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[ERROR] No.13492066 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that tattoos are effay

>> No.13492072

Stop spamming this garbage, moron.

>> No.13492085

Graphic t-shirts too.

>> No.13492091

Snapbacks too

>> No.13492121

Tattoos are pedestrian normie tier

>> No.13492209

What is wrong with being normie?
Everyone thats hates and unironically says normie is projecting.

>> No.13492509

the vast majority of people don't have tattoos. you are the normie, son

>> No.13492512

disgust. Why do people do this to their bodies? God made you perfect as is. Why stain your perfection?

>> No.13492519

why is it that everything tripfags write is insanely infuriating? explain that to me, as a pseudo intellectual

>> No.13492526

I think you would be infuriated either way. My tripfaggotry is not the reason. The reason is that you can assign a name to my rants. You can identify me.

>> No.13492533

why do you feel the need to stand out on an anonymous imageboard? give me two (2) reason

>> No.13492541

Because I stand out in life. Always have.
Because I believe my statements should constitute a personal narrative over time.

>> No.13492572

>Because I stand out in life. Always have.
people think you're a clueless, retarded faggot irl as well, gotcha

>> No.13492625

That's their right.

>> No.13492642


>> No.13492654

We gonna push this stupid agenda again? TATTOOS ARE NOT A FASHION ACCESSORY.

>> No.13492743


>> No.13492790

These look like he just pointed to a bunch of stock tattoos in a book.

>> No.13492916

post fit

>> No.13493582

the proper term is normalfag, faggot.

>> No.13493586

Good bait or huge faggot.

>> No.13493619
File: 153 KB, 358x598, Screenshot_20180705-154907_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are they then?

>> No.13493628

Tattoos are cool if there’s meaning or interest behind it, otherwise you look like a dumbass

>> No.13493654

>needing to re-afirm a near permanent life decision to strangers on the internet

Yeah, nah

>> No.13493738

Lol kys faggot

>> No.13493753

nah, all that matters is that its well done

nobody wants to hear you talk about how you got this one when your aunt died

>> No.13493965
File: 109 KB, 1024x683, CC74E652-F96A-4B7C-A1EC-25C0894ABCC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are shit and you should only get them if

>you’ve served more than 4 years in the military
>you belong to a gang
>you’re an olyimpic athlete

Everything else is compensation for your lack of personality, much like this board used fashion to make up for their lack of confidence and personality

>> No.13494031

> un-ironically thinking there's something special about being a brain dead 18 year old joining the military because he's too stupid for other options

>> No.13494039
File: 88 KB, 640x640, ss3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13494043


>> No.13494061

has anybody tried to hide skin problems with tattoos? or will it only make things worse? I'd like to cover up some scars and keratosis pilaris

>> No.13494731

>All hail kike-on-a-stick
Off yourself and report back if you meet God

>> No.13494732

the most 30 year old boomer tier post I've seen today

>> No.13494733

Jesus Anon no need to project so hard

>> No.13494765

Neck yourself

>> No.13495464
File: 143 KB, 670x1005, F61517CD-6C52-4F43-8AC4-D5A1F214583B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder with your shit poser tats mate

>> No.13495549

I like this guy

>> No.13496111

>Because I believe my statements should constitute a personal narrative over time.
Why the fuck would you want that? It's bad enough we've gotta wake up in the same body every day, why wouldn't you reinvent yourself constantly in the only place you can?

>> No.13496139

His name is pasudo intellectual

>> No.13496142

Solid arguments. I agree with this

>> No.13496145

being 30 this day & age is a boomer? i thought it was people from born in the years of 1940's

>> No.13496374

gay lol

>> No.13496380

t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.13496389

It must suck for your self-esteem to be entirely reliant on how devoted your are to a god that is most likely not real

>> No.13496393

I like tattoo but I totally agree

>> No.13496407

I actually like the blue snake lol

>> No.13496443

your post is the ultimate cope you dumb fuck

>> No.13496470

>ultimate cope
>my post proves my previous post

You seem dense

>> No.13496502

at this point tattoos are hivemind

>> No.13496637

No it's quite honest and true and it feels like I always have something to rely on. I don't feel the need to pretend that I'm above a higher power.

>> No.13496644

things 4chan likes are the opposite of good

tattoos show a lack of restraint and they ruin the beauty of the natural body

me put cool picture on myself because i likeyyy

>> No.13496646

tattoos are poser shit like cigarettes and if you like them then you should get one and wave your red flags high for people with good taste to see and avoid you

>> No.13496652

Ego trip 11/10

>> No.13496658

Based 2 tone Subby on jubilee

>> No.13496684

It depends on them
For example this just looks fucking silly