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/fa/ - Fashion

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13401701 No.13401701 [Reply] [Original]

How should 25+ men dress?

>> No.13401706

full rick

>> No.13401799

Same as 1 man would. Just because there's 25 or more of them, why would they dress different?

>> No.13401802

Like a wagecuck with a family and bills to worry about.

>> No.13401814


>> No.13401815

If they're in a group it gives them more of an excuse to dress out of the ordinary, I guess. OP must be organizing some sort of fashion event.

>> No.13403026

However the fuck they want

>> No.13403072


>> No.13403332


Unless these 25 men are a team and dress together.

>> No.13403764

Bizcaz (dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes; does not have to be super expensive, should be relaxed).
Anything else means you are pretty much a soiboi manchild loser who needs to grow the fuck up.

im a girl btw

>> No.13403766

Anything else and you’re a nihilistic homosexual

>> No.13403775

You must be not a very normal girl. I mean you must be either a white nationalist or dress full anime.

Please tell me what if I work at a startup where everyone wears t shirt? What if I decide to wear oxford shirts, slim chinos and mono black chucks? And please tell me what you look like.

>> No.13403783

Also what should a 25+ year old man listen to? What if I still like to listen to depressive indie rock or post punk music? What if I still like experimental electronic music? What if I still can’t feel comfortable about liking ‘normal’ music?

What if I’m sensitive and have no friends? What if I’m a virgin? What if I have a small penis? Please don’t ignore me this time.

>> No.13403840
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nice shirt with a sweater over, nice pants thats no to tight to go with it and a leather belt
also you should get a nice watch desu
also >suit

>> No.13403871

I am 35 and I wear what the fuck I want - sometimes more expensive stuff but basically whatever. I fuck girls in their early 20's and it's so easy, growing up is fun.

>> No.13403879

>dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes
what do you wear at home since im not going to be at work all day

>> No.13403880

YOu should be raising a family

>> No.13403885

Lol it seems that a manly masculine trad man has to always work in the finance/banking industry huh? What if I work in creative industry and I just want to wear t shirt and sneaker since everyone wears them? Am I less of a man just because I work in a different environment than your average man working in a nepotistic institution?

>> No.13403895
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>what if I work in creative industry and I just want to wear t shirt and sneaker since everyone wears them
Then you are a manchild.

>> No.13403915

How so?? I need discipline and a sense of responsibility in order to keep a job. How am I a manchild? A healthy intelligent man will always have some sort of obsession, be it cars, watches, or star wars collection. You just romanticize trad masculinity too much. Obsessing over cars and watches isn’t any morally better than star wars or vintage posters.

>> No.13404013
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I blog daily on Instagram/Tumblr/FB about this and I don't think there's a way to really describe it properly in a forum post.

It boils down to this: shout function, whisper form.

So basically by 25 you should stick to practical clothing. That means NO rips in your clothes, NO backwards hats, NOTHING "ironic", NOTHING with a visible logo (I'm looking at you Polo...) and MINIMAL accessories.


You should be thinking in terms of outfits, not individual pieces. You should understand why creating lines is important and how to do so. You should understand color and USE IT. Know the difference between things "matching" and things "going together". Avoid bottom-tier Wal-Mart fabrics in favor of mid-tier stuff from actual clothing stores.

Wear sports jackets, but not every day. Wear button shirts more often than tees, but what tees you do own need to be immaculate. Jeans AND slacks in your dresser, and always used to create contrast in your outfits.

I mean... I could go on here...

>> No.13404062



>> No.13404078

Well. Don't go full dadcore and give up just because you're not a teenager anymore, but don't try and dress like a teenager to feel younger.

Suit trousers, chinos, slim fit jeans. Button up shirts, plain crewneck t-shirts. Neutral colors, limited amount of prints.

Don't do distressed shit like ripped jeans, it makes you look cool when you're 17 but makes you look poor when you're 27. If you're going to wear a hat wear a baseball cap and wear it forward.

Don't wear graphic t-shirts with bands, movies, video games, whatever on them. When you're a teenager the shit you like is what makes you cool, when you're an adult it doesn't fucking matter. I love Star Trek, play video games all the fucking time, I have 1000+ anime logged on my MAL. I won't be caught dead in a t-shirt advertising any of that. If you want to know about how much Star Trek I've seen bring it up in a conversation like a god damn adult.

>> No.13404088

Glad I found this thread

I'm 25, in the army surronded by 18 year olds with the weirdest clothing I've ever seen in my life.

I want to impress a fellow solider (24) on an upcoming date and I don't own any good looking clothes anymore, anything I did own no longer fits since I joined up.

Please help /fa/

>> No.13404091


>> No.13404097


I'm literally fashion retarded. Like next level retarded. Could anyone post examples? Like I don't understand how to "create contrast" in outfits. I literally just through clothes on.

>> No.13404110

You have severe autism, seek help, you think everyone buying $900 saint laurent ripped jeans is 20?

>> No.13404113

So ur acting on a fashion forum complaning about nihilistic homosexuals? Congrats u failed life.

>> No.13404132

Expand your horizons constantly.

Get a working knowledge of jazz, both the classics and the modern stuff.

Listen to the pop music stations, recognize most of it as horseshit, but know what's there.

Rock is not dead. Classic rock is the real men shit.

Only thing that's really forbidden: hip-hop. Douchey stupid "oooh look at me I'm so tough idiocy.

>> No.13404135

Seriously THAT'S what you got out of that? Projecting a bit with that autism comment...

>> No.13404142

Go to Insta or Tumblr and look at men's fashion blogs. If they have ripped jeans or dudes in ballcaps on them, move on.

>> No.13404202

Well I like my ripped jeans and I'm 24 and plan to wear them for least half a decade u really think thats so crazy?

>> No.13404211

If you can't find a style to be comfortable with at the age of 25 just go full dad core

>> No.13404237

carol christian poell and reeboks

>> No.13404239

white suburban reddit post

go back

>> No.13404272

offwhite and gucci is the new ripped jeans and ballcaps

>> No.13404282

Dubs speak the truth

>> No.13404417

Ya uh... ripped jeans are affected. It's either "Ooh look they're so worn in because they're my faaaavorites aren't I passionate? "

Or it's "I'm so badass my jeans got ripped because I live a tough life"

Or it's "I dunno this is just how they sold them to me I assume this is fashionable because of the price"

But the reality is that RIPPED clothes are RUINED clothes and anyone over the age of 20 should face that reality and stop being such a douchey fashion victim.

Besides nothing is more effeminate than "flashing a little leg".

>> No.13404427

Hmm... well idk, it's possible to find good gucci pieces but I'd say 85% of their line is pretty lame. Off-White is almost entirely cringe I'll agree with you there, very try-hard.

>> No.13404433

Pretty much everything you see in this board, don't wear that. And what people here tell you not to wear, wear exactly that. Only exception: cargo shorts.

>> No.13404442

Wear what you like and fits your lifestyle

There are no childish clothes except for graphic tees and some ugly ass sneakers, just avoid them

>> No.13404507

A 25+ person shouldn't be asking a micronesian peat bog farming website full of NEETs who haven't bathed since 2008.

>> No.13404532

Can you go into detail about creating lines with your clothing? I know next to nothing about fashion but I that sounds interesting

>> No.13404777

>Also what should a 25+ year old man listen to?

>> No.13404790

you really think most guys wanna wear dress shit all the fucking time? get real, cunt.

even the most accomplished 40+ year old dudes don't do that.

>> No.13404793

>business casual meme

half-half means it's pretentious hipster garbage.
either go full dapper or full casual. anything in between is awkward and basedboy territory.

>> No.13404796

>no Polo
Fuck, anon. I really didn't need to hear this tonight.

>> No.13404798
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>> No.13404804
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>> No.13404970

>>>13404013 (You)
>Can you go into detail about creating lines with your clothing? I know next to nothing about fashion but I that sounds interesting

Basically you're looking to create straight lines, angles, and the occasional arc. This is done with ties, belts, wearing an unbuttoned shirt over a tee, layers in general, that kind of thing.

Things to avoid: baggy clothes that don't drape properly and instead create a kind of "shapeless lump" effect, and pants that are either too long (so they bunch up at the foot, ruining the line) or too short (exposing the ankle and, again, breaking the line).

That's the idea anyway.

>> No.13405075
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>> No.13405077

in one of those chinese pantomime dragons

>> No.13406025

Sorry but I'm fine with my disposable income and reckless lifestyle. Maybe in few years who knows.

>> No.13406044

Did you have to do it to em?

>> No.13406817

all you have to do is wear a light grey pair of no pleat, no creased slacks with a red long sleeve crew neck or something (slide up the sleeves)

literally all you have to do is make sure the waist of the pants fits you perfectly without a belt (still wear a belt anyways) and that the length isn't more than a full break

>> No.13406899

I remember having ripped jeans (from legitimate wear) when I was younger, and my grandparents made a snide remark about my jeans being ripped, I think with the intent to tease me for buying ripped jeans, since that was a recent fashion trend. I told them that they ripped legitimately. I don't remember the reaction. I never liked the trend, though.

>> No.13406903
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>> No.13407080

>It boils down to this: shout function, whisper form.
Oh man sounds entirely like what I'm aiming for, do you have any page where you post inspo or something?, I'd like to see

Also what about hot weather clothes?, any advice?

>> No.13407090

The absolute state of /fa/, holy shit!
Get some sort of a personality, listen to whatever you fucking want man, I can't even imagine the pain in the ass it must be to desperately change who you are, fuck.

>> No.13407123

top kek