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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.27 MB, 2598x3487, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13427871 No.13427871 [Reply] [Original]

Is my body effay enough? No bully please

>> No.13427873

You are skinny fat. Stop eating or work out and eat more.

>> No.13427878

Oh man. I'm 5.9 and weigh 135... Dangit k, should i go for dumbell or Just doing pushups and crunches Will do?

>> No.13427890

This. Go to /fit/ and read the sticky, but in short: start counting your calories and get on a strength training program (Starting Strength, Strong Lifts, etc).

>> No.13427903


eating more is a dumb meme

>> No.13427923

You are fine. Of course you are not a supermodel as everyone on fa think they are but for sure you are above average on the olace you live in. Dont try to be perfect because you simply wont do it. Instead of that try to develop your personality and just be yourself.

>> No.13428025

Jesus I'm glad I'm not gay.

>> No.13428249

here comes the thinspo /fa/g/

>> No.13428281
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Ill attention whore some more

>> No.13428307

5'9 and 135 is pretty disgusting. 120 is the heaviest that's acceptable at that height

>> No.13428326

Skinny yet has supple breasts. Odd. Are you on hormones?

>> No.13428337


>> No.13428406
File: 893 KB, 482x1066, rp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1", 170 lbs

Living the dream

>> No.13428417

bitch stance

>> No.13428423

Shame you're wearing red pants

>> No.13428499

You're just normal, dude. I mean, nothing wrong with that, but at the same time, nothing to brag either.

>> No.13428535
File: 438 KB, 239x200, 1519784212671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'1", 170 lbs
fucking lanklet

>> No.13428578

Are you taking hormones?, If not then try some push ups

>> No.13428582

Not really. His BMI is on the regular range.

>> No.13428626

Nice breasts weeeeeeew lad wtf

>> No.13428672

ew why are you guys shaped like girls?

>> No.13428684

What is going on here? I'm 6'3", 165, and probably 18-20% bmi. Where are you hiding the fat? Show us that brrrraappp.

>> No.13428737

nice meme
fat% and muscle matter more

>> No.13428854
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>those pants
>these are the people giving you feedback on /fa/

>> No.13428873

True, but BMI is useful to get at least an idea.

>> No.13428888
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>> No.13428889

True but bf% takes a bit more effort to calculate than BMI.
Maybe it IS time to make a change though:

Step 1
Take body measurements in inches with a tape measure. Everyone must measure their waist at the navel. You must also measure your hips, forearm and wrist if you’re female. Measure your hips and forearm at their fullest point. Measure your wrist at the thinnest point.

Step 2
Weigh yourself in pounds with a scale. Do this when you wake up so that your weight will be at its lowest level of the day.

Step 3
Derive your lean body weight if you’re male. Your lean body weight is equal to (1.082 x total weight) - (4.15 x waist measurement) + 94.42. In this example, your total weight is 155 pounds and your waist measurement is 35 inches. You have a lean body weight of (1.082 x 155) – (4.15 x 35) + 94.42 = 117 pounds.

Step 4
Compute your lean body weight if you’re female. Your lean body weight is equal to (0.732 x total weight) - (0.157 x waist measurement) – (0.249 x hip measurement) + (0.434 x forearm measurement) + (wrist measurement / 3.14) + 8.987. In this example, you weigh 143 pounds and have a waist measurement of 28 inches. Your hip measurement is 39 inches, your forearm measurement is 10 inches, and your wrist measurement is 6.5 inches. You have a lean body weight of (0.732 x 143) - (0.157 x 28) – (0.249 x 39) + (0.434 x 10) + (6.5 / 3.14) + 8.987 = 106 pounds.

Step 5
Convert your lean body mass to your body fat percentage. Your body fat percentage is equal to (body weight - lean body mass) / (body weight) x 100. Using the previous example for a man, you weigh 155 pounds and have a lean body mass of 116 pounds Your body fat percentage is (155 - 116) / 155 x 100 = 25.2 percent.

Alternatively, invest in calipers.

>> No.13428927

Im on hormones. Are my tits seriously thats noticeable?

>> No.13428978

Do your tits produce milk yet?

>> No.13428998

Someone please post the smug pepe of this guy

>> No.13429003
File: 3.26 MB, 640x360, sam check.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cursed quads

>> No.13429043

Your nipples are disgusting

>> No.13429619


>> No.13429782

Attack of the s0i

>> No.13429796

Wow, you all get a big fat 0/10.

>> No.13429814

But they look like normal nips?
I dunno. Im like 6' and 185lbs of muscle. I just look soft cause estrogen.

>> No.13429835
File: 385 KB, 1288x2048, 25217C5D-735B-4FF3-AD8B-DA69E5CF2061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13429838


>> No.13429842

take it to soc. this isnt fashion

>> No.13429844

Holy shit lmfao
You dumb fags should never give advice to retards about shit you dont know hahahahaha.

>> No.13429867

gym routine?

>> No.13429877

This just inspired me to work out more. It probably won't last though.

>> No.13429888

wtf how is this even possible

is this shopped

>> No.13429894

Slight caloric surplus for half of winter (3 months), caloric cut(?) for 3 months until spring/summer. High reps (12-15) and 3-4 sets per exercise. I have fast metabolism so this just works for me.

Keep at it until you see results, get motivated by results and newfound attention, never doubt or give up on yourself and your ability. That’s what motivates me and what keeps me going.

>> No.13429904

That's one hairy bowling pin right der dear lord what the shit

>> No.13430227

you effay people are absolute fags

>> No.13431265

More like 185lbs of tofu. You're clearly not fooling anyone.

>> No.13431421


>> No.13431424
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>> No.13431476
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t. Dyel

>> No.13431718

damn id suck that dick like no tomorrow

>> No.13432024

Lol post body and real routine

>> No.13432039

Dyel isn't an insult to most people here.

>> No.13432048

Well most people here are /fa/gs so thats not a surprise.

>> No.13432063

Is 5'10 and 68kg bad?

>> No.13432071

Transition. Lovely child bearing hips

>> No.13432370

It depends if you have muscle or not. If you have 0 muscle then you are skinnyfat and need to lose weight + some exercise. If you are /fit/ then your weight is almost perfect.

>> No.13432812

i want to cum on your tits

>> No.13432824

Yet here you are.

>> No.13432914

>dem hips
>dem breasts
Are you FTM perhaps?

>> No.13432952

Wew. Lad.
Im mtf

>> No.13432963

How much weight needs to be lost?

>> No.13433037

Well it's working. You're looking pretty female

>> No.13433086
File: 1.90 MB, 1886x2031, 20180609_190318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I skinnyfat?

>> No.13433093

your stomach is covered by black clothing so you cant tell really. theyre also elasticated so its not your natural body shape

>> No.13433109
File: 646 KB, 904x401, 1526485262123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 years of /fit/
>this thread

>> No.13433114

no soz

hey im 5'5 and weigh 100lbs, is this effay level of skinny?

>> No.13433118

pls be my gf

>> No.13433123

show us your arms to help judge, i'm pretty sure you're not though

>> No.13433125

No just fat

>> No.13433130

dem hip dont lie

>> No.13433132
File: 435 KB, 403x672, enemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doctor told me I need to gain 30lbs which seems ridiculous

>> No.13433156
File: 756 KB, 1221x2160, qe0NnOmKcgE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic

am i too skinny?

>> No.13433161

i really dont like how many underage people are clearly on this board. go throw rocks at trains or something damn

>> No.13433184

im 21 nigger

il show you my driving licence if you want

>> No.13433196

out of curiosity how old do i look?

>> No.13433201
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>> No.13433206

please fuck me mr chad

>> No.13433234
File: 406 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1769067776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty happy with my body atm. Excited for my next bulk since I'll actually know what to do this time.

>> No.13433245

um yum.....

>> No.13433252
File: 1.34 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20180610_025729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm far from having a perfect body, but the self confidence of the $oy boys in this thread is amazing

>> No.13433342



>> No.13433522

How did you build your back? also im not gay but that's hot.

>> No.13433532

Shave your nips

>> No.13433542
File: 287 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-769534601~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore broken hand

>> No.13433674

sexy as shit

>> No.13433676


>> No.13433681

>that fucking bulge
breed me, daddy!
fridgemode but I would still give you a Bj
nice but your neck seems too short
>those tinie-tiny nips
a-are you cold anon? Put your hands here, I'll warm em up.

>> No.13433684

Jesus christ....how do walk around with that thing!?!

>> No.13433686


>> No.13433690


>> No.13433871


>> No.13434035

I dont think so, but thanks

>> No.13434152

honestly you have my ideal body type. slim but with defined muscle. do you go to the gym at all?

>> No.13434188

Bulk then cut man holy shit those ribs are poking out

>> No.13434272

I haven't been in about 2 months since my hand broke but when I do I usually go 2-3 times a week. I just try to fast everyday

>> No.13434330
File: 16 KB, 286x380, 20841111_1454831081276887_511592485745268724_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13433201 raping >>13433156

>> No.13434335


>> No.13434357

hte lewdest!

>> No.13434369

>tfw ywn be smol and cute ravaged by muscle mass chad
>why live.

>> No.13434370

No, him >>13433201 raping me

>> No.13434373

chad thundercock pls rape all of us

>> No.13434374

Yes, p-please uwu

>> No.13434398
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1482533883245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13434437

Low dose or normal dose hrt?

>> No.13434457

I thought /fa/ being full of faggots was just a meme. There are at least 2 confirmed trannies itt and a bunch of homos lusting for cock via rape. With that said, >>13428281 I too want to cum all over your tits.

>> No.13434464

Normal dosage. Id rather not be depressed and tired.
O.O I-I just recently started comeing here

>> No.13434643

Please do

>> No.13434664

not even shirtless fag

>> No.13434671

this anon here

which one of you /fit/faggots is impersonating me on /fit/?

>> No.13434831



>> No.13434845

And you wonder why ppl call you out on your tits..

>> No.13434867

I barely have tits. I dont get why people think thats what they are.

>> No.13434880

Yeah, but given that you're obviously male and too skinny to have natural manboobs, they stand out.

>> No.13434893
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>> No.13434939
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Pls no bully. I'm in my 30s, but still don't have very manly body. I like dancing and acrobatics though, so I don't want to be huge.

>> No.13434987
File: 522 KB, 1259x2223, IMG_20180605_212021~01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys do I need to the lose body fat or am I ok

>> No.13434993

gross knees

>> No.13434998

Go lift. Put on some muscle.

>> No.13435001

I lift, but don't just build muscle, just strength. Should probably eat more or something. I can do a strict pull up with 50kg extra weight and bench 2 plates. I know it's not that much, but still. I've seen so many ppl, who don't lift nearly as much and are way bigger.

>> No.13435034
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>> No.13435078

this /fa/ggot attention whoring on literally every post

>> No.13435095
File: 330 KB, 2037x764, 201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea what to wear to make girls mire without looking like an idiot

>> No.13435097

>Body rate thread
Postes a picture of his body
> Absolute Mad man i cant believe he did this

>> No.13435104
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mmmm hello

>> No.13435142
File: 113 KB, 675x1200, C2U_G3CWgAERLIb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an actual famous male model for reference

>> No.13435144


>> No.13435198
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x1920, 1528659251313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice bulge

Hot af


Great legs

8 for me, super hot

>> No.13435205

How old are you? I'm currently 28 and been ottermode my whole life. I'm wondering if I can ever get a physique like this

>> No.13435208


>> No.13435213
File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1920, 1528658916292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the front. Probably should have led with this pic

What? Not at all

>> No.13435221

post feet

>> No.13435228

yes you can. im 31, started lifting when i was 26

>> No.13435232


>> No.13435240

thats a real mtf my dude

>> No.13435241


>> No.13435290

Ya, real as can be


>> No.13435451

Post Kik or discord

>> No.13435456

why lie bro

>> No.13435462
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>> No.13435481

Ehh not really what I'm here for, sorry anon!

>> No.13435626
File: 674 KB, 1535x2362, 95B22CA5-38E4-49CF-8A7F-775D1246D24B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me lads

>> No.13435664

Shouldn't you be happy people like your tits? Isn't that why you're transitioning? To be a woman?

>> No.13435702

Well mate. I wont ever pass as a female. So visible changes are sorta bad in my personal life.

>> No.13435711

>highwaisted underwear

>> No.13436005
File: 1.71 MB, 1836x3264, KIMG0443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13436212

Daddy, would you die if I took off that mask?

>> No.13436217

literal pleb

you need to become my bf (and focus on upper body while eating on a slight surplus)

looking better than many other your age, do some leg workouts tho.

>> No.13436303

so whats the point of going on female hormones if you dont want to look like a woman? do you not feel dysphoria?

>> No.13436335

Well, anon. Sometimes people wont pass as a woman. I am one of those people. I do want to look like a girl, but I only dress sorta andro and present male because of the social stigma of being a tranny where I live. The mental and physical effects of hrt alone are enough to keep me from an heroing. Growing boobs is an issue, because people will begin to suspect something eventually. Btw, the pic I posted is like a month or two old. I can't wear a tshirt without a sports bra now.

>> No.13436343

There is literally no way you are 6 foot 1 170lbs.
I am the same weight as you and I have significantly more muscle mass and body fat.

>> No.13436346

Mad respect. For a natty physique this is pretty incredible.

>> No.13436348
File: 170 KB, 933x1768, Snapchat-1772287762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just progressing slowly.
Yeah, I have gyno but I'm not too bothered.
tfw normies think I'm buff

>> No.13436391

please be in london

>> No.13436400

whats the ideal bf? I spent a month or so at 6/7% and it was so hard lol..I run and swim more than I lift

>> No.13436405

>normies think im buff
lol no not even normies are that delusional. nice cope though

>> No.13436416
File: 409 KB, 1816x1831, fuuuuuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to a con this saturday
>was gonna cosplay dante from dmc3
>still look like complete pudgy garbage 6 days out
Please tell me there's something I can do (other than calorie deficit and cardio eveyday) to make myself look less disgusting by the end of the week. It hurts.

>> No.13436430

I thought you were a black guy with a white tank top at first

>> No.13436434

dont eat until then lol, only way.

>> No.13436442

you can cut water weight. also implement some severe fasting

>> No.13436467

There is no miracle diet or training that can change your bidy shape so quick. The minimum time to see some results
are 3 months of diet and consistent training
Source: >>13433252 it's me

>> No.13436474

Im American
That's odd?

>> No.13436556

I'm just 2 cm taller at the same weight, but for some reason i look thinner.

>> No.13436626
File: 369 KB, 1402x1870, Snapchat-1401621946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5"10 and 68kg, just started calisthenics

>> No.13436710

You need to work the chest, immediately. Fuck calisthenics, start benching. You have the chest muscle of an 11 year old.

>> No.13436747

Will a press hammer be just as good? I only started working out 2 weeks ago and most dudes who do cali have built chests.

>> No.13436766

You would do better to start by building a solid foundation with a good weight training program before moving into calisthenics. You look young, so you will most likely respond fairly quickly provided you are eating enough.

>> No.13437069

>whats the ideal bf?
you are my ideal bf (boyfriend) you silly goose!

>> No.13437244
File: 121 KB, 750x1334, 8D41EC43-D9C7-4467-B763-5F50D14024A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

147 lbs

>> No.13437279

u ar gay tho

>> No.13437291


>he fell for SS + GOMAD

>> No.13437308

Can u translate this for a lanklet dyel?

>> No.13437311

Program with a heavy emphasis on lower body lifts and drinking a fuck ton of milk/eating a bunch of shit

>> No.13437312


stop eating anything that has remotely any amount of salt

aim for 1000mg or less per day

that means not only no junk-food, but most prepared foods, breads, snacks or even drinks. Make your own stuff or make sure what you're eating has little salt in it

if you do it correctly you should lose 6-10 pounds of water and look leaner

on saturday avoid drinking water as much as possible, only in small sips if you must

after the con is over drink plenty of water and eat normally, you will go back to your normal weight

>> No.13437339


Saw you on /soc/. Would breed desu

>> No.13437348


>> No.13437371
File: 30 KB, 510x550, fc67cfeb2b7f67b40dd5832843161e6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

173cm 76kg

>> No.13437433

Post ass pls

>> No.13437697

I don't know what either of those are, I run/swim loads and then do lots of body weight/HIIT stuff in between.. trying to get into the rn diving branch

>> No.13437706
File: 1.13 MB, 2576x1932, B918D174-D3C1-454E-B1BA-38DD1F6AF755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not gay sorry anon

Here’s a pic of my back though

>> No.13437742

you have less muscle and more bodyfat % than him

>> No.13437776
File: 2.98 MB, 1334x1646, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at 4.47.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2" 185lbs

>> No.13437919

It would be very painful


>> No.13437925


>> No.13437929

hmm i think i can take it!

>> No.13437962
File: 34 KB, 325x621, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost around 56kg/123lbs 2 years ago, its not visible on the photo, but i've got alot of stretch marks, is there anything i can do about it?
(I've already cleaned my room)

>> No.13438036

Are you unable to move to a more liberal city? Come to N E W Y O R K, we got tranny laws n shit.

>> No.13438040

No, im tied down here. Ill move one day tho.

>> No.13438385

Post body

>> No.13438402

He doesn't look skinny fat to me. I can see abs. I'm 16~20% bodyfat and it doesnt look like that. He's only "fat" in ridiculous bodybuilding terms and should bulk.
Don't know why this is a /fa/ thread, though. He's definitely at a level where he can just cover it and its fine, at the very least. Skinny fat isn't a /fa/ thing. Beaches and pool is one fucking article of clothing ffs

>> No.13438406

No it isn't. You have to eat more in order to get big. It is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE otherwise because your body has nothing to build more of you with.
Exercise determines... look everyone just read the fucking/fit/ stixky. All of you. Now. Go. I'll wait.

>> No.13438418


>> No.13438429

no way you're 170

I'm 6 ft 3 weigh about 150 and you're as skinny as me

>> No.13438438

hahahaha lanklet

>> No.13438490

yea.....no, ya not

>> No.13438612

and look much thinner