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13462648 No.13462648 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Carhartt.

>> No.13462677

WIP catches on to trends years too late and charges twice what it should.

>> No.13462729

Action Bronson makes it look really good even though he is fat. It’s also good for monster hunter core a la supernatural

>> No.13464105
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>> No.13464125
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It's clothing for laborers. They sell it in large hardware stores. Because we live in a time of such manufactured visages masquerading as true culture, a fetish has begun forming around "authentic" signifiers of "authentic" lifestyles.

One such example is carhartt. The shit is ACTUALLY just unappealing & super tough workwear. In this day and age, what's more authentic than a hard working 9-5 laborer, the mythical "salt of the earth" man who works construction or some variant thereof?

Authenticity is thus imbued to Carhartt by virtue of the demographic that has most eagerly adopted being 'real' men who many of us, trapped in cities and cubicles, would love to know the pride of this mythical "real Man".
And of course, in America we define ourselves through the products and experiences we consume. It's inevitable that someone would eventually see this low tier workwear as some penultimate symbol of the labor force that is America's backbone... and conequently, the AUTHENTICY and REALNESS of the men comprising that backbone.

And so a clueless faggot one thinks... I'ma rock carhartt so and subtly bleed off some of the realness that "I've always noticed in those Carhartted laborers at the home depot checkout where I buy shit kitchen fixtures and sub-code sheetrock... I should cop one."

And lo & behold, someone is taking this brand seriously enough to thread about it. Jesus christ.

>> No.13464141

Aren’t super tough clothes the end game? If you never need to buy more clothes you’re set

>> No.13464145

Fucking mongolian street beggars have some harcore shit they wear. But you don't want to be associating with that vibe. Nobody does.
Carhartt is for unskilled labor, that is its thing, it has been since FOREVER. It's uninspired looking and its a contradiction when its worn by they type of fruits who wait in line for box logo tees.

>> No.13464164

So you have a problem with people rather than the brand itself?

>> No.13464166

tl;dr People want to be cool and carhartt is cool because people who do things wear it and they want to be cool by association

>> No.13464167

Did I say that?

No. I explained why RUGGED is not the appeal of the brand to young adopters. I assert that it is AUTHENTICITY and the association it has with a vanishing class of Americans.

Don't do that cathy newman shit.

I suggest you do not adopt it because there's a loarge number of people who never it by choice, and who will see your carhartt fit and laugh. perhaps internally.

I think those people are far more admirable than most. I wouldn't dream of faking their inherent strength and character by repurposing what for them is a tool and reframing it as YOUR fashion statement. It's corny.

>> No.13464168

but supreme fags can melt

so you have a point.

>> No.13464169

Have you even seen the matrix
That movie sucks ass

>> No.13464174

Or maybe people just want durable, inexpensive clothing that looks decent you absolute insufferable fucking faggot

I buy all my shit from workwear brands and it has nothing to do with wanting to larp as roddy piper’s character from they live

>> No.13464179

No, it doesn't. It's just that you're buying a labor uniform. You can get tough cheap clothes that aren's the first thing on any builder's mind when he thinks of drywall stains on cotton duck fabric.

It's cultural, not people. It might be the only really acceptable example I can find of cultural appropriation. Tell me, have you ever worked hard labor for a few years? Ever?

I don't think that's your world. Go buy it, I don't care. But you're still displaying that lovely young left ignorance towards the realities of socioeconomic stratification in America (as opposed to the made up shit you learned in Evergreen University).

Would you wear a purple heart or a medal of valor on your suit if you'd never been in the service? Maybe you just want a spot of color.
But no. You don't do that.

>> No.13464181

god you are so fucking GAY

>> No.13464182

It has some amazing basics and the only brand I own more of is Arborwear, the doublethick is my go to.

...all the butthurt femboys in here knocking men is hilarious, everyone knows the ideal man can craft/destroy with his hands.

>> No.13464183


This guy probably thinks you are appropriating Tennis with your Stans...fucking moron.

I worked metal for years to build up, and when I saw the neighborhood skate-punks rocking a duckJ I just said "nice coat"....working class dudes arent about culture wars dickhead...

>> No.13464185

>Carhartt is for unskilled labor

So what does skilled labor wear?

>> No.13464186

carhartt is cool, but i wish they made a pant that fit a litte tighter than a fucking straight-fit. i work in tight places and any excess loose fabric always gets snagged on shit. dickies makes tapered leg pants, and some numale slimfit stuff, but they got bought out by walmart or some bullshit capital holding firm so now it's all cheap chinese shit sold under the dickies brand name.

>> No.13464190

I think that when read some of my longer posts, you get a rush of insecurity on the account you can't really understand the topics I'm broaching, or conceive of a cultural landscape and the circles of influence operating within it.
This makes you feel powerless in a new way - normally you've been the outcast who sees the truth of those who ostracize him, the ego and insecurity of that whole social hierarchy game.
Then you come to your haven, 4chan, and you get BTFO by someone who spent the time YOU did fapping to sailor moon and instead read every damn book he could get his hands on.
You're the outcast again, and that burns. In a sense you feel im stealing something from you. from your safe space.

And it's "ur mum gay" every time. Because you have nothing else. Nothing! I'm sorry, guy. Just stay out of convos above your weight class. It's a bad look for you.

>> No.13464191

Dude, basics from carhartt/dickies/etc. are shitloads better than their equivalents from uniqlo or levis or w/e. I just like good products, I’m not going around wearing fucking overalls and a tool belt everywhere

You’re reading way too fucking much into this

>> No.13464192


>> No.13464193

Depends on their specialty.

But I could GAF if they wear Balmain. Construction a shit life full of shit people and the dregs of society. If you've ever tasted that lifestyle, you want the fuck out of it.

>> No.13464194

Duluth is mostly ugly as fuck but the pants work for closer fits since the foreman gear is more dress-y.

When I first started in pharmacy and worked a warehouse they kept my ass clean and my pant from getting caught in a roller.

Arborwear or a trade classic nylon, the old cut ones are actually pretty stylish and prevent you from being confused with a /MFA dude.

>> No.13464195

And you're an illiterate in these matters, so you can't read their subtext.

>> No.13464196

>Would you wear a purple heart or a medal of valor on your suit if you'd never been in the service?
Except medals are not functional pieces of clothing, you dumb fuck.

Do I also have to be a cowboy to wear jeans? Do I have to be vietnam vet to wear M65? What about fucking bundesparkas and dessert boots?

>> No.13464199


If you do road or houses or some spic shit then yeah, you work a line or build security and you make a good wage and all the filth has fallen off from weakness by then.

I got no judgements for anybody though, I brushed tar and then worked the backpans at a range for a long while to buy my way to economic freedom.

>> No.13464202

Medals are VERY functional. VERY.

Like I said, you can wear whatever you want, go ahead. I'm just clueing yo into a reality you might not know exists because 99% chance you aint never poured concrete for 12 hours straight to avoid cold seams during the curing process. It's not even an insult.

>> No.13464204


0% of blue collar guys feel like you, ably have some uncle or friends dad who does man shit and want to "buy in" to that feeling.

Quit bringing limp wristed politics to pants and concrete you faggot...

>> No.13464205

How do you have time to lay concrete when you're on 4chan 99% of the day?

>> No.13464211

What is a "trade classic nylon?"

>> No.13464213

I hear people wearing Carhartt to do that, nowadays.

You don't know me, my past, or the experience of working renovation & construction for you to be making those calls about the lifestyles of working class families. Sorry.

>> No.13464216

>Medals are VERY functional
They are in a way, not as clothing tho
>You can get tough cheap clothes that aren's the first thing on any builder's mind when he thinks of drywall stains on cotton duck fabric.
And it will most likely be another derivative of some uniform, working or military.

I don't quite get what's your problem, most of the clothes you wear today were "culturally appropriated" from some distinctive group of people because particular piece of clothing is great at doing what its doing.

>> No.13464220

I'm not complaining about this shit
It's fucking low tier chinese made flavor deprived tasteles and AVERAGE clothing
That happens to be made for laborers

Thats it
That's IT

You dig that vibe, you do it. But you don't tell me I'm wrong in telling you something I must see affirmed by contracting teams 4x a month.

>> No.13464221

I wear one because its tough and super warm with a down vest underneath. Like walking a dog in snowy windy VT in - 10f weather warm. Its my go to winter jacket, especially when im working.
I guess it happens to be a fashion icon, so thats pretty cool.

>> No.13464225


Poly jacket made for broke as fuck welders and lumber workers before leather went back into style....

Plastic had a weird renaissance we have mostly forgotten, revovler furniture, trade coin and even fancy jewelry in poly was a thign for a whilee. Then the rich had the fad wear off and we realized it aged for shit since the coatings then didn't work well....so the nicer stuff was leather again and the low end salary worker wore the cheap shit.

>> No.13464227

I'm asking earnestly, "trade classic nylon" isn't something in my country as far as I know and googling it came up with shoes.

>> No.13464229


Name the best MUSA workwear brand...I will wait softboy...

>> No.13464233

I thing something got crossed, I said that and I am NOT the fag who keeps complaining....look up historical workwear oro shipyard uniforms.

Some brands still make them in the classic setup and they cost nine-fuckloads for no reason.

>> No.13464234

Ah, okay. In Australia most unskilled and skilled wear the same shit, as far as I can tell. Hi-vis from King Gee and Hard Yakka.
Carhartt MOSTLY does not exist as a workwear brand, you can get WIP easier than you can the workwear.

>> No.13464239

Me on the right /fa/ as fuck

>> No.13464241

I don't labor anymore! I fucking hire.

MUSA makes tactical shit, AFAIK. I guess you could use it on a site.

>> No.13464243

Once more

>> No.13464246

Thats cool...I will look those up as in the US I have seen neither...shipping to and from AU is insane though.

I have always wondered...are Penny boards actually common there?

>> No.13464252
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>> No.13464256

They might be, I really don't know. I think I have seen them but I live in a pretty diverse area now. Not a lot of skating.

>> No.13464258
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Hey breh i actually have a pair thats a little fitted on the leg, theyre called relaxed fit, and have some knee padding
I think i got them at Bob's. Ill post the tag in a sec.

>> No.13464263

Theyre not as stiff like the heavy canvas ones, but theyre comfy and tougher than regular pants.
Hope this helps.

>> No.13464271
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Thats not gone well.

>> No.13464282

thanks m8s. desu i never expected actual advice on practical clothing from /fa/ lmfao

>> No.13464307

Sid Pants are my favourite trousers of all time. I also own Yohji, Helmut and other stuff if that matters

>> No.13464443

Lel im not even from /fa/ i just come to show off my hair to all the undercutted nerds in the hair generals.

>> No.13464513
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listen here pal i agree with your original point but you kept talking and exposed yourself as the festering sperg you are

>> No.13464519

So you're unable understand anything past the basic shit, that's cool, i'll keep things syllabic for you in the future ya ignorant yet ungrateful blood fart

not everything that aint your fuckin channel is autism pal

>> No.13464582

I really like their jackets and pocket tees, but that's about it. Currently own two carhartt jackets.

>> No.13464629

the Australian equivalent is a brand Called
Hard Yakka https://m.hardyakka.com.au/men.html#isPage=5
get on it now, screen shot this post, next fashionable work wear brand.

>> No.13464646

Please stop posting

>> No.13464677

yeah youre totally wrong itt as usual. everyone wears carhartt man, you need to leave the house.

>> No.13464931

Holy fucking shit dude

>> No.13464942

I bought a WIP chore coat a few years back when workwear was still big. One of the things that drew me to Carhartt was simply that brown colour. That colour looks pretty good on me.
Also, it's pretty easy to sucker me with an offer of many pockets, hard wearing materials etc.

>> No.13464969


You're wrong. You're just a certain kind if pleb who sees it as normal clothing.

>> No.13465028

Wow you really live up to your username.

>> No.13465154

Ever occur to you that might be the joke? naaah. no way.

>> No.13465183

i don't understand how this helps you in any way.

>> No.13465238

Nothing reaks of reddit more than a novelty username

>> No.13465260

i work at a marina. everyone's pretty well of and everyone wears carhartt. youre probably just projecting because you associate it w a worse time in your life or something?

>> No.13465345

>No, it doesn't. It's just that you're buying a labor uniform.

It's not a labor uniform you fuck. It's cheap, well made clothing that people buy because it is cheap, functional, and durable.

Poor people are more appreciative of well crafted and designed objects than you.

It is
but it is not
>young left ignorance towards the realities of socioeconomic stratification
to support companies that produce the most functional products by purchasing those products.

>You don't know me, my past, or the experience of working renovation & construction for you to be making those calls about the lifestyles of working class families.
lmao and as their hiring manager you know what is best for them

see >>13464221

>> No.13465389

At least in Funland, carhartt (and WIP) is associated with skaters mostly. Actual workwear is techincal high visibility stuff.