (assuming it's sans extra sugar), or bananas. see the studies on links below. most you need to do is to avoid most dairy products (incl. cheese) and insulin peaks.

>>i lift (/fit/)
there's a strong association between whey supplementation and acne:
consider other kinds of protein supplementation if you use it.

much lower doses of Accutane than what is commonly prescribed can be effective for acne management. consider using it again, or supplementing something like NAC:
studies on it in: >>/fa/thread/S12397742#p12399398

your derm should get up to speed with the research.
please see:

>you're stopped drinking milk and still getting acne then I don't think milk is the problem.
there are many other ways to consume dairy in our society.

>you develop antibodies
the bacteria may rather develop a resistance to a certain antibiotic strain.

glad your acne is better, anon.

>> No.13536048

Thank you anon.

>> No.13536113
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I had horrible acne when I was 16
I went to a dermatologist, took an antibiotic pill for 2 weeks, had a routine of putting four different creams a day and was free of acne 3-4 months later

If you are too stupid to go see an actual doctor, enjoy your fucked up acarred face in the future

>> No.13536122
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Is there a conspiracy against newfags with acne where this board constantly tells them not to go to a doctor, but instead keeps them in an endless cycle of useless home remedies and pointless avoidance of certain foods?


>> No.13536221

Go back to the derm. Mine said most people are cured by the first round of accutane, but if not then the second or third time almost always does it. Or they could put you on one of the other newer treatments (duac or spironolactone) but I'd just go with accutane again if it cleared you up when you were on it first. Mine basically implied that any mental health problems were a myth/placebo but even if it really did affect you mentally you've got to compare it against the anguish you feel at actually having acne when you're not on it.

In my opinion, unless you're doing retarded shit to your face or you have some kind of dietary intolerance, proper cystic acne needs actual medical attention rather than the usual /fa/ meme of "lol just wash your face with dove soap and drink water how is acne even real"

>> No.13536222

where do you think OP got accutane from, you fucking retard?
try reading the actual thread and you'll also see plenty of posts on antibiotics and more accutane discussion.

>> No.13536278
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doctors dont kno shit just take apple cider vinegar every day and use egg mask and its gone bro

>> No.13536585

Normal. No mood swings or depression thoughts. Just a little brain fog when I'm reading or doing heavy thinking, I can take a little longer.

>> No.13536632

Both me and my brother had severe acne

I was never prescribed accutane, just random creams and my acne went away

My brother on the other hand, was prescribed accutane only and he still has acne

>> No.13536794

>Went to dermatologists for years. Had acne the whole time.

>Went raw vegan and acne cleared up in a few weeks. Looking back at it, everything I would eat for lunch in high school mostly contained dairy. Wish I would have went vegan in high school. I was actually good looking/star athlete as well, just had shit skin which made my confidence levels drop when it came to dating. Thought I was a worthless piece of shit that should just kill himself even though most girls still wanted me to fuck them. I was so caught up in my appearance/skin that it affected how I talked to people.

Based on personal experience, accutane will help some people but not everyone. I went on two cycles of it. Didn't get better either time.

>> No.13536836

Fuck off with your lies, I had horrible acne without treatment, ate lots of meat an dairy, now 4 years later my diet is unchanged and I dont have acne

Stop justifying your autism faggot

>> No.13536881

Too bad my acne comes back when I cheat and have a little bit of ice cream or pizza when I go out with friends :) Even just a little bit will trigger my acne. It sucks but you do what you gotta do.

You probably just grew out of your acne. I know adults that still have acne as well. Yours was probably just hormones/teenage acne. Therefore meat and dairy maybe wasnt even the main cause at all, however could have effected it die to all of the hormones but still, probably was just puberty,etc. Like I said, everyones body is different. Don't be so upset/angry over nothing because my acne was different than yours ;)

>> No.13536896


I recommend this as well. Accutane and oral antibiotics can be harsh on your liver/stomach, respectively, so topical antibiotics are a pretty good alternative.

>> No.13536902
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Hey brainlet, you realize that peoples' bodies react differently to different things, right?

>> No.13537272

Really? I was fine lifting whilst taking the same dosage, if anything I inproved in the gym

>> No.13537786

Yea it's awful. Before I was doing 2 plate dips for like reps of 10. Pull ups with 1 plate for reps of 10. Squat max of around 385 and DL 405. Now I can't even squat 315 and DL 315. Can do like 5 reps of dips with no plates and 5 reps of pull ups no plates. My muscles feel like they're ripping apart and my lower back which already had sciatica feels like it's going to snap at any moment. I can feel the crackling of my joints. YEAAHHHh.... it sucks but oh well acne's getting better so I just deal with it.

>> No.13537806

I took acutane and after a few years acne starting showing again, due to an unrelated medical issue I discovered I was allergic to milk, the way this allergy manifested was through acne. Maybe get an allergy test.

>> No.13537809
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Do you realize that everybody shares 99.9% of their dna you dumb idiot?

>> No.13537984

im not even him but you do realize that bodies do react to things differently??? thats literally why some people have acne and others don't. acne is literally a sign your body isn't in balance with itself and its not filtering wastes/toxins properly

>> No.13538041

>acne is literally a sign your body isn't in balance with itself and its not filtering wastes/toxins properly

Please stop spewing pseudo science retardation.

>> No.13538084
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try clearing your chakras via acupuncture

>> No.13538099

I was prescribed tretinoin cream and minocycline pills after years of diet, "acne solution" plans, and exercising till i actually got /fit/. While still have bumps from possible scars and even the occational white head when i eat shit food its 1000% better than what i used to have.

>> No.13538114

High processed dairy sure, same with grains. But people have been eating/drinking these for literally thousands of years, get back to basics in cooking or look for less processed foods. Buy local too. I get milk and eggs locally, i should to meats next too. Even if its pricier, just buy it less often.

>> No.13538269

Thats literally what acne is retard. Its waste/toxin buildup thats not properly being excreted from the body

>> No.13538995


>> No.13539007
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tfw accutane caused me chronic side effects that exist 4 years after stopping it and now acne is coming back

just end me

>> No.13539008

Oh yeah, I remember you. Your posts aren't all bullshit or anything, some of your advice is decent enough, but you need to learn to distinguish between "interesting evidence that merits further research" and "consensus in the field."

When it comes to your skincare and dietary advice you are just too fucking certain, given that there IS no broad consensus on the role that e.g. dairy plays in acne.

>> No.13539045

>dont drink soda
>dont eat industrialized foods
>Not sedentary
>Take sun light
>still have acne at 22
Maybe its here forever I think

>> No.13539140
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>some of your advice is decent enough
thank you so much for this grand acknowledgment.

>you are just too fucking certain
yes. we have wide epidemiological evidence, controlled studies, countless anecdotes, and a rather solid suggested biochemical pathway for the pathogenesis. diet is obviously just one of the factors of acne etiology, but it is absolutely one of them.

>there IS no broad consensus
try reading the studies provided and get back to me. I've read them, and many others. feel free to share conflicting recent studies from equally respectable publications and uni's

>> No.13539880

my acne went away when i stopped all dairy

I dont do the vegan meme though. literally just quit dairy

>> No.13540697

great image

>> No.13540800

Drop sugars and sat fats
or train
acne is high triglycerides is your blood

>> No.13540944
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zeolite face masks

tightens the pores and will make your skin super soft

>> No.13542298

such a pretty little face :)

>> No.13542525

Do you drink protein shakes?
If you do then stop right fucking now, the synthetic proteins will cause massive breakouts. Ive seen it on other people and tested myself, even worse if its one of those vanilla cream strawberry cheescake ice cream chocolate fondant banana split flavor mixes. Check for vegan or non synthetic stuff or just eat your stupid grilled chicken if you really want ur sick gainz.
Also for a real last resort (actually) try a small dose of cyproterone acetate (12.5mg) it will act on your testosterone and lower your sebum production which will ultimately result in much less acne and much nicer skin
Also tested myself and oh man did I have some nice ass skin at that time

>> No.13542544

t. a retard

>> No.13542795

With a spotless skin, and better education than you

>> No.13542823

yeah because spotless skin means you must know a lot about skin care

>> No.13542834

If you are possessed by the product industry, have fun and waste your money all you want, but acne is a symptom of high triglycerides, basically fat running through your blood
Diet is fundamental for hair and skin

>> No.13543107

t. retard^2

>> No.13543743

stop eating all dairy and cut out red meats and other high fat foods like bacon. I had tried acutane and it hadnt worked, so I resorted to changing my diet. I still get a tiny occasional bit of acne if i fuck up the diet, but the entire lower half of my face magically cleared up after a couple months.

>> No.13543776

you're delusional

diet has nothing to do with acne. get back on accutane and it should clear up for the final time for good

>> No.13543777

source: my dad is a dermatologist. he had me go on accutane as soon as i started getting acne in 10thish grade. haven't had it since. literally all you have to do and then you can eat whatever the fuck you want. only retards cut out meat and dairy

>> No.13543820

Literally this, but some stupid fag is trying to sell products ITT

>> No.13543967

so how do you explain fat people with flawless skin?

>> No.13543979

Literally who
find me a fat guy with flawless skin and hairline

>> No.13543990
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I cant believe youre arguing this

just type "fat people" to google and you'll see people with good skin and of course also bad skin.

I'm skinny and eat healthy myself and still have acne.

You really think modern medicine still has it all wrong when it comes to the fundamental causes of this disease?

>> No.13544409

Probably skelly but sporting a fatty liver
it is very common
also what are calories? You can be slim while eating bacon and candy all day

>> No.13544737

LMAO someone get this retard a nutrition textbook

>> No.13544743

>I am beyond thermodynamics

>> No.13544814

Let me make this easy for you lmao.

What causes acne: overactive sebaceous glands and outside bacteria mixing together in pores. Pores become clogged by bacteria and sebaceous glands fill up with sebum inside these pores leading to acne. What causes overactive sebaceous glands? Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) AKA factors determined by GENETICS.

What do acne face wash and creams do? Peel away layers of skin/ clean to prevent the outer bacteria from clogging up those pores. Can it stop the sebaceous glands from overproducing oils? No. Is this why some people still get acne after washing? Yes.

What does accutane do? Target those sebaceous glands by drying up sebum production. It also dries up a lot of other areas of the body, including hair, joint lubrication, and membranes in the eyes and nose. Hence all the side effects from accutane. Is there any other topical drug that can dry up sebaceous glands? No. Is accutane the only drug so far that can target the sebum production part of acne? As far as I know yes.

What do triglycerides have to do with sebum production? Very little. Sebum is consisted of triglycerides, waxes, esters, and squalene. The most characteristic products of sebaceous production being waxes and esters, not triglyceride. DHT is unaffected by triglyceride. In fact, trying to treat DHT levels can LEAD to increased triglyceride production.

Hope that helps a little retard.

>> No.13544821

>I go as far as copypasting a panflet to sell daddy's clinic
acne comes from diet. Accept the fact and stop wasting your money, fag
sat fats and ref sugars is what make those pores spurt what your liver can't process
keep shilling your crap

>> No.13544826

ok u right nigga u right

damn dawg u right fuck

>> No.13544829

>What do triglycerides have to do with sebum production? Very little. Sebum is consisted of triglycerides, waxes, esters, and squalene. The most characteristic products of sebaceous production being waxes and esters, not triglyceride. DHT is unaffected by triglyceride. In fact, trying to treat DHT levels can LEAD to increased triglyceride production.
This paragraph is funny as fuck
you can't even understand cause and effect

>> No.13544835

Acne doesnt come from diet. You’re retarded if you think this. A bad diet can cause your immune system to not fight off acne as easily while a good diet will help but it wont stop it. You’ll still get acne and if you’re prone to it you’ll still get a lot. When I was in high school I had a diet of vegetables, chicken breasts, only water and coffee in the morning, no milk, and rice and I worked out. I still had tons of acne despite this and using expensive daily facial washes my dermatologist recommended. My derm told me my diet wouldnt matter overall and put my on accutane and it fixed my everything. But once I got off accutane it started back but not as badly. Now my diet is shit and I still break out here and there but its much better. People need to not neglect their diet for personal health reasons but eating a candy bar or eating fast food once a week isnt going to give you acne or make your acne worse. Your genetics might just be fucked.

>> No.13544837

Yea funny right? You would think that triglycerides would affect DHT since treating DHT can affect triglyceride levels, but the scientific research shows that it's not a correlated phenomena. It's a one way street AMIGO.

>> No.13544855

As I said, non-alcoholic fatty liver
Do you also sell propecia in /fit/? Find a better job

>> No.13544874

nah i like selling propecia to twinks like you brother WOOOOOOO

>> No.13544878

I just got DHTed

>> No.13544934

thanks for the info

you seem to be the only person in here that knows their shit. I cut out dairy and i still had acne!!!! Everyone would push that stupid meme to me as well. Still have acne though and blackheads all on my nose.

Any tips or am I fucked?

>> No.13544947

I"m not him but try this


Helps block/lower levels of DHT production.

>> No.13544993

Samefagging this hard to push daddys product
>fucking kek
>reddit spacing

>> No.13545000

Daddy will be happy

>> No.13545019

at least my daddy is still around

>> No.13545021
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>> No.13545028
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>> No.13545035

Not sure about that cymbiotika stuff but I would suggest starting with topicals if you haven't already.

Differin is available OTC now. It's a retinoid like Retin-A, but milder. You have to use it for at least 3 months to see noticeable results, and your acne might get worse from a purging period. Use a gentle cleanser, nothing with actives like benzoyl peroxide. I recommend Cerave or Cetaphil. Wash your face once a day (not too much or it'll strip away at the moisture barrier of your face). Then use the Differin and moisturize after.

>> No.13545039
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True dat

>> No.13545040

so is this guy just a shill or is he right?

>> No.13545044

1. Wash your sheets like once a week until it goes away. Then once ever couple months is fine.

2. See a fucking dermatologist.

>> No.13545050

Implying mine doesn't
And he doesn't need to use his fag kid to shill his treatments here

>> No.13545057

why so sensitive bro? you getting really emotional brother.

>> No.13545064

> dead thread
>reaction images on /fa/
come on, post your ref code
maybe someone needs cialis too

>> No.13545080

lol so emotional hahahahhaha

>> No.13545084

fucking kekkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.13545169

>I still had tons of acne despite this

>that stupid meme
the influence of diet (esp. dairy and high-GI) on acne is well-established.
simply being one of the factors doesn't mean "abstaining from this will cure me"

there are many different compounds affecting sebum production. DHT just happens to be one of the more potent androgens, with higher affinity for androgen receptors. Testosterone in itself is believed to be more important for sebum production.

an interesting tidbit one can learn from reading actual studies - and I'm the only one submitting links to them - is for example:

>lowering DHT levels in adulthood had no effect on sebum production

The androgen control of sebum production. Studies of subjects with dihydrotestosterone deficiency and complete androgen insensitivity.

>DHT produced locally by type I 5α-reductase enhances sebum production. However in the clinical and in vitro studies, selective inhibitors for type I 5α-reductase did not significantly reduce sebum production and improve acne vulgaris , indicating that suppression of 5α-reductase alone might not be sufficient to improve acne.

>in addition to the difference in their potency, testosterone and DHT do not act the same way on AR activation, suggesting that testosterone, rather than DHT, could be a more important regulator in sebum production

>Flutamide is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen that inhibits the binding of DHT to AR [...] even though treatment can reduce the size of sebaceous glands in the experimental animals, the clinical studies did not show significant effect to improve acne

>Increasing evidence suggest that several other factors, such as estrogens, antiandrogens and kinases, are able to activate the AR function in the absence of testosterone and DHT.

The Role of Androgen and Androgen Receptor in the Skin-Related Disorders

>> No.13545222
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DHT is in fact more relevant to things like androgenic alopecia. hence inhibitor treatments for MPH.

plenty of faggots come here over the years and present "THE ONE CAUSE FOR ACNE. JUST DO THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK AND ALL YOUR PROBLEMS WILL DISAPPEAR."

other faggots then really want to think it's true because:
a) it sounds good
b) it's easier to understand and embrace simple solutions

the not-simple answer is:
diet affects sebum composition, as well as various hormone levels, inflammation, ROS, anti-oxidant defenses (such as glutamine), insulin & insulin sensitivity, et cetera.
age affects hormone levels and all kinds of skin barrier functions.
individual genetic makeup makes you more or less susceptible to acne.
hygiene habits will impact the function of your skin. exposure to acne-related bacteria is also relevant.

having acne is a very simple choice.
something that prevents people from being able to simply choose to not have it is shit information online.

>> No.13545246

ITT tripfag calling out Jamal's "father" advice
you can't make this shit up

>> No.13545303

Accutane relapse could be due to hyperandrogenism, not taking it after a high fat meal (poor absorption), or not being on it long enough (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26471145).). I'm on my 4th round right now sadly and looking back I realize why. After 5 months and my acne was clear I would just stop like a retard, and I would take on empty stomach or miss days frequently. This time around I've been eating 4 eggs cooked in olive+coconut oil then taking hemp oil+fish oil supplement before my pill and will be on it for 9 months minimum

>> No.13545305

try qutting dairy, it really works
all this '''skincare advice''' are just memes that don't work

>> No.13545888

Quitting dairy is literally a meme

>> No.13546003
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I just want to look flawless and not like pizza face :c

>> No.13546334

just be confident bro

>> No.13546563

who is she