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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.98 MB, 480x600, 1531532374594.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13519519 No.13519519 [Reply] [Original]

Why is sticc the standard in fashion when most guys prefer thicc?

>> No.13519530

The average person is a plebian, though I prefer muscular women desu.

>> No.13519542

Because homosexuals are the ones dressing them.

>> No.13519544

if by "muscular," you mean toned and athletic, I agree. pls no female bodybuilders

>> No.13519547 [DELETED] 

sticc looks better with clothes on and THICC looks better without clothes on.

>> No.13519552

sticc looks better with clothes on and THICC looks better with clothes off.

>> No.13519559

fashion industry hasnt yet been completely subverted by jewish psyops trying to turn us all into niggers

>> No.13519570

Most of the fashion industry still uphold their traditional standards of thin, tall, and fair skin.

>> No.13519576

Never understood this argument. Any straight man can quantify a Brad Pitt or David Gandy as being more handsome than a regular joe and can point out why, how could gays continue to not discern qualities deemed beautiful of women?

>> No.13519631

They pick girls that look like the boys they like to fuck because that is their aesthetic preference.

>> No.13519635

yungdari ... i see you too are a man of taste

>> No.13519653
File: 74 KB, 736x1104, 1531492893745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sticcs can't have curv-

>> No.13519662

because most women prefer to just be skinny than fit or curvy
here is in order of preference skinny>big butt or big tits>curvy>curvy with big butt and big tits>fit>muscular

most guys prefer curvy, but sticcs are more attainable

>> No.13519676
File: 217 KB, 800x533, rick_owens_automne_hiver_2017_2018_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really subjective my boy.
There's a huge difference between editorial and runway models even though some can be both.
Runway models are usually sticc because that way the clothes may look better and show off way more. As a fashion design student I can say a rectangular body is more exploitable than a curvy one. I like curvy and skinny girls the same. >>13519542
Keep thinking that way, anon.

>> No.13519684

this makes sense

>> No.13519726

this is just not true there is so many fucking fat women out that you call 'thicc' i could walk out my house and find ten in ten minutes

>> No.13519771

exactly. curvy and thicc are just code words for fat.

OPs video isnt even a stick, shes just healthy looking and anyone with decent taste will prefer that to some fat chick

>> No.13519790
File: 74 KB, 1080x1080, 14482778_805031499639214_2451096320673316864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yungelita is an example of what I'd describe as the perfect female figure
Thin with assets: The perfect middle ground between sticc and thicc

>> No.13520230

Underrated post

>> No.13520234
File: 127 KB, 680x1024, 5DA9C89A-EC51-4C6F-8A7B-61A5A00DE165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it’s not, thicc isn’t the same as chubby or fat, it’s not supposed to be at least even though many people use it that way because they don’t want to admit that they are chubbychasers.

Thicc is having the fat in all the right places, usually with some muscle underneath so that they don’t look flabby and deformed but have a clear shape.

>> No.13520244
File: 3.12 MB, 250x313, 0950C75E-02A0-45CF-9C0B-93DE0A49F36B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we speak of thick, we are referring to pic related. Wide hips, proportional ass, etc., etc. not actual fat people with large midsections and multiple chins

>> No.13520310

>That ass
>Not just overproduced fat
Why can't people just go to the gym and not eat like pigs?

>> No.13520321

This. Thicc women look infinitely better than these skinny androgynous "women" who probably are probably physically incapable of natural childbirth.

>> No.13520322

The original meaning of "thicc" was used by black men to describe a wide/fat woman. Not just big in her chest and ass but fat everywhere.

>> No.13520330

I have been all over the spectrum from "sticc" to "thicc" to an actual fattie and let me tell you, nothing beats the feeling of an XS falling off of you, "average" size girls looking at you jealously, people commenting on the size of your wrists or how tiny you are. So what if more people wanted to fuck me when I had an actual ass and a chest that didn't look like a 12 y/o boy's, being skinny is L I T E R A L L Y so much more satisfying than any dick could ever be. And I'm not even as skinny as I could be, I'm around BMI 17 which is decently high in the modeling world.

>> No.13520332

>Bigger boobs.
>Not just pounches of fat.

Retard. It's good genetics of fat is stored in a woman's ass and boobs. That's why Ashley Graham doesn't look like an absolute monster like most American women, she has good genetics.

>> No.13520333

Less men find you attractive if you're a skinny girl though.

>> No.13520334

can you read?
>L I T E R A L L Y so much more satisfying than any dick could ever be

>> No.13520342

tfw XS means nothing now with vanity sizing ;_;

>> No.13520345

Sticc is only good on girls under 20
But they still need a good ass
Complete flat ass is never good

guys liking thicc girls must have something to do with nature and mating
Like girls like strong musclur men

but then there are freaks that dont like the natures beauty god has given us

>> No.13520348


Still too sticc for my taste
a few more pounds in the ass, legs and abdomen would make me dick harder

>> No.13520356
File: 64 KB, 600x800, DDE55584-8A8E-4E3F-A70C-6A42F16DFA80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl is not even sticc, just admit you like fat fucks

>> No.13520361

Most male fashion designers are gay, so they want women to look like the teenage boys they fuck.

>> No.13520369

>Ashley Graham
>Looking good
>More fat looks good
Never gonna make it

>> No.13520398

Thicc can't into modestcore, they only look good in clothing for whores.

>> No.13520401

Can't believe they're the same species

>> No.13520406

Probably not the same number of chromosomes anyway

>> No.13520422

Y'know, I don't know whether this is legit or bait. I seriously can't tell. Fuck this place.

If it's real, then I'm glad you're happy with your body, but please understand, the reason you're happy with it is because you're mentally ill. You're compromising your looks AND your health by prioritizing thinness for the sake of thinness. I don't know whether you have full-on anorexia or whether you're just someone who fetishizes thinness, but either way, y'all fucked up.

>> No.13520441

Fattie with no connection to reality detected

>> No.13520513

Just for the fun of it, I put my weight into one of those online calculators and apparently my BMI is like 21.5-22ish. No clue what my body fat percentage is, but given my lifestyle I'd guess it's probably on the healthier side of normal. Frankly, in my ideal world I would be a little less skinny, but I can't be assed to start lifting right now. I'm sure you're gonna see the fact that I gave your shitpost an actual reply as a sign of insecurity, but the truth is I just have nothing to lose by putting my cards on the table.

So having established that I'm not fat, let's see who lacks a connection to reality. Post I replied to said her BMI was about a 17. According to the WHO anything below an 18.5 is underweight, which of course comes with health risks backed by plenty of research. As for 17 being "decently high" in the modeling world, it's not; the average fashion model (according to a couple studies I just found online) has a BMI of approx 17.5. 17 certainly isn't unheard-of, but it's on the lower end. Lastly, to any reasonable person, it's fucking clear from her wording that she's not mentally healthy:
>when I had an actual ass and a chest that didn't look like a 12 y/o boy's
>nothing beats the feeling of an XS falling off of you
>commenting on the size of your wrists or how tiny you are
That's obviously a fetishistic attitude (I don't mean sexual fetishism).

That is all assuming it's not bullshit, which I'm not sold on at all. Seems kinda baity. But whatever, I'm off today, I have nothing to lose but time.

>> No.13520515


FPBP. Fit with slight muscle definition is the peak.

>> No.13520523

This is the ideal female

>> No.13520538

That pose makes her look she has curves but she actually doesn’t.

>> No.13520543

lil Tay look ass

>> No.13520567

T. faggot fashion designer who likes boys

>> No.13520597
File: 74 KB, 640x640, Unknown-78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sticc with hips and a cute little bubble butt is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.13520613


>> No.13520740

bro, that bmi is cringe-tier skinny fat especially if you don't lift.

>> No.13520753

First of all I wanna say that I (the person you originally replied to) am not >>13520441 and I am not trying to bait anyone

I'm very aware I fetishize thinness, but honestly, if you had been both fat and thin you'd understand why. The difference in how you are treated and (at least for me) how you feel is DRASTIC. I am not mentally healthy, sure, but I wasn't mentally healthy when I was fat, either. Now at least I look halfway decent and can wear cute clothes. I'm still not super happy with my body but how I feel about it now is nothing compared to how I felt about it when I was overweight. Why would I care whether more men want to fuck me when I wouldn't even feel comfortable getting naked in front of them at a higher weight?

>> No.13520776

models are walking dummies they're there to make the clothes look good not to get your dick hard

>> No.13521038

why not both?

>> No.13521055

It is technology. When the casual man is given choices, he picks extreme features on his fantasy woman. DD36, 24-18-30, retarded shit like that. In real life, men prefer slightly thin, youth-faced nice girls for long term relationships. Technology capitalizes on these weird unrealistic desires in our brain that confuse us, and we consume it.

Models are thin because they make the aesthetically best blank slate for clothes.

>> No.13521064

That's ... that makes no sense, dude. You don't seem to understand what BMI is and what it tells you, although it's a very simple calculation (mass/height^2). BMI tells you NOTHING about body fat percentage. That, or you have some very strange ideas about fitness--you do realize that lifting isn't the only kind of exercise that exists in the world, right? Lifting is the most efficient way to build muscle, of course, and has the highest ceiling, but people can and do stay out of the skinnyfat doldrums just by eating reasonably healthful diets and staying active in other ways.

(Again, I'm sure the fact that I'm comprehensively replying is going to convince some people that you've "gotten to me," but I'm honestly not trying to be defensive. I'm just telling you how it is.)

Well, yeah. I'm sure you feel better and are treated better than when you were fat. I'm just not sure why you're acting like it's a binary thing, underweight/overweight, when there does exist (if rumor is to be believed) an alternative called the "healthy weight range" where you'd look and feel better than at either extreme.

Of course that's not new information to you. So maybe intellectually you know it would be better to be (e.g.) BMI 19.5 instead of 17, but you still prefer being underweight, and you can't help feeling that way. And if so that's fine. It's your life and I'm not trying to therapy you. I just think it's important to note that this is not, in general, a great attitude to cultivate.

>> No.13521077

who is she?

>> No.13521083

>"healthy weight range" where you'd look and feel better than at either extreme.


>> No.13521094

Because a skinny person doesn't show off there frame, and just shows off the clothing. A thicc person shows off her frame and not the clothing.

>> No.13521095

horse face

>> No.13521103

shows that you have no idea how hard it is to get and maintain that body

>> No.13521111


>> No.13521118


>> No.13521122


>> No.13521127

imagine if a male took a selfie in the mirror in his underwear holding a blade

if I was a hot girl I wouldn't have any anxiety because you literally couldn't do anything embarrassing

>> No.13521128

first bit is true second is not

>> No.13521137

I’m 19.2 BMI and I still hate my body and wish I was skinnier (lack self control).

>> No.13521142

>BMI is like 21.5-22ish
>No clue what my body fat percentage is
>probably on the healthier side of normal.
>Normal is fat as fuck
Yeah you're fat. If you weren't you'd just rebut with a picture proving me wrong.

Also BMI is bullshit, it only works whenapplied to groups of people, not individuals.

>> No.13521146

quads have spoken

>> No.13521166

There's this one girl that was in my uni class and my god did she have the most /fa/ body type ever. Long legs that went up to the most beautiful bubble but, not too large but perfect size and perkiness ratio. She prolly had either a flat stomach or even partial abs with at least c cup tits. Thin arms but not thing to the point where they were vascular, similar arms to ops pic. She was thin yet looked soft and had amazing proportion. She had a boyfriend in the same class tho, total dweeb but I digress.

She was perfect

>> No.13521198

I think you're just low T anon

>> No.13521211

gay anon here, and you're fucking retarded. One look at instagram will inform me what straight guys like. I mean good god anon

>> No.13521220

what is chestbinding

>> No.13521249

Here's my theory;

Sticc gives the impression of being more delicate and therefor more noble, just like how the nobility back a few hundred years used to powder their faces and stay locked inside their palaces to become as pale as possible to visually differentiate themselves from the burly tanned peasants working the fields.
The industry want to create the impression that their models aren't just normal people but a high-class kind of people and that the clothes they wear are for just such special people.

Also, sticc's showcase the clothes more neutrally. If you're only using super thicc girls or super jacked dudes then the average customers will be disappointed when the clothes don't look the same on them as advertised.

>> No.13521400

Have you ever seen a "thicc" woman naked irl?

Online they can blur out all the stretch marks, cellulite, reshape etc but irl it looks like shit.

Even the "fit" ones.

>> No.13521418
File: 31 KB, 736x939, 785d5f7c53e218dea2b14d3400d3d61b--minimalist-chic-feminine-minimalist-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 32DD
>24in waist
>can only ever wear clothes with a defined waist or stretchy fabric or else I look apple shaped
>can't wear tank tops anything with a deep neck or I look like a whore

>> No.13521434

But she's ugly as hell

>> No.13521454

post a body pic nigga

>> No.13521457
File: 90 KB, 1080x1350, E970EC16-C9E1-41B2-9C69-AEB3AA89C7BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this slim thicc?

>> No.13521467
File: 169 KB, 500x680, tumblr_lvk505Z4F71qbsbnoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you are all trolling but the thought that some people are not able to differentiate between sex appeal and beauty makes me profoundly sad. I mean I really hope that the people using words like "thicc and sticc" are just having a laugh because if they are serious it's depressing.

You can find curvy women sexy and yet at the same time appreciate the elegance of a thin woman. That some people think you must be homosexual if you are not literally horny 24/7 makes my head hurt and again hope that I am just super bad at picking up trolling.

>> No.13521477

I usually prefer 12 yo-tier bodies but goddamn, would berry/10

>> No.13521555

Can't tell, all I see is ass.

>> No.13521598
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, big_1514067322_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuz fashion isn't about muh dick. Companies that make clothes purely for sexual attraction usually use shorter models with more tits and ass. Runway and high fashion want tall, youthful, blank-slate canvases with exaggerated proportions.

As far sexual preference, I like sticc and thicc. As long as they have a defined as and tits, size doesn't matter. It sucks that all the words used to describe women with nice ass and tits have been stolen by actual land whales (thicc, curvy, womanly, voluptuous, shapely, etc.)

>> No.13521606

Fashion models (specifically runway models) are skinny so attention is drawn to the clothes. If the woman had a beautiful face AND body people’s attention would be drawn away from the clothes

>> No.13521609

Also this. Hips > everything.

>> No.13521613

Yah man, I feel this. I used to not be bothered by all the people fetishizing thinness and anorexia on here, but my gf is a former anorexic and the pain that causes you is permanent man, its fucked.

>> No.13521626

This, When I see hip bones my dick goes diamonds.

>> No.13521637

as a fashion design student what does your studies entail I am really considering going into fashion design but I would like to know what it's like

>> No.13521638

Fashion faggots are narcissist. It's not what they think what straight men will like, but what THEY believe it looks good

>> No.13521677

How many niggers are in this thread? Go inflate two balons and jerk to them instead of posting shit

>> No.13521680
File: 28 KB, 656x425, Reckless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat girl
>people call her thicc
every fucking time

>> No.13521687

People say “dayymmm she thicc” but nobody really wants to fuck thicc girls. Healthily skinny girls with a nice arse is where it’s at.

>> No.13521690

For some reason I hate sticcs on social media but IRL there is nothing like a good sticc.

>> No.13521695

I have to wonder what the statistic is for men who find thicc girls attractive and their height/weight. Something tells me lowtest beta fags prefer skinnier women more often than not. Any comments? This is for science.

>> No.13521699 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 640x640, kadyrov king of churkia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these anorexic thinspo fags seething at the fact that nobody likes the body type they worked so hard starving themselves for
stay mad

>> No.13521702

>all these anorexic thinspo fags seething at the fact that nobody likes the body type they worked so hard starving themselves for
stay mad lel

>> No.13521706

the fuck is vanity sizing? XXL shit with XS written on the tag for landwhales to feel better about themselves?

>> No.13521713

>trying to bring that garbage /fit/ meme to /fa/

>> No.13521799
File: 165 KB, 882x606, cow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13521843
File: 74 KB, 640x640, Unknown-86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more for good measure.

>> No.13521851

Call me gay but this stupid pose and faces they are making are an instant turn off.

>> No.13521853

The one on the left is, middle is good

>> No.13521856

why do the girls on the side look like apes?

>> No.13521865

i should've cropped out the other two

>> No.13521905
File: 33 KB, 408x612, b71d91fd577268514a22a917b771a8cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do girls exist that don't make stupid poses? All girls go full retard when a photo is being taken...except based bolt.

>> No.13521925
File: 176 KB, 844x1266, marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is nothing wrong with posing I just hate those stupid "sexy" or "cute" faces.

>> No.13522124
File: 38 KB, 392x400, 000000568140-luna_bijl-squaremedium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good example. I also hate the girls (and guys) that take every photo from the same angle cuz they think it's their good angle. Even if they're right, it's dumb. We know what you look like from other angles.

Smile is still best pose.

>> No.13522129

girl in the pic looks retarded though

>> No.13522130

Yep. That’s exactly what it is.
I’ve actually seen it being that bad too (“hurr durr it’s supposed to look comfortable and big”), though usually it’s only one or two sizes, like XS being a M or S.

>> No.13522454

this looks like a fucking reaction pic

>> No.13522485

they do vanity sizing for men's clothes now too lmao

>> No.13522682


It's so obvious but I can't believe that I'm only just seeing this connection.

>> No.13522697

well said

>> No.13522794

That’s sad. My main problem isn’t that they put random labels on things, it’s that they don’t carry the smaller sizes at all anymore. How am I supposed to find xxxs (aka s)? ( ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ))

>> No.13522817 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 1424x2136, 1491105598887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk i like boyish looking girls i dont know if i am a closeted faggot or what.

>> No.13522819

>tfw am a fucking chubby at the moment
No idea if I count as "thick" but at least I have the hips if I ever manage to lose weight. :(

>> No.13522829
File: 522 KB, 1440x1486, 1531635135770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stick > thick

>> No.13522855

Because clothes look better on them or clothes get to be the main focus of the photoshoot or ad they are doing. I do prefer them thin and flat but that's just me and i know most people i know would disagree with me but its ok
attractive people is just that, attractive people. No closeted faggot tendencies are needed to realize that

>> No.13522969
File: 67 KB, 700x1050, UMB3135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna Bijl
>looks retarded
Did you get lost from r/streetwear?

>> No.13522997

based and redpilled

>> No.13523004
File: 377 KB, 600x900, 1517982832581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting peak female form

>> No.13523026

Jew alien face of a 12 yo boy, you must be shittin

>> No.13523040

Are you really going to tell me that runway modelling isn't all about sucking off old perverts?

>> No.13523041

Who is she?

>> No.13523057

Because clothe looks better on thin people, and it's less costly

>> No.13523061

I dont think thats actually true.

>> No.13523155

one is a human clothes hanger, the other is something you want to fuck. it's 2 completely different roles

>> No.13523212
File: 81 KB, 570x1011, 4352AC99-6016-48C9-A5F2-6E35BF70E9DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anon but she does indeed look retarded. 6/10 at best, and that’s just bc of nice skin and hair.
Her whole face is a bit drooping, her chin/lower face is way too large, her eyes are spaced too close together but her eyebrows are too far apart making her nose ridge really broad and strange looking.
It’s like someone gave the ugly girl in class nice hair and clothes. I really don’t but get why she’d be a model.

>> No.13523244

Back to the comfy model thread for me. Later plebs.

>> No.13523378

start masturbating to men. it will make the transition of liking skinny women easier.

>> No.13523421

Unless you're a manlet you should beef up so you can enjoy things like shoulders fitting, for once.

>> No.13523453

damn i fall in love

>> No.13523521

I’ve got broad shoulders but my arms were like noodles and now they’re bigger noodles. So don’t be a bitch, get a barbell and a bench, start lifting and drink a lot of milk you skely bois.

>> No.13523529

All these thiccs in their 20s will turn to shit in mid 30s, upon 40s they'll look like every other fat mom in the ghetto.
Kelly Divine was thicc while doing porn, after just one kid she is a landwhale wreck.
Oh kim kardashian didn't get landwhale fat after a kid? Because she does nothing in her life except working around her looks. Also she's loaded with cash.
sticc is european.
sticc is noble.
sticc is white.

>> No.13523676

thicc is fucking stupid. being obsessed with 'Thicc' girls is for low IQ niggers and virgins. Anyone not a virgin will know that truly 'stick' girls are hard to come by and that skinny girls are and always have been the best you can get. the female body naturally piles up fat around the thighs, ass, tits etc. and when you do finally get that 'stick' girls clothes off 90% of the time you're not going to be disappointed. 'Thicc' is the brain child of jealous lonely black women, beasts like nicki minaj and sjws. guarantee you whatever the girl in OP's video has got under those clothes is gold.

>> No.13523699


>> No.13523762

Im a girl and pretty fit but since I have a small frame finding clothing is still a drag. Adding more muscle to my shoulders would just make it worse because my small waist is the largest problem when it comes to clothing

>> No.13523782

>makes generalization about all thick women
>uses a porn star as an example
>then uses a stupid ass famous celeb as an example.
>then uses racism to justify why skinny is better

yikes. I love thin and thick women equally personally but the mental gymnastics you just went through just to be a racist shithead is sad. Own up to it you stupid fuck.

>> No.13523786
File: 75 KB, 1080x1350, @devonleecarlson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus you're sick in the head mate.

>> No.13523846

from best to worst
playboy model body (sweet spot)
haute couture/runway
UK page 3 glamour (getting fat)
anamia (getting too sticc)
WSHH video girl (embarrassing to be seen with)
walmart scooter obese

>> No.13523891

check your test bro

>> No.13524015

all black chicks say they're thicc when they're obese with tons of stretch marks.

the chick in your video is just chubby. shes leaning super forward to make her torso look smaller in relation to her ass, and the tight shirt helps with the illusion, and the angle of the camera is helping with that too. if you saw that chick straight on she would just be chubby

>> No.13524022

you like obese ladies

>> No.13524024

I like skinny girls with small waists

>> No.13524063

she was 2 years below me in high school kek

>> No.13524072

Don’t procreate with people that aren’t physically up to scratch to bear a child. Skinny waist and medium hips are the cats meow.

>> No.13524146
File: 135 KB, 962x1443, a8db1a221689c56ccaef3cbd7c32f3da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kim kardashian didn't get landwhale fat after a kid? Because she does nothing in her life except working around her looks.
You do realize that the Kardashians (and other thicc meme celebs) literally just get their fat redistributed surgically, and all their photos without clothes are shopped.

Picrel is what kim looks like when foreign paparazzi photograph her, cuz they're not on the payroll. It's not hard work. It's all a surgical and photoshop facade. My grandma has the same ass.

>> No.13524181

That’s disgusting as hell

>> No.13524198

Unrealistic body that can literally not be achieved unless you have surgery. If anything they’re harming young people by setting impossible standards

>> No.13524257 [DELETED] 

Because homossexuals and women rules the fashion world

>> No.13524271
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Because shit like this looks repulsive from a fashion standpoint and turning fashion into 'muh dick' is the quickest way to make everything sink to Brazil standards

>> No.13524274

this is the s o y i e s t post I've read in months.

>> No.13524342
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>> No.13524344

>why don't people used to advertise women's clothes look like what men prefer

>> No.13524350

>imagine if a male took a selfie in the mirror in his underwear holding a blade

>> No.13524353 [DELETED] 

How do people like this end up on the fashion board?

>> No.13524354
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>he isn't woke on the gay mafia

>> No.13524409

haha, good bait!

>> No.13524471

That's a completely separate topic about how models get the top spot. We're talking about gay fashion designers choosing slim women over the big tit/big butt look. Was this meant for someone else?
>but what they believe looks good
You mean...like fashion? We basically just went full circle there, and now we're back on the progressive side that gay men are choosing what looks good, not what reminds them of the dime a dozen twinks they can get anytime they want

>> No.13524566


>> No.13524865
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Had to dig for the left pic but this is what I mean. Low waisted stuff just looks like crap.

>> No.13524914

t. balding cuck who lost his white gf to tyrone.

>> No.13524952

Yeah well you actually typed “yikes” you’ve already lost.

>> No.13524963

Man, that's my ideal body on a woman.

>> No.13524968

Cute af
A friend of mine tried going low-waisted after years of rocking the high-waisted look. It did not work out desu
I think apple-shaped people can rock it if they have a nice butt to compensate

>> No.13525033


>> No.13525201
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>> No.13525257

devon carlson has the perfect body

>> No.13525279

because most guys are low status ugly and poor with bad taste

>> No.13525399

This. Though a bit cringy at the end

You can bring me the most outrageously curvy/thicc women, and though i'd probably want to fuck the shit out of them. There's still the luring grace of women like Miss Audrey. Also Ballerina aesthetics are Godly

>> No.13525486

Yup. I'm straight and want to impregnate thicc, but if I was a designer I'd still use sticc...actually I want to impregnate sticc too.

>> No.13525503

fuck off back to /fit/

>> No.13525925
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childhood is liking thicker women
Adulthood is appreciating the thin female figure

>> No.13525949

what about height?

>> No.13525964

because you're not selling to men, retard. You're selling to women. Women want to be sticc, not thicc.

>> No.13525968
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>> No.13526107

this spot on

>> No.13526241

exactly. shes obese

>> No.13526587

different species, same weight

>> No.13527393

elita's perfect

>> No.13527557


t. homosexual

any redblooded grown hetero non-pedo man doesnt mind or even enjoys those features you mentioned

>> No.13527564
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Well boys, we found the little bitch, sorry to say.

>> No.13527590

tbf there are probably some pedos who prefer their little kids on the plump side.

>> No.13527889

Yeah, cuz they're easier to bait with candy.

>> No.13528138

Sticc girls have to spend time prettying themselves up to look good and can be controlled

Thicc girls literally have everyone they meet treat them differently than normal (both good and bad) and know they don’t need anyone’s shit, so are harder to make starve themselves so they can fit into a giant black bag to wear once for five seconds so some old queer can feel more vogue than the half dozen other old queer frenemies in his circle

>> No.13529167

Too small tits and absolutely horsefaced, what tragic planet do you live on where this is perfect?
...Are you a bong?

>> No.13529176

>the quadroon speaks

>> No.13529181

>afraid to look sexually attractive
>internalized the jealousy of inferior women
>believes her natural shape looks like a whore
You will never make it if you keep tripping your shit up like this. "Looking like a whore" is forbidden by sticcs because they hate when men react genuinely to real attractiveness. Mediocre people are tricking you to hate ourself for egotistical reasons: so that they can allow themselves to believe that they can buy beauty, instead of being born plain.

>> No.13529319

Clearly you have no idea what it’s like to be attractive. It’s curse if you’re introverted or just want to go about your day.
Do you have any idea how fucking annoying it is to have people swooning over you constantly? It’s hard enough to be taken seriously already, if you add cleavage to the mix you’ll also get the retarded people who think you’re game just because you’re wearing something revealing. + even more staring and annoying comments.

>> No.13529557


>> No.13529645

God I hate normalfaggots like you, go back to wherever you came from you disgusting average cunt

>> No.13529695

ive enjoyed reading your very reasonable and logical responses, anon. unfortunately some people on here are too delusional to take your very sound advice

>> No.13529721

you realize the most naturally girls are east asians?

>> No.13529725

Then why do they keep trying to shoehorn their "curvy" asses into the fashion world. Anyone else think it's ironic that people that can change their appearance demand more representation in media, but no one is lobbying for people with contiditions that can't be rectified, like noticeable scarring, deformities, etc? The body-positivity movement really is the "I don't want to be shamed for my shitty life choices" movement. They don't sincerely believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, or they'd be saying, "Where are the short fat models with alopecia and facial scars?"

>> No.13529913

thanks anon. Yeah I don't think I could ever go back. Even now if I try something on it feels like I need to pull up my pants lol
I guess. Reading that does make me feel a little better but at the same time I dislike that I can't wear a tank top without it being automatically seen as sexual rather than "pretty" if that makes sense.
>They don't sincerely believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, or they'd be saying, "Where are the short fat models with alopecia and facial scars?"

Except they kind of are. Aside from this chick vitiligo has been really trendy too.

I'm firmly in the camp that not everything needs to be beautiful (although this girl is gorgeous) I think that rather than broadening the definition of what beauty is, we should just acknowledge that beauty isn't a key part in your self worth as person. That being said, people who have certain conditions/deformities aren't necessarily exempt from being beautiful, but the fact that they have those conditions doesn't necessitate that they're beautiful either.

>> No.13529918

They're so fucking ugly

>> No.13530019

The average guy is also "thicc" (read: overweight) so that's what they like (read: settling). Fashion is all about the strive for an aesthetic ideal, not about catering to the common pleb.

>> No.13530070

beat me to it

>> No.13530083

because most designers are faggits

>> No.13530102

>Except they kind of are.
Good reply. I guess I just see a lot of denial, laziness and entitlement in the body positivity movement. Real problems worth fighting for are things like curing diseases, caring for the elderly, taking care of the homeless, civil rights etc.. Unlike those causes, the only people I've met who are fighting for fat representation are fatties themselves.

Personally, I'd rather see a bald woman overcoming a defect than a big one accepting her weakness.

>> No.13530114


>> No.13530900

Realistically I would imagine that thin physiques make for better canvases. You can "size up" on a skinny person and make them look larger a lot easier than you can make a thick person look smaller.

>> No.13531080
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>Real problems worth fighting for are things like curing diseases, etc
I see where you're coming from, but I don't necessarily agree with this statement. Firstly, while those are very real and tangible issues, it is possible to fight for things you believe in, regardless if what you're fighting for is insignificant. Secondly, for some people, bodily issues are a very real problem that many men and women face. On multiple occasions, I've found my sisters and friends stress out about how they'd be perceived by others. In my book, that's real. I do see where denial and laziness comes into play with these movements, but blanket statements miss out on the subtleties of everyone's experience.

>I think that rather than broadening the definition of what beauty is, we should just acknowledge that beauty isn't a key part in your self worth as person.
I absolutely agree, and I think broadening the definition of beauty circumvents the issue rather than attacking it head on. Saying everyone is beautiful in their own way antagonizes the concept of being normal

>> No.13531107

>prefering thicc
i personally prefer dicc

>> No.13531120

Because thickness would distract from the facial features and clothing itself.

>> No.13531128

Go back to

>> No.13531229


her stomach is flat

>> No.13531237

so true, i miss having a thigh gaps and flat tummy when i sit down. looking good in whatever you wear is worth it. smallest i've been was a size 26 now im a 28 :/ also lots of guys like skinny girls it doesn't really matter desu

>> No.13531266

because clothes fit better, imagine how something hangs off a clothes hanger

>> No.13531287


Take it from an older anon, she's 4 months of no exercise away from obesity. I have a family full of women that are and were thick like she is, big booties, big breasts, flat stomachs. Once she finds the right guy or gets pregnant it's all down hill and it's difficult for them to recover. This is pretty much a universal trend.

>> No.13531590

>too small tits
inferior taste go suck mommys milkys

>> No.13531618
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Pic related is what women actually think when you guys defend “thick” girls

>> No.13531627

that's right

>> No.13531649

Sadly it's what a lot of men seem to think too

>> No.13531652
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you shut your whore mouth

>> No.13531665
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You should try to refute the arguments (it's hard, I know) instead of insulting people.
Also speaking of whore mouths here's more (((beautiful))) examples of your orc-faced crush.

>> No.13531685

Speak for your self faggot, thicc girls are nasty and fat.

>> No.13531693

This was made for BWC

>> No.13531694

Just because niggers outnumber us doesn't mean that their opinion is more important. It's the other way around, don't forget, we are the prime estabilishers of culture.

>> No.13531704

>healthier side of normal

>> No.13531709

He is calling you fat and because BMI is measured with how much you weigh he is saying that if you don't lift (which you don't and more muscles is more weight, because muscles weigh more than fat) you're a fatso. Go lose some weight and then come back.

>> No.13531719 [DELETED] 
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I don't get how guys can prefer some short girl with legs like fried chicken drumsticks and nearly no muscle or bone definition to this and also feel superior about it like how being controlled by their dick is something to be proud of.

>> No.13531795

Anyone who claims that sticcs are superior has never had the absolute displeasure of having sex with one. It's like fucking a leather sack filled with tent poles. It is not fun.

>> No.13531800

b-but anon, It's not real sex unless it feels like slamming two bikes together.

>> No.13531809 [DELETED] 


Who cares?

>> No.13531814

>Just for the fun of it
You're right. That's the only reason you would do that. BMI means next to nothing, and online calculators mean even less. Doesn't really matter if you're a "healthy" weight or body fat% if you have poor nutrition and personal fitness.

>> No.13531817

lol. Fuck you. I love her.

>> No.13531821

Whether you love her or not is completely up to you.
That does however not make her look any better irl.

>> No.13531825

>Doesn't really matter if you're a "healthy" weight or body fat% if you have poor nutrition and personal fitness.
Well said, people seem to forget that a lot.

>> No.13531840

I feel you, but I still think the root cause of body issues is envy. We're never going to solve envy, so we're never going to solve people being dissatisfied with their lot, so there will always be BDD. I actually know more young women now who are actively trying to gain weight and considering things like lip filler and implants, because that's becoming the new ideal. They're naturally sticc and stressed they can't gain weight.

If everyone is beautiful, then the word means nothing, and we'll just come up with a new term for people with exceptional faces and bodies. A healthy person should be able to accept that they're not a perfect specimen, the same way they accept that they accept that not everyone gets to be a billionaire.

>> No.13531843

Easier to dress in a way that you like and brings attention to your work as a designer. Thicc chicks are hard to dress in a way that makes people pay attention to your clothes design instead of their thiccness.
You don't wrap a gift in paper more expensive than it, except in this case you do because the wrapping is what's important.

>> No.13531850

I like them thin aesthetically and in bed

also ->>13531809

>> No.13531873

>I dislike that I can't wear a tank top without it being automatically seen as sexual rather than "pretty" if that makes sense.
And I dislike that I can't listen to rap publicly without looking like a dork. People will always have first impressions anon, you can try to fight it and modulate these impressions but at least one aspect of you will always pop out. It's your duty to either communicate with others to show what you are beneath your appearance or dismiss their actions towards you if you're displeased. There's only so much about you that can be conveyed through appearance.

>> No.13531912

A: she's fine
B: "most" isn't really relevant

The principle concept that any one demographic favors any one thing to any meaningful degree. In any proper scientific field, results with a probably of 55% or 60% would be thrown out the window, or at the very least be worked on much more before those scientist went around making objective claims about their findings; something in the 90% and up range is usually required before most people will even take them seriously. Now this isn't a scientific field, obviously, but unless you've got number from a meaningful sample size that shows consistent trends of one option maintaining at least 70~80% of favorability, then the numbers are meaningless.

The only possibilities here are,
A: You're trolling, in which case you're wasting everybody's time; including your own.
B: You're actually ignorant enough to believe what magazines and culture sites tell you in their articles at face-value.
C: You're short-sighted enough to believe that you can actually pin human nature and preference down to a set of constants.

Additionally, Thicc has so oft been used as a scapegoat for fat women and/or pro-fat fettisists to try an justify their own existence that it's, at best, a meme in anything outside of this bottom-feeding culture you find on 4chan, or the surrounding outlets. There's nothing wrong with being either fat or a fat fetishist (assuming your health isn't suffering because of it), but a lot of that stems from the same issue of the prior point, which is that you have to be "attractive" to validate yourself/choices, and that "attractive" is something that can be defined in any meaningful way.

>> No.13531913

>she's 4 months of no exercise away from obesity.
so you admit you were wrong and are a goal-post-moving faggot

>> No.13532007


Who ever you're responding to I'm not that person.

>> No.13532029

Thicc girls are too sexual, fashion isn't sexual. Good fashion isn't sexual at least

>> No.13532077

just by the way you type I can tell you don't get pussy anyway

>> No.13532087

How can someone be this gay

>> No.13532401
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Thicc only looks good in smoothed over, photoshopped pictures friend

>> No.13532403
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>> No.13533153
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You're definitely right. We are so hardwired to compare ourselves to other people, that it's a wonder how societies even exist. Literally everything, from the color of our skin to the sneakers on our feet are arenas for competition. And the feeling of losing that "competition" breeds so much unhappiness, even when that perception of losing is stupid and unjustified.

>> No.13533227

If you think Ashley Graham is any less than gorgeous, you are a literal faggot

>> No.13533409
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Muh dik.

>> No.13533414
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Thicc women belong to BBC

>> No.13533448

That's just your opinion man

>> No.13533450



>> No.13533462

you are confusing thicc and fat again

>> No.13533869
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Haha no. You're just delusional because of your infatuation with her.

Have you noticed how there are really few pictures of her in profile?
all of them are at a slight angle.
It's because her face is concave. and this is WITH Photoshop. Concave faces are the least aesthetic feature you can have, even a weak chin or a jew nose is way better.

>> No.13534008

Keep this thread alive for scientific research amigos both sides keep posting pics pls my science needs to be completed...

>tfw long hair bubble butt slim stomach long legged big breasts in proportion to body tan skin blonde women are the GOAT and anyone who disagrees is a rodent

>> No.13534130

are these scars from implants?

>> No.13534323
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Now repeat after me:


>> No.13534334

>tan skin
that's where I lost ya m8

>> No.13534336
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>> No.13534341
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>> No.13534594

Most thick girls are unappealing considering they end up becoming fat or chubby women excusing their unhealthy and gluttonous style as sex appeal. That's not being thick, that's just being a lard ass and it's disgusting.

>> No.13534875

How do I get a smoll gf like you?

>> No.13534919

what's the purpose of this comic?

>> No.13535458

>I dislike that I can't wear a tank top without it being automatically seen as sexual rather than "pretty" if that makes sense.
No, this doesn't make sense. The only real "pretty" means "I want to bang the shit out of". This desexed idea of like looking pretty like a flower or painting or some shit is juvenile as hell, like literally childish, the behavior of 12-year-old girls who are scared of puberty. It's an entirely anxiety-driven ""aesthetic"" because tons of especially middle class girls have become scared of the biological reality of being a woman and/or deal with envy about being plain/ugly by trying to deny that pretty and fuckable mean literally exactly the same thing in human beings. A wholesome adult woman is not uncomfortable with being seen as sexual and it's fucked up that the physically safest environment of all time has led to the most priggish and fearful generation of girls, trying to find even more safety in a completely bromidic and sterile style of self-denial.

>> No.13535520

it pains me that ill never tap something like that

>> No.13535624

>You're just delusional because of your infatuation with her.
But my infatuation is purely superficial.

>> No.13535628

>This desexed idea of like looking pretty like a flower or painting or some shit is juvenile as hell
This varies a lot depending on what country you're from.
In a lot of places looking too sexy is considered whoreish and trashy. And as a woman you become very aware of the difference clothing makes to the types of guy approaching you and the comments you get. There is a really clear difference, dressing less trashy gets you better guys.
I mean, just look at all the thot and art hoe hate threads here, even /fa/ isn't buying it.

Also you can easily wear less revealing clothing while still remaining very feminine and attractive, your boobs don't need to be falling out for your curves to show in a sexy way.

>> No.13535633

Good for you then.

>> No.13535664
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>> No.13535679
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>> No.13535814

>The difference in how you are treated and (at least for me) how you feel is DRASTIC

can you list some things you've noticed that people do that change when you're fat vs thin? consciously or subconsciously

>> No.13536213

you're juvenile

>> No.13536304

Okay Nixon.

>> No.13536340

>this is what passes for curves on /fa/

>> No.13536364

>people comment on my food choices a lot more and try to force food on you, nobody ever tried to keep me from eating or even really commented on what i was having when i was fat
>people comment on my body a lot more in general, especially people who work at clothing stores and people in situations involving food
>people assume that I work out/play sports despite not being especially sporty at all (they seem to think thin = fit)
>people are more protective/gentle
>people assume I'm underage much more often
>people talk shit about fat people in front of me, and it's BAFFLING how often people seem talk shit about fat people now. never would have thought it was that common when i was fat
>people are much more touchy-feely and less considerate of personal space, grab my wrists or arm, pick me up etc
>some girls are more bitchy/rude, not all of them though

i'm sure there's many more but those were what came to mind first

>> No.13536782

>>people are more protective/gentle

as a 5'5 100lb male i find this to be true too lol. big/tall guys have been really nice to me my entire life. doors get opened and held for me and they always apologize first when we bump into each other like they're scared they'll hurt me if they breathe my way too hard haha

>> No.13536995

what's satisfying about being emaciated?

>> No.13538375

Haven't responded to most of the replies I've gotten as largely it hasn't been worth it, but this goes to any and all dudes who are struggling with the idea that somebody could manage to not be fat/skinnyfat without lifting: you know nothing about fitness.

If you are pretty scrupulous about eating healthily, and you are a generally physically active person (frequently playing sports/swimming/hiking/martial arts, job involving manual labor, whatever), unless you just got utterly shafted by your genetics, you are not going to be fat, and you will have a certain amount of muscle definition. Somebody who e.g. swims and plays basketball 4x a week and watches their diet will look fine. Good, actually. They will not look at all like somebody who lifts--there is only one way to induce that degree of muscle hypertrophy--but they will look fit and healthy.

Y'all can believe I'm fat if you want, it's no skin off my nose, but understand what I'm saying in a general sense: some people from /fit/ have this weird idea that lifting is the only kind of exercise that is worthwhile. It's not true. The "best" kind of exercise of course depends on your goals, and if your goal is simply to stay in reasonably good shape, there are plenty of other options. (Not that there is anything wrong with lifting.)

>> No.13538378

tall guy here. this might be a bias that reinforced over time but i have found that tall guys are generally more quiet, gentle, and polite than average for some reason just in general. i do the things you say to others too even if they are also guys the same height as me

>> No.13538408


probably because they see you more as a female than man in a primitive sense due to you diminutive stature