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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 396 KB, 500x683, 1527191273733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13448499 No.13448499 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>stay hidratted
>no bully pls


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

Last thread: >>13437357

>> No.13448551


>> No.13448569

this picture gave me gender dysphoria

>> No.13448615
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I'm studying cohomology so I won't eat anything.

>> No.13448622

12th kg lost
Feels good and empty inside, I’m so hungry

>> No.13448960
File: 58 KB, 500x667, tumblr_inline_p8dtvsh6QR1ul2al4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the hottest thing ever fite me

>> No.13448965


this video really fucked me up. i don't think i'll be visiting these threads anymore, at least for a while, is this how some of you guys live? it's like an endless nightmare. i want to avoid an ED at all costs.

>> No.13449153

Everyone suffers in their own way.
The only moment I felt disgust while watching the video is when she was exercising. The knee bending oh my god.
Glad she recovered though.

>> No.13449352

What are the best brands for a tall skelly? Money isn’t a problem.

>> No.13449358

sruli recht, ma+, soloist

>> No.13449359

Drank water for the first time after 24hrs and immediately made me feel fat.

>> No.13449563

a few months ago i started my weight loss and im down 6kg now. lost 2kg the first 3 months every month. but this month i lost nothing so far despite eating the same amount. do u have any clue whats going on and what i could do? need to lose at least another 7kg for a sixpack, bois. was never realy thin so i dont know how to lose weight it seems

>> No.13449572

You've plateaud. It happens to most people on a weight loss journey. I started going to the gym to lift and overcome it, but you can also try to lower your caloric intake. Just do something different from what you've been doing because your body is now used to what you're doing now.

>> No.13449702
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Have any of you guys tried a EC stack? I bought some bronkaid and caffeine pills. I have tried it for a few days with addition to fasting and have got over my 135 lbs wall that I was at. The increased heart rate is the only thing that scares me.

>> No.13449705

is germanon still posting

>> No.13449711

At what BMI are your thighs supposed to stop looking fat as fuck?

>> No.13449712


>> No.13449731


>> No.13449859

Depends on where you store fat, hoe much muscle you have and if you’re skinny fat or not. There are obese people with thinspo legs (I call em oil rigs) and underweight people with huge thighs.

>> No.13449860

Oh thanks for reminding me, I wanted to pick some now I'm done fasting. Hope someone can share their experience on it.

Who knows I finally got a flat stomach but everything below that is huge. I must have femme genes or something

>> No.13449973

>I call em oil rigs


>> No.13450112

Started my journey, fasted for 24 hours and then broke it with only a 300 calorie meal. Day 3 Haven't ate yet but might eat the same thing then go to bed.

>> No.13450118

>gf is 6' and 135lbs

Is she thinspo ?

>> No.13450120

Tesco and Basicfit

>> No.13450180

will getting /thin/ make your boobs shrink?

>> No.13450251

Ate quite a lot during the weekend but I don't really regret it because it was delicious and I didn't go that much over my TDEE anyway. Already went on a kinda long jog today and I am gonna start a fast now, hopefully I will go at least 48 hours before breaking it, 72 hours would be great.

>> No.13450396

I'd love to know as well
These muscle hurting and estrogen pills are really fucking me up. My stomach has never been flatter and less fatty yet sitting down on a chair makes my thighs look enormous

>> No.13450415

Are you a (soon to be) tranny? u know that women with thiccer tighs are more attractive than those with sticc tighs, right?

>> No.13450419

Im already a tranny and while I do realise that's the consensus, I envy women with sticc thighs
I guess it is part of the distorted mental illness-influenced worldview

>> No.13450505

Haven't been on here in almost a year, I used to be 100 pounds at 5'1 (not very skinny, but that was the lowest I got before I broke down) now I'm 116 at 5'1 after a suicide attempt and being stuck in a psych ward (did not kms because I was fat, did so due to other reasons) even at 116 pounds my waist is relatively trim, still all the fat has to go somewhere so it goes to my legs and face and it disgusts me. I also am taking online culinary school courses so it's absolute hell

>> No.13450921

Anyone else going trapmode here? I just wanna be able to look cute in skinny jeans.

>> No.13450946
File: 250 KB, 710x1183, DfPVQFwVQAEi8jS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same dude
5'3 125lbs -> 99lbs so far, wanna look qt for my long distance boyfriend im visiting in a couple of months.

>> No.13450949

Aww that's adorable, I'm 5'10 and started off 150lbs and 1200 cals/day a month and a bit ago but my scales broke so I'm just enjoying knowing I'm skinnier. Maybe some day I can pull off the full skatertrap aesthetic.

>> No.13451086
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>> No.13451162

I agree with >>13450949 that's adorable, when people become thinspo to look nice for SOs (as long as the SO is not forcing them to) it just makes me feel warm!

>> No.13451168
File: 31 KB, 500x501, d481d5e2735c7d90f585b4fc390d6184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you people stop starving yourselves and lift weights? You know that the OP picture is achievable on a high calorie diet, as long as it's low carb and includes intense cardio/lifting. You will also have the benefit of being healthier mentally and physically.

>> No.13451177

Wtf this is hot
Im disgusted and amused with myself

>> No.13451180

the people who post in these threads are weaklings mentally as well. they can barely hang onto being thin through forcing themselves to starve they dont have actual discipline

>> No.13451198
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my BMI is 20.1 and I feel so great. I've dropped two pounds a week the last two weeks but I'll slow down now and start the gains. I'm not happy to tell my family I don't do many carbs, but I'm an adult and I'm healthy and it should be okay for me to just say "no" and not explain or justify myself. I'll try to refuse to feel bad if I ruin the mood, but honestly I can understand if they get worried, with my ED as a kid. I'll be patient but stubborn, I guess. my God I hope they'll understand.

>> No.13451202

You could try a fast a few times a week. See if that will give you a boost.

>> No.13451205

same here dude, I just want to rub my hands over her bumps? lines? scars maybe?

>> No.13451207
File: 133 KB, 750x750, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'2 95lb womanlet
started a new workout regimen about 2 months ago, takes about 2 hours and i work out 6 times a week. doing 18 hour intermittent fasts, and drinking 80oz of water a day.
i'll be visiting my boyfriend next month and i want to look my absolute best. i'm already a size 0 but i want to lower body fat % and tone up.
i would love to look like pic related but i'm just not proportioned the same way. i like being smol but i'll never look elegant no matter how thin i get.

>> No.13451214

Testlet had erectile dysfunction as a child

>> No.13451221

You can always wear tall and preferably small heels or platforms to look more elegant. I'm also very small and have short legs so I love wearing extremely tall heels and platforms and as a rule avoid basketball shoes because the size of the tongues make my legs look shorter and more fat than they are

>> No.13451236

i tend to wear platforms and high waisted bottoms to give my legs the illusion of being a little longer than they actually are. it really helps, but i know the ugly truth when they clothes come off, so it's still a little disappointing.

>> No.13451242

Bet she got fat and left

>> No.13451286
File: 94 KB, 500x700, 1471508488632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

Reading responses in here is laughable at times.

>> No.13451293

never knew I found scars so attractive until now >>13451177
not the scars but the tiny bumps kind of look like a skin graft maybe? idk though

wonder what happened to her

>> No.13451378
File: 27 KB, 500x668, 8a6461160105353971f23fd8edd1c18c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went from 191lbs to 174, got back to 180, got
now back on 174, im happy boys, im gonna make it, im gonna make it for once, only 25lbs to go

>> No.13451480

>eat huge portion of fish & chips yesterday
>wake up looking as thin as always
thanks metabolism

>> No.13451564

will getting tanned emphasize thinness?

>> No.13451638
File: 166 KB, 734x1139, 1494831590513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your routines and tips. I'm trying to look good and lose weight again.

>> No.13451657

exercise regularly. cardio, light weights, and optional flexibility training if you're into that.
get yourself on an eating schedule. there are apps that can help you track. adhering to a schedule helps with accountability and keeps you from grazing.
and stay hydrated! i know sometimes you can feel fat or bloated from drinking water, but staying hydrated will help you immensely!

>> No.13451664

Being tan emphasises muscle tone so it'll make your tummy look less flabby by increasing shadows . it'll also make you look healthier and honestly hotter. the only girls who think being pale looks good are shut in Tumblr girls and the virgins who are afraid of their "white identity" becoming muddled

>> No.13451716
File: 1.34 MB, 1668x2048, 1524851283949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? You know that kids are not allowed on 4chan?

>> No.13451761

mental illness.

>> No.13451781

Indeed I am.

>> No.13451802

80% of wrinkles come from the sun so no thanks

>> No.13451806

Anyone here have experience doing OMAD everyday for long stretches of time? Would you recommend it?

>> No.13451892

/fit/ here, tried it once in high school. I do not recommend it. It's risky. If you do try it:

the increase in your core body temperature will be appreciable, and it will spike suddenly at the onset of strenuous activity. stay low-effort if you're going to be on the stack.

you'll never be hungry and you'll drop weight pretty fast.

do not combo it with aspirin (the ACE stack) that's all new territory of risk.


That's about it. Like I said though, I don't recommend. It's illegal to market that stack for a reason. It's perilous. No amount of looking good will make up for being dead. Just diet harder.

>> No.13451908

I'm too tall to be a trap but looking better in women's clothes is definitely a big part of my motivation to get /thin/. Going down yet another dress size is a really encouraging reward for all the hard work (I've gone from a UK 14 to a UK 8 this year).

>> No.13451914
File: 69 KB, 459x605, 0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i thinspo ?

>> No.13451918

dyel skinnyfat

>> No.13451933
File: 98 KB, 724x507, 0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will lift the gun and point it towards you if you don't post pic of yourself homo

>> No.13452042

I wish I was thin like Sinéad o'connor was so I could pull off that punk-y shaved head look. Maybe I don't have the face for it, though.

>> No.13452102

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.13452112

Yeah, especially when your skin becomes all saggy and wrinkly form the sun damage. it will definitely give you that hollow look if that’s what you’re going for

>> No.13452121
File: 61 KB, 736x1105, gallery_485322_35857_4018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize pale /thin/ girls are the best
>he wants that 2-week-old orange skin look on his girl after ahe turns 30

>> No.13452144

why do I have such a huge appetite

>> No.13452153

>i'm not mentally ill guise i swear

>> No.13452203

This sounds so gay and Midwestern lol
No one has been able to tell me how to reduce muscle and that sucks :-/

I'm 5'11" and 200lbs but most of it is due to my thighs, calves and ass.

What's do I do? Low protein? I notice the way I walk/take my strides is a reason why my calves stay so large too.

>> No.13452212

who is she

>> No.13452234

don't like jailbait ? I'm 20 anyway

>> No.13452258

Act like it then

>> No.13452468
File: 825 KB, 940x620, De9G-XVUwAA5Smh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u anons uwu

>> No.13452521

are you doing a lot of physical labour or exercise?>>13452153

>> No.13452633

Be careful doing dry fasting if that's what you're doing anon

>> No.13452794


im so hard right now

>> No.13452814

I would give ANYTHING to be him

>> No.13452923

i feel like i can't post here until i get <18.5bmi again

>> No.13452953
File: 790 KB, 720x1098, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A /fa/ggot over at /b/ sent me
This is what it looks oike when my gf sends nudes
She used to be (a little) bigger but I helped her shed the last few kilos
What does /thinn/ think?

>> No.13452956
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>> No.13452974

is that a boob job?

>> No.13452977

those implants are hideous
everything else looks fine though

>> No.13453038

From the thumbnail, it looks like a censor of a bigass dick.

>> No.13453050

Congrats making your gf look gross.

>> No.13453080
File: 101 KB, 900x1200, 1521816417131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you /fa/ggots eat? Americunt here, everything is full of fat and shit.

>> No.13453091

When you guys go long periods of time not eating or have a low calorie diet (200-300) does your body start to hurt? Idk if I should see the doctor or not. He is just going to tell me to eat more

>> No.13453098

veggie here

mostly raw veggies and fruits
egg, granola bar

>> No.13453119

Weird. All the dudes I meet love thicc thighs. Mostly cause they like thigh fucking. Idk its kinda weird but yeah I wish I had thinner thighs.

>> No.13453121

I've seen this posted before.
Usually McDonalds for dinner and then I feel sick until next dinner and then eat again. I know its not nutritious but still.

>> No.13453154

welp, I'll be fapping to these...

>> No.13453182
File: 139 KB, 712x720, WIN_20180618_02_13_00_Pro (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 pounds down, 6 pounds left until my dream BMI of 18.9

>> No.13453209
File: 97 KB, 588x882, tumblr_o510doW04U1sxltlao1_1280-588x882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think his BMI is? I'd like to aim somewhere near by it.

looks good, cute hair, good luck!
nice inspo, thank you guys

>> No.13453210
File: 892 KB, 640x1136, C262BBD8-52C0-444A-A0D2-8C7B9A95AA24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found her. She was in a house fire. That’s how she got her scars

>> No.13453216
File: 1.18 MB, 640x1136, 6AA3F663-CB0A-4B53-83F8-2AE185968782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s pretty thinspo as well so I’ll post a few more pics from her IG

>> No.13453219
File: 549 KB, 640x1136, E540C345-F4C5-4EB7-B824-CA9FAC7C183A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those shoulder blades


>> No.13453221
File: 821 KB, 640x1136, 66128E65-DF0D-4B7F-9938-5FA95748647E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13453257

15~17 is guess, depends on how much muscle and frame size.

>> No.13453263

You could always get blood tests to check if you’re malnourished.

>> No.13453289

If she worked our to reduce the hip dip and misshapen, inwards going, upper thigh she’d look really good.
She’d get a more natural transition between her hips and legs and look less starved-skinny-fat (not that there’s much fat, but there certainly isn’t much muscle either)
Right now her thigh is larger at the middle than the upper part and it looks strange

>> No.13453379

would bang

>> No.13453427

How long did it take for y'all to look at inspo before you made the dive and made long term changes?

The depression around my body inhibits me from making lifestyle shifts over a month.

>> No.13453436

I need a better enviroment for this shit. Having my parents coddling me is not good for weight loss.

>> No.13453445

I live with roommates far from family but social gatherings and social things related to work makes me be in positions where eating and drinking is important.

It's also just depressing to be chubby and getting all sorts of compliments but knowing deep inside with just 50lbs less I'd be chased after by so many guys.

>> No.13453483

Is there a /thinspo/ discord?

>> No.13453488

there are several but this is the best

>> No.13453509

go back to >>>/sci/ katz or whatever faggot you are

>> No.13453534

How do I stop thinking about my progress so much? I want to lose weight but not obsess over it. Sometimes I am just waiting for the day to pass so I can wake up the next day and weight myself. I am also constantly worried I might give in and binge on food.

>> No.13453543

I'm not katz (?), so no.

>> No.13453562


>> No.13453598

implants on stick thin girls look retarded

>> No.13453611

i left thinspo back in winter '16 now i've gained 50lbs and regret it AMA

>> No.13453615
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>> No.13453618
File: 66 KB, 500x511, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like all my restriction was for nothing. I went from 47 kg to 43.5 kg last fall and gained some back this spring and summer, now sitting uncomfortably at 45 (height 154 cm). I feel the exact same as a year ago, possibly fatter. I think I accidentally went and lost almost purely muscle and gained back in fat, but there's no way to be really sure.
I don't know what to do at this point. I thought that I'd magically look better at 18.5 bmi but it didn't work that way. Now I have very little motivation to lose more despite hating my body. I don't think I'll ever look /thinspo/ but I can't let go of the idea of having a cute body. I think I should get down to 40 kg because there's a chance I could look cute if I got to that weight. I just don't really believe it's possible anymore, I'm afraid I'll be a bony skelly, maybe good for thinspo photos but hideous irl. I want to believe that there's some grey area between skinnyfat and starving but I don't know anymore. Reaching a number, like 18.5, didn't really mean anything at all. I fear that reaching another won't do any more good, and I'll just torture myself for nothing.

What I'm trying to say is that this is a slippery slope and I don't even have an actual eating disorder, but the past year after becoming more conscious about my weight I've been more depressed than ever. I wish I could go back to not caring about weight since I was never overweight to begin with. Now being over 44 kg ruins my whole day even if try to tell myself it's just water or bloat, because then I have to see if it goes away, or if it's actual fat. Under 44 is acceptable territory, not anything to be happy about, just acceptable. I feel like I've damaged myself mentally to have this mindset and I'm bitter and sad about it. I've tried to stop weighing myself every day to feel less shitty but then I do it anyway.
Sorry for blogposting
>pic is the kind of a girl I'd love to be.
I want us all to be safe and happy but it can't be.

>> No.13453638

Remember that you're practically a skinny person now, even if "skinny" is your goal. You need to live like a skinny person, stop buying the kinds of shitty high carb foods that you would binge on. Weighing yourself every day is probably not a good idea, just do once a week instead to see it's indeed working.

>> No.13453694

i need to lose at least a minimum 15 pounds to look aight, but I've been stuck in a plateau for quite some time now. How am I gonna get a bf when I'm fat?

>> No.13453695

I left this place about a year ago and gained almost 5 kg, but mostly muscle mass.
I regret it as well.
>tfw 61 kg
My goal is to go back under 55 kg and not loose too much muscle, fasting already started.

>> No.13453699

btw. does the discord still exist?

>> No.13453715

Nice bod but b o t c h e d ass boob job damn

>> No.13453718

I left about the same time and gained 14 kg about 30 lbs mainly because I hadn’t realize I was skinny and getting in my first relationship lead both of us to eat lots

>> No.13453757

If you hit your plateau then you need to switch it up a bit. Try fasting for 2 days

>> No.13453869

i just want to get /fit/ desu
im exhausted most of the time

do people on the discord keep each other honest/accountable for their goals?
because that's what I need

also, any girls here on bc?
im wondering how that would affect me

>> No.13453938

You could try slightly increase your caloric intake to around maintenance level to fire up your metabolism.
It actually helped me get past a plateau, thought it might be different for everybody.

>> No.13453946

do you faggots use nicotine (vape or cigs) for weight loss? just wondering, I'll go back to /ck/ in the meanwhile and discuss the best fast food sandwich :^)

>> No.13453965

Snus; tastier and doesn't smell.

>> No.13453992

Ruins your teeth/gums tho

>> No.13453993

i vape but no nic yet

>> No.13454053

i smoke as a distraction. apparently some people feel an appetite suppression from nic but i dont get that, though the clear-headedness helps me stay away from food and focused on other things

>> No.13454079

No if you use it in moderation, especially pouches. I've been using smokeless for almost a decade now and the faintest bit of gum recession is below my lower lip and easily fixed by surgery if I really cared enough.

>> No.13454230

I'll try it. Thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.13454320

If you wanna stay thing, stay away from sugar, eat low carbs, and mostly fats with moderate protein.

>> No.13454357
File: 48 KB, 540x425, 477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sticc is the most fa possible thing you can be

>> No.13454375
File: 2.91 MB, 576x1024, இ_இ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for gross but whats this thing coming out of my abdomen, its hard and it only appears when im sitting up. sitting standing and lying down it dissapears

>> No.13454387

Yeah until your hair falls out

>> No.13454396

Don't know but that's hot desu

>> No.13454420

i won't be happy when I'm model-tier thin
i won't be happy when I have more friends
i won't be happy

how do i combat this

>> No.13454462

how do you know when you're /thin/?

>> No.13454566
File: 58 KB, 564x545, 4b8627aa3a205069b557955823e5122d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I spent all day shopping. I packed water, some leafy greens, cucumber and a carrot, and decided I'd treat myself to something more in the afternoon. Once in there, I couldn't find anything I wanted though - everything was much too rich in carbs, and too big a serving as well. I really wanted to find *something* though, if nothing else then to get some daily fat and protein. I went to a supermarket to browse for a protein bar, but I came upon a pack of smoked greenland halibut on discount. 100 g, 261 kcal, 20 g protein, don't remember the fat, 0 carbs. I honestly thought it looked perfect so I decided to have that even though it might look weird to walk down the street eating that. I ended up eating half of it and it was fucking great. Super delicious. 10/10 would recommend. 10 grams of protein, 150 ish kcal, 0 carbs, what's not to love.

>> No.13454571

stop forcing yourself to be unhappy

>> No.13454574

5'6 female. Was 115 but after eating like a hog for a few weeks, I just weighed in at 119.

Currently 21 hrs into a 60 hr fast. Pls comfort me/thinspire me to be my best self again ;(

>> No.13454582
File: 49 KB, 471x750, bcbde1f957cff4244f1634034070e1ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're asking this in the wrong place. you should ask it somewhere else, but do ask it.

you can see it.


>> No.13454584

That was depressing
You should see a therapist, it helps

>> No.13454590

Same here. 45kg 173cm and I'm not satisfied with my body, sometimes I think that if I never started caring about calories and all this shit, just eat whatever pleased me i'd be way happier, but I can't go back now.

>> No.13454600

i really want hair like this

>> No.13454619

youre just going to keep going and going and going and convincing yourself that youre fat again and again making up new goal weights again and again until you die

>> No.13454659

>you can see it.

can you tho? what are you looking for?

>> No.13454745
File: 44 KB, 499x750, D81C36AA-C02C-45C1-BB2B-E4E0CF52AA43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re doing so well, instead of giving up and pigging our for forever you decided to confront your problem, get your shit together, and start fixing it.
That’s actually quite a feat, give youreself some credit.
A lot of people use setback as a poor excuse to let everything go, not you, and that’s what makes the difference in the long run.
Doing something perfect from the start isn’t the real goal (you can only be perfect without effort if your goals are unrealistically low) , the real goal is to not give up. And that’s you. You did that.
So take care of yourself, make sure you don’t trick yourself to fail by being too strict or too lenient. Take care of your body too, don’t get sick from malnutrition and all that shit. You can be thin without being unhealthy

>> No.13454756


>> No.13454823

Saving this in my phone. Thank you anon <3

>> No.13454866

I grab a coffee go outside and smoke on my lunch breaks at work. I don’t know how much it really suppresses appetite but I work in fast food so it keeps me from eating.

>> No.13454903

Be my bf

>> No.13454940

>be doing really good and consistent with my weightloss
>start taking prozac 10mg for depression and anxiety
>it really helps
>but also suddenly I'm finding it challenging to stick to my calorie goals

Nuhhhhhh /thinspo/ what do I doooooo

>> No.13454963

I made a choice for the good of myself and flushed my prozac, thus is life I guess.

>> No.13454966

Keep taking your meds. I'd rather be happy and fat and ugly than /fa/ and sad

>> No.13454982

Well my stance on that is different, I'm tryna get a boyfriend, fuck a good mood I don't need prozac, everyone knows me for being angry and bitchy all the time anyways.

>> No.13455012

Do you have bipolar.
Also a boyfriend aint gonna fix anything honey. Especially if you have anger issues. There is a reason why people say it matters what's on the inside. They're talking about your mental health.

>> No.13455014

>Do you have bipolar
Yes actually.
Also a boyfriend will fix my loneliness.

>> No.13455034
File: 349 KB, 640x780, 1527992930052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? And you're on prozac?
That's fuggin stupid. You should be on something like Lamotrigine or Litium
A boyfriend will cause more ups and downs and another thing to be angry about. You'll ruin yourself and the boy if you get into a relationship.
I'd go find another therapist if I were you. Or tell him you want bipolar meds not that shit they prescribe to every single person who goes to a therapist.
Sorry this shit makes me furious I can't stand when these people don't care about what they are there for

>> No.13455038

fuck that boyfriend shit u'll just get someone who wants nothing more than sex
get a FRIEND
a REAL friend
or friends, real friends. or hang out with family, humans were never supposed to be lonely

>> No.13455045

Male, 18, 5'8"
current weight - 144
highest weight - 163
I'm on an 1000 calorie deficit, how's it looking? I've been dieting seriously for about 3 months now and my clothes fit a lot better. I can wear my old stuff I had gotten too big for now. My goal weight is 130, is that good? or too low

>> No.13455061

I'll be your boyfriend but don't be angry and bitchy I don't have time for that. I'm tall thin and beautiful, just looking to bust ropes.

>> No.13455114
File: 313 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_2343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. here's another one and my instagram if you wanna help me gain a follow : https://www.instagram.com/epochmod/

>> No.13455118

those tits are the worst thing i've ever seen. i work for a plastic surgeon lmao hmu if you want those things fixed because DAMN those are fuckin gross.

>> No.13455122

whats your daily exercise routine? similar build trying to obtain this

>> No.13455146
File: 61 KB, 1230x1140, 1528809038049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>tired of being skinnyfat
>determined to go on a diet
>gets hungry
>eats a bunch of literal trash
>immediate regret

this happens everyday, should i just hang myself?

>> No.13455212

remove trash food from environment
replace with healthy food

>> No.13455228

I'm going out for a smoke and chillin in the woods for an hour or two
Gonna do some yoga, basic flex stretches and some ass workout when I get back

Going by the store on my way back.
Anyone want anything?

>> No.13455247

can you get me some multivitamins

>> No.13455322
File: 167 KB, 849x722, D0966E14-FB8A-4A58-93CB-FE8F16CB7478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 4kg to go

>> No.13455470

w2c a shirt like that, it's basic but cute

>> No.13455498

It’s cute because she’s skinny you retard

Therefore be skinny. Once skinny you can make anything basic look cute

>> No.13455529

You need serious help

>> No.13455534


>> No.13455573

bmi is trash what is the thinspo bf%

>> No.13455611
File: 875 KB, 720x1154, Screenshot_20171216-204831_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fags accept the fact that you're ugly? I want to have a thin body for a qt boy or girl, but I can't hide the fact that my face is like a goblin. I'm ugly as fuck and I cry at the fact that I will never be pretty. I will never be "hot". I will never be considered attractive. I want to die, but I don't want my family to worry. fuck my life. why couldn't I be born with good genes?

>> No.13455620

u just have low self esteem
really ugly ppl that no one would fudge are rare

>> No.13455631

pic of yourself?

my gf used to think she was ugly but it was literally all in her head. like she used to cut herself because she didn't like the way she looked. skinny and all. but i guess she didn't see the beauty in herself, even when i told her

>> No.13455639

also the main reason why i broke up with her for a few months. like she was literally hot but she was always so negative about herself it would drive me insane. at first i always thought it was for attention, but she literally had some type of dysmorphia when she looked in the mirror. couldn't deal with it so we broke up.
got back together and helped her figure herself out. now she's happier. got her to stop wearing makeup and dying her hair. now she goes for the natural look. brown hair and freckles showing which i fucking love on her. been doing the bare face look for a few months now. before she would dye her hair black and put on cake face full of makeup with those stupid huge wings/cat eye things???? whatever they're called. also she cut her hair to sort of an art hoe bob cut last week. I liked it long desu but its refreshing and she said shell only keep it short for the summer. My hair is now longer than hers actually.

>> No.13455684

I'm afraid of trying to go to therapy and being laughed off as an attention whore with no real broblems. I don't want to worry my family like that, or make them angry. It's also expensive. I know I'm just making excuses here, I'll probably seek help if this gets worse and I can be 100% sure that I have some kind of mental illness other than meme depression.
For you to reach 15 bmi yet still feel unsatisfied makes me so sad. I hope this won't happen to me, and for you to get better. I'm kind of jealous too because at that weight you must look good, or at least miles better than me, but that doesn't help you at all. You must have BDD but then again I might have it too, it's just hard to tell whether I'm really as disgusting as I think or just delusional.
I know, either that or staying in a limbo of zero self esteem for the rest of my life. That doesn't really upset me any further but thanks for trying

>> No.13455697

>I'm afraid of trying to go to therapy and being laughed off as an attention whore with no real problems.
just go if u can

>> No.13455704

Being comfortable with yourself goes a long way, and it helps with forming a personal style as well. They are a lot of people who aren't conventionally attractive who find a way to make it work.

>> No.13455765

Food is too good. Only reason I need to be skinny is for sex. But all the guys I've been with are chubbier than me and I like food. Don't think its worth it

>> No.13455860

You can do it Anon, I believe in you.

>> No.13455923

I'm going to start a treatment of isotretinoin, 10mg everyday × six months. Has anyone here went through that med before? Did it affected your weight? I'm kind of worried, although glad I can cure the acne in my chest and back.

>> No.13455967

I'm curious about this as well, currently using tretinoin cream myself and it's not doing much at all to my back acne. Considering accutane/isotretinoin now. One of the side effects is supposed to be loss of appetite so I wouldn't expect weight gain from it.

>> No.13455972
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I've been fasting for about 48 hours and about 2 hours ago I just got a euphoric rush, got way less tired all of a sudden, and my food cravings are subsiding.

Is that a sign that I'm entering ketosis or should I expect something else?

I'm a guy btw

>> No.13456031

>tfw binged on 1kg of cherries

>> No.13456074

Have you tried oral antibiotics? Oxytetracycline has completely cleared up my acne

>> No.13456104
File: 105 KB, 720x1280, B60262CA-0A56-4A89-AE31-A037E4FE4E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to decrease breast size? Anyone femanons here with experience? My boobs are big and sag. They’re not firm and I want to be able to wear cute bralets.

>> No.13456105

Yeah I've been on tetracycline hydrochloride plus that tretinoin for about two months now, my face was relatively clear after two weeks of it but my back, especially shoulder area is still pretty bad. The tretinoin was supposed to kick in after at most a month of use but I'm still waiting, I'm taking the antibiotics for a month more but I don't have my hopes up

>> No.13456117


>> No.13456132

That's pretty normal I would say. Lines up with my experience. Don't forget to drink though

>> No.13456213

>starving yourself to get have a more blatant array of dicks to choose from (theyd fuck you anyway, youre a piece of meat regardless)

>> No.13456326

>155 lbs
4000 calorie intake daily, I eat a shit load of pastry.
>tfw I hateit ecause I want to get ripped, now I look like a weak man, I want females to respect me.

>> No.13456373

What's your height?

>> No.13456374

It's just a standard effect of fasting. Enjoy.

>> No.13456379

I'm a short (5'9"), skinny guy and I hate it. What's the appeal? Is it something submissive people want to be?

>> No.13456395

shut your mouf

>> No.13456413

COLD SHOWERS cured my acne

Had it on my chest back and face. People say warm showers is good because it opens up the pores. But they also dehydrate the skin and makes it easier for stuff to go into the pores, even if you finish the shower with cold water. It has to be cold the entire time. The cold water also shrinks the pores squeezing all the blackheads/Whitehead’s out. Also keeps your skin hydrated so it’s not dry. I don’t even have to use moisturizer anymore after I shower since I switched to cold. I spent years trying to get rid of my acne as well. Best piece of advice I could give you desu. I went on accutane twice in high school years ago as well. I’ll link some articles in a bit. Also accutane never effected my weight, even though I never ever had weight problems. I’ve always been stick thin being a runner

>> No.13456424

Boy that's just how your muscle appears when it contracts in that way. The reason it seems to stick out is bc you have a relatively low bf%. That happens to everyone when they sit up.

>> No.13456440

Yea I vape 24mg nic salts at 45-50w and .15 ohms. Gives me a decent buzz and suppressed my appetite like crazy. Also other stimulants like coffee work. Another drug that I take that suppresses appetite is kratom, it completely takes my appetite away for hours and is super euphoric at the right dose. It's completely legal in most places but it's banned in certain states and countries, you should still be able to buy it online tho.

>> No.13456462

No added sugar, limited carbs, try to eat a lot of fat and protein. I mostly just eat fruits, beans, nuts, veggies, and other foods with a lot of nutrients. Keeps me full for longer now that I'm used to the first change.

>> No.13456482
File: 229 KB, 1080x1308, 25008378_526354174407771_2756300068276404224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COLD SHOWERS cured my acne

Going to try this. Perfect time of the year to do it too.

>> No.13456487

Thanks anon, I've thought about cold showers before but always been too much of a pussy to fully commit, only used cold water for finish rinsing. I'll do cold showers starting from today, hopefully the results show soon so I won't get discouraged.

>> No.13456507

i basically drink a lot of water, eat light meals and walk a lot everyday ( i basically walk to anywhere i'm going ) I also worked in a restaurant and i was the guy moving heavy shit around all the time but i dont think that changed my body that much.

i'm 177cm, 56kg

>> No.13456522

Sorry homie. I know it isn't that short, and I never really cared about being considered short, but it is on the shorter side.

>> No.13456667

Let me know/write in here if it works out for you!
I saw results immediately first starting out with my dry skin disappearing aftervshowering. That was just after my first cold shower ever. After a couple of days my blackheads started slowly disappearing as well, and my complexion smoothed out. After two weeks my skin was the best it ever was after about 6 to 7 years of having acne. I don’t even use products anymore. I’ve literally turned into one of those memes where I tell people just to wash their face with water, just cold. Because that’s all do. Splash face with cold water throughout day if I’ve been outside getting dirty and cold shower at least once a day

>> No.13456729

I'm on it. Should I turn the temperature all the way down? I took a cold shower just now and it was uncomfortable but I felt pretty good afterwards desu. It wasn't the minimum setting though, any colder and it would have been painful. Is this okay, or would maximum cold be more beneficial?
My skin unlike yours is too oily but let's see if this still helps.

>> No.13456740

I feel so fucking lost, I don't care about my health and I don't intend to live past 35 years, so I often think about just eating what ever the fuck pleases me, fast food or healthy food, it doesn't matter. Maybe it's better than being thin but unhappy.

>> No.13456787

You can turn it all the way down, it should be ice cold (or as cold as it gets in the summer which isn't cold at all)
Stick your head in first, that way you won't get a brain freeze as easily, it sounds counterproductive but trust me.

>> No.13456789
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Same, but then I remember that if I want to hang myself it's better to be without eating or drinking anything at least a day prior because the mess will be disgusting and it's probably not a good idea to eat when suicidal (or it is, if you want to see it that way)
On a more relevant note, if thin makes you miserable, go for what makes you happy. There is literally no reason to torture yourself if it only makes you feel worse in the end. I know 'happy at any size' is a lie but nobody will truly blame you for not being sticc mode.

>> No.13456800
File: 2.54 MB, 480x480, handsup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'll believe you, I'll brave the freezing water next time. Thanks for your help!

>> No.13456805

ohio, currently im at 5'8 & 220(fat i know :( ) and eating 1700 cals a day. So far I've lost 5 pounds in the last month without exercising, although i plan on starting to exercise soon. Am I going about this in a healthy manner? or should I try for 1500 cals a day. Really wanna keep losing weight so I can be happier for my body and be a qt boy for my gf

>> No.13456820

Aah, fuck it then, i'm just going to eat what I want and stop caring about calories and all this shit, I've been creating an obsession about food and it's making me really uncomfortable. But if I stay unhappy after all... well, I don't know what to do then.

>> No.13456848

For being thin: YES

For gaining muscle or living active lifestyle: NO.

>> No.13456859

It's important to stop before it's too late and you can't anymore. I'm trying to do that myself but it's difficult. The only thing you should be concerned about is living a good and satisfying life, if quitting the obsession doesn't make you happy that's no reason to turn back to it. Instead you should look elsewhere for a solution, or get professional help if you haven't already. We are all capable of making it, even if it's sometimes hard to believe.

>> No.13456875

I can't stop eating, I am chewing on raw rice right now because I have already eaten too much and I don't want to cook a whole bowl of rice. Everything was going smoothly a few weeks ago but now I am getting such strong cravings all the time.

>> No.13456882

Im the one you were talking too >>13456787
Is not me.

I don’t turn it all the way down to freezing cold except for short sperts. It actually makes the regular cold water I use feel warm and not that bad when I do the freezing cold for like 20 seconds. Normally I start out washing my body with just cold water. Then I wash hair with cold then do the really cold water for few seconds and let the water soak into my hair and scalp (helps hair and scalp if you ever have dry/dandruff or frizzy hair) then I go back to cold then I’m usually done if I don’t have to shave or whatever

>> No.13456978

I ended my fast five days ago and have had between 200 and 700 kcals a day since. I was expecting that the weight I'd lose on those four days would weigh up the water-weight I'd gain from starting to eat again but I've gained a kilo :( I know it's not fat but man it sucks, I'd so love to just fast again but it's not gonna give me the body I want. What I need to do is stay patient, eat my daily protein and fat and utilise the energy to exercise :( It's just so much easier to be a lazy fasting fuck. And the tummy's so nicely flat when it's 3 days empty...

>> No.13456995

does anyone know if taking vegetarian capsules (6 of them) would break autophagy

>> No.13457306
File: 1.99 MB, 1039x1772, Capture+_2018-06-20-22-00-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my arms were small

>> No.13457357

your arm looks fucking weird dude

>> No.13457437

Drop to 1000 ;) results.

>> No.13457472
File: 1.47 MB, 3348x4440, _20180621_132701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get rid of this fat? Runnings not working. Eating 1000 calories isn't helping. Will I have to fast. I really won't ever be able to fast.

>> No.13457474
File: 151 KB, 640x620, 1509234317181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a dude? I'm a guy and have pretty skinny arms and shit. but I occasionally get insecure about it when I see other people have bigger arms

>> No.13457479

Well, what the fuck. It's me again, and I ate what I was craving, but just after that I realized that I was feeling way better without the junk in my body, maybe I was lacking a bit of energy but whatever. That unhappines was just temporary. Jesus christ, I am a fucking mess...

>> No.13457480

I have the same issue, although to a lesser degree.

>> No.13457556

I'm a 5'1 femanon and I do light exercise daily (sets of weighted squats, weighted lunges, standing side leg lifts and then hula hooping for a couple hours total) how many calories do you guys suggest I eat in a day?

>> No.13457584

show boob

>> No.13457640

you guys are gross and unhealthy

>> No.13457649

I also found that the cold indeed gets easier the longer I stay in the shower, this sounds more doable. Thanks friendo, I'll report back in time

>> No.13457653
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oh boy ya got me. whatever can i do now that I have been exposed???

>> No.13457719

How to deal with hanger?

>> No.13457735
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now weigh less than my gf
>Shes crazy mad about it

No better feeling than making a girl feel insecure.

>> No.13457737
File: 112 KB, 720x706, tumblr_p71yzwuRCv1x6vefto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure its not drought? Otherwise, just deal with it, after a while you get used.

>> No.13457790

tfw sunburn on my face and it looks fatter now

>> No.13457830

mine shrink when i lose weight, but i know of this girl who makes bralettes that are still comfy for big breasts: http://ammeb.storenvy.com/ if thats helpful to you

>> No.13457832

You're supposed to use sunscreen you know

>> No.13457833

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
male, 23, 174cm, probably 60kg
>tdee and your deficit
around 1900, I try to eat around 1000-1400
>highest and lowest weight
highest around 75-80kg, lowest 54kg
>goal weight
around 54kg, maybe less, IDK when I look good
>preferred method of losing weight
trying to restrict calories, riding my bicycle to and from work (9km total), jogging 6,4km(4miles) every other day
>aesthetic you are going for
I just want thin legs, ass and flat stomach.

>> No.13457849

>10kg lighter than me
>Same height

Pls post a pic, I'm aiming for 60kg and you're making me worried I need to go lower.

>> No.13457856

It depends on how your body stores fat and also how much muscle you have. I have pretty much no muscle at all so all that weight is just fat. You might be 10kg heavier and still look leaner.
I'm at work atm, will post pic when I get home.

>> No.13457936

Link expired. Can you send a new one? I'd love a hub to find more thinspo.

>> No.13457951
File: 80 KB, 402x553, 1529257137004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13457959

Make sure to cut out excess sugars (junk food, white sugar, soda, candy) and slowly replace processed food in your diet into fruits and vegetables. If you can, use smaller plates since they help you control your portions. Eating less will be a breeze. I take in 800-1400 calories a day now. The recommended minimum is 1200 a day, though. Good luck anon!

>> No.13457979

just started on anti depressants and have lost all appetite, feel guilty whenever I do eat.
Am I getting an eating disorder?

>> No.13457986

>tfw going to treat myself and buy some ice cream and chocolates
Gonna try to cook too
I'm laffin at you weakling faggots who sweat the petty
Love yourself for fucks sake
Going full ana will get you nowhere except close to Ashley

>> No.13457989

thats when they cheat, so i'd be careful

>> No.13457992
File: 60 KB, 650x420, Dont-be-a-fat-bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw going to treat myself and buy some ice cream and chocolates
>Gonna try to cook too
>I'm laffin at you weakling faggots who sweat the petty
>Love yourself for fucks sake
>Going full ana will get you nowhere except close to Ashley

>> No.13458009

That's so much junk at once. Tell me how you'll feel afterwards and tell me that it feels like love then as well.
Me, I went to a chocolatier and bought two 20 gram hand crafted chocolate and I'll have it with my grandma with coffee later this afternoon. What matters most is how I eat it. I'll savour each bite and let it melt on my tongue and think of nothing else during the entire process of choosing to pick up the chocolate, 'till the taste of it remains as subtle notes on my tongue. In that way, 20 grams is more than enough. Now that's a treat. What you're doing is spoiling yourself.

>> No.13458039

>underweight people with huge thighs
fucking end it

>> No.13458052
File: 78 KB, 634x433, 285A4D9C00000578-0-image-a-68_1431024151192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had it guys, I need to go get chubby, I had a bmi of 17 for years now, comes from working out all my teenage years and eating almost nothing. I'm an adult now, I work a hard job, I have no energy, I have to lie about my weight to get life insurance, I am scared. I want to have kids too. I need to gain wieght but I am scared. I'll look horrible while chubby.

>> No.13458058

How did you reach the conclusion that you need to be chubby?
Get fit and healthy not chubby and weak you absolute retard

>> No.13458059

I am fit but I need to gain weight and I need to transform into a chubby mommy thing

>> No.13458166
File: 23 KB, 472x508, tumblr_l4536sely41qzrqmgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
no muscle, only flab
>tdee and your deficit
2500, don't know what deficit to have as of yet. starting out today
>highest and lowest weight
100/100, starting today
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
eating for nutrition, fasting for long periods of time. dampening hunger pangs with tea, sucking in air and meditating
>aesthetic you are going for
the machinist-style skeleton, pic related

Any tips from experienced thinspo memers could be useful. I'll be updating from time to time when I remember to. Is there like a Discord or IRC that I can join to communicate in real time with you guys? tyvm

also good luck lads

>> No.13458171

I think that the chubby mommy aesthetic is really good and something women should be encouraged to go for. Tfw no chubby gf to cuddle with.

>> No.13458179

>you can't treat yourself to some junk food once in a while and still stay thin
Y'all are stupid.

>> No.13458206

>treat yourself
If you give in once it's easier to do it again the next day, and before you know it, eating trash has become a common thing. I find it easier to just not eat certain foods because as time passes the cravings go away.

>> No.13458211
File: 580 KB, 650x960, 30741346_793774954166588_7885532420420665344_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll find her, anon

>> No.13458228

How bad would it be to eat only oatmeal for a month?

>> No.13458241

thanks for the blog post

>> No.13458285

It would be fucking boring. You'd get sick of it faster than you think.

>> No.13458289

But I love oatmeal.

>> No.13458326

Thanks! Ill make sure too try the smaller portions and plates tricks out!:D

>> No.13458377

So you want to be chubby then? Why are you complaining?

>> No.13458384

Maybe, tell your doctor about it so that you can change meds if needed. They aren’t helpful if they give you an eating disorder or make you More depressed.

>> No.13458439
File: 102 KB, 300x300, 1508512730421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf, anon..

>> No.13458452

What the fuck is a thinspo

>> No.13458460

thin inspiro

>> No.13458532

I'm just scared I'll look ugly or that it's too late and I have a hard time gaining weight as it is

>> No.13458539
File: 52 KB, 640x649, 1306602856667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do after I reach my goal of being super thin? It's pretty much the only thing I've been fighting for, and it's also pretty close.

>> No.13458579
File: 17 KB, 274x479, 122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that being sticc is the most fa thing you can be

>> No.13458584
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>> No.13458592

but guys like when the thigh meat sticks out

>> No.13458593
File: 944 KB, 1080x1027, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but thigh meat sticking out is not fa at all

>> No.13458600
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top effay

>> No.13458603

so guys won't like you then, don't you want to be loved?

>> No.13458608
File: 39 KB, 640x504, 396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, Anon!

>> No.13458609

big fan of the thigh meat

>> No.13458614
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heavily effay

>> No.13458620

this is sad, then you turn old and ugly and bitter you will regret this

>> No.13458633
File: 30 KB, 564x564, 428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot love
It’s in my blood..

>> No.13458634

at least she won't be old for long

>> No.13458638
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no future where i die before im 20

>> No.13458641

but you want to be loved and hugged and touched

>> No.13458648

ha ha, wow you are so edgy and cool, totally not like all other teenagers and you totally wont regret this at age 25

>> No.13458649
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i dont.. thats disgusting

regret what anon? what have i done? nice assumptions..

>> No.13458655
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if your ribcage does not show you are not effay objectively

>> No.13458713

people will always judge you, not only by how you look but also how edgy and try-hard your opinions are, assumptions are nothing in comparison to the sad life that awaits you

>> No.13458722

Jokes on you, my ribcage shows but I'm still flabby all around
You seem like the kind of person who unironically needs to go back. I'm not saying this to offend.

>> No.13458732

I love how you tell people with a ED that they are gross thinking it will help when really now they are gonna fast for a extra day

>> No.13458736

who cares, die quicker, just stop being a burdon

>> No.13458744

And how do we affect you at all?

>> No.13458778
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x3024, A6B4D94C-5273-47AA-B7A0-8206EC83852B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchin dinosaur train feelin thinn and i eat what i want.
Thinking rice n beans with spinach carrots fruit and meat

>> No.13458789

Your bedroom is gross... Get the fuck outta /fa/

>> No.13458806

you affect the world around you, you don't live in a bubble and even if you did there would still be people watching you

>> No.13458825

I am still waiting to hear how what I eat affects you.

I'll wait.

>> No.13458845

am I not in the world? and how do you know I'm not close to you? do you really care if your actions affect and hurt other people is the real question, because I don't think you do, you don't even care for yourself why would you care about anyone else

>> No.13458852

How eating small quantity of food affect other people lives?

>> No.13458865

My actions have yet to hurt anyone. Also I see no way in how my actions will hurt anyone. U know you don't have to stuff your face with food all day every day right? You can put down the fork. Don't make people feel like shit when they have a ED and then say that you care if they wind up in the hospital. How do you think your actions helped em?

Also I'm still waiting to hear how my diet affects you.

>> No.13458866

literally the only reason im doing any of this is to have thin thighs and look good in my jeans. it's 100% my only real motivation. my fat thighs spread across chairs when i sit down triggered me into starving my self

>> No.13458918

>It's just so much easier to be a lazy fasting fuck. And the tummy's so nicely flat when it's 3 days empty
iktf, currently miring my tummy right now after alternate fasting since monday. might eat a grill cheese and hit the gym later tonight

>> No.13459030

damn daniel

>> No.13459076

I willingly gave myself anorexia and anemia all for a fucking fashion meme fuck yall niggas

>> No.13459082

Whenever I eat something I start feeling really hot. particularly in my head, does anyone get this and know why?

>> No.13459099

>american narrator
this woman could not possibly be more painful to listen to

>> No.13459100

>boneless bones!

>> No.13459103

everyone seems to be shilling this 8:16 diet or whatever its called, involving eating whatever for 8 hours + fasting for the following 16.

is that something that actually works?

>> No.13459109

i'm overweight and you can still see my ribs if i lean back. it's no accomplishment

>> No.13459116
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If you take less calories and lose, it works.
I am sometimes on junk food (ok mostly)
But I limit it and keep losing.
Won't recommend tho, your immune system will
start to fail.
So keep your veggies around.

>> No.13459122

How to get thin like SOPHIE
am already a tranny

>> No.13459143

my main meals are OK nutritionally, i just binge at night so this would cut that out for me

>> No.13459148

if you'll even be able to call them boobs. I have bigger tits than most of these women as a 220lb 6ft1 male

>> No.13459167

Pics or it didn’t happen

>> No.13459173

Stop being a retard then. You can be skinny and perfectly healthy, it’s not the internets fault that you can’t understand nutrition

>> No.13459191

I'm not trying to be emotionally raped by the skeleton clan.

>> No.13459254

So you’re lying. Go figure

>> No.13459265

I got curious and watched a bit of dinosaur train, three minutes, it was strange but 'king of the hoard' was nice. Anyway cool room, would totally hang out. Have a happy summer friendo.

>> No.13459270

are you trying to say that an image of a fat guy on a salad eater thread wouldn't bring on hoardes of abuse?

>> No.13459277

Nobody cares, I just want to see if it’s possible. I swim so I’ve seen it on flabby old women but that’s it. Not fat fat people

>> No.13459293

i'm not boogie2988. I'm only just into the overweight category at BMI 25-26 (can't remember exactly)

>> No.13459300
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what did you guys eat for lunch today?

>> No.13459303

After a week of almost nothing, today I ate 100g of Tuc(s) and 150g of breadsticks, with 1.5l of water.
It felt terrible, time to go back to nothing.

>> No.13459315

Nothing. Just had dinner, 80g of black beans with 2 scrambled eggs.

>> No.13459404

Am I allowed to vape if I am doing OMAD/IF?

Back to /mg/

>> No.13459412

Nic salts sounds cool but the buzz is overkill. I remember my trying my friend's and it made me walk like I was hammered for like 10 seconds. But I miss the euphoria that I used to get when I first started smoking so I will probably give in and give them a try one day.

>> No.13459418


>> No.13459445
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pita with hummus. I only had like 1/4 of the bread, but all of the stuffing, which was falafel, creme faiche dressing, chili dressing, cucumbers, tomato and green salad. I was stuffed. I think it was something like 700 kcal. Could've been so much less without the dressing :(

>> No.13459454

Nothing, im about a day and a half into my fast. I even took an EC stack and went for a jog. I'm doing that couch to 5k thing and its surprisingly moving smoothly. I'm on week three and have been able to keep up.

>> No.13459508

I'm in both.

>> No.13459532

>tfw no sith lord gf

>> No.13459618
File: 1.06 MB, 1158x438, tostaytogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female ,
161 cm / 5'4 ,
53 kg / 116 lb 13 oz ,
BMI 20.8, goal: 19.5?

I'm by no means thinspo and I thought my goal weight would be way lower (50 kg / 110 lb 4 oz) leaving me at a BMI of 19.5. But I'm also sorta happy and I'd really like to transition into maintaining my body and love it exactly as is - thighs, inner thighs, hips, soft arms and all. There's something sort of sexy about a little bit of fat in the right places, so I definitely don't want to be sticc. But I'm in doubt if I'm fooling myself...maybe I'm still way too fat to have to worry about keeping a little bit of softness? help :/ pic related, is me

>> No.13459675

Sliced cucumbers with paprika and onion powder seasoned on top. It's my shitty alternative to binging on chips and salsa.

>> No.13459754

ahhhh shit we are around the same height and your cw is my gw but your thighs don't look how i want them to be

do you exercise at all? maybe you're not toned

>> No.13459865
File: 23 KB, 302x322, 704edb7d6c5bbc01eccd43d7cf191cd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I exercise on a daily basis but not very hard. No squats though. I exercise my butt in another way and train my thighs by riding my bike, but lately I've eaten so little that I can't seem to ride it very fast so my thighs have sorta gotten smaller.
I think to see a nice difference I'd both need to train harder and lose some bodyfat

>> No.13459876

I think in the movie theres scene where you see him marking down his weight changes on a calender, there's 127 already marked there i think, and when he marks it its 134 or something, he's like 180 cm though

his legs are also not skinny, he has fat mans legs, you cant see in this popular image, but his legs are still thick. so you have to account for that. he might look very thin here but in reality he has alot of mass in his bottom half so he isn't that thin

>> No.13460214

Not the anon you were talking to but you don't even have to be underweight for your ribs, collarbones, wrist bones and all that to be visible. If anything, you probably have to be OBESE for them to not be visible at all.

>> No.13460281
File: 488 KB, 808x805, noo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
m 19 6'1" 200lbs
>tdee and your deficit
tdee: 2500kcals, ideally 1000-1500kcal deficit
>highest and lowest weight
highest 260
lowest 150
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
diet + running
>aesthetic you are going for
lean and shaved head with beanie/skullcap

>> No.13460288

What are some good pants to show thin legs? I'm tempted to just go normal black skinny jeans but I'm wondering what other people do.

>> No.13460306

yeah, thats my arm