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File: 878 KB, 1199x1171, B20C220A-EB30-47CC-A938-FEE7BDD99D4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13475352 No.13475352 [Reply] [Original]

I have to get my haircut tomorrow

Is a barber shop better than a salon?
Can a woman cut hair as well as a man?

What is a good summer style? I have t cut my hair in 3 years so it’s really long

>> No.13475370

Those who specialised in cutting men's hair are generally better because they don't care about colouring hair and shit

>> No.13475375

Cutting hair is easy and you can save yourself some money if you do it yourself

>> No.13475393

Dumb thot holding a razor without looking at wtf she’s doing

>> No.13475415

hood barber shop: good only for doing old school haircuts for old school men that don't pretend perfection (aka they're shit), also for shaving beards
salon: might be good BUT some lower tier salons will just make their shittiest or newest hairdresser cut your hair since male clients aren't as important as female ones (females go more often and spend more money)
your best bet is a higher tier barber or a female hairdresser that specialized in cutting men and works illegaly in her own house

>> No.13475426

I get my nice cuts right across the corner. People pretend that whatever you pay correlates to the quality of your cut but in reality it's all about the talent of the person that cuts you.

>> No.13475458

Are you supposed to make small talk with the person cutting your hair?

>> No.13475484
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If i show this pic to barber will he think i'm gay? I just want to get this similiar haircut

>> No.13475518

it's called posing for a photograph you incel

>> No.13475561

I try to steer towards yes or no questions so I don’t have to talk much and can just go mmhmm

>> No.13475566

You can crop it you little queer

>> No.13475576

How autistic are you that you can’t carry a conversation?

>> No.13475754

uh my dick

>> No.13476258

Where do you think you are?

>> No.13476288

who the fuck cares

>> No.13477461

So I left the house early this morning to beat the traffic but nothing was open in the mall when I got there at 7. Just a bunch of mall walkers? Apparently it’s a thing. I didn’t realize the place opened at 10 am so I had to wait 3 hours. When it opened there was already a fucking line up. Waited 30 minutes and said fuck this and left.

Why is getting a haircut so hard?

>> No.13477473
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is this /hair general/

how would you call this hairstyle? I'm trying to find more pictures of it but not from this guy

>> No.13477477

Isn't she a porn star?

>> No.13477490
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>> No.13477513

more of this slut?!?

>> No.13477529


>> No.13477538

How do you do the top and back without looking like a retard?

>> No.13477549

Women are not as good as men at anything Tbh

>> No.13477570
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>> No.13477606

lmao you would bring a hairdresser a photo with the person's face cropped out?

>> No.13477740

>a haircut will cure my autism
Just save the money anons

>> No.13477859

Literally this. I go to this puerto rican bbw and all she does is bitch about other women requests for the hair. Us fags just get fades or trims, nothing too extensive.

>> No.13477880

no one will give a damn. just show him the pircture

>> No.13477885
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>> No.13477918
File: 560 KB, 2000x1025, Cutting hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13477938

it's just long with a middle part

>> No.13478115

Ever barber I’ve been to is a $25 minimum

>> No.13478153

Old school barbershop for old school cuts.
Salon for edgy, new, styles.
Check around for reputation.
Once you find one you like, be loyal. Tip well for good service. If they move to a different shop, follow them if you can.

>> No.13478733

Still going to those Barber shop chains are we?

>> No.13478831
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1080, Lena Hafez camosuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorgeous woman.

>> No.13478834
File: 135 KB, 937x1171, Lena Hafez selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13478858

are you fucking retarded

>> No.13478895


so you waited 3 hours but the extra 30 mins was just too much?

>> No.13478981

thanks anon, I was looking for a good picture of this cut to show my barber

>> No.13479099

is she a Bogdanoff?

>> No.13480065

>tfw the only barbers around where I live are military people who only know how to buzz
>tfw unironically have to go to a salon for a decent haircut

>> No.13480463

>buzz isn't a decent haircut

>> No.13481221

If you’re going to a barber you better be buzzing it or getting a crew cut.

Otherwise please go to a proper salon for anything more complicated.

>> No.13481265

Just cut your own hair, I've been doing it for the whole year, at first just buzzcut but now I go for an Ivy League cut or crew cut.

>> No.13481326

No, no they can not.

Every female barber I have seen cuts corners.

>> No.13481354

go to a man at a salon

>> No.13481385

Black barbers have been top notch for me.
Some handle their business differently, they prefer appointments rather than take walk ins. You’re gonna have to build a relaxed rapport with em if you continue to get cuts from their shops

>> No.13481502

They’re usually gay

>> No.13481506

This is terrible advice if you’re s white guy

>> No.13481671

just go to a proper hair salon and show the picture.

>> No.13481673

>going to a barber
>not going to hair salon with professional hair stylist

I always see the autists on here posting pictures of models, or pictures of photoshoots saying "how do I get this".
Its simple, go to the people who style the hair for these photos.

>> No.13481747

its for a picture idiot, relax

>> No.13481770

You’re not taking into consideration that genes predominantly determine your hairstyle

>> No.13482813

Get it cut by a guy at the salon.

I used to go to a place in my hometown where i refused to let anybody except the owner do it for me because he did such a bang up job. Always felt like a pain in the ass since i was such an easy job, but i had a lot of bad cuts in the past so I'm picky.

Now i just go to a barber shop in my town. Have only gone in once, but the lady did a good job on it. The shave was fucking brutal, though.

>> No.13482995
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I used to go to an asian barber because they cut thick hair well. I moved 2 months ago and only get sides done since then. Got to find a good barber but I am scared they are going to fuck my shit up.