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/fa/ - Fashion

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13411545 No.13411545 [Reply] [Original]

I wear basic shorts, t-shirt and white converse shoes and I look better and get more looks and attention just because I'm tall and fit. On the other hand there's you guys who spend thousands of dollars trying to look fashionable and fancy only to look like a hobo from a post apocalyptic 80s movie or a school shooter.
Why don't you guys just start working out?

>> No.13411551
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>> No.13411563

I'll bite
>trying to boost your self esteem on a fashion board with nothing fashion related
hey op that's a pretty nice bathroom you have, try getting a better job so you don't have to take selfies is front of a washing machine

Why don't you guys stop being stupid and study/apply for better jobs?

>> No.13411566

You're balding, man. It's pointless

>> No.13411597

You're right. Thanks for showing us the light, bro.

>> No.13411619
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That's cool and all but I don't think that's people here are going for, a lot of them hate themselves and want to be someone else and the people that actually care about clothes actually like to mix and match clothes and get excited of the idea of creating different fit's and buying new pieces to mix and match with their existent wardrobe.

It's really not about getting girls, it's like a hobby and shit, no matter how much you lift your still an overcompansating normie.

>> No.13411825

Its not really about looks though. I've had experience with both, attractive face and good expensive clothing. The attraction borne out of physical and conventional attractiveness is shallow, the feeling one gets out of wearing something truly gorgeous is far deeper even if it looks homeless or weird to those on the outside.

>> No.13411877

I got a 4000sqft house lol
And there's 4 bathrooms in it, this one is the smallest one and the one for guests
And the feeling of sculpting your body into something you admire and love is also a deep one. The freedom and confidence it gives is something you'll never understand if you don't try it out first hand.

>> No.13411878

Because I’m 173cm

>> No.13412063

/fit/ here:
>birthing hips
>shitty chest insertions
>no abs

You can’t disagree with me because my body looks better than yours. Don’t even try and ask me for a body pic; you’d be asking for trouble lol

>> No.13412071


>> No.13412077

why not do both?
gymcels are legit braindead

>> No.13412082

I lift, and I see what you mean by the freedom and confidence it gives, however I feel that artificial beauty created by humans (clothes) is a lot better looking than abs even though they're nice. I'm 67 kg and I squat 120kg bench 75kg and deadlift around 145kg

>> No.13412094
File: 63 KB, 600x600, uWx62iWzES-iABbvPeFE8hfcksH4OsbKH1Zys9XfdpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Don’t even try and ask me for a body pic; you’d be asking for trouble lol

>> No.13412096

>4000sqft house
>Takes selfies in the smallest one
What, did your parents not want you to hog the better ones?

>> No.13412101

How often are these threads popping up now, once a week?
I can't wait for August.

>> No.13412263
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x2140, IMG_20180531_195232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 7.75" wrists, my chest insertions are mmm mmmm and I never did a single sit up in the gym, yet I got visible abs despite being 14-15% bodyfat. I'll give you the hips tho.
Also, post body.
No I was just taking a shit in that one and was stunned by how good I look and decided to capture the moment.

>> No.13412269

Nice harline.

>> No.13412274

>fat and balding

>> No.13412276

because there is nothing physically, aesthetically or intellectually appealing about an insecure guy who lifts and then seeks to gain attention off the internet.

>> No.13412350

wypierdalaj polaczku

>> No.13412360

You're tall and fit but ugly and balding as well.
I don't lift (frequently) because I'm a manlet and nothing will ever change that.

>> No.13412383

>c-can I suck these nipples?
post moar daddy

>> No.13412440

OP is ugly on the inside too, who'd have guessed.

>> No.13412456

shitty hairline and look ugly even though you are covering your face
but you do you bruh

>> No.13412468

ur skin is shit ur muscular insertions ar shit, ur body just screams random guy who goes to the gym.
Shitty awfull bodybuilder proportions GJ.
Sorry but u dont look good enough to make the point ur trying to make.

>> No.13412627

Lmfao, nice attempts
And after going through a "face rate thread" on here every 2-3 months I have a general knowledge of what the average person browsing this place looks like so anyone on here calling me ugly just makes me laugh
You all get shadowed by me, that's the reality

>> No.13412633

Dude are you like balding? Are you experiencing recession? Dude you're going to die a virgin desu lmao

>> No.13412638

This. Getting buff when you’re this short makes you look ridiculous. Would rather stay skinny lean

>> No.13412642

>t. balding fatty

>> No.13412662


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>> No.13412707
File: 79 KB, 800x530, 0b05a806-46b9-47ea-b0bc-c324a68ec7e2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pale white bois lmao

>> No.13412744

>those fucking hips
man if you ever have a baby youre gonna shit it out like its fucking nothing

>> No.13412759

where are you from?
you look very Croatian? or at least Balkan

>> No.13412791
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>> No.13412912
File: 51 KB, 528x960, FB_IMG_1527807490569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol as you can see I'm severely overweight but I can promise you my good facial features ensure me more success than your balding rat face will ever experience. Notice how there are no models that have your rat face? Just give up bro pretty people run this world.

Post face so we can all laugh at the greasy goblinfaced wierdo

>> No.13412936
File: 12 KB, 200x247, Maria1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt want to look like a hobo from a 1980s movie
whats wrong with you

>> No.13413118

Have you ever considered a career as an Elvis impersonator

>> No.13413136
File: 88 KB, 728x800, BB72C288-2934-4CA9-875B-6A15F630A61F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally OP rn with his wide-hips & small chest xDDDDD

>> No.13413151

why so insecure then

>> No.13413163

> he thinks fashion is for attention

I think you should stick being fit my boy, I don't have any doubt it gives you attention, great choice

>> No.13413313


>> No.13413547

>brag about body

>> No.13413555
File: 328 KB, 708x800, 1523332245414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAHAHAHAH "by how good i look" funny troll I'll give you that