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/fa/ - Fashion

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13470388 No.13470388 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Asian people think that they can cover up their shit personalities with clothing?

More importantly, why do asians have shit personalities in the first place?

>> No.13470391

Goddamn this bitch is so vain. Followed her on instagram for a month until I gave up and unfollowed.

>> No.13470392

What's her ig?

>> No.13470394
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This thread wasn't specifically made to call her out (in fact I don't even know/care who she is) All I know is that these chinks come fresh off the boat and buy all this fast fashion and act better than everyone else. Yet they speak with shaky voices as if they are afraid of you at the first interaction with them.

>> No.13470399

I just want to check it out not to spam her or whatever

>> No.13470401

Well I don't know it, but someone will post it eventually.

>> No.13470504

leffen on the left looking effay as always

>> No.13470524

I've noticed people antagonizing umbrella-term asians a lot more lately, what's up with that? Are you guys just surrounded by shitty mainlanders and really bitter about it? Is it because you can't compete financially?

Otherwise I don't get why you can't just ignore them the same way you ignore any other shitbag you encounter. Besides, some of the chillest effay dudes I know are asian and not rude at all.

>> No.13470531


>implying if someone shares a similar hobby with you, you can't look down on them if they are doing everything wrong.
>implying they are spending thousands on real designer clothes, and not knockoffs that look the same for 1/100th of the price


>> No.13470591

well I can forgive them given that they bring the tightest puzzies in the game

>> No.13470601

whats a mainlander?
do you mean the mainland of china, ?

>> No.13470608

Yeah, a lot of the "annoying" asians are typically from mainland China. Culture is different over there and their idiosyncrasies are jarring to our sensibilities.

fwiw even their neighboring asian countries hate them so it's rather unanimous.

>> No.13470617

The tight pussy DNA is only in small asian man penis not women

>> No.13470639

fuck off chang

>> No.13470644

Modern Chinese culture is fucked up because of the cultural revolution, but I think they're slowly trying to readopt their old culture.

>> No.13470662

eh I dont hate Chinese or any other people on the basis they were born on a different patch of dirt to me

>> No.13470723


>> No.13470727

We literally just had this thread. We solved the riddle. Do we have to do this again?

>> No.13470728

That was a few weeks ago, so yes.

>> No.13470730

Gave up on what exactly?

>> No.13470742

It was 10 days ago. It saged a few days later.

Here's the thread: >>13454672
Here's the most reasonable answer:

>The reason why most Asians are hype beasts has to do with Confucianism and the way most old culture still lingers. A lot of Asian countries sort of have a mantra of not straying away from what is culturally acceptable and individuality is sort of shunned. They even have a saying that goes around these lines "Hammer the nail that sticks out." So in a sense, Asians follow popular street and designer brands not only as a way to fit in with the crowd but also to have respect/show off. In China and other Asian countries, they have a big emphasis on honor and respect, they call it face. By wearing big brands, it's a way to show that you are able to afford a good lifestyle and is supposed to receive admiration by others. people even goes big lengths to fake being rich just get this type of clout. Confucianism even explains why China is so keen on stealing from other brands like Nike.


>Asian culture shuns individuality and has a culture of respect by materialism.

Now that we got that out of the way, we can get back to the real point of this thread, shitting on Asians and wondering if they have souls.

>> No.13470744

That's true, their perception on society is a bit skewed right now.

Ah I meant it more in the sense that everyone finds rude behavior unacceptable, except the rude mainlanders. They're not all terrible.

I thought I was on cgl for a second, my salt levels have gone up.

>> No.13470757

>thread complaining about asians
>uses a halfie as the op

>> No.13470758
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>Now that we got that out of the way, we can get back to the real point of this thread, shitting on Asians and wondering if they have souls.

>> No.13470788

Whats this sweater? I know its Gucci but I cant find it specifically.

>> No.13470894

oh shit this bitch is originally from my hometown I think

>> No.13470943

Could no longer suffer this insufferable bitch

>> No.13470970

That's a happa, right ?

>> No.13471044

whiteb*ys still seething about asians, whats new

>> No.13471309

I don't personally have a problem with the Asians that arrive here to the university town I live in, but I can see where people are coming from cause a lot of people I talk to here have recently brought this to my attention too. It's just that they're very reserved, more than most people and seem very reluctant to interact with anyone who isn't part of their group. A lot of people take that the wrong way and I can see why, but you're right a lot of the FOB Chinese and Koreans that live here are pretty chill if you get to talking to them. They're just not very approachable at all, I find even less so than Arabs and stuff.

>> No.13471312

Probably not, it's really hard to even look into their eyes

>> No.13471402

You should have raped her when you had the chance. You let us all down.

>> No.13471405
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Seething for good reason.

>> No.13471545
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>> No.13472633
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She's Hapa

>> No.13472674
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stop making this thread every day you fucking mongrel Amerimutt,makes me want to spit on your la creatura pathetic face

>> No.13472752

Why do white people make dumb / racist posts on 4chan?
More importantly, why do cucks like OP have shit personalities in the first place?

>> No.13473067

>racist posts on 4chan
lol chinky where do you think you are

>> No.13473105

he thinks everybody who despise mutt is chink lmao..absolute state of mutt

>> No.13473271

i love fx

>> No.13473345

ITT: Butt hurt chinks who don't realize that chinks are the niggers of fashion.

>> No.13473401

Holy shit that does look like Leffen.

>> No.13473501

I've noticed this bad attitude is mostly a Chinese thing

>> No.13473604

i want to smack this vapid whore on the head

>> No.13473628

slanteyes are about as bad a slavs, literal filth

>> No.13473799

>tfw asian going to start college at majority white college

hope i dont get hated

>> No.13473900

>wh*tes need to make another thread to validate themselves again

>> No.13474100

the only people i’ve ever come across that truly dislike east asians are the absolute bottom of the barrel lower classes of England and some 4chan users

>> No.13474109

>fitting in the crowds
>purchasing limited/exclusive expensive clothes


>> No.13474110

still didn't give a logical reason.

>> No.13474113

Ironically asians really hate black people. I don't know why, but I know it's a real thing.

>> No.13474118

its a pretty nerdy school so i might be the most /fa/

>> No.13474138

if you hate white people so much why do you keep wearing their clothes, driving their cars and living in their cities?
is it maybe cause they're better?

>> No.13474197

Because they’re mindlessly consuming hive insects

>> No.13474274

who the fucks live in white cities lmao?the only people who migrate to white nation are bottom barrel people and Chinese you fuck..
Ultra kek you mongrel goblin

>> No.13474276

>can't spell clothes
typical chinaman

>> No.13474280

Seething my friend

>> No.13474471

nah most east asians dont have souls. though id say the rest of asia is practically nigger tier so take your pick.

where i live we're alright. outside of taking academics way too seriously we are pretty chill and know when to relax. but even then some of the people here act like 3rd worlders in a first world country, but thank god its mostly just the boomers. hypebeasts are common though, but thankfully not as rampant as in china

t. chink

>> No.13474477

Damn this chick has permanent druggy whore eyes. Everyone knows what it looks like, not attractive.

>> No.13474503

If you're from the Asian subcontinent, how is it wrong to say you're Asian? It's still politically and socially correct to call an Afghani person Asian, just like it is with Chinese people. By your standards, If I'm forced to call a Korean a Korean instead of Asian, isn't it also disrespectful to assume a person's nationality based on their looks alone? Christ, you fucking goobers make silly arguments out of non-issues.

And as a Korean, I agree with OP that most east Asians do have terrible personalities regardless of their nationality due to their home cultures and inability to adapt to western society without bringing over supremacist attitudes.

>> No.13474545

>hurr durr he make one legitimate criticism so he hate all white people
you see how retarded you are?

>> No.13474547

Nice ad hominem muh nigga.

>> No.13474549

>calling you retarded is considered ad hominem
first day on 4chan summerfag?

>> No.13474551

[ad hominems intensify]

>> No.13474553
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>[ad hominems intensify]

>> No.13474563
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>> No.13474568

since when did /fa/ turn into /b/?

>> No.13474584

sorry that english is my third language, /lit/lord

>> No.13475268

If you're not a fucking FOB and have basic social skills you won't get hated on - you might even be liked. The reason why the majority of people in academia - and this includes those in the higher levels - dislike FOB asians is because of their shit personalities/social skills that make group work unbearable or difficult. There's always some FOB chinks who will form a group within a group and disregard others, or simply a single FOB who will give zero fucks to interact with the group. The guy who said that "bottom of the barrel" people hate FOBs is not true, they don't even regard FOBs and obviously don't give a fuck about their grade, so they have less reason to interact with them.


>> No.13475399

Agreed that fobs are the worst to work with. I'm an asian who studied at two ivy unis, and every time I got paired with a fob it got down to me doing 100% of the work one way or another. The worst is when people assume I'm one of the fobs (thus useless) because I'm asian. I probably hate fobs more than any racist on this board.

Also that article is shaky, where are the receipts for any of these claims? I agree with your points but the article doesn't help your case.

>> No.13475456

I'm pretty westernized I would say.

>> No.13475481

Elaborate pls

>> No.13475524

Underappreciated post

>> No.13475634

We takin yo hapas, whiteboi

>> No.13475634,1 [INTERNAL] 
