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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 113 KB, 342x524, boomer n7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13502075 No.13502075 [Reply] [Original]

whats essential 30 year old boomer core ?

>> No.13502132
File: 50 KB, 383x353, 1529951233430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Air max 90
Straight bleached jeans
Graphic t-shirt
Head shaven

>> No.13502147
File: 81 KB, 640x480, EA2CDB4A-1F99-4F84-AECB-40C3943B3B0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re black, pic related is pretty much the definitive guide

>> No.13502323 [DELETED] 

Obama is like 50, this meme applies to millenials who are aging out

>> No.13503103

if you wear this as a millennial, youll still look like a boomer

>> No.13503122

I guess it should include fads from 5-10 years ago like work wear.

>> No.13504407
File: 553 KB, 983x1200, 1531010845449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13504413

Clearly I've been away for too long.

what is this meme?

>> No.13504421

>Prep is now boomer core.

What the fuck.

>> No.13504423

30 yo boomer is basically someone who is out of touch - i.e. they have adopted the tastes and habits of a middle aged person or boomer too early and given up on being youthful and edgy.

>> No.13504425


>> No.13504426

>already feeling conscious about my age now that I'm not a teenager
>this meme rolls around
>feel personally attacked daily
living is suffering

>> No.13504428

>that boomer who doesn't think prep is for boomers
textbook boomer

>> No.13504430
File: 197 KB, 1680x1260, 1527394926187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is sminem boomer core?

>> No.13504432

>khaki and polo shirts
this boomer's out to the march on charlottesville?

>> No.13504439

Aka oldfags on 4chin

>> No.13504440

it's a coping method for newfags who don't feel like they fit in because they don't understand the old in jokes. Typical insecure teenager faggots basically

>> No.13504446

>given up on being youthful and edgy
Because young edgy people are annoying pricks.

>> No.13504450

found the boomer

>> No.13504453

Im so tired of this forced /pol/ meme, its not even clear what a boomer is its just whatever contradicts anyones perception of coolness. Going to the equivalent of "Omg Adults just dont know what us teenagers think".
It's also really late, the babyboomer hate stems back a few more years, now you're just memerecycling /pol/ trash, goes to show the quality of this board.
But before you call me a boomer now, im born 1993, im inbetween millenial and boomer.

>> No.13504456

>im born 1993
fucking boomers who don't even know they're boomers holy shit

>> No.13504458

Fucking boomer thinking calling others a boomer distracts from him being a boomer himself

>> No.13504459

>that 25 year old boomer

>> No.13504460

it's not a /pol/ meme; it seems to have been created by gamers. It's a surprisingly good meme for such a cringy community of manchildren.

>> No.13504463

classic boomer cope thinking calling out other people calling out other people for being boomers distract from him being a boomer himself

>> No.13504466

T. Out of touch boomer who lives a cookie cutter lifestyle.

>> No.13504468

>it seems to have been created by gamers.
>what is gamergate
yeah, its a /pol/ meme about aging demographics and the financial situatiuon in the early 50,s till 60's.


>> No.13504471

it came from /v/ as tool to shit on those nostalgiafags who nut off over ocarina of time and ff7 and shit all day while going on about how all games today are bad

>> No.13504473

dude just stop you literally couldn't be boomering any harder if you tried. You're literally completely missing the joke because you're old. Move on now

>> No.13504479

no, I'm a(n occasional) /pol/ack and I know they correctly and harshly criticize boomers, but this meme was created by gamers, see >>13504471

>> No.13504480

only a boomer would type all this


>> No.13504485

>boomer trying to fit in this hard

>> No.13504488

only a boomer would put unnecessary space in a post like that

>> No.13504496

only a boomer would make a post 'bout this

>> No.13504498

could you expose yourself any harder?

>> No.13504535

it gets worse @ 27yo. you're basically late 20s then.

t. 27yo boomer

>> No.13504552

This meme really isnt what you think it is

>> No.13504591
File: 27 KB, 380x349, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this wrong and this full of yourself
could you BE any more millennial?

>> No.13504622
File: 634 KB, 2048x2048, DgGTxotUcAUd5ey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the real one

>> No.13504745

Meme designed to shame younger people into buying gpu's

>> No.13504878


>> No.13504928

>getting fat with terrible posture
>going bald
>growing a terrible beard
>rapid facial aging due to partying/poor hygene

basically, doing nothing to take care of yourself. so many snake people aging out terribly

>> No.13504956

i have a friend at work, though hes a really cool guy he fits this meme exactly
>constantly sipping white monster
>receding hairline at 27yo
>wears leather jackets
>converse, timberlands
>camo cargo shorts
such a boomer

>> No.13505001

Why do you want to look like a 30yr old boomer?
It's pretty much just giving up..

>> No.13505143


>> No.13505305

>no walmart tiki torch
nah he's cool

>> No.13505309
File: 70 KB, 380x349, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have internet in your nursing home, gramps?

>> No.13505409

sounds like a fine dude to me. i bet you wear designer clothing your parents paid for and think your asian bowlcut is so cutting edge that your coworkers just can't understand it.

>> No.13506040

28 is the best age ever....I am free to make fun of young people but my dick and hips still work.

Also everyone knows this next gen is trash, its the fucking 90s all over again...

>> No.13506050

THIS....faggots who post this shit need some reality.

The greasy metalhead at your work makes more than you and wears what he likes because being old and fa/ is for the homosexual and the weak of character.

>> No.13506063

I read someone claim the first 30 yo boomer posting came from a /fit/ meme of oldfags in the gym.
I don't know how this meme upsets some people so much, it's pretty comfy.

>> No.13506197

>T. Boomer

>> No.13506232


>> No.13506389

This meme needs to die.

Boomers are the scum of the earth and they deserve all our hate. By spamming this meme, you are actively putting them up in rank by making a satire out of them.

>> No.13506429

It isn't about baby boomers, it's about millennials.

>> No.13506925
File: 875 KB, 1653x1023, 1530328053003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate under armor so much. I have no idea where it even came from. I thought it was some kmart brand

>> No.13506995
File: 262 KB, 380x720, 1531289091372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ill be a 30 year old boomer next year


>> No.13507038

this, and cheapo PRL polos and shoes

>> No.13507041

It's a style about 5 years out of date. That's quintessential boomer.

>> No.13507044

Exactly this. I'm 34 and it fucking sucks. I only just realised that no-one uses facebook anymore.

>> No.13507050

I recently bought beeswax clarks desert boots for the first time. I find them very comfortable and I wear them all the time. Where do I sit on the boomer scale?

>> No.13507065

I don't care if I'm a 26 year old boomer, I just wanna grill!

>> No.13507068

I hear ya brother, I've been getting into offset smokers myself. I'm thinking about that "brisket"!

>> No.13507069

youre 26, you dont own a bbq yet?

>> No.13507075

Not him but I just dunk my meat in marinade and microwave it.

>> No.13507532


>> No.13507558
File: 322 KB, 1500x761, 1530229530452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cargo shorts are pretty comfy desu
and as far as where this meme came from I've seen it it growing as sip bois on fit for a year but it didn't come from one board

>> No.13507596
File: 245 KB, 680x585, IMG_5070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. buttblasted boomer

>> No.13507717

you must be from either a place where everyones a junkie or the UK

>> No.13507950

>that 25 yo boomer

>> No.13509226

someone photoshop a boomerface onto the catfish too

>> No.13509378

>that 18 yo boomer

>> No.13509580

>that 15 yo boomer

>> No.13509655

>that 2 yo boomer

>> No.13509754

>28 is the best age ever
coping this hard

>> No.13509815

>that boomer boomering in the womb

>> No.13509819

Do adults really drink energy drinks tho? I don't think I've ever seen anyone +25 with one in hand

>> No.13509923

Have you ever been out of mom's basement?

>> No.13509936

Originally a military thing. Like the name implies, you wear it under your bodyarmor and it helps wick the sweat away.

Then of course the 30 year old boomer crossfitters started wearing it to their backsnapping sessions.

>> No.13509953

Please be shitposting

>> No.13509984
File: 130 KB, 947x965, abortedboomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that aborted boomer

>> No.13510118

You forgot the signet ring and repressed homosexuality, although that might be UK-specific.

>> No.13510180
File: 289 KB, 1058x503, 1300DC9E-2A38-4CBF-BBAC-707161ED9514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it didn’t start on /pol/, faggot

>> No.13511460

>that 8 month old silent generation

>> No.13512540

>that sperm boomer

>> No.13512546
File: 35 KB, 380x349, 1530351037279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casio or Seiko

>> No.13512737

seiko desu

>> No.13512748

that's a sturgeon anon

>> No.13512885

definatly seiko

>> No.13513044
File: 151 KB, 1185x523, insulted me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13513050

If you were born before the 2000 you are a boomer.

>> No.13513079

casio if you want something digital
seiko if you want something analog

>> No.13513315

mighty fine salmon they caught there :)

>> No.13513831

>Then of course the 30 year old boomer crossfitters started wearing it to their backsnapping sessions.

If you go into any sporting goods store half of the shit in there is UA.
People aren't wearing it as some kind of pseudo-stolen valour thing, most of it doesn't look military at all.

>> No.13513914

Isn't youth fetishism the ultimate boomer way of life? People who post boomer memes are the biggest boomers of them all

>> No.13514712

>tfw you're either a boomer or an underaged fag

>> No.13514731

>me and my grandad are the same generation

>> No.13514736


>> No.13515327

you're not relevant, take the trip off

>> No.13515681

I really like that

>> No.13515723
File: 156 KB, 429x589, 1530937720867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on prep/tradcore
Success breeds jealousy my friends.

>> No.13516905

Uhh, people born in 2000 are 18 now sweatie.

>> No.13516923

Do people on /pol/ really think they're not annoying as fuck? They're usually the ones starting the political bait threads

>> No.13516947

They usually start with american'ts mutts race waiting one side or the other.

>> No.13516952

It only seems like that because you're completely habituated to seeing a centre-left pov.

>> No.13516954
File: 1.83 MB, 894x1240, BOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13516963

Nice strawman it's just common knowledge that /pol/ fucks will politically shitpost on any board by posting a tweet a celeb made with the words " ___ BTFO" and just straight up rant and be argumentative about politics. That's annoying as fuck I didn't come here to complain about interracial relationships i just want to see some jeans to buy

>> No.13516976

I don't think you're using that correctly but maybe you can make a case for it.
>it's just common knowledge that /pol/ fucks will politically shitpost on any board by posting a tweet a celeb made with the words " ___ BTFO" and just straight up rant and be argumentative about politics.
I don't disagree about that, I wish they'd fuck off too, my point is you don't even see that it's not as one-sided as that.
Particularly if you go to boards like /co/ or /lit/.
/pol/tards are often just reacting to people casually spouting centre-left stuff. But you see that as normal so it goes under your radar.

>> No.13517250


>> No.13517253

this meme is the most forced shit ever

>> No.13517303


>> No.13517569
File: 18 KB, 645x773, 1515048063010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a screencap of your own embarrassing post

>> No.13517590

>No SUPERDRY mentioned
its essential

>> No.13517641

please stop

>> No.13517651

The ones who start bait threads absolutely know they're annoying as fuck. That's the point.

That being said, a lot of boring political opinions on /pol/ get overlooked for the severe autism, conspiratards, racebaiters etc.

>> No.13517667

Actually, this is what /fa/ looks like in general

>> No.13517673

Imagine being such a newfag that 30 year olds make you this insecure. Face it kids 4chan isn't for you

>> No.13518211

Me ne frego faggot

>> No.13518221

t. 30 year old boomer
Dont you have a lawn to mow old man?

>> No.13518394

Spoken like a true boomer

>> No.13518406

samefag cringe

>> No.13518966

>Also everyone knows this next gen is trash, its the fucking 90s all over again...

typical boomer

>> No.13518976

this isnt really a /pol/ meme its more of just making fun of a generation and their habits rather than political ideology

>> No.13518994

>almost an hour apart
Just accept that you’re a boomer and move on.