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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.13383689
File: 3.66 MB, 5560x3312, 1526316168517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13383696

Has anyone tried the new version of Eau Sauvage Parfum? Is it a good signature scent once the weather gets cold?

>> No.13383700
File: 964 KB, 720x707, eros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know some quality frags that are impossible to overspray? Pic related is my go to.

>> No.13383704

It's super strong. Lasts for days and days on clothes, at least 20 hours on skin. I'm a fan but in the ambroxan bomb category your best choice is Aqva Atlantiqve. Women love that shit even more than they like the Sauvages.

>> No.13383710

It actually improves with every spray

>> No.13383712

By new do you mean the one from 2011 or has it been reformulated? That one's aight. It's really strong though. Not bad if that's your thing.

>> No.13383715
File: 56 KB, 845x990, eros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I love Eros now

>> No.13383719
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>> No.13383721

It's not a bad scent, but it has an older man kind of vibe. It's hard to imagine most /fa/ggots pulling it of.

>> No.13383723
File: 26 KB, 375x500, 375x500.40031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is NOTHING gay about Dylan Blue.

>> No.13383730


>> No.13383733

cheap axe body spray smell

>> No.13383736

he's not talking about Sauvage, unless he is and wrote the wrong name

>> No.13383741

Less than 15 posts

3 Eros posts

1 SAUVAGE post

1 faggot

>> No.13383749
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally cannot tell the difference and anyone who says otherwise is a butthurt (((Creed))) faggot who got ripped off.

>> No.13383753

t. jerememe'd

>> No.13383754
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Beard Man is the only good youtube frag reviewer.

>> No.13383757

this but unironically

>> No.13383761

this but semi-ironically

>> No.13383762

These guys had good reviews and different opinions

>> No.13383764

two of those guys are wimmin

>> No.13383765

I mean the 2017 version since they change some of the notes

>> No.13383773
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>> No.13383774

t. noselet

>> No.13383792

The hot one loves Eros and La Nuit

>> No.13383795

the one in the middle?

>> No.13383801

Dylan Blue autist pls leave

>> No.13383803

good fragrance for a professional setting? like a job interview or business meeting

>> No.13383808

Dior Sauvage or Prada L´Homme, if you want to go to niche tier: Amouage Reflection Man

>> No.13383810

the blond german guy

>> No.13383818
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Works for any/every occasion.

>> No.13383833
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>> No.13383838

Team Classic is too strong the league commissioner needs to step in and do something

>> No.13383848


>dat samefag browser switcher

>> No.13383850

"IP Duplication Checking"

Get out of the general kid.

>> No.13383863
File: 33 KB, 375x500, 375x500.31623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't kidding when they said the Replica line would replicate a scenario. Smelled this today, literally smells like burning wood - don't see the appeal senpai.

>> No.13383865


There's no way this is legit

>> No.13383878
File: 480 KB, 1899x1079, Screenshot_20180518-160012_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like this mulatto girl more.

>> No.13383880

Team Cheapie
Team Drugstore

>> No.13383892
File: 358 KB, 1014x1116, thatfinalsipoftheday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I like collecting Pokemon as much as anyone, but how many bottles is "enough"? For me, two dozen.

>> No.13383902

Pretty tacky buying a counterfeit though. Do you have a fake Rolex and fake yeezys to go with your CDNIM? It just seems trashy to me.

>> No.13383911

These are two of the objectively worst reviewers on jewtube. They seriously just read from fragrantica and say if they like it or not. You can tell they know Jack shit about frags. If you want a good basketball-american reviewer who is actually knowledgeable, watch the homie simply put scents.

>> No.13383913

What shitty autistic argument are we going to have in this thread? Last one we had that old fart talking about GIT, the edt vs edp guy, CDNIM talk, samplesperg, retailsperg? Put your bets in.

>> No.13383921
File: 34 KB, 375x500, 375x500.3956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn whole thread is shitposting so far. Time to contribute something.

Wearing a sample of Tam Dao today for the first time(well memed on here). Very simple/straightforward scent, very linear realistic wood. It is exactly what it says it is: sandalwood, cedar, and cypress. I can pick all of them up easily on my skin. The interesting part of the fragrance is the myrtle (which I don't see mentioned much), it adds a florality/freshness. I think that aspect makes it year-round worthy for me and very wearable.

What I'm not sure is why people claim it has rose/rosewood/etc in the notes. I guess that's what happens when you crowd-source your database to users who have never actually smelled the fragrance...

>> No.13383924

cool story bro

>> No.13383925

So, has anyone bought anything from Dua? I see youtubers shill them all the time, but I kinda wonder if their scents are actually decent, or if it’s just poorfags who can’t afford the real thing?

Kinda tempted to grab a few bottles just to see.

>> No.13383928
File: 931 KB, 1632x1224, 20180517_232947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my small collection:

amouage - jxxv
histoire de parfums - 1740 10ml
damir doma for six scents - ende/anfang
mona di orio - cuir 10ml decant

avignon is for sure next on my pickup list. maybe a decant of tuberuese criminelle. on the horizon maybe black afghano and an amouage attar

>> No.13383939

Cool story bro

>> No.13383958


>girls giggling and have no idea what they like and can't sit still for 5 seconds

Love it

>> No.13383995

She is a quadroon

>> No.13383999

Dude, shut the fuck up, Gary.

>> No.13384037

But it lasts longer than the real thing and costs 1/10th the price

And it smells fucking elite

>> No.13384055
File: 29 KB, 450x450, e11a6d68-d62d-4321-a1a0-ee3ea7ff25b2_1.6ea721ca5f05d4baa040d0e34a495e8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all the little soyo boyos with their dainty fag frags. This is what a MAN smells like.

>> No.13384078
File: 76 KB, 900x900, 283046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta here, Sauvage is the modern day Drakkar Noir. Smells like the mens room at an Armenian wedding (truly the most terrorwave) when you overspray

>> No.13384097

so good, just got a bottle. my third fragrance.
debated between edp and edt a lot but ended up with the edt - didnt think the edp was worth the extra cost after sampling multiple times.

I do wish it performed a bit better. If Im inside i can usually smell it on my self, but otherwise its a bit weak. Layering with molecule 01 may have helped, need to try again.

i'll be damned if it isnt one of the most comforting scents.

didnt remind me of wonderwood at first, but the more i wear it the more I notice similarities. wonderwood was my first fragrance.

>> No.13384249

What's your favorite pocket atomizer? Looking for one and they all seem oversized for day to day carry.

>> No.13384310
File: 12 KB, 375x500, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this one? I've heard the guy from smelling great fragrance reviews saying this is his number 1 compliment getter from the cheaper side. Although it's a cheapie, there isn't really The Body Shop's stores near me so I wanted an opinion before getting it.

>> No.13384345

sauvage usage is a bit saturated desu

>> No.13384364
File: 48 KB, 591x734, 1526591693844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't say I've heard of it anon. Try the better-known cheapies (They're popular for a reason). In my opinion, the kangs of cheapie compliment getters are:
>Club de Nuit Intense man
>Mont Blanc legend spirit
>CKone Shock
>360 Red Perry Ellis
>Davidoff Coolwater
>Nautica Voyage
>Bvlgari Aqua Amara
>A&F First instinct

Other anons feel free to add/take away.

>> No.13384483

I don't mind under performers as much as others as I like scents that stay close to me.

The sandalwood in it reminds me exactly of CdG Blue Santal. It might be worth checking out as it's strong on my skin, but it's also a different beast: very fresh/cool, piney, and synthetic compared to Tam Dao. I've seen some comments that it reminded people of Hinoki. Maybe it's the dryness in them both.

I do agree it's so comfy and meditative. I definitely want more comfy meditative stuff as one of my faves is lavender which calms me.

>> No.13384526
File: 26 KB, 375x500, 375x500.49912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this all day today. I think the performance comes out a lot better than the EdP, but otherwise I don't think it's all that difference. Still not a bad fragrance, I think it gets a few more hours on my skin. Would rather just buy a bottle of the edp though, especially since I own that United Dreams clone of the EdT.

Overall, I think a lot of the notes come out a LOT more richer. I get more of the sandalwood and spice than I do from the EdP if memory serves right.

>> No.13384531

I don't really carry atomizers too often, but I could see myself easily throwing in the Travolo I have in my pocket if I was wearing Burberry London (which is what mine is filled with rn)

>> No.13384611

Im the same way actually, prefer scent to be discovered rather than presented. I'll plan to sample Blue Santal. I loved hinoki but found it kind of unwearable, something I'd wear at home. As you can tell, I like my heavy woods, but havent smelled a lot of sandlewood.

>> No.13384618
File: 173 KB, 1000x1000, python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing Trussardi Python today.
Excellent summer frag which gets me plenty of compliments! Gives off a sweet fig, woody and aquatic vibe. Can't understand why it was discontinued

>> No.13384633

Holy shit what is this the nerd thread? Eros only baby. Champions league! #fragrancearmy

>> No.13384635

Ladies love sandalwood

>> No.13384644
File: 175 KB, 1200x1440, C248373B-8F36-47A8-AD1B-65F3C3AB6AEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some other high IQ frags? Besides pic related, of course.

>> No.13384682

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fahrenheit...

>> No.13384800

I've got First Instinct and I really like it but it isn't cheap in Bongland

Haven't tried it yet. I think the internet consensus is that it's good but weak. If I get to try it soon I will post my thoughts here anon. Also, have you tried any other musks?

>> No.13384880
File: 42 KB, 512x384, 1440337846916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there certain frags you wear to seem older or younger? I often see comments about "old men scent" or "clubbing kind of frag".

What if I want to seem a bit older (29 now, going for mid 30s)? I wore Burberry London in winter, it felt great but tobacco would be too heavy in summer heat

>> No.13384899


If you wanna smell older you should wear heavy winter scent

fresh summer scents are young smell

old and manly = heavy spicy

>> No.13384937

So where do I go from there then? I think people told me to check out Sauvage since it reasonably similar yet different than Burberry London. What are my other options? I understand I could just look it up and dig through woody-aromatic scents but experienced view is always appreciated

>> No.13384968

Thanks for the recs, anon. I actually got interested on that fragrance not because of the compliment factor, but rather because it seems to be an inexpensive clean musk-based scent. Anyway I'm thinking about getting some samples and your list will be a good starting point except for CDNI, which I own.

I didn't, I was looking into that one because it seems to be an interesting one to use to study (extra studies in the school library after working out, I think a clean musk scent could be what I wanted for that scenario: musky or not, what would you recommend?).

>> No.13384976


go to perfume store and ask to try different frags and ask for free samples and see it its something you like. most important is that you like it yourself

>> No.13385004

What's the scent that comes to mind when you think of the word black?
Maybe something woody and inky like Encre Noire?

>> No.13385036

Cajun and Old Spice.

>> No.13385063

I wear Encre Noire and despite the name, to me it's more of a brown.

>> No.13385065

Nah brah. It's all about simply fresh bow tie guy

>> No.13385083

I am spanish and the one who posted that link in the other thread, bought once Paco Rabanne XS and it was legit. The service was good and they gave me a sample of some Bulgari frag.

Think that the spanish fragrance community is smaller and the english one doesnt visit spanish sites, so there are still lots of stock there. You can also grab Aqva Amara from that site and Herod/Pegasus for cheap, they are an official seller of PdM according to PdM site

>> No.13385102

What summer frag do you recommend me? It should smell oceanic/marine, I think I can get these 3 for cheap, any recommendation?

Davidoff Cool Water
Adolfo Dominguez Bambu
Bulgari Aqva Marine

>> No.13385127

sel marin is imo the best marine fragrance out there

>> No.13385135
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 69160w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this, smells good man

>> No.13385140

you stalking me anon? I have that on the way

>> No.13385160


Bvlgari Aqva Atlantique better than Aqva Marine.

>> No.13385232

How come fragnancenet doesn't deliver to Russia?

>> No.13385255



>> No.13385368

>tfw italian
>tfw Erbolario is cheap as shit and superb quality

>> No.13385381

Damn, don't ship to America though it looks like. That's kind of a bummer, would have copped a bottle or so at that price.

>> No.13385468

Thread Topic: Any anons living off samples here?

I'm considering just getting 1-2mL of samples for free and saving my money for clothes. I wear fragrance rarely anyway and when I do I spray lightly. Also very picky anyway.

Thread Topic #2: Why are the people into fragrances so unfashionable?

I mean once you get into the deep end forums and niche areas it's all autists who don't dress well at all (middle aged men into dadcore shit). Or it's guys into cringey menswear. Why?

>> No.13385479 [DELETED] 

what if I shit in your mouth?

>> No.13385482

I just saw that, they send to EU but not US

Any reason? Just the ambergris? I have to say I dont like Sauvage

>> No.13385485

A*Men Pure Leather. It's similar to the original but with this smooth, supple leather smell, like a pair of black leather gloves. And the herbal quality of the original is dialed to 11.

>> No.13385515

Grey Vetiver EDP is a great warmer weather option if you wanna smell a little more mature. Terre D'Hermes EDT would be a great year-round frag. Both smell fantastic. Also, memes aside, Aventus is an awesome scent that smells more "adult" than it does "mature" and seems to be more appreciated by men and women who are 30 and up.

>> No.13385537

do u have monsoun? also sur le nil is great if u dont mind a little sweetness

>> No.13385557

>do u have monsoun?

>> No.13385570

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.13385600

These... are currently out of my reach financially, thanks nonetheless!

>> No.13385655
File: 445 KB, 467x700, 32104773_513390665722582_7937448112488972288_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this general got so boring so fast all of a sudden. what happened? too many designer plebs? The generals are just collecting dust in my thread watcher.

>> No.13385658

as soon as the only meme dies it's over

>> No.13385678

Not enough fresh blood. There’s only so many tines the regulars can rehash their opinions about the same niche frags before it gets stale. That, and all the faggot shitposters and unfunny memes.

The occasional new person wandering in to ask if they should wear X common designer frag or Y common designer frag doesn’t create enough new content to keep things fresh.

>> No.13385703
File: 114 KB, 900x900, FABD819C-E9B4-43D1-9354-A72F7B593BEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to buy a Creed fragrance for the seasons. I’m in my early twenties and I’m more traditionally masculine. Which Creeds would fit me? I’m going to buy three. Any suggestions?

>> No.13385710

>traditionally masculine
What do you mean by that?

>> No.13385718

Personality and Appearance-wise I am traditionally masculine, I wear dark colors, earth tones. Basic jeans and t shirt fits, Leather boots and jackets, Suits and Business Casual.

>> No.13385745
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 74856m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone on Fragrantica hate this fragrance so much? I got a sample and think it's a little boring but not bad. It's like a cross between ADG and BDC.

>> No.13385757

I'm not generally an Oud fan but this is quite soft and beautiful. There's a salty marine feel to it that's interesting and pretty refreshing.. Would recommend

>> No.13385758

3 bottles of aventus

>> No.13385773
File: 122 KB, 900x900, 900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who wants to smell nice just need to spend $5 on this bad boy. It's all you really need.

>> No.13385791

how many slides?

>> No.13385823

Does anyone else throw a couple slides on behind their knees? Definitely helps with olfactory fatigue.

>> No.13385875

He actually seems like a cool guy though.

>> No.13385880

I’mma say Aventus (though I’d recommend you get PV instead), Royal Oud, and MI.

>> No.13385912

A friend wants to go to a gay bar tonight and she keeps asking me to go. If I do what's a good fragrance to let fags know I'm straight?

>> No.13385915


>> No.13385932


>> No.13385948

Versace Dylan Blue

>> No.13385969

Tell her to take one of her girlfriends. Chicks usually have a blast visiting those places

>> No.13385977

That’s exactly what she’s doing.

>> No.13385982


>> No.13385992

Dylan blue

>> No.13385998
File: 49 KB, 800x800, original_CW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this getting so much hate?

I read people love it and says its the best yet it has so much negative

I just blind brought it

>> No.13386019


Aventus smells too much like club de nuit. And we all know all fags and women loves club de nuit

>> No.13386026

People claim its obnoxious and synthetic, very off putting unless you’re in a club.

>> No.13386031

Pineapple Vintage right? I hear thats a good clone.

>> No.13386097

Yeah, Pineapple Vintage. By far the best Aventus clone.

>> No.13386103

It smells pretty good

Meme Vintage

>> No.13386106
File: 71 KB, 492x667, 1525284849752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read girls love pear colonge

What frags has pear as top note?
Ultra male I know about what more?

>> No.13386107

it's honestly very very uninteresting

>> No.13386110

Just copped TdH Tres Fraiche as my first ever /frag/. I'm really looking forward to using it now that summer is starting to kick in; the profile of the regular TdH seemed enticing as well, but the prominent freshness of this version won me over.

>> No.13386119

They like sweet colognes, pear is included in that category.

>> No.13386167

There's Salvador by Salvador Dali (2010), an underrated but beautiful -if linear- Almairac creation. Worth a try for the price imho,

>> No.13386178
File: 3.83 MB, 2546x1114, kinsey111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13386188

okay guys the sephora near me sucks, and I can't really tell.
What does vetiver smell like? Does it just smell like grass like you're smelling a lawn? I'm thinking of buying guerlain vetiver because i keep hearing its classy

>> No.13386190

it smells the way penis tastes

>> No.13386193

GIT, SMW, Aventus

>> No.13386202

im actually considering buying this right now
i have to tab open

>> No.13386267
File: 17 KB, 355x355, 61tWeWZOHmL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think is a more tasteful version? I have this one as well and its a little less barbershop and more floral

>> No.13386269

I'm looking for some good fragrances that focus on individual notes, and ideally, are on the simpler side. There are a lot of notes I just wouldn't recognize right now, that I want to learn. Does anyone have recommendations for good Vetiver, Agarwood/Oud, Civet, and Iso E Super fragrances?

>> No.13386288
File: 7 KB, 280x280, 07302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically really good.

>> No.13386302

Byredo Mojave Ghost doesn’t actually have pear, but it smells just like pair. Has sapodilla in it. Very nice stuff.

>> No.13386306

It smells dry, earthy, and woody. Nothing like grass, think of a bundle of dried twigs with a little bit of earthy spiciness.

>> No.13386314

I've never worn anything but cheap shit before and recently overdid it and got myself about 15 samples of different fragrances to try.

It only dawned on me earlier that I can realistically only own and use a handful properly. How am I meant to narrow them down and select favourites when so far they've been really nice but suitable for different occasions?

>> No.13386315

Dakar by al rehab. Smell like a chad Armenian pimp from the 80's

>> No.13386320

just get some essential oils and aromachemicals. I know edenbotanicals offer sample sizes of anything. pellwall or perfumersupplyhouse might do as well

>> No.13386406


Smells really earthy, depends on what the type of frag tho. Like Grey Vetiver smells like a refreshing earthy while Guerlain vetiver just smells like old man vetiver.

>> No.13386416

10 slides cmon!

>> No.13386422


To me it's like woody lemon grass.

>> No.13386430
File: 763 KB, 1095x607, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /entrepreneur/ here

>> No.13386431

What is this from? I want to subscribe immediately.

>> No.13386444
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, Tom-Ford-Grey-Vetiver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does everyone think is the best scent for a young professional? Pic related is my choice.

>> No.13386447


>> No.13386462
File: 1.24 MB, 1637x2299, 02_produit-A.adaptive.1637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Teleports behind you*

>> No.13386566

A CEO I know wears this so I'd agree

>> No.13386605

She and Imagine Scents orbit Jeremy so hard. She’s got a cute good girl thing about her though while Vava is just sexy and tempting

>> No.13386622

Encore noire sport desu

>> No.13386656


I ended up wearing ADG Profumo. Wish me luck.

>> No.13386657

I already have bodywash though.

>> No.13386675

Tell me which brands of body wash smell like Bleu. I'll wait.

>> No.13386708
File: 62 KB, 960x720, FB_IMG_1526783505126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Steven is T H I C C

>> No.13386712

>*blocks your path*

>> No.13386714

Are any of those guys >5'6''? Jesus, it's disgusting to behold

>> No.13386716

Everyone is NY is a manlet

>> No.13386719

lol - propaganda for hyper consumers

>> No.13386722


>> No.13386730

That's shopped right? He doesn't actually look like that right?

>> No.13386734

Nope its real took straight from their facebook group

>> No.13386798

Yup if you watch enough vids you can see his rolls. He must have some kind of fucked up glandular problem to look like that. Or he's a tranny. Weird fucking pear shape for sure.

>> No.13386803

Everyone on this jamaican rice and pea afficiando review board has shit grammar too.

>> No.13386807

I'd straight starve myself until it came off. Or kill myself.

>> No.13386852

Lawd jesus

>> No.13386858

>Thread Topic #2: Why are the people into fragrances so unfashionable?

>> No.13386863

>manlet spotted

>> No.13386864

He actually said in one of his recent videos that he is a vegan. I bet you're right on the gland deal or he is eating lots of bread.

>> No.13386865


>> No.13386867

Why are vegans such disgusting humans.

>> No.13386868

Carb loading af

>> No.13386869


>> No.13386875

>Only the guys on far left and right have decent fits honorable mention to carlos(priideee)
Lmao I gave up ever since I saw the channel of that Professor X guy holyshit we are fucked bois

>> No.13386876


Where is Jerememe?

>> No.13386880
File: 980 KB, 227x221, E7FC6F0F-CE12-42DE-872A-9D0CF89CE7F7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I learn Steven is an actual s o y boy
Goddamn thank you /frag/ lmao

>> No.13386883

He's not a filthy amerifat

>> No.13386886

Eros and Invictus are for entrepreneurs you fuckin geezer, not sauvage.

>> No.13386907

Somebody in Europe fucking proxy for me fuck

>> No.13387169


Basedven is fatter than BFL? HOW?!

>> No.13387181
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30 sprays of Molecule 01. As Jeremy says, it is German Engineering applied to fragrance.

>> No.13387252
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Want a good spring fragrance that smells amazing, performs like a champ and isnt super common?

Get this. Best geranium and mint combo.

>> No.13387312



>> No.13387387
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The quintessential "this-dude's-got-his-shit-together"-scent.

>> No.13387390

>Frederic Malle

no thanks, I'd rather go downtown and get robbed the old fashioned way

>> No.13387688

>ctrl+f [my sig scent]
>0 results

feels good that I don't have anything in common with chantards

>> No.13387692
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What would be the top frags a /comfyguy/ would wear?

>> No.13387707
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Never heard of clean before but i smelled this one at the mall and it smells good???

>> No.13387710

I currently use Lush's dirrty spray. Lasts me 7 months and its like 35 bucks. It smells good but i want to try a new brand.

Can yall recommend something similar with the same price range and lasts 7 months?

>> No.13387737

woods and/or spice probably. wonderwood, norne, l'air du desert marocain, frags like that

>> No.13387748


>> No.13387760


Holy shit he looks disgusting. How does a man get that sort of pear shape? Is this what onions does?

>> No.13387793

Are you asking us? Why do you write like a 13 year old girl?

>> No.13387796

How bad is Abercrombie First Instinct as a year round?
Can i get something more versatile on the same price range?

>> No.13387847
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>Bought this the other day
>Love it
>Worn it in the sun today for 6-7 hours
>Start smelling the same as when I would be finished cutting the grass at my parents house
God damn this is a weird feeling

>> No.13388063

What's the best Dior Homme to get?
The original, Parfum or Intense?

>> No.13388072

Get samples, go to a store or outlet mall, and try them first. Don’t blind buy Dior.

>> No.13388087

Actually there is some evidence onions increase testosterone production. He must have garbage genetics, or is a tranny.

>> No.13388093

Depends on what you want. Intense and original are pretty similar.
Intense is stronger heavier sweeter and more powdery than the original.
Parfum is a different beast. I got DHI and DHP.

>> No.13388129
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>> No.13388133
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How about the Cologne? Fresh and citrusy.

>> No.13388139

Recommend me a fragrance

Here's my description

>140 pound skelly
>19 almost 20
>Wear really expensive clothes made of luxury materials but are innocuous (Rick Owen Turtlenecks + Sweatpants, mostly)
>People think I sound cool

Was thinking Odeur 71 and 53, but not sure

>inb4 secretions magnifique or some other shit answer

>> No.13388144

Is dis good? ANy opinions?

>> No.13388150

Paid 70 bucks on eBay for the bottle used. Retail price is a joke, but it's totally worth it for 70. Bottle was about 2/3 full when I got it.

>> No.13388151
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>> No.13388153

I bougth this, but i dissapointed how little it lasted.

I may not be an expert, it was first frag i used.

But when i came home after work the smell is 90% gone i think. Maybe i just became immune to it while wearing it idk :thinking:

>> No.13388158

I have a friend who swears by DHI

>> No.13388164

I actually own that one too, it's an entirely different fragrance, no dior homme dna. Bergamot and grapefruit blossom, that basically what you get. It's not really anything special. Wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't get it for nearly free. But I'm not fond of citrus frags anyways.

>> No.13388189

Do you think it lasts longer? Jeremy guy told he sees alsmost no difference between this and edp

>> No.13388193

odeur 71 is good. try HdP's avant garde compositions if you liked those two from cdg

>> No.13388247

His skin is so blemish free, I can see that.

>> No.13388249

I don't either desu.

>> No.13388273

any cruelty free brands suitable for men?

>> No.13388275

it's a winter scent but i like it well enough. have a small bottle.
prefer terre d'hermes for go-to fall and winter tho

>> No.13388324

You're saying he has a vagoo? Gross.

>> No.13388335

whats the best perfume to attract freshman bitches

>> No.13388339

Dior Sauvage.

>> No.13388355

Aventus, Sauvage, Eros, or D&G The One. For some reason D&G The One makes women go crazy.

>> No.13388361


>Basic stuff sold at excessive markup

Anything from Roja Parfums / Robertet

>> No.13388401

Has anyone asked him directly what the fuck is wrong with him?

>> No.13388424

Pretty sure all of that would make him have even more blemishes than average.

>> No.13388507

Many of Roja’s earlier fragrances are masterpieces. Just because some of his newer scents are mediocre and idiots meme about him here doesn’t mean all his scents are overpriced trash.

>> No.13388532


>> No.13388542

I want a spicy woody scent for my collection.
Narciso Rodriguez Bleu Noir or The One Royal Night?

>> No.13388678

Can i wear code profumo in warm weather? Pre hot warm. Warmish.

Is it considered bad taste?

If it is considered bad taste, i think only frag knowledgeable people will actually understand this?

Having hard time imagining a normie thinking something like this.

>> No.13388681


Bullshit, Roja Dove uses only the finest ingredients! Regs don't apply to him! No rose absolute replacer, only rose de mai! No cheap isomethylionone, only the hautest orris! He is not a liar! I spent good money and read his book, I know what I'm talking about!

>> No.13388691

that kind of warm sweetness gets cloying and will bug people around you in the heat. they won't understand why but they will notice

>> No.13388784
File: 29 KB, 600x526, 63369m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the midst of all the hype, the Diors, Chanels, Paco Rabannes, entrepreneurs, Erosfags and Ultra Male pink sugar deniers, we have come to neglect this gem of a cheapie

>excellent reference frag for ambroxan and calone
>aquatic fruity and appealing
>woody amber base, precursor to Aventus, Invictus, Sauvage, all the modern hype frags
>like $20

This shit smells like James Bond. I dated this Ukranian girl for a few months and she loved this cologne on me. She kept saying it had to be some expensive one she knew, idk which one she was thinking of

>> No.13388835
File: 27 KB, 300x275, bel ami vintage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ambroxan and calone
N-no thanks.

Pic related is a true gem. Possibly the best blended perfume in existence, impossibly complex with a smooth leather note. The original release in this bottle is 10x what Roja could ever do, and it's still available on eBay if you look hard enough. Just look for reviews on this, I guarantee you it's on its way becoming another unicorn up there with Patou pour Homme and possibly Iris Gris.

>> No.13388853

Has anyone here tried Memoirs of a Trespasser? If so, what's the performance like? Getting a lot of mixed reviews.

>> No.13388880

Out of these three which should I buy?
I've only ever tried Pure XS and loved it, but I'm really interested in the other two.

>> No.13388883
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Forgot pic

>> No.13389018

ADGP is my favorite of those 3, unironically

>> No.13389020

We aren't looking to drop $300 on a bottle that is probably rotted

>> No.13389022


>> No.13389036

Acqua di gio profumo
but the new Bleu de chanel parfum is excellent as well, slightly better than EDP. more rich i feel, better performance

>> No.13389062
File: 109 KB, 800x800, D&G_Royal_Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with pic related? From what I've read it smells like original The One but with a stronger cardamom note and nutmeg, gives off an oud vibe. Supposed to have good performance too. Could this be pulled off by a younger person? And in what occasions? I'm 25, though people say I look older than that.

>> No.13389187


I prefer ADGP.

>> No.13389203

La nuit de l'homme

>> No.13389220

Everyone woman I ask says ADGP smells like old man. However i like BdC

>> No.13389224

Do women actually like this? I thought it was more of a meme like women like Aventus.

>> No.13389230

what do you mean about using them properly?
what samples did you order particularly?

>> No.13389236
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>> No.13389237

I hope so. I heard a lot of good reviews that I thought were pretty serious. Just dropped $35 on a bottle. Hasn't shipped yet

>> No.13389347

Got mine at £50 and fragrances which aren't citrusy Colognes don't "rot" easily.

>> No.13389400

If you got that vintage bottle for 50 euros you got a smoking deal. Nobody can get it that price. I'd also like a citation for that.

>> No.13389406

Snagged a bottle of this. Hope it smells like rice pudding as many people have said it does.

>> No.13389413
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>> No.13389438

Maybe an hour or so, I don't have the sample of the EdP to make that call. But Idk if I'd call it worth the cost when I can just buy the EdP

Something I'll note though: I notice Vetiver in this a LOT more than in the original or EdP. Maybe it doesn't have it, but I smell something similar.

>> No.13389466


Nobody thinks ADGP smells like old man. That shit gets so many compliments that I choose not to wear it because I am a bit of an introvert and prefer not to talk to people

>> No.13389481

I don’t know man. It’s what most women say, even the clerk who I asked to sample it said it definitely smells like an older man. Like a 50 yo man.

I have a decant of it. It’s not my thing. I showed some of my male friends my decants and said La Nuit was their favorite. I however absolutely love L’Homme and L’Homme Ultime. Beautiful scents.

>> No.13389509
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>mfw unironically wear tobacco vanille in the summer

>> No.13389525

Go to eBay UK and see completed deals. I paid 60+ but had the remainder refunded on PayPal because I made a deal with the seller. Even at 60 it's a good deal.

>> No.13389572

Lol that looks like those little cards some samples come in nice

>> No.13389722

I've never seen so many unanimously beaming reviews on basenotes for a frag. Anon might be on top something here. Gonna pop down to a boutique to smell but it aint gonna be the vintage :(

>> No.13389729

Should I just drop £25 and get a bottle of Boss Bottled Night for dates and stuff like Christmas parties at work and stuff?
I was considering getting a bottle of La Nuit but am concerned about longevity/projection alongside the absolute meme its become.

>> No.13389751

Anyone looking for a summer daytime fragrance check out Hermes garden range. I really like the design stories behind the collection.

My favourite is un jardin sur or nill, which is based on gardens by the nile. The first five minutes are kind of salady on my skin, but when that passes it’s very fresh and pleasant.

>> No.13389752
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Pic related

>> No.13389836

That's my second favourite, before Jardin Apres la Mousson. For cultural reasons, coming from Asia, the spices in it + the dusty rain feel made it a complete buy on first smell for me.

For some reasons though, it's the one they often decide not to display in a lot of the concessions among the range. Maybe it's the least popular, which is sad.

I liked Jardin Sur le Toit, but after a while it gets a little too sweet for me. Still fantastic though.

>> No.13389878

I bought an MI imitation, thank god, it's better than the original! The original was very, very heavy on the watermelon- or at least the batch I got was. This is a bit more balanced, placing more focus on the actual citrus, like I was hoping for. Fits the bill of "salty aquatic lemon" a lot better, without smelling cheap in the least. Awesome.

I mean theoretically you should be able to survive on four- night and day for warm/cold weather. You could comfortably be fine with eight - twice that.

Then, of course, you have to be certain of what you want and have shopped around a fair bit.

Tacky if you can distinctly perceive it as a replica, a cheaper, worse copy. Otherwise, it's hilarious to spend more money for the same or less.

You're like the kind of people I find screaming about clothing pieces are rip-offs of another designer when they use different materials and improve the design. Yes, there is inspiration from the other designer, I will never deny that, but when it's better or still distict from the other designers piece you should stop whining about it.

>> No.13389957

La Nuit seems more serious. Night seems a bit cheaper but playful.

I would rec La Nuit, but sample them. They're different and should be available in a sephora.

Same. It has to not be too warm, though, because if it is it just radiates off you.

>cruelty free

Are you memeing? Because I think it's really good for that.


>> No.13389970

Whats the most versatile fragrance that exists?

>> No.13390005

Armani pour Homme or Bleu de Chanel EDT

>> No.13390113

The performance is really good on my skin (10+, easily), insane on fabrics (beyond a week).

>> No.13390125


Unironically Eros

>> No.13390130

I bet your friends would've liked Dylan Blue most if you had it, fuckin fudge packer.

>> No.13390141

>wanting a pledge-themed dupe of MI, Creed's cheapest frag
...and we're supposed to take you seriously?

>> No.13390145

Because it has no business being that expensive. Even TF is cheaper, and TF at least sources stuff that can't be perfectly replicated, albeit imitated. And TF has heavy markup as well.

Creedfags will defend their pricing and marketing.

>> No.13390159

>...MI, Creed's cheapest frag
If you haven't realised, you should now know you've officially lost it.

>> No.13390163

Tom Ford is only cheaper if you aren't actually trying to buy it

>> No.13390167

Is Boss Bottled Intense the definite version of Bottled to go for?

>> No.13390170

Compare the prices on luckyscent of TV and MI for instance. TF is even cheaper in taxfrees.

>> No.13390172

>TF cheaper than Creed
Are you retarded or just acting stupid on purpose?

>> No.13390176

Samples don't count, dummy. Also, MI samples are dirt cheap.

>> No.13390184

lol retard

>> No.13390190

>buying either from fucking luckyscent

>> No.13390197

Nice argument

>> No.13390200
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i'd say molecule 01 or this bad boy

>> No.13390201
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nice argument

>> No.13390210

Interesting. I've always thought AdG Profumo smelled very adult and maybe a little heady. But I'm in my mid-twenties and in my experience I've never had anyone say it smelled old-mannish or dated in any way, though I have seen some people say that online. It's probably the incense that would give it that vibe. I've had girls as young as 18 who said it smelled amazing and "mysterious".

>> No.13390212

now compare them at any other site.

>> No.13390214

I already have. Find me the cheapest MI and cheapest TF you can find.

>> No.13390234

Tempted to cop AHS for a safe work scent year round since DracDoc had been using it in Winter and it was ok, but I don't know if he wore it out and about in the cold, wherein I would prefer something that projects a little better in the cold weather.
Any recommendations? Or does AHS does a good job of this?

>> No.13390239

>comparing the pricing of a quarter-millenia old grand maison that catered exclusively to royalty to that of a decade-old american fashion brand

>> No.13390240


>> No.13390243

Just buy the extreme version. It is even more versatile and has better performance.

>> No.13390249

In 10 years Tom Ford has managed to make better fragrances than a "quarter-millenia old grand maison"

>> No.13390251

>drinking the coolaid

>> No.13390273
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>> No.13390274


>> No.13390277
File: 156 KB, 1096x720, fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now stop shitting up this thread.

>> No.13390283

If it's good enough for the King's and Queen's of Europe it's good enough for me. Have fun with your cheap toilet water.

>> No.13390325

Whats a good perfume for a closeted sissy male?

>> No.13390327

>cherry picking the one site where MI isn't <$200

>> No.13390329

Dylan Blue :3

>> No.13390356

It is widely known the the Creed "history" is bullshit and marketing. There has been no validation that it has been around for as long as they advertise.

>> No.13390381

is this true? havent smelled aventus before but i have club de nuit and it fucking sucks

>> No.13390438

Got my 120ml MI for 210.00 CAD. Try again, m8.

>> No.13390447

absolutely based

>> No.13390454

You can't show where from though, so we just have to take your word for it, yeah?

They can't do basic math, what makes you think they would understand something more abstract?

>> No.13390495

Hey guys should I blind buy CDNIM? Poor college student here looking for a panty dropper!

>> No.13390498


>> No.13390513

Listen, I’m gay and I swear if I smell Dylan Blue on you I will spray you with my atomizer of Sauvage to counteract how gay you smell.

>> No.13390519

yes best cheap calone out there, same as based creed aventus for 1/10th the price.

>> No.13390536

Damn capitalism got you by the balls huh

>> No.13390675

You’ve already had two people post bottles of MI in that price range, idiot.

>> No.13390744

Well, surely the best use of scents is to limit use to certain ones at certain times so you have a distinctive and memorable smell for people you meet/know?

Obviously there'll be different ones more suitable for different things but I just can't imagine the advantage of owning lots of different ones other than seasons and what you're doing. Also it's a bit of a commitment at the start of the day to put something on and then you might want to go out or something.

I'm totally new to this shit so I just lurked a while and the samples I got are Sauvage, Aqva Atlantiqve, L'eau D'issey, Acqua di Parma, Acqua di Gio, Viking, Royal Oud, Millesime Imperial, Aventus, Molecule 01, Terre d'Hermès Eau Tres Fraiche, and Tuscan Leather.

So far I've tried Acqua di Parma and really liked it but it didn't last much through a whole day at work. Same goes for Millesime Imperial. Sauvage and Aqva Atlantiqve are similar and I think I definitely prefer the latter. Haven't got around to trying any others.

I just don't get how I'm supposed to narrow it down beyond finding what's similar and my preference of one over another.

>> No.13390759
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New thread:

>> No.13390988

What are the top 5 meme fragances atm?

>> No.13391366

What are the top 5 meme fragances atm?