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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 500x375, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13441932 No.13441932 [Reply] [Original]

Can black people be alt or even pull it off?

>> No.13441938 [DELETED] 

Niggers can't be effay in any capacity.

>> No.13441942

Sub post: fuck off

Signed, A pissed off anon

Number of posts: 1

>> No.13441966

No, that’s appropriating white culture

>> No.13441969

how do I stop being insecure when someone calls me ugly

>> No.13441990


>> No.13441995

weren't "art hoes" originally black, or whatever?

>> No.13442012

we wuz art hoes

>> No.13442045

>/pol/ has even memed it's way into /fa/


>> No.13442048

It was a term coined to explain black girls that were into art. Since then it has evolved and now is predominantly used for white pretentious "alt" girls.

>> No.13442187

4chan at it's core has always been racist. There's literally no getting away from racism on this site.

>> No.13442192
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pic related wears it pretty well imo

>> No.13442263

using 'hoe(s)' as a suffix for archetypes of females is a slang trend started by blacks.

The art hoe aesthetic itself is another story

>> No.13442265
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I am

>> No.13442268

Post whole fit

>> No.13442284
File: 1.87 MB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the car now just came from the grocery store pajama pants with the army green tee tucked and sandals

>> No.13442302

Nigga you gay, real talk

>> No.13442313

ew. gross wide head and nose. she really doesn't imo, looks quite unnatural/forced. like she's doing cosplay
genuinely un/fa

>> No.13442316

gay af

>> No.13442322


>> No.13442339
File: 1.14 MB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my girlfriend fa ??

>> No.13442341

She looks like she fucks white guys

>> No.13442346

she looks like her pussy stinks

>> No.13442347

Right !? But nope just me friend

>> No.13442351

Good for you anon

>> No.13442357

>looks quite unnatural/forced
that description applies to all alt girls, you dunce. anyway i find her cute, would-miscegenate-with/10

>> No.13442364

Leftists are so fucking disgusting. This stuff screams mental illness LMAO

>> No.13442366
File: 1.13 MB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pic

>> No.13442372

She just looks like she screams patriarchy out loud for no fucking reason then puts on one of those pink vagina hats and tries to vote for Bernie Sanders even though it's 2018

>> No.13442378

Nah I’m a nigger but it’s fuck niggers she used to be pretty leftist until I crossed her over

>> No.13442385

she's cute but hard to tell without better fit pic. nice haircut and face

>> No.13442386

Why do white people steal everything from us?

>> No.13442389

botched bangs

>> No.13442402


>> No.13442407

/Thread. She probably has dad issues

>> No.13442408

>calling yourself a nigger

jesus christ, 4chan has ruined you.

>> No.13442414
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>> No.13442415

Works. I like it. Got your own style as opposed to the try-hard, forced shit in OP.

>> No.13442424

I'm black and just came to say nigga u gay

>> No.13442427

Y do you paint your nails

>> No.13442432

Goes good with my tattoo and look

>> No.13442435

Nah just making light of my people being shitters I’m not but they definitely are (not all just most)

>> No.13442437

sorry to tell you mate but...

>> No.13442449


>> No.13442452

Idk I think I look good .its all that really matters my guy

>> No.13442464

You look like a fucking degenerate leftist faggot desu with you senpai

>> No.13442467
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Why so butthurt anon ?

>> No.13442469

I dunno leftists are just embarrassing. Not sure why anyone would want to look like one

>> No.13442472

Nah m8 you're just a edgy cornball and it shows from the inside and out (assuming you're the dude with the douchey tats and nail polish). Grow up, you look too old to still be in this phase lol

>> No.13442475

This Nibba right here doesnt give a fuck what people das about him, I like it
But take at least darker colors

>> No.13442479

Alert Homosexual Activitiy Detected Please Evacuate The Facility Immediatey

>> No.13442483

You insecure white faggots are really at it today. Lol.

>> No.13442485

i have known a punk and a metal bro-brother.

they were top tier friends, skin color irrelevant.

I think its the culture and shit people are put off by.

>> No.13442494

Edgy cornball ? That’s good shit actually but nah honestly calling me a fag or homosexual kinda chill I got my look my girl a good job and an overall pretty good life all at 22. Just got in the thread to shed some positive vibes towards alternative blacks. I love the way I look and dress it’s me you know ? It’s all love to this thread honestly

>> No.13442500

>my life is so good let me come into a thread on 4chan and tell everyone!!!
fuck mate it's cringey

>> No.13442513

Absolutley. Although, they must speak properly with a neutral accent. Any semblance of alternativity is lost when someone speaks with too much sang or with an ethnic drawl.

Also, general rule of tjumb is contrasting fits/skin tone. Alt blacks also work better in colorful fits, opposed to white alts who pull off black better.

>> No.13442613

Really dig your style.

Lmao at people acting like they not in the gayest board on the site.

>> No.13442651

>really dig your style
how shit is your taste?
he's wearing fucking athletic shorts and a plain color tee. is this bait?

>> No.13443189

because then you can steal it back

>> No.13443196


> Goes on 4chan
> Sees something recist
> Gets triggered

Maybe the wrong Chan for you anon

>> No.13443229

What is alt? Is that just like an sjw or something? If so then yes. Anyone can be an anoying cunt with free hair dye

>> No.13443235

I hate that wall of Wal-Mart skateboards used as decoration. I hate the cheap toys R us drumset and guitars she has so she can relate to white people. Blacks invented rock music. Why the fuck does every black listen to the most obnoxious basic pop rock? I don't get this? Why can't blacks be fucking cool again? 90s gangster rap was the last time I had any respect for black people. It's so fucking embaressing now.

>> No.13443245

u racist son of a bitch I kek'd

>> No.13443322
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>> No.13443340

This 100%

Taste of their own medicine

>> No.13443349

Lmao you probably wear Dylan blue
Must be pulling these natural hair hoes tho
You still gay however

>> No.13443537

ugly bitch

>> No.13443542

still ugly

>> No.13443544

Lol, I went to school with this girl. She's a lefty feminist cunt. She's getting pretty fat now too.

>> No.13443550

>Blacks invented rock music
when will this meme die?

>> No.13443557
File: 266 KB, 1200x1515, 1200px-Chuck_Berry_1957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love it if it were the other way around anon... Can you enlighten me? Don't bring up classical either. I'm talking rock music.

>> No.13443558

The only way this isn’t a meme is if you think rock didn’t truly exist until the Rolling Stones. And counterfactual history is a meme

>> No.13443564

Are you in moncton? I didn't go to school with her but we have a bunch of mutual friends. also I've seen her nudes

>> No.13443580
File: 802 KB, 720x720, 1528523968541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posts like that really fucking make me mad. Holy fuck, just leave your computer for once in your fucking life, you guys all have such a warped view of the world.

>> No.13443582

Yup. But I don't think she lives here anymore. Think she moved to SJ or something.

>> No.13443589

no she still lives here, dating some guy in halifax though

>> No.13443591

>t. Joined when gamer gate started
4chan was ironically rasicist. See the habbo raids, calling for blackup
Now /pol/ has spread and people have to bring race hating into litteraly everything.
Dont you faggots go crazy for yeezys or whatever?

>> No.13443600

Huh. Well it's nice to know there are other people that browse these boards around here. It's a small town.

>> No.13443616

moncton /fa/ meetup when

>> No.13443642

I'd say youre pulling it off

>> No.13443650

add me on discord if you got it. CaronCx#0405

>> No.13443701


Saying the N word is great

>> No.13443708
File: 1.05 MB, 614x640, 6C8CDB54-C409-448A-B030-3BBE8E276BAF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13443717

Post nudes

>> No.13443726

>90s gangster rap was the last time I had any respect for black people.
>the promotion and celebration of being an absolute dreg of society is the last good thing they did

>> No.13444038

post pic without her wig lol

>> No.13444052

"art hoe" started as a black Tumblr thing

>> No.13444056

white alts wear wigs too so...

>> No.13444100
File: 377 KB, 509x509, tosin-abasi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess again you fat pasty fuck

>> No.13444331

fucking this
>mfw thumbs only bend at a 45 degree angle

He honestly dresses very well.

>> No.13444342
File: 30 KB, 344x317, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13444347

What a pretty man.

>> No.13444356

he's /fa/ but djent is not

>> No.13444359

>not having a heartbeat in a 29/16 time signature

>> No.13444384

Believe it or not yes.

>> No.13444391

>I'm a nigger
Come on, man

>> No.13444522
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>> No.13444554

The word nigger holds no weight to me. I jokingly say it. I love myself 100% race and all. Just hate that my people kinda do a lot of dumb shit

>> No.13444561

>people sleeping on nail polish
lmao the same people that think its gay will wear it once its ''in''

>> No.13444565

>implying rock music is any good
It's just as shitty, repetitive and formulaic as hip hop

>> No.13444724

I dig it

>> No.13444730

>t.white woman

>> No.13445020

MC Ride

>> No.13445046
File: 54 KB, 1024x576, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao at people acting like they not in the gayest board on the site.
>>>/lgbt/ exists

>> No.13445088

Nope. You fags joined in on the bandwagon. 4chan was actually pretty nice on social issues. I sincerely don't know what went wrong but I think moot got out right on time.

>> No.13445195
File: 24 KB, 511x610, l8tvcn-l-610x610-hair+accessory-black+choker-dark+lipstick-tumblr-hair-hairstyles-hair+bun-blue+hair-choker+necklace-necklace-lipstick-eye+makeup-eye+shadow-eyebrows-eyelashes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so. You have to be prettier than average though, whereas ugly white girls can pull off alt styles

>> No.13445392

Yes, art hoes and hipsters were both originally black, but as usual, whites stole like literally everything.

>> No.13445421

I feel like considering alt a culture is a bit reversed. Limiting this to skin color is actually embarrassing.

Basically everyone can be alt.

I don’t care about how people would classify this style I just dig you based on this pic. It works for you imo. Wouldn’t for a lot of kids here.

>> No.13445453
File: 40 KB, 719x720, alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly girls in general can't pull off alt styles.

>> No.13445626
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>> No.13445932
File: 35 KB, 736x552, scarlc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure they can , look at the music artist Scarlxrd he's pretty alt.

Also I know that girl IRL in op's pic

>> No.13445985

Whities have no culture

>> No.13445993

My China white she cute

>> No.13446216

Why do all these Chinese tourists come to Paris then

>> No.13446225


>> No.13446342

yea me too, she goes to my school

>> No.13446346


>> No.13446611

i had to reply because of my 2 minute straight kek

>> No.13446632

Came here to post him.

>> No.13446725
File: 136 KB, 294x256, 1501240078104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon brings up politics in a convo about style to feel better than strangers on the internet

>> No.13446740

you look cool man, looks like a pretty natural look to me. people on here are just too dedicated to being hateful

>> No.13447064

I knew one, she was light skinned though. Only black chuck I've been attracted to since like 3rd grade.

>> No.13447259

shutup nigger llol

>> No.13447268

Being 'Alt' is for insecure white normies. Anyone with a touch of actual soul and swagger need not apply.

>> No.13447637

So does /hm/ and /cm/ but /hm/ is wayyyy gayer

>> No.13447755
File: 132 KB, 597x599, ss+(2018-06-16+at+11.41.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu..

>> No.13447845
File: 132 KB, 640x635, Lil-Uzi-Vert-photo-1494953208-640x635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13447989

This thread is a trainwreck, between the mentally deficient OP who started the thread and the full blown single digit IQ alt-righters it attracted.

Yes, anyone can pull off being alternative, it's kind of the nature of it. This isn't rocket science. I personally think it suits mixed race people best, but the nature of being alternative has nothing to do with race or even a specific look. I know you're talking about 'artsy' alternative people though, and i'll tell you, living in a U.S major liberal city I see tons of black people with bleached hair, facial piercings and obscure band tees/chuck taylors. Go to any indie or punk club in NYC, minneapolis, L.A, or Seattle and you'll see plenty. They pull it off about as well as anyone else.

>> No.13448032

Is she in ISIS?

>> No.13448091

When people say whites have no culture it's always about anglos (American, Australian, Canadian etc...)

>> No.13448384

yes. also, that's not a black person.

>> No.13448445

bland style but she looks like a sweetheart good job

>> No.13448501

comfy boy. very nice

>> No.13448567

hell yes OP! you can do anything you want and then some because you get to do afropunk, dreads, etc. if you're feeling it without looking like a dumbass stoner. I really encourage you to experiment. common thing i see is darkskinned folks doing silver or pastel hair colors/wigs (if female) with art ho type shit. you can rock some badass piercings, like gold plate lookin shit, etc. go for it

>> No.13448746

La creatura.

>> No.13449206

Lil Vulnerable Vert

>> No.13449211

look at europe, i have 500 year old mansions near my house, also kys

>> No.13449217

If you live that lifestyle it just works, so probably no since you've got to ask

>> No.13449222
File: 74 KB, 640x627, EE0A18FC-795B-4F05-8869-7336E8A0846B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon now

>> No.13449224

This poster and /fa/'s response is a good demonstration as to why so many users here lack fashion sense regardless of how much useless information they take in daily on fashion. You have a defined style that you are pulling off. Underage and insecure posters replying to you ironically have no idea how core that is to fashion as a culture and expression of one's self.

t. designer

>> No.13449296

Relax lol he's literally wearing pajamas.
>t. designer
Oh ok bro.

>> No.13449300
File: 176 KB, 960x1200, DCUxz4uUwAAzd7-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you never seen Cameronazi or Zillakami have you...

>> No.13449367
File: 222 KB, 1000x1500, angolangoths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this how im tryna b
u my nigger frfr

>> No.13450059
File: 512 KB, 750x924, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hay also I really think spread out tattoos look better then really meshed together ones (IMO) what do y’all think?

>> No.13450071

>this is a psy op to effeminate the black culture
good work jew anon

>> No.13450288

that shit is for lowly faggots. blacks are the only ones who can pull streetwear off

>> No.13450814
