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File: 93 KB, 1274x1270, dylan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13428631 No.13428631 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: serial killer/school shooter-core

I already have Eric Harris' shirt that says ''Natural Selection'' and I'm getting picrel next. Any other tips?

>> No.13428637

check to make sure it's in line with you school's dress code. wouldn't want to get sent to the principal.

>> No.13428641
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Don't live in burgerland so don't have to fear that. Also graduated years ago.

>> No.13428644
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>> No.13428646


>> No.13428648
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>> No.13428651


You're going to look completely autistic.

>> No.13428652
File: 54 KB, 500x698, jd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ya, if we wears the damn ass NBK outfits
just ripping style is different

>> No.13428655


>> No.13428656

actually the natural selection shirt looks great on me, I'll post next time I wear it.
because it's fun and i have autism

>> No.13428658
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>> No.13428665

who is this

>> No.13428666
File: 265 KB, 1199x799, C115X2vWEAEbqQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe fix the sleeves a bit, otherwise unironically a good fit. I used to talk to Dylann on irc back in 2013 and I remember him being quite chill.

>> No.13428674


He literally has a natural selection t-shirt, it's akin to wearing the scorpion jacket from drive. If you're wearing identical clothing to eric and dylan, then you're an autistic, delusional LARPer. At least be original if you're going for the 16 y/o faggot, edgelord look.

>> No.13428677

ehh, I live in yurop, very few people here would connect it to columbine.

>> No.13428687


Refer to my comment about LARPing.
Don't you feel faggy regardless of whether or not other get the reference?

>> No.13428691

nah, I feel cool since it looks great on me. What would you suggest that's more original?

>> No.13428858

Jeffrey Dahmer

>> No.13428860

Hi Satan. That's awesome, I missed him on Stormfront by a few years unfortunately. He seemed chill in court, but I read all the notes he was passing around to the judge and his legal team and the prosecution, and he sounded autistic and whiny lmfao
I wrote him a letter when he was transferred to TH, but no reply yet

>> No.13428863

I bought a NatSel shirt but it doesn't look so good on me :(

>> No.13428935
File: 553 KB, 1200x1600, ianbrady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually isn't him, it's some random guy from a university in 1982.
i'm a crime fag so i know a bunch of dumb shit

>> No.13429009

Dylan was Ashkenazi right? Why do Jews always pull off that crazy eyes + smile look so well?

>> No.13429014

anon was making fun of you

>> No.13429208

Why are school shooters so fashionable?

>> No.13429503
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Did he dress up knowing he was going to get arrested that day?

>> No.13429536
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>> No.13429822
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was this supposed to be funny? its actually quite cringy

>> No.13429825

i have gotten told by probably about 10 people that i look like a schoolshooter so whatever i do works lol

>> No.13429859
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>> No.13429874


>> No.13430224

woah. did he use wtfux?
i think a psychologist found him to be autistic but he rejects the diagnosis

>> No.13431047
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>> No.13431052
File: 224 KB, 1000x750, jrnYT5m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13431215

he looks like a little sad puppy
hes totally getting raped in jail

>> No.13431620

Killer Looks

>> No.13431632

What server/channel?

>> No.13431635
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i'm wondering this too, and logs?

>> No.13431642
File: 542 KB, 1282x619, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone id the shoes they are wearing for me?
also general punk shoe/boot thread

>> No.13431766

A noose

>> No.13431775

It's 2018 and the one idiot is still sperging about that blonde white trash little bitch. Cringe.

>> No.13431779

Erm... hate to break it to you but he’s on death row buddy, no rape, just lethal injection

>> No.13431846

#uk on rizon, he went by the name ^moss iirc. some logs on pastebin.

>> No.13432103
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>> No.13432122

more proof that the left cant meme

>> No.13432191

the left are fucking faggots lol

>> No.13432192
File: 42 KB, 306x506, 01805FFC-6F2B-458D-B7D3-681F4BDAF343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should be right up your alley op

>> No.13432196
File: 123 KB, 970x825, 28411F34-35EA-423F-87D5-EF102BDF8313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me OP you’ll be getting puss thrown at you, you’ll have to beat em off with a stick

>> No.13432212

>he thinks rightard incel autists are celebrated

lel kys

>> No.13432854

w2c jackets pls?

>> No.13432882

Post em

>> No.13432892
File: 48 KB, 531x545, dylann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare triple six dylann post

>> No.13432897

you're weak kid, oughta stop trying now

>> No.13432928

He got the easy way out

>> No.13433030

pretty sure he begged not to get the death penalty and got life instead

>> No.13433122

These are the only logs I know of. He'd LARP as a bong sometimes idk why.

>> No.13433148


Wow you are so insufferable I wish Dylan would have shot you instead of those niggers

>> No.13433158

I love bones

>> No.13433298

They're obviously both fucking retarded

>> No.13433487
File: 28 KB, 427x588, bb5d12811bfe34a7a145a78e44baceea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the king of prep himself

>> No.13433491
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>> No.13433496
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>> No.13433501
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>> No.13433504
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>> No.13433805

Danner Tachyon Duty Boots