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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 319 KB, 3600x2700, 1450647325770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13389750 No.13389750 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread approaching 300

>> No.13389854
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>> No.13389865
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>> No.13389868
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>> No.13389892

idc what anyone else thinks this shit is fucking awful man

>> No.13389903

These Joggers are fucking ugly. Otherwise 7/10

>> No.13389907

It's weird that you skintone almost match the color of your shoes. Also this double denim is awful

>> No.13389961
File: 2.06 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180521_153000__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like it. The fit on every piece is fantastic.

Sorry for the gross fucking mirror not my house

>> No.13389962
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x2607, 537037A1-87D0-4F4F-8F45-20119F5E2FC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flexin for the gram

>> No.13389995
File: 555 KB, 914x2239, 8EB38D64-52DA-40BB-A75E-38ECD496BE2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely basic but I guess the colours work together
Very nice and good silhouette but the fanny pack looks dumb cause you’re wearig a bag as well
I don’t even know if I hate this or like it >>13389961
Jumper sleeves look too short and doesn’t go with the shoes but the pants fit well and are a nice colour >>13389962
This is surprisingly decent

>> No.13390148
File: 972 KB, 1276x3051, IMG_20180521_120554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really good, like the other anon said tho the backpack + fanny combo seems a bit redundant. Really like the colors

Not my thing but everything seems to fit well

>> No.13390301
File: 245 KB, 750x1334, 703685CF-2038-4E6F-AB71-40B1A48A882A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vice core

>> No.13390305

are those fucking banana bag really a thing now ?

>> No.13390324
File: 284 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1677050986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt wear anything special

>> No.13390334
File: 1.20 MB, 1929x2585, IMG_20180521_010319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fit
best in thread
w2c shirt
sleazecore meme. nice though
really sick
cool sleaze

>> No.13390342

Why the two bags?

>> No.13390414

Well the idea was that the backpack would hold bug stuff that I don't need to grab all the time like a camera tripod, or books or whatever and the fanny pack has stuff I reach for regularly like my keys, wallet and phone, pack of gum etc. That way I can put my backpack down and still have my important stuff with me.

>> No.13390518

What are pockets for?

>> No.13390523

*onions intensifies*

>> No.13390584

Pockets bulge and shit falls out when you sit down or pull your pants down unless you wear a belt

>> No.13390631

So fucking gross, cheap gross shirt, nasty wife beater, le irony shoes and socks, fat nasty body too. Utterly tasteless.

Everything fits great

Fucking disgusting

Good lower half, don't wear hoodies with trousers like that. Looks confused.

Get your pants tailored

Not feeling it. Maybe get black boots and a haircut and don't smile like that.

*vomcore* le irony


Fucking horrible,

Never loaded fully but looks bad

>> No.13390713
File: 711 KB, 2940x3920, fit 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my style but blends in to the masses
liking the colour theme
cowboy bebop in denim
oh nononoo
i hope you deal with coke
long pants would be better
i like
Your calves are way to thick for those socks senpai

>> No.13390727

oh hush twink

>> No.13390740

the color of your shirt is p cool. nice smile!

>> No.13390850
File: 510 KB, 1475x2452, ;____________________________;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of a feeler because i feel as though the jacket may be too slim to wear casually and the pants may be too low rise but idk i like it as a more formal fit?

missed you

>> No.13390856

Lol why do you still keep that cringy movie poster

>> No.13390872

bc it causes people here to sperg out on that instead my ugly ass. too lazy to shop for decoration someone send me posters

>> No.13390928

I know you stinkychinks are used to living in squalor but your room looks like a heroin den. Stop sleeping on that air mattress and throw out that box you sóy fish stinking dirty chink

>> No.13390942

really goofy looking especially since that type of outfit is inspired by old men in comfortable shoes

>> No.13390955

Lower half is OK but that jacket looks bad, too long imo

Dadcore, if you're going for that it looks decent

Hate tote bags but the rest of the fit looks decent for warm weather

If you're older than 20 don't wear this

Looks good, keep it up

Why bother

>> No.13391155

very nice comfycore fit, great palette. would look better with some sneakers instead of boots imo.
not my thing but its alright. pose could be more natural, you look stiff and awkward, but the fit itself is decent
very good. nailed the sleaze aesthetic hard. only wish it wasnt so grainy,its not doing your fit justice
decent. wish we could see the details of the materials
you guys look almost identical.come on show a little creativity.
mm not so much dad core more so beginner level streetwear, with non hype items
not sure how i feel about the shoes. one one hand they make the fit casual, but on the other a black leather derby or something would go with the rest better. everything else looks good

ill rate again when more people start posting

>> No.13391219

Shits cash, I would just use lace-up boots instead, maybe a white undershirt

>> No.13391236


I like your fits. Would change the shoes for black boots tho.

>> No.13391284

im 100% scandinavian sry

yeah i considered my D Gnak boots but wanted more color if that makes sense. the pants would probably fall better on them though

>> No.13391311

Your fit sucks ass as well my dude :^)

>> No.13391323


>> No.13391338


>> No.13391360

50/50 swedish and norwegian

>> No.13391404

its spring/summer right now.. why are people wearing winter clothes still?

>> No.13391417

>what is the southern hemisphere

>> No.13391943


>> No.13392019
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>> No.13392026

theres no effay people in finland lmao

vittuun mun laudalta

>> No.13392038

Looks good, maybe fix the folds in the sleeves tho

>> No.13392041
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>> No.13392101
File: 96 KB, 676x616, WAYWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting from last thread

>> No.13392175
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why care anymore

one of my favorites of yours

really solid

>> No.13392188
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>> No.13392192
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>> No.13392194
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>> No.13392278
File: 384 KB, 343x619, Screen Shot 2018-05-22 at 15.21.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boring outfit for my boring job

>> No.13392284

ps: Uniqlo U / Adidas Raf Simons

>> No.13392291


>> No.13392298

lose the hat and have buzzed head and this is by far best in thread. could maybe wear slightly less tight jeans as well

>> No.13392300

weird combo but its cool !

>> No.13392357

do you wear that outside

>> No.13392371

You look like a sjw

>> No.13392394

was steht auf dem tshirt

>> No.13392603
File: 546 KB, 1772x1772, F8E0487A-CC24-4543-A3A8-88BE2976A8E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13392605


>> No.13392615
File: 546 KB, 1772x1772, 4FA9FAC7-2F69-467F-9976-59A1FCF37CA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember 4 years ago when I started postin because I was watchin fa die before my eyes. I had to make that content. Even if it meant having everyone hate me. But that’s okay I already hate me. So we’re together on that. Except there’s a thin line between love and hate. And only the people you really love can really hate you. So I know when y’all say these crazy things about me. I know you guys are happy because you got something to talk about. You got content to critique. But the content is running out again guys. I’m getting old and dressing more for comfort. You gotta keep the content coming.

>> No.13392696
File: 1.95 MB, 5536x2632, DSC00499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first post hi im gay and emo

>> No.13392719
File: 458 KB, 750x1334, B7CAB930-EFC5-4C48-A370-24E8BBFED3C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think just change the belt

>> No.13392899

how can i achieve your haircut?

>> No.13392934
File: 472 KB, 1536x2188, A3918D8E-203E-47F5-BCE2-62C4EE7DD43B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been kinda lazy with fits lately

>> No.13393011

ew huck you dressing for comfort means low rise skinny jeans? what about the high waist aa and wranglers man? this fit is comfort to you?

>getting older means dressing like a teenager

>> No.13393097
File: 312 KB, 2048x2048, 33045303_1776451692397646_3943811800671191040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new jacket, i dont actually look that distorted irl

nice fit, but why wear the belt like that?

really nice but the pants look a bit off, theyre a bit too high

the yellow background is a bad choice, cant really see much of the fit but it seems to fit the character

good fit huck, cool jacket

looks good, maybe untuck the shirt? unless it goes against ur aesthetic

looks fine, im guessing the shoes are supposed to match your skintone and be lowkey but im not sure how well it works with the dress

slick, but it looks bad with jeans, and i hope ur not wearing this casually

very nice, fits well. the belt thing looks a bit tryhard dont you think?

looks good. i think if you rolled up the shirt only twice it would look better

basic works fine

looks fine

fräscht, men kavajen är lite mycket. utan så har du en solid fit men med så faller den lite platt. Den hade nog funkat om du hade andra skor

i like it, very modern

too much going on, would work with different shoes and socks

very clean nice

>> No.13393116

This was the first pic I posted on fa. Still rocking my wranglers fellas

>> No.13393141


Do you not know how to wear a belt.
Also burn the hat.

>> No.13393176

Love this. Props on being brave enough for a septum, looks good.

Basic but fine I guess - except for that belt thing. Is this a trend now? It looks horrible

Don't really like that weird flap on the jacket's zipper, otherwise pretty cool.


Eh, not a fan. Not sure if untucking the shirt would improve much desu

Lovely dress. I'd only change the shoes for something with no lace tho, ballerinas maybe?

The jeans do not go with that coat.

I like this but wish the shoes would be cleaner.

Looks cozy, but nothing special. It's ok if that was what you were going for i suppose
Also what is it with those fannypacks across the chest ruining outfits?
The only occasion I can imagine a guy wearing that is if he was at a rave selling drugs.
>>13390713 is the only one I've seen who actually pulls it off

>> No.13393241
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never posted one of these before. sorry no shoes - im wearing black mules

>> No.13393242
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1080, DSC02260-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13393289


>> No.13393291
File: 527 KB, 2048x1734, 686A93CF-F001-43F7-923C-4ACFDBC153F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going out for drinks, shoes are black cons

>> No.13393298

wtf is that pants/underpants situation..

>> No.13393299

Without a doubt the gayest thing I've seen browsing fa

>> No.13393326

boy i haven’t spoken swedish in like 10 years but ima try

it would be cool with different shoes, jacket is too formal without it it would be flat?

>> No.13393350

Dig it
Good shit
I feel it

Now all I need to do is lose all my fat so I can finally look good. fuck.

>> No.13393354

hahaha what the fuck

>> No.13393406

Looks gay in a good way, would hang out with

Looks gay, not so sure if in a good way.
Doesn't that low rise get uncomfortable? It sure looks like it

>> No.13393557
File: 165 KB, 640x480, 1527036150155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me pls

>> No.13393565

That a single coil or a p90 in your strat? I cant tell. Kind of a weird set up since it looks lkke a single pickup and nothing else.

>> No.13393568

Disregard this it's a bass lol sorry couldn't tell kind of blurry.

>> No.13393815
File: 60 KB, 1760x1760, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The belt is shit but otherwise best itt. I could see something like pic related working well as a statement piece along with the shoes.

>> No.13393840

I liked it in the last thread too. Looks like you've started a little sleaze trend haha.

Btw the sleeves aren't too short I actually rolled them up a bit because they're a little long.

>> No.13393901

don't tell me to clean the shoes you pervert

>> No.13394000
File: 2.89 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180523_063110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at a "fit"... Wardrobes are hard on a student's budget

>> No.13394008
File: 334 KB, 1224x1446, IMG_20180523_060549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 tight pants etc etc

>> No.13394026

Gay pants. W2c shirt

>> No.13394038

1 of 30 I'm afraid theyre sold out
Band is rvins tho they might have put something out since I got this

>> No.13394058

Neil Cicierega? What are you doing in my thread?

>> No.13394061

this is seriously underrated, incredible clean fit

>> No.13394064

get a job pussy

>> No.13394069
File: 206 KB, 807x1228, 0008604_0008604-R1-017-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a beautiful smile
this is a FIT
them khakis is LIGht have some decency
the BELT my guy out here ruining fits
fucking QUE TEE fill in the rest of your arms
perhaps match the shoes w sum thin gold jewlery, especially with your skin tone
off the fucking chain hottie. is that velvet?
wowzee want to go stomp some nazi punks with me actually nevermind youre too much of a twink
i changed my mind from the other thread this is cute
rip your own jeans you fucking cuck

>> No.13394080

Wow I would've never thought of that anon, great idea; really solved all the world's problems there.

I have a job. Cost of living is high here and studying requires actual work/time cuz diplomas are actually worth something here.

>> No.13394081

one of the funniest shit I've seen on /fa/ in a while lmfao

>> No.13394503


>> No.13394506

nice undies lol

>> No.13394608
File: 2.83 MB, 4160x3120, 1527087182645571854106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are practical

Thanks for the input lads
Thanks here is a detail of the trousers texture

>> No.13394628

Without the jacket you have a solid outfit. It might work with other shoes

>> No.13394941
File: 304 KB, 1200x1500, XuOPUXJ9RoeUq-Su8XKcCQzosKcLX54O4JVh258jEFk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13394944

damn bruh you look like aids

>> No.13394961

post fit

>> No.13394992

You look fucking ridiculous

>> No.13394999


sick as hell. a lot of small details make this interesting and the red accents are sweet. not a huge fan of the bracelet tho. overall its sick

>> No.13395079

You have lost it man, what the fuck are those shoes lmao.

>> No.13395195
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>> No.13395204
File: 788 KB, 1161x2707, _223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

profoundly basic

cool bottom half
throw some black derbies on and you're good
mane is 10/10 tho

>> No.13395422

christ you dress like shit and look shit, how old are you to be posting here lmao

>> No.13395451

>not knowing theo

>> No.13395474

t. that redditor

just because this ugly loser has been here since 2015 doesn't mean he can't dress like shit or look like literal hobo cosplay lmfao

>> No.13395490

>thinks theo posted in 2015
>being this much of a newfag

>> No.13395498

Yo Big up magnus

>> No.13395515

that looks really sick. i love the beanie-backpack combo

>> No.13395732
File: 1.11 MB, 634x1280, 33207319_2160849180815286_7920077220339515392_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Burn me fellas

>> No.13395827
File: 701 KB, 641x594, iphone pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me

>> No.13395836

are u a boy or a girl

>> No.13395883

I think she's wearing a men's coat? Kinda fucky tho

>> No.13395892

>Criticizing theo with no fit
Kek this guy has been posting for years and I bet all of his fits are cooler and more original than anything you have all ever worn.

I think the pants would look better unrolled but I see you want to show off the heel bow thing. Otherwise pretty dope. Maybe hat could go too.

>> No.13395897

Frankly they're telling the truth it's really shit

>> No.13395912

Stop samefagging redditor, nobody cares about your tripfag status, and it literally doesn't matter how long have you been here. You look like a clown, period.

>> No.13395953

pretty sure that isn't him, i mean, look at the filename hahaha

i'd glance at this fit heavily from afar, casual admiration

>> No.13395972
File: 366 KB, 1204x1606, 4:21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a nice pair of women's pants and tailored them.

>> No.13395974
File: 167 KB, 1138x1518, 4:21(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13395994

I'd chill with you my boy.

>> No.13395995
File: 1.41 MB, 768x1280, 33204861_2160849160815288_6884574808730763264_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's actually a girl's coat but I do wear several men's clothes, only not on this fit.

Bottom half is not that good but might as well show full fit

>> No.13396041

Trousers are good but this looks like a cosplay, you can't pull off this look with that hair, face and glasses wtf

>> No.13396076

Fairly sure he doesn’t even post here anymore

>> No.13396102
File: 856 KB, 1591x2899, A4C8A654-4934-4D7C-8932-2B2836688F4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Här kommer pippi långstrump :•)

>> No.13396103

why post
embarrassing. good job falling for the autism sneaker fad and choosing the literal worst option possible.
ive seen better sleaze and ive seen worse sleaze. the pants look kind of bad and i think the shoes aren't the best choice.
don't like the hoodie, ok otherwise
bad sleaze
it is hard to be more boring than this. not bad or good, i don't know why you posted.
really generic
your fits have been getting weaker lately imo, but props for trying to do your own thing at all. the belt sucks.
Why Post
you look sloppy
visibly tryhard, right down to how you're standing
wtf is your lower body in this
yes, it is boring, but i'm glad you know.
someone already said you look like neil cicierega but you look like neil cicierega. i'm not feeling this but i don't think it's bad either, just kinda eh
aggressively uninteresting and bland
please don't post again
you keep ruining all of your fits with mediocre graphic t shirts, try and scale back on those. i like it otherwise
then don't post. that belt thing is actually one of the most dumbfuck things i have seen on /fa/
cardigan actually ruins this
not fashionable but looks practical so eh? if you are wearing this for actual outdoor purposes than it is about as good as you can look so that's cool
post your dick
don't worry, you're already at the level most of /fa/ is at. nice trips. agreed with other anon too, this would be better w/ black derbies. if you're a student just get mono docs or whatever.
tight pants etc etc
are you trying to be roofcore in 2018
unironically one of the best fits itt but not big on the hat or bag

>> No.13396113
File: 1.18 MB, 3024x4032, E1AB7C39-84DF-4468-B229-4D9A58179953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I’m doing but I like shopping at thrift stores.

>> No.13396134
File: 22 KB, 451x326, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow out your hair to Japanese host level and this could work

>> No.13396137


not liking the pants shoe interaction at all here, but I like the muted tones. maybe better if phone was clearer/ got better angle of what was going on.

really cool, but something is off with the shirt. pants are sweet

>> No.13396161

that's my aim this summer
thanks! I really like how this shirt fits me, any reason why it looks off?

>> No.13396200

the sleeve rolls and pocket kinda feel weird

>> No.13396584

w2c t shirt?

>> No.13396622


>> No.13396864
File: 1.84 MB, 2152x3752, IMG_0999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest fa, is this from the back - core?

>> No.13397273

tjolahopp tjolahej najs fit du har

>> No.13397407

I'm bored and feel like shitting on spergs. So let's do it.

>dat smile
Go away.

I like that you're creating your own style. The palette is harmonious with the bag taking center both color-wise and placement-wise. I like it.

You have a good slim stature. Denim is hard to pull off, but you can do it. Bold move on the shirt buttons. Good shoe combo. Well done. Slim cowboy style.

>censoring your forehead
Take it easy man. Looks good. Very basic but interesting + the glasses seem to suit you.

You look like a middle school boy who begged his mom to buy sketchers for him.

If you wanted to go for 'early 90s goodfellas / miami vice mafia style', you nailed it. Have fun burying those bodies.

Literally every piece would be a disaster on its own, but somehow it doesn't look weird on you. Not even the pedo beard.

shitty photo. looks not promising.

Basic monochrome. I like it. Though sandals on a guy are always hit or miss.

Absolute catastrophy.

You seem to have a good build and everything fits. Maybe get rid of the hat though. Clean beard.

I literally WTF'd when I scrolled down and saw the shoes. WTF were you thinking? Get some fitting shoes and extend the length of your pants. Good hair. Not sure about the earring overkill.

>belt buckle
Lose it and you're good.

Not terrible, but very unspectacular. Like you're trying to emulate something that isn't you.

Looks good. Maybe get a little bracelet or watch to accentuate your arms a bit.

DA FUQ is going with your belt? Is that a secret gay club signal? It's an otherwise good fit, but please grow up.

Mao collar seems to be thing right now. Not bad.

Bad photo. Can't really judge the dress. Shoes seem off with this combo.

>> No.13397460


You look like a mix between Bernard from 'Day of the Tentacle' and an 80s porno director. I'm undecided whether that hair looks incredibly shitty or incredibly awesome.

Very basic style but really well done. Nice palette and everything fits well. I like how the pants fold on your knees. Good stuff.

First off: Fuck you for such a high res pic. Secondly: Look horribly outdated and the hair cut doesn't fit you. You DO look gay though, so that's a positive.

I remember you from another thread. You have damn cool hair. And same as the other thread I love your style again. You create your own unique vibe. 10/10.

Good, but everything is ruined with that belt move. Grow the fuck up.

Jacket looks awesome. Nice monochrome fit. But maybe consider white shoes.

You look like Richard ashcroft in his druggie phase. Heroin style.

A crazy Russian who hikes alone all day and builds molotov cocktails in his free time. That sleeve needs to go.

Fuck off.

Be more confident.Take a better pic next time.

You did well for a first try. I dig the hair. Gives me a prime Jonathan Brandis vibe.

Horrible in so many ways.

Looks like you wanted to mix different styles that don't fit together. Start from scratch.

Awesome. It's rather try hard, but so well put together that I can't really argue. Nice subdued palette with shoes being center piece. Little accents here and there to keep interest. Most importantly it looks like you had fun being creative and creating your own style instead of imitating. Sweet! 10/10

shopped/10. fuck off.

Nice hair. Interesting cut on the shirt. Maybe loosen up the cuffs for a more relaxed look.

Upper doesn't look bad, although a bit anime with the glasses. Comfy. Need to see full body with shoes.

>> No.13397490


Middle schooler with Slavic heritage who binge drinks on weekends.

Only 2 options here...

1) If you are a hard ass Yakuza motherfucker who cut off his own pinky finger and extorts money from street vendors and pachinko halls = Perfect.

2) If you are anything else but the above = Laughable. Absolutely ridiculous in so many ways, Holy shit...

Oh there you are. Yeah, it's all good. I hope you are female, because I feel a certain attraction towards your thighs.

Horrible photo. Please try to take an at least passage photo next time. I get a bit of a soccer referee vibe.

Not digging the pants. At least not in combo with the shirt.

Looks nice and basic. Nothing wrong with it.

All done. Was fun.

>> No.13397735

it’s supreme

>> No.13398063
File: 1.65 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180525_062857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair is shittier than last time, need different shoes, and stance socks are not effay

>> No.13398249

All good critiques thanks for taking the time to go through them all

>> No.13398481
File: 584 KB, 970x2513, EAC635E8-B963-4B73-9CA3-ADA9FD396DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13398537
File: 418 KB, 1536x2048, doittoem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13398588

Looks good.
What are the pants?

>> No.13398652

Wear tighter clothes

>> No.13398752

They're from a yohji diffusion line