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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 6 KB, 179x250, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13501514 No.13501514 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the whole /fa/ board is white people trying to dress like asians

>> No.13501517


>> No.13501590

>mfw majority of the world tries to dress like white people

>> No.13501592
File: 833 KB, 2500x1667, 17-seoul-fall-2018-rtw-day-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imo asians make everything look too manicured

>> No.13501595
File: 251 KB, 1276x1920, b04ba97e2be7e950b92c92d9ec1e1e73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sometimes its more authentic to look a little greasy

>> No.13501598 [DELETED] 


and still, at the end of the day who the fuck cares and OP is a faggot

>> No.13501602
File: 282 KB, 1080x1349, pha6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13501592 (You)
>>13501595 (You)

and still, at the end of the day who the fuck cares and OP is a faggot

>> No.13501675

Or rather the natives of these countries that "dress like white people" were forced to adopt cultural aspects of their colonizers. Whites on the otherhand are dressing like Asians on their own volition lel what a dickless race.

>> No.13501677

dude, asians look stylish because thats pretty much the only creative thing they can do in their bleak lives.

>work 12h a day
>live in a 200 sq feet shoebox
>never have a vacation in your entire life (even kids have daily homework in their vacations)
>too tired to have a proper libido
>at least i look good

>> No.13501692

>Wh*te men invention

>> No.13501779 [DELETED] 

Having to stick to school uniforms and strict dress codes (i.e. no "hair dyes") for the rest of your formidable teenage life helps too - don't be surprised if even what's considered plain and "middle school"-tier over in the States like a flannel / patterned button-up and jeans fit can be a crowd pleaser over here.

t. 20-something Southeast Asian

>> No.13501784

Having to stick to school uniforms and strict dress codes (i.e. no hair dyes or "wild hair styles") for the rest of your formidable teenage life helps too - don't be surprised if even what's considered plain and "middle school"-tier over in the States like a flannel / patterned button-up and jeans fit can be a crowd pleaser over here.

t. 20-something Southeast Asian

>> No.13502018

They have the perfect hair and body size for being effay.Too bad most of them are ugly as fuck and having slanty eyes doesn't help either

>> No.13502229

OP is referring to modern Japanese and Korean fashion, which is a reinterpretation of Western culture. Neither of these countries were colonized by a Western nation.

>> No.13502339

>blacked threads die out
>austistic asianmasculinity posters take their place

wonder what’s next

>> No.13502352

There's heaps of Koreans in my school and all they do is wear these incredibly expensive shitty brands like Balengiaca and other trash nobody really cares about. They have the taste of highschoolers.

>> No.13502697

india superpower 2020

>> No.13503091

Koreans are fucking obsessed with expensive brands

>> No.13503161

Most of them wear fakes and are literally subhuman ants

>> No.13503542

If youre trying to look greasey on purpose then its not authentic dumbass.

>> No.13504100

>expecting anything else from a japanese rapebaby

>> No.13504107

hooded or monolid eyes look cool af

>> No.13504233

koreans have some of the worst haircuts in the history of the world

>> No.13504236

balenciaga is cool though, you know nothing about fashion

>> No.13504478

Not military, but culturally they absolutely were. The USA has most of the world by the balls, culturally speaking.

>> No.13504910

>Not military
what the fuck are you on about, japan was cucked out of having a standing army

>> No.13504916

yeah you're wrong about japan, at least the us was an occupational force for a decade...

>> No.13505274

other way around buddy

>> No.13505310

well I'm a cuban trying to dress like whites.

>> No.13506230
File: 56 KB, 399x600, tRl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a white guy that want to look like a black guy

>> No.13506277

USA = White People?

>> No.13506302


>> No.13506591

>forced to adopt cultural aspects of their colonizers
sorry who exactly are the dickless race here lmfao

>> No.13506595

except "dressing like asians" is literally still just dressing like a white person by your own chain of logic

>> No.13506600

How retarded are you? Japan was nuked by the US then molded into exactly what they wanted. They literally wrote their constitution. It was basically a rough and ready colonization.

>> No.13508144

>>13504236 (you)

>> No.13508149


>> No.13508160

pharrell looks like garbage in every fucking picture, his music is mediocre, his clothing line is mediocre, everything about him is trash
his hat says 'PLANT' cause he may as well be a vegetable, the fucking retard

>> No.13508162

unironically this

>> No.13509248

lol almost all these korean/asian fags wear 95% european brands.

>> No.13509462

Made in asia

>> No.13509469

The Asian dude is the only ok looking person in this photo

>> No.13509471

Asap rocky is the biggest sellout

>> No.13509545

Im slav and dress like slav, ama
Fuck asians and americans and they retarded overhyped fashion