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/fa/ - Fashion

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13387770 No.13387770 [Reply] [Original]

Especially Japanese and Koreans seem super fashy.

>> No.13387798
File: 61 KB, 750x175, 1526740097034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since noone bothered much to help me in the q&a thread and this one seems right, I'm gonna repeat my question

>How not to get fucked on Korean/Chink import sizes? I've read numerous times that their size charts are way too small for non-Asians and one should always order bigger sizes.

>What about pic related? (https://www.aliexpress.com/store/all-wholesale-products/1484303.html)) They gave actual numbers, but they probably don't mean shit either, do they?

>> No.13387803
File: 13 KB, 290x174, jojii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its your yellow fever and weebness because there are models of all races just as effay and whoever seems more effay on average just depends on bias

>> No.13387809

Chink who used to live in chinatown here
No. You're just saying that because you save pictures of asian girls who look good

Well, ok in chinatown new york there are some people who look pretty good, but that's only by virtue of being in new york city and not some shitty flyover area

>> No.13387818

t. never been to asia

>> No.13387827

unless specified otherwise, buy larger

>> No.13387839

No, because all you get to see of Japanese and Korean people a planned out instagram pics and flashy boybands.

>> No.13387860


whites look like shit but their whiteness gets them preferential treatment

I'm glad this is turning around now

>> No.13387864

take your measurements with measuring tape and refer to the size chart
generally you should buy a size or two up, bit it's not a hard rule

>> No.13387867

they're more fit overall, that's why. you barely see fat asian people. they're way more self-conscious with their image.

>> No.13387871

The Japanese do. Koreans are somewhat better, and Chinese are slobs.

>> No.13387875


>> No.13387902


>> No.13387906
File: 72 KB, 1080x1078, 1522152217140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanizaki's In Praise of Shadows might help understand the Japanese outlook on art. It's a quick read.
>An aesthetic sensibility crafted from different, namely poorer, life situations
>Where electric light lacks, and where roofs are low to the ground to withstand climate, shadows and dim candles illuminate and draw out details rather than the whole of things
>This leads to a more nuanced aesthetic taste, compare to the west where classic art is bright, illuminating, and clear. It was only later with artists like Caravaggio where darkness began to play a role in our art
Transfer this to fashion, and you get
>In the west, a tendency to outline the form and enhance the physique of the wearer; to illuminate every attractive part of them
>Today we see this in the extreme with tapered slim trousers and highly structured jackets, viz any outfit at the royal wedding
>In Asia, a tendency towards understatement and nuance obscures the form of the wearer and brings out some, but no less important, details. This is very obvious, for example, in the descriptions of Heian court women in Murasaki Shikibu's Tale of Genji
>Today this manifests in fits like pic related.
Korea seems to be trying to blend the two aesthetic realms together, so we see nicely draping and oversized shirts, for example, alongside slimming skinny trousers.

>> No.13387945

>Do Asians, on average, have better fashion sense than whites?
No. Asians, on average, have much smaller frames and healthier bodies than 'whites', which compute better with most fashion styles. There's nothing more /fa/ than a healthy body. You may think Asians have better fashion sense because you only get to see the top crop on the internet.

>How not to get fucked on Korean/Chink import sizes?
You don't. I've ordered quite a few imports over the last decade and they are ALWAYS way smaller than their Western equivalent. An Asian XXL is suitable for a large Western M or a slim L. It's near impossible to find a fitting L or XL in Asia.

>> No.13388902

I prefer japanese fashion because they usually looks so comfy.

>> No.13388953

I think Asians are ugly desu. White people do fashion better because they have the best skin tone. Asians are pretty small and skinny so it's easy for them to look "photogenic", but the Asians I see irl look like retards with their try hard fashion sense. I recently walked past a group of Asians dressed in weird black outfits. The girls mired me and the slant boy got all mad at me. Meanwhile I just wore a white t shirt and jeans as I was getting off work. Being white will always be more effay than being Asian.

>> No.13388966

No, fun fact, americans are NOT white.

>> No.13388969

superficial bullshit. never in history has a greater attempt been made to obscure the "body" and display the pure "spirit" than in western baroque

>> No.13388980

Asian fashion is minimalistic crap, americans don't count since all they wear are graphics tees with corporate logos and wallmart jeans.

>> No.13389374

Funnily enough the models in Joji's video were black

>> No.13389394

you sounds insecure.

>> No.13389405

hnng, ever since my lame HS metalhead days I've fucking loved fishnets.

>> No.13389407

Back to plebbit.

Don't know if you're aware but white girls literally only get with Asians for money.

And normies laugh hysterically at your harry Potter glasses, brown hair, and bowl cuts.

Nice try chink

>> No.13389427

Japanese no, Koreans yes. I saw a lot more /fa/ women in Korea than in Japan.

>> No.13389512

Lol normies are getting circle frames now.

>> No.13389537

we get it your dick is small

>> No.13389543
File: 63 KB, 578x547, 1520381552281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

older asians, no
socially unaware asians, no

i think in general, asians are more autistic than white people when it comes to social things such as fashion.
t. asian in west

>> No.13389560

>compensating this hard

>> No.13390140

i think its a positive selection thing, since the asians we see in the west are the upper class emigrants

>> No.13390295


Depends on who your comparing that too. The french and Italians generally dress well. Where as Americans, British, Slavs don’t.
Having been to japan one of the things that impressed me was how well dressed everyone was. Clean, smart and not shamelessly showing tit and arse.
Being a Brit it disgusts me to no end to have walk down the streets seeing a sea of leggings and crop tops. Often adorned by fatties who should have realised a long time ago looking an obese catipilla isn’t a good look.

>> No.13390297

no theyre just more autistic and obsessive about beauty culture

>> No.13390306

Just being honest. If you can't take it don't dick it out, slant eyes. There's a reason why the biggest k pop stars all dye their hair blonde or red and wear blue/green contacts.

>> No.13390446

lol keep digging that grave. It seems like you're the one that can't take criticism.

>> No.13390449

we're talking about the asians in their own country not asians in the west.

>> No.13390473

No. Have you met the average asian? They are aloof, frumpy, and all wear the exact same shit.

>> No.13390497

White pride brother, white pride. Look at the buttblasted gooks in this thread.

>> No.13390500
File: 33 KB, 618x411, nazi-officer-uniform-design-ideas-7-http-www-commodityocean-com-ww-ii-ww-ii-german-uniforms-html-wwii-ss-uniform-pinterest-german-uniforms-618-x-411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians have better fashion sense than whites

Try again

>> No.13390501

Whatever ping pong ching chong. Don't dish out criticisms if you can't take it.

>> No.13390502

>Depends on who your comparing that too. The french and Italians generally dress well. Where as Americans, British, Slavs don’t.
Having been in most of the European capitals and countries, i can safely say, northern Europe dresses way better than southern Europe. They are richer so it's logical, and even though you see some sharp well dressed older gentlemen walking around in Italy, most of the youth dress like utter crap.

>> No.13390509

>Don't dish out criticisms if you can't take it.
Take your own advice and fyi I'm not even chinese.

>> No.13390517

just use the measurements, dude
I recently bought a shirt with a size chart similar to that and I went based on the measurements and it fits perfectly

>> No.13390632

Nah, compare the Korean FILA to the USA or UK FILA and I think personally they come up with way better designs (FILA Korea uses white models for the most part btw).

Also there isn't a site like wear.jp thats as popular in america. They love buying brand name shit and aren't scared to wear bright or clashing colors.

>> No.13390682
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I never said you were chinese you dumb eyelet.

>> No.13391136 [DELETED] 

You're making up distinctions that are irrelevant to the discussion. Pure "spirit" can be interpreted as the outline of a person, in the same way that a Japanese courtly lady covered in layers of kimono to the point where she is a formless blob with a head poking out can be obscuring the "spirit". I know abstract thinking can be hard sometimes :)

>> No.13391158 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 800x600, 20170407_imperialpalace_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making up distinctions that are irrelevant to the discussion. Pure "spirit" can be interpreted as the outline of a person, in the same way that a Japanese courtly lady covered in layers of kimono to the point where she is a formless blob with a head poking out can be obscuring the "spirit".
You might have a point in terms of Baroque art, but I covered that in my original post with Caravaggio. Obviously not all Western and Eastern art fits into the categories I've presented, but there is an observable trend.
If you still think it's bullshit, look at pic related and compare it to Versailles. I'm only using Japan for most of my examples because they seem to have had the most influence on fashion (creatively speaking) for the previous decades, at least before Korea stepped up. This shit affects everything, not just clothes.

>> No.13391166
File: 480 KB, 800x600, 20170407_imperialpalace_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making up distinctions that are irrelevant to the discussion.
Anyway, in fashion one might interpret 'spirit' to mean the mood and intangible look of a person, something that the way their clothes fit strongly affects. See a man in a sharp fitted suit vs. loose baggy hoodie. The 'spirit' is different, yes? My point was to show the differences between aesthetic sensibility.
You might have a point in terms of Baroque art, but I covered that in my original post with Caravaggio. Obviously not all Western and Eastern art fits into the categories I've presented, but there is an observable trend.
If you still think it's bullshit, look at pic related and compare it to Versailles. I'm only using Japan for most of my examples because they seem to have had the most influence on fashion (creatively speaking) for the previous decades, at least before Korea stepped up. This shit affects everything, not just clothes.

>> No.13391186
File: 253 KB, 1000x1334, 20180522083222084_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ywn be qt azn twink with high waisted pants and a flannel
>tfw too white and broad shouldered lanky to be qt

>> No.13391309

I was going to mention that architecture as a purely symbolic, ornamental, non-representative, non-corporeal art is a bad fit for the wider discussion at hand, but actually I am not quite sure what your point is. did you roughly mean to say that western art, or rather culture, is comparatively "obvious" because it emphasises the material while the japanese are more "subtle"?

then in the first place I would note that its senseless to speak historically of a genuine japanese culture, which does not exist, instead of the japanese adoption of the civilised customs of the mature chinese culture some thousand years ago (of which your picture is but one example). and one point possibly related to what you had in mind that would show itself in a comparison of the western and chinese cultures is the matter of perspective. the example of parks has been used to illustrate this matter in the past (parks as landscape/garden design, not hunting grounds or modern urban recreational zones): the classical chinese park invites the visitor to dwell in it, it might seem aimless and fractured to a western observer. meanwhile western parks are designed in a way to direct to direct the viewers route and gaze towards a certain focal point, exactly alike to western paintings.

>> No.13391326
File: 41 KB, 500x500, tumblr_otcjydwP7P1qai3sgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then we're in agreement.

>> No.13391369

i like your hair also your outfit seems to fit your body type

>> No.13391383

i'd on pants?

>> No.13391389

compared to who? americans in cargo shorts? yes, compared to europeans no, chinese / koreans look to europeans for style its not the other way around.

>> No.13391993



>> No.13391997

>something interesting on /fa/
Thank you

>> No.13392012
File: 13 KB, 366x329, 1380487191363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would u rather be a tall (6'1+ only sorry manlets), lean blue eyed blonde european wearing h&m and primark

or a short flat faced asian with 2 min ramen skin, wearing y-3 and carol christian poell

also only one of these options is sexually experienced & will remain so


>> No.13392063

If you are looking googled images of fashion models.
Your average asian immigrant dresses exactly as bad as any white. Or even worse.

>> No.13392070

wtf are there any other books you can recommend like this?

>> No.13392218
File: 170 KB, 496x553, 1377462284001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slavs don’t.
You just don't get it.

>> No.13392268

Asian guys and gals generally look better than white goblins

>> No.13392368

bumping the question

>> No.13392393

Well Tanizaki also wrote a lot of novels that are worth checking out.
Apart from that I can rec Mishima, especially Temple of the Golden Pavilion which corresponds a lot to Tanizaki's hypothesis about Japanese aesthetics.
Dazai is probably a good bet too. Terayama if you like films, poetry, and theatre, but he's a bit more of a surrealist than the others

>> No.13392569

not him but where are you from you fucking subhumam cuck? my guess would be Amerimutt

>> No.13392607

If you've ever been to Asia you'd know that they have average fashion sense like everywhere else.

There are some minor differences, for example uniqlo is slightly more fashionable than kmart. So the minimum is slightly higher.

But as a westerner you are probably looking at the top 1% instagram Asians and thinking they are 'normal', they aren't.

>> No.13392638


>>How not to get fucked on Korean/Chink import sizes? I've read numerous times that their size charts are way too small for non-Asians and one should always order bigger sizes.

Opposite for me. I ordered some weebshit anime shirts and medium was way too large. Maybe they expect weebs to be overweight? fuck idk

>> No.13393378

A lot of different clothing pieces will have different measurements for the same size, so just make sure to check how big the size you pick will really be.

>> No.13394013

I know thayt go d is my on side today because the recaptcha autofilled.

Fuck you, fuck you and everything you stand for. This doesn't mean anything,. Please go get a job. What are you even talking about? I am LIVING in JAPAN right now and everyone just talks about how everything has "significant meaning" but no one knows what anything ACTUALLY means. You are a fraud. Fashion is an exercise in vanity and nothing further.

Dress functional my dude.


>> No.13394193

>Are non-whites better in x than whites?
The answer is always no.

>> No.13394216

thanks for the recommendations, i have always been interested in aesthetics but never knew where to start

>> No.13394269

No, but Asian fashion is still lit

>> No.13395418

>not some shitty flyover area
like your mom's box?

>> No.13395508

>largest population
>poor people dress like shit
>growing middle class dresses like shit
>elites are all new money and dress like shit thinking anything with a large LV on it looks good

>> No.13395528

idk about them having better taste but they seem to more often have taste if that makes sense

to me it seems a much bigger majority of whites just dont care what they wear and either wear whatever everyone else wears or dont give a single fuck and look terrible

>> No.13396615

Asian brands/designers? Yes.

Asian people in general? No, still very influenced by western culture.

>> No.13396702

Not being fat helps

>> No.13396724

>another thinly veiled /pol/ thread on /fa/
The mods on the board are absolute DOGSHIT.